Tattoo Tresche Polka (40 photos): sketches and style features, tattoo on hand (on the forearm) in the form of sleeves and neck, crosses and watches, inscriptions and other drawings


Tatta in style TRESH POLKA is able to cause contradictory feelings when the disgust turns into admiration. This style opposes traditional tattoo techniques, and it is impossible to confuse anything else. Treaty images with trash symbols are stuffed with bright personalities who are not afraid to declare their life position, different from generally accepted beliefs.

Tattoo Tresche Polka (40 photos): sketches and style features, tattoo on hand (on the forearm) in the form of sleeves and neck, crosses and watches, inscriptions and other drawings 14078_2

Tattoo Tresche Polka (40 photos): sketches and style features, tattoo on hand (on the forearm) in the form of sleeves and neck, crosses and watches, inscriptions and other drawings 14078_3

Tattoo Tresche Polka (40 photos): sketches and style features, tattoo on hand (on the forearm) in the form of sleeves and neck, crosses and watches, inscriptions and other drawings 14078_4

Tattoo Tresche Polka (40 photos): sketches and style features, tattoo on hand (on the forearm) in the form of sleeves and neck, crosses and watches, inscriptions and other drawings 14078_5

Features style

Tattoos in this style prefer to fill the amateurs of darkness and rebounds. Quiet drawings with bright additions are a kind of protest public orders.

The stylistics of Trash Polka gives the elements of the German folklore.

Tattoos technique can be called formed and at the same time developing. Professional masters tattoo make innovative ideas, creating unique sketches. Works are becoming more complicated, and the plots are filled with a symbolic value.

Tattoo Tresche Polka (40 photos): sketches and style features, tattoo on hand (on the forearm) in the form of sleeves and neck, crosses and watches, inscriptions and other drawings 14078_6

Tattoo Tresche Polka (40 photos): sketches and style features, tattoo on hand (on the forearm) in the form of sleeves and neck, crosses and watches, inscriptions and other drawings 14078_7

Tattoo Tresche Polka (40 photos): sketches and style features, tattoo on hand (on the forearm) in the form of sleeves and neck, crosses and watches, inscriptions and other drawings 14078_8

Thrash polka can be recognized using a black and red color palette. At the same time, the black color serves as the basis for illustration, and the red is added and most often symbolizes blood. Such a bright contrast is capable of reinforce the shock effect from extraordinary images on the body. Sometimes it is possible to observe monochrome drawings without scarlet accents. In rare cases, other color solutions are used in such tattoo.

The main distinguishing characteristic of TRASH Polka is the image of gloomy images. A permanent attribute that occurred on the mate can be called a skull that transmits a feeling of pain, horror and despair.

Tattoo Tresche Polka (40 photos): sketches and style features, tattoo on hand (on the forearm) in the form of sleeves and neck, crosses and watches, inscriptions and other drawings 14078_9

Tattoo Tresche Polka (40 photos): sketches and style features, tattoo on hand (on the forearm) in the form of sleeves and neck, crosses and watches, inscriptions and other drawings 14078_10

The style originated from the clipping of newspapers and collages. The font of the inscriptions resembles the design of the printed machine. Tattoos are impregnated with aggression and radical ideas. Another feature of these tattoo is the creation of sharp transitions between shades, as well as an addition in the form of careless smears of paints.

Tattoo Tresche Polka (40 photos): sketches and style features, tattoo on hand (on the forearm) in the form of sleeves and neck, crosses and watches, inscriptions and other drawings 14078_11

Tattoo Tresche Polka (40 photos): sketches and style features, tattoo on hand (on the forearm) in the form of sleeves and neck, crosses and watches, inscriptions and other drawings 14078_12

In foreign people, such a tattoo can cause negative emotions associated with the fact that images on the tattoo are able to shock, scare and create an depressed mood. Such images on the body are characterized by severe energy. However, this depressive message is organically combined with a picture of pictures. Therefore, apply only bold people on the body, only bold people, who are ready to defend their views, contrary to the norms of the mainstream.

Tattoo Tresche Polka (40 photos): sketches and style features, tattoo on hand (on the forearm) in the form of sleeves and neck, crosses and watches, inscriptions and other drawings 14078_13

Tattoo Tresche Polka (40 photos): sketches and style features, tattoo on hand (on the forearm) in the form of sleeves and neck, crosses and watches, inscriptions and other drawings 14078_14

Sketches and their meaning

Often in the plots TRESH POLKI depict death, war, blood, weapons and murders. In addition to skulls, you can meet images of angels, crosses, colors and faces without eyes. Heroes at the tattoo are designed to produce an oppressive impression and alarming mood.

The pictures captured on the body are characterized by the layering of elements and the multiplicity of the image.

In the sketches there are several images, alternately attracting a look. The abstraction is stuffed on the skin with blurred contours, creating the effect of spontaneity of appearance.

