Tattoo "Geometry" (94 photos): sketches of geometric tattoos, sleeves on hands and shapes on the neck. Little flowers and other tattoo options, their meaning


Geometric shapes are one of the most popular styles of tattoos. Simple images made in such an unusual technique look very original and deeply. Experienced masters of creating drawings can perform any sketch in the style of geometric shapes, it is only necessary to choose the picture you like.





    Tattoo in the style of "Geometry" is different in the complexity of execution - from simple black and white images to color 3D drawings. However, regardless of the degree of complexity of the sketch, the design of the illustration requires experience from the artist - even a small error can spoil the composition. In addition, the surface of the human body practically does not have flat places, so the image of geometric figures becomes a difficult task. Skillful work of tattoo masters is really impressive, because they can not only portrayed smooth figures on an uneven surface, but also create an interesting composition with a deep plot.



    Images from points, lines and shapes exist from the moment humanity only invented a method for applying a native drawings. Sacred geometry appeared for a very long time - people gave pictures on the skin of supernatural significance in ancient countries, such as Egypt and Greece.




    Each sketch can have several different interpretations, so it is necessary to carefully choose composite elements to emphasize the main idea of ​​the tattoo. For example, the image of a triangle means simultaneously marriage, trinity, flame, equilibrium and doomed. In order for the tattoo to acquire a clearer, formulated meaning, it is necessary to combine a triangle with other characters.



    For geometric tattoos, various types of lines are used: straight, nun-curved, broken, dotted and point. The range of the figures used is also very wide - it can be circles, squares, rectangles, rhines, trapezoids and many other non-standard forms.

    Many tattoo masters combine various techniques to create original drawings in the style of "geometry", for example, depict one half of the Tattoo in the realism, and the other - using the shapes, lines and points.



    Description of types of tattoos

    Geometric zatal images are very popular despite the fact that it is only a combination of ordinary lines, figures and points. The secret of the widespread tattoo in the fact that people have given a sacral meaning of simple geometric objects for a long time. Each simple illustration, whether it is a circle, a square or triangle, applied to the body with a certain meaning. We offer you to consider the list of popular tattoo in the style of "Geometry" and interpretations to them.


    A triangle for a long time wears a deep philosophical meaning. The main interpretation of the figure, which is based on three lines, is the unity of the body, mind and soul. Also, many artists consider a triangle with a symbol of the three most important aspects in the life of a person - birth, the flow of life and death.




    The direction of the vertex of the triangular figure also makes sense: turned up the triangle symbolizes the flame, and down - water. A deep sacred value has a figure inscribed in the circle - such a symbol means the material world in the eternal cycle of events. Triangles are often depicted as paired tattoos - in such a context, the figure symbolizes the loving heart and the unity of aspirations.





    The first association with balls that comes to mind is space with abundance of planets. The universe contains small and large celestial bodies, red dwarfs and giants. All these matter have a shape of a ball. The interpretation of the figure in many respects comes from similarity with the planets - the ball personifies the globality of the world, harmony and is the embodiment of the higher forces.

    Figure in the form of a bowl means the desire for peaceful life, the cyclicality of existence and leadership qualities. The image of celestial bodies on the skin inherent to people, prone to the search for the meaning of life and existence on Earth.





    The geometric figure, which does not have the beginning and end, has a powerful philosophical subtext, an equivalent sign of infinity. Since ancient times, the circle was depicted as a symbol of balance and cyclicity, and it was preserved to the present day as a form of a clock clock counting the time of each person. The figure may acquire various interpretations, depending on compositional images, but the main value is always the same - eternity, perfection and harmony.




    The circle is a good basis for paired tattoos, because the inseparable line marks a long, strong marriage. Popular pair tattoo - the sun on the skin of a man and a moon on the skin of a woman.

    Together, these celestial bodies combine love, well-being and loyalty.




    Figure with four equal parties has long been used to streamline the spheres of life. Many sciences are based on four bases of the square, for example, the side of light on the compass, seasons and basic elements. Square is a symbol of order, justice, equilibrium and constancy.

    In the modern world, the square is often used as a sign of openness, honesty and reliability. Many peoples of the East, the figure is the personification of material well-being, determination and a solid foundation of knowledge.




    Triculwrch or trickster for a long time carries a deep, religious meaning. The figure consists of three pointed loops and has a closed circuit without start and end. Sometimes a circle is added inside the image, emphasizing the significance of the complex pattern.

