Tattoo "Olive Branch": the value and sketches of tattoos with the owner of the olive on the clavicle in men and girls. Beautiful examples of female tattoo on hand and other parts of the body


People sometimes decorate their bodies with different tattoos without going into the image value. But sometimes the native drawings can carry a fairly powerful and deep promise. Below will deal with what the tattoo is with the image of the olive tree twig and to whom it fits.




The olive branch looks very aesthetically due to its grace and beauty, for this reason its image has many apply to their body as a tattoo, and this concerns both men and girls. However, such a tattoo is not only aesthetic, but also carries a certain promise.

To begin with, it is worth saying that since ancient times, people paid great attention to the olive tree, because it is distinguished by its longevity and can live about a hundred years and even more.



For this reason, this plant in many cultures was considered sacred and symbolized longevity, the immortality of the soul.

Of particular importance, this tree had in the culture of ancient Greece. After holding the first Olympic games to those people, which managed to win, were handed a wreath consisting of olive branches. Such a wreath was considered the highest award for the present winner, and therefore the olive branch symbolizes for many:

  • victory;
  • Justice;
  • honesty;
  • nobility;
  • pride;
  • The ability to decent to overcome the life obstacles;
  • Calestretenness.




In Greek mythology, olive tree also occupies a special place. If you believe legends, Athena rided with Poseidon for power over Athens. The god of the seas and the oceans decided to build a well on this territory, and Athena also planted the first olive tree next to him. The rest of the deities that the gifts of Athens and Poseidon were evaluated, decided that the gift of the goddess is better, and therefore this territory began to belong to it.




The olive tree is mentioned in the Bible. There, you can often find the image of a pigeon that holds the olive branch in his beak. Christians have this image means peace, friendliness and harmony. In addition, it is believed that an olive tree accompanied Christ all his life, and therefore the branch of this tree for many symbolizes faith.

In ancient times, people often presented an olive branch together with a wool bundle, which meant the seriousness of intentions, sincerity and goodwill.

In the wedding rituals, the branch of this tree symbolizes fertility, prosperity, wealth and abundance.



Tattoo, where the olive twig is depicted, fits both girls and men. However, a fair floor representative choose this image is somewhat more common than men. The latter prefer to apply drawings on their body, which more clearly emphasize their strength and courage.

Options sketches

Tattoos, where olive branch is depicted, most often performed in such a stylist solution as realism. Usually these are uncomplicated drawings, characterized by their naturalism and simplicity. In this case, the drawing can be both monochrome and made in color.



The style of minimalism here will also be very appropriate. Such tattoos are very concise and poorly looking at female bodies, but at the same time they look very impressive.


Such a style solution like a watercolor, for a tattoo with a branch of olive, is also suitable. These ladies look sufficiently gently and colorfully, and also differ in the softness of transitions between shades. Usually they look as if they were really applied to the skin with watercolor paints.


According to the composition, such tattoos may also differ.

  • Most often, people prefer the drawings, where the olive twig is depicted without any additional elements. At the same time, it can be empty, that is, with the leaves alone, and maybe with berries, which will symbolize fertility and prosperity.
  • Tattoo with olive branches, which are folded in a wreath, will symbolize victory, pride, justice and purposefulness of its owner or owner. It looks very interesting and beautifully and looks like this option where two crossed twigs of the olive tree are depicted.
  • This can be said about the obstacle image where the pigeon is present, which keeps the branch in a keyboard or in the paws. This drawing is also treated positively, it symbolizes good, peacefulness, the desire for harmony with himself and with other people.
  • Often such tattoos are complemented by a variety of inscriptions that can slightly extend the tattoo value or strengthen it. What promise will be in yourself the inscription depends only on the person. Usually tattoo with images of olive trees are complemented by inscriptions, which mean something positive and light.



What part of the body do?

A tattoo on which there is a twig of an olive tree may be located on any part of the body. Usually it does not affect the interpretation of the meaning of the test image and depends only on the preferences of the person himself.


As a rule, such a tattoo does not differ. For this reason, they are often placed in the area of ​​the clavicle, on hand in the wrist area, on the ribs, neck and shoulder blades. Tattoos located in these zones look neatly and concisely, in addition, they are easy to hide under clothes from prying eyes.



Beautiful examples

There are many beautiful sketches of tattoos, where the olive twig is depicted.

  • Here, for example, color options for such a tattoo.



  • Monochrome images with all its simplicity look very elegantly and harmoniously.



  • Interesting options for those who want to have a tattoo with an image of olive branches and pigeons.



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