Tattoo Tresche Polka (40 photos): sketches and style features, tattoo on hand (on the forearm) in the form of sleeves and neck, crosses and watches, inscriptions and other drawings 14078_15

Tattoo Tresche Polka (40 photos): sketches and style features, tattoo on hand (on the forearm) in the form of sleeves and neck, crosses and watches, inscriptions and other drawings 14078_16

Gloomy, but the bold style does not have a clear distinction for male and female sketches. In any case, the trash-motive stuffed on the skin will be perceived by surrounding in a negative key filled with a neot and cold.

However, the bold ladies prefer to decorate the bodies with small tattoos with flowers and birds made in red-black colors and decorated elements of the corresponding attribute. For girls, fits the female portraits, skulls and roses.

Tattoo Tresche Polka (40 photos): sketches and style features, tattoo on hand (on the forearm) in the form of sleeves and neck, crosses and watches, inscriptions and other drawings 14078_17

Tattoo Tresche Polka (40 photos): sketches and style features, tattoo on hand (on the forearm) in the form of sleeves and neck, crosses and watches, inscriptions and other drawings 14078_18

Images of death

The traditional attributes of Trash-tattoos include images of death with oblique in the hood and tombstones, as well as religious symbols: crosses, crucifixes, saints and silhouettes of churches. Scene lines usually embody physical and spiritual posture.

Tattoo Tresche Polka (40 photos): sketches and style features, tattoo on hand (on the forearm) in the form of sleeves and neck, crosses and watches, inscriptions and other drawings 14078_19

Tattoo Tresche Polka (40 photos): sketches and style features, tattoo on hand (on the forearm) in the form of sleeves and neck, crosses and watches, inscriptions and other drawings 14078_20

Inscriptions and numbers

In most cases, tattoos are accompanied by inscriptions, which are inclined from old newspapers. Often on sketches you can see political motives relating to the era of the USSR with its ideological values. Communist slogans and state symbols are based on the plot of the tattoo. If the figures are present on a native figure, it is the designation of the dates of hostilities.

Tattoo Tresche Polka (40 photos): sketches and style features, tattoo on hand (on the forearm) in the form of sleeves and neck, crosses and watches, inscriptions and other drawings 14078_21


A similar variation of Tattoo is reminiscent of the time of time and symbolizes the counting of minutes from birth to death. The sketch can be executed in various forms: as a dial with arrows or hourglass, but most often you can meet solar. The image of the usual help of everybody motivates to new accomplishments and encourages to live on a complete coil, not laying out for later. Also, time can be captured in the frozen state, which indicates that the owner of Tatu wants to stop the moment. Or reflect the notes of surrealism, be depicted in the form of flowing hours.

Tattoo Tresche Polka (40 photos): sketches and style features, tattoo on hand (on the forearm) in the form of sleeves and neck, crosses and watches, inscriptions and other drawings 14078_22

Tattoo Tresche Polka (40 photos): sketches and style features, tattoo on hand (on the forearm) in the form of sleeves and neck, crosses and watches, inscriptions and other drawings 14078_23


Rose is considered to be familiar to the body, but in a thrash style, this symbol acquires a gloomy color, losing the cheerfulness and tenderness inherent in it. Flowers can serve as an additional element of the composition.

Tattoo Tresche Polka (40 photos): sketches and style features, tattoo on hand (on the forearm) in the form of sleeves and neck, crosses and watches, inscriptions and other drawings 14078_24

Tattoo Tresche Polka (40 photos): sketches and style features, tattoo on hand (on the forearm) in the form of sleeves and neck, crosses and watches, inscriptions and other drawings 14078_25


Among the representatives of the animal world, wolves with a bloody mouth are most often depicted. A silhouette of a black cat or cat's head in a helmet can also be depicted. Bikers prefer to fill a tattoo with predatory beasts, for example, images of roaring lions. No less popular illustration of horned bulls, elephants or rhinos.

Tattoo Tresche Polka (40 photos): sketches and style features, tattoo on hand (on the forearm) in the form of sleeves and neck, crosses and watches, inscriptions and other drawings 14078_26

Tattoo Tresche Polka (40 photos): sketches and style features, tattoo on hand (on the forearm) in the form of sleeves and neck, crosses and watches, inscriptions and other drawings 14078_27

Snakes are depicted in a silent form around the dagger. The drawing of the reptile head as the basis of the composition is stuffed. At the same time, the masters play in contrasts, where the serpent itself is made in black tones, and its split tunched red tongue.

Tattoo Tresche Polka (40 photos): sketches and style features, tattoo on hand (on the forearm) in the form of sleeves and neck, crosses and watches, inscriptions and other drawings 14078_28

Often, birds become the heroes of the tattoo, namely black crows, symbolizing wilt, and white pigeons captured next to tanks and airplanes. However, the images of birds are more often placed in the background in a schematic rice rice to convey the oppressive atmosphere.

Tattoo Tresche Polka (40 photos): sketches and style features, tattoo on hand (on the forearm) in the form of sleeves and neck, crosses and watches, inscriptions and other drawings 14078_29


In addition to the characteristic symbolism of TRESH POLKA, people are often captured with turtles instead of heads. It can be both celebrities and fictional faces. And at the same time a person is the central link of the abstract composition.