    Tattoo with trickleter has a sacral, religious meaning, because in Scandinavia, this symbol personified the god of thunder. In ancient times, it was believed that the angles of the figure mean the phases of the sun in the sky. In total, three solar phases are depicted - dawn, zenith and sunset. The process of movement of the celestial body symbolizes the cycle of life, eternity and spiritual enlightenment.





    The intricate pattern on the skin personifies special moments from the life of the owner transmitted through symbols. The ornament is a human attitude to peace, the environment and relatives. Geometric tattoos with an ornament usually have a large number of parts and repetitive elements. Tattoo masters are often experimenting in the creation of patterned sketches, so it is almost impossible to meet two identical illustrations.



    Meander is the most popular ornament for a native figure, presented in the form of a broken line on a limited skin strip. Most often, this pattern is performed in the form of a bracelet around the wrist, forearm or shoulder.

    Depending on how the ornament was applied, the tattoo value can be interpreted in different ways. Illustration on the left hand symbolizes straightness and strategic thinking of the owner.

    Drawings on the skin of the right hand mean creative potential and the desire to be the center of attention.





    Through abstract bright and detailed illustrations, people try to express emotions that can not convey words. In such expressive, generalized drawings, there is usually no philosophical or religious subtext - they mean only the desire to express their feelings in color, lines and geometric figures.




    Abstract geometric style tattoos look very impressive, magically and supernaturally, their carrier is like a wizard that has come down from the pages of a fantastic book. Thanks to the bright emotional color, such images are popular both among guys and among girls. Abstraction is similar to an admonished picture with vague smears, in which each person himself finds his meaning.



    Despite the blurred concept of abstraction, such geometric tattoos look very fascinatingly due to unusual color solutions and accuracy of depicted lines or figures. Native drawings without a complex philosophical context choose those people who look at life with the eyes of a realist without a pink film of romanticism.



    Flowers and plants

    Nature personifies tenderness, vulnerability and natural beauty, so the tattoos with plants most often choose the representatives of the fine sex. Images are carried out partially in a geometric style and partially in realism to convey all the fragility of innocent life. Sometimes illustrations with flowers are complemented by geometric shapes, overlapping a part of the plant, and create an interesting plot of styles and shades.




      Among all plants, such flowers as Lotus, Rosa and Sakura are most popular. Tattoos are in demand in the tattoo salons not just like that - each flower is not only beautiful outward, but also has a deep philosophical meaning. Consider in more detail the interpretation of each plant.

      • Lotus. The plant attaches a sacred significance, in Eastern countries, Lotus personifies the nobility and purity of intentions.



      • The Rose. Incomposeable beauty flower, personifying female power, power and love.



      • Sakura. The flowering tree, which in some Eastern countries associate with youth, the same beautiful and charter.



      Flowers in a geometric style, applied to gentle maiden, emphasize romantic views on life and desire to be beloved.


      An image of animals is popular in people of any floor and age, because the fauna of the Earth is full of various animals, which are endowed with an unusual, sacred value. In most cases, tattoo lovers choose simple geometric sketches, wanting to emphasize ease and love for freedom.



      Representatives of strong sex loved the wolves - free and strong animals on the body. Men often choose illustrations with lions, eagles and bison. Women choose less aggressive creatures, such as cats, foxes or whales.




      The most exotic tattoo with the representative of the fauna is the image of the snake, because this is a very controversial being. The drawing can have both positive and negative color: on the one hand, the snake personifies peace, wisdom and tolerance, on the other - hypocrisy, temptation and cunning. Choosing such a native drawing, people seek to show the fight with their inner demons.




      Sometimes for drawing a sketch, only individual parts of animals are chosen, most often - wings. The bird is a free creature capable of hiding from any earthly problem, swelling into the sky with the help of wings. The image of the wings on the skin is an attempt to hide from the routine, monotonous life.



      Possible colors

      Lovers of tattoos can choose a picture of the huge range of sketches, which are black and white, and multicolored. Each version of the execution is worthy of customer attention: The color picture is very bright and original, and the black and white composition with an emphasis on the details perfectly reveals the plot and amazes the accuracy of the transmission of figures. These two styles can be depicted separately, or combine them in one tattoo.



      Among the geometric drawings there are several types of color solutions: a monochrome sketch, a drawing of shades of one color and a multi-colored composition. Consider more each type of tattoo more.

