Women's combinations (89 photos): Choose a shirt under the dress. What it is? Whitening, black, beige and other color, beautiful lace


Not every woman in the wardrobe there is a combination. Someone considers it an attribute that in a modern understanding of basic things is not included, someone ever came across this subject.

Women's combinations (89 photos): Choose a shirt under the dress. What it is? Whitening, black, beige and other color, beautiful lace 1407_2

Women's combinations (89 photos): Choose a shirt under the dress. What it is? Whitening, black, beige and other color, beautiful lace 1407_3

Interest in the combination is growing today, because fashion develops on a spiral, and many vintage things become trendy.

Women's combinations (89 photos): Choose a shirt under the dress. What it is? Whitening, black, beige and other color, beautiful lace 1407_4

Women's combinations (89 photos): Choose a shirt under the dress. What it is? Whitening, black, beige and other color, beautiful lace 1407_5

What is it and for what is needed?

The combination is called an elegant tight female shirt, which is put on top of the underwear, under the dress. The main task of such a wardrobe element is to give the opportunity to sit at the figure better. Once the combination has become derived from shirt and pantalon, more precisely, was able to connect this underwear together.

She is longer than shirt, her straps Thin, waist-sized, the model has an extension of the book.

Women's combinations (89 photos): Choose a shirt under the dress. What it is? Whitening, black, beige and other color, beautiful lace 1407_6

Women's combinations (89 photos): Choose a shirt under the dress. What it is? Whitening, black, beige and other color, beautiful lace 1407_7

Women's combinations (89 photos): Choose a shirt under the dress. What it is? Whitening, black, beige and other color, beautiful lace 1407_8

Women's combinations (89 photos): Choose a shirt under the dress. What it is? Whitening, black, beige and other color, beautiful lace 1407_9

The twentieth years of the XX century were identified by female freedom and independence, the destruction of age-old stereotypes. The appearance of various options for women's shirts at this time is not an accident.

Women's combinations (89 photos): Choose a shirt under the dress. What it is? Whitening, black, beige and other color, beautiful lace 1407_10

Women's combinations (89 photos): Choose a shirt under the dress. What it is? Whitening, black, beige and other color, beautiful lace 1407_11

In tsarist Russia Underwear sewed on request. Until 1929 In the production of linen, the elegance