Tattoo Tresche Polka (40 photos): sketches and style features, tattoo on hand (on the forearm) in the form of sleeves and neck, crosses and watches, inscriptions and other drawings 14078_30

Tattoo Tresche Polka (40 photos): sketches and style features, tattoo on hand (on the forearm) in the form of sleeves and neck, crosses and watches, inscriptions and other drawings 14078_31

Another common topics of TRESH POLKA is militarism depicting military equipment, bombs, combat helicopters, soldiers and nuclear explosions. Fans of maritime subjects can fill the sailing ship with an anchor, shark or other fish in the style inherent in thrash polka.

Tattoo Tresche Polka (40 photos): sketches and style features, tattoo on hand (on the forearm) in the form of sleeves and neck, crosses and watches, inscriptions and other drawings 14078_32

Where to post?

Quantitative picture in Trash style requires large-scale sizes, so the most often tattoo is applied to the chest or back, less often - on the forearm. By making the decision to fill the tattoo in such a style, you should be prepared for the fact that under a follow-up will need to be highlighted with a large surface of the skin.

To apply large images, a large amount of pigment will be required, since the paint is superimposed by a master of several layers.

For this reason, people can fill such a multi-layer tattoo to mask scars. Under the tattoo, you can hide the skin flaws, thereby defeats complexes and creating an individual image.

Tattoo Tresche Polka (40 photos): sketches and style features, tattoo on hand (on the forearm) in the form of sleeves and neck, crosses and watches, inscriptions and other drawings 14078_33

Tattoo Tresche Polka (40 photos): sketches and style features, tattoo on hand (on the forearm) in the form of sleeves and neck, crosses and watches, inscriptions and other drawings 14078_34

Often, TRESH POLLEK is clogged by the whole "sleeve", that is, decorate the tattoo completely the surface of the skin on hand. On the shoulder can be sketched medium sizes. At the foot, the tattoo tattoo do not so often, but more often they prefer to apply a thrash story on the shin. The chest contains large-scale sketches consisting of a variety of images and made with a detailed drawing. The wrist can also cause a symbolism of thrash polka, supplemented with red inscriptions. Fantasy owner can go beyond style.

Tattoo Tresche Polka (40 photos): sketches and style features, tattoo on hand (on the forearm) in the form of sleeves and neck, crosses and watches, inscriptions and other drawings 14078_35

On the neck, you can capture less large sketches, for example, a black crow or a wriggling cobra. On the brush you can arrange small schematic attributes. The plot composition can smoothly flow to another part of the body. Also, the picture can be supplemented the next time the wizard will make new details in the sketch.

Bunlet style, which is a challenge to a hypocritical society, is very popular in the circles of youth. Does not leave indifferent thrash polka and representatives of a set of subcultures. This style is combined with realism, so the proportions of the drawings are applied correctly, canonical shape.

Tattoo Tresche Polka (40 photos): sketches and style features, tattoo on hand (on the forearm) in the form of sleeves and neck, crosses and watches, inscriptions and other drawings 14078_36

Despite the intelligent mood broadcast polla, it can be rightfully called the art of tattoo mastery. Tattoos made in this style will certainly cause emotions and create a fascinating impression.

Since TRASH POLKA means a combination of incompatible, then you can safely embody conflicting images, for example, flowers against the background of hostilities.

The process of applying a tattoo is quite complicated and requires professionalism of the tattooker, which should skillfully own the technique of stuffing and have a good artistic taste. Since the image is multilayer, the details of the picture must be applied to each other. Error in work is unacceptable, otherwise the finished sketch will be spoiled.

Tattoo Tresche Polka (40 photos): sketches and style features, tattoo on hand (on the forearm) in the form of sleeves and neck, crosses and watches, inscriptions and other drawings 14078_37

Beautiful examples

Tattoos have a high density of riding paint into the skin, so that it will be difficult to reduce them. It is recommended to familiarize yourself in advance with the sketches of the selected tattoo masters in the style of TRASH POLKA. The area of ​​application must be calculated correctly.

Tattoo Tresche Polka (40 photos): sketches and style features, tattoo on hand (on the forearm) in the form of sleeves and neck, crosses and watches, inscriptions and other drawings 14078_38

This anti-flame style absorbs diverse plot lines filled with screaming slogans and militaristic symbolism. Beautifully look at the brutal variations of the usual attributes of the tattoo. A bright example is a rose, broken barbed wire against the background of blood droplets. Speeciously looks like clocks with sandy edges, sterling dials or flying away flocks of birds.

Tattoo Tresche Polka (40 photos): sketches and style features, tattoo on hand (on the forearm) in the form of sleeves and neck, crosses and watches, inscriptions and other drawings 14078_39

Tattoo Tresche Polka (40 photos): sketches and style features, tattoo on hand (on the forearm) in the form of sleeves and neck, crosses and watches, inscriptions and other drawings 14078_40

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