      • Monochrome style. When creating such an image, the wizard uses only one color, most often black, and creates a simple composition of points or lines from it. Monochrome illustrations look flat, so the method is best suited for small, unobtrusive images in the style of minimalism.



      • Method of using shades of one color. When the wizards use different shades, it is possible to create a picture of the pattern. Due to the color graduation, the usual sketch of a flat figure acquires the face, depth and texture.




      • Color tattoo. Geometric tattoos create on the basis of one or more additional colors. The color is applied to the skin in two different ways - in the first method, the shade is limited to the contour of the geometric shape, and in the second color smoothly flow from one to another, as if watercolor.



      Especially popular animal tattoo, performed by a combination of realism and geometry.

        Such images are separated into two halves - one part of the face of the beast is depicted as realistic as possible, and the other consists of a variety of geometric shapes. In the illustration, the color is distinguished by important elements, for example, eyes, in such a way filling the tattoo in a deep meaning.



        Style Overview

        Tattoo style "Geometry" is developing rapidly due to the fact that most sketches are suitable for people of any sex. Masters share geometric native drawings on three main styles: minimalism, large tattoos and 3d illustration. We offer more details with each type of drawing.

        • Tattoo in the style of "minimalism". Small full drawings look immanently and pretty, but at the same time require a filigree work of the wizard. Most often, the graphics are used for such a tattoo - creating figures from simple lines of the same color. Despite the size of the illustration, it may contain many characters, subtexts and interpretations. Elegant and light graphic drawings are suitable for the first time or loves minimalism.



        • Large tattoos. As largeties are considered to be images whose area exceeds 15 cm. Most often, a large ornament from the figures and lines are depicted on their hands, creating a wide bracelet on the forearm or sleeve from the shoulder to the wrist. Major drawings most often choose men to emphasize brutal and domineering.



        • 3D tattoo. To pass through the drawing your active lifestyle, people choose images with the illusion of volume. To create a dynamic illustration of a tattoo masters, a combination of figures, shades and 3D illusions use. Experienced creators of native drawings can easily stylize bulk drawings, so they are suitable for both men and women.



        Where can I position?

        Geometric illustrations are a very diverse cell of the native drawings, ranging from simple points and ending with detailed ornaments. The smallest tattoos can occupy the skin area of ​​10x10 mm, and large - take the whole back or cover hands like sleeves.



        The illustration is selected depending on its size. Large tattoos most often have on the back, hand, thigh, stomach or torso side. The drawings of medium sized can be positioned on the forearm as a bracelet or simply as a flat pattern, on the shoulder, nozzle or leg.

        Very original illustration of the medium size look in the case when they are applied to the caviar or thigh from behind.



        The geometric tattoo in the style of minimalism is elegant on the neck, wrist, clavicle, finger, or ankle. Many lovers of tiny illustrations apply drawings on the chest, hand brushes, as well as space between fingers. In rare cases, small figures are located on the ear sink and the urine of the ear.




        You need to choose a tattoo very carefully, analyzing each small detail and studying possible interpretations of characters. We offer to consider several interesting and popular sketches.

        • Abstract figures. Such tattoos are not really so easy in drawing, as it seems at first glance - only professionals can accurately convey smooth and straight lines. Most often, the abstraction is applied to the inner side of the forearm so that the intricate figures have always been before their eyes and awakened the imagination of the creative owner.


        • Trickurce. This complicated figure looks on the body well and as a separate illustration, and as part of the composition.


        • Change style. Tattoos are very popular, which uses the change of style from geometry to realism. Most often for such a composition, images of various animals are chosen.


        You can stylize any image under geometry, so do not limit your ideas as proposed pictures.

        Beautiful examples

        Geometric tattoos look spectacularly and deeply both in black and white and in the color version of the execution. We propose to consider several impressive images that are popular with Tattoo lovers.

        • Wolf. The most popular tattoo among men is a wolf with a change of style.


        • Fox. An animal made in a geometric style and supplemented with watercolor divorces, suitable as guys and girls.


        • Flowers with a triangle. An unexpected combination of plants with a geometric figure and a plot game of color will emphasize the beauty of a woman.


        • 3d abstraction. The original illustration will definitely attract the attention of the surrounding illusion of volume.


        • Color gradation. Such a tattoo will not only decorate a person, but will become an excellent crib for the artist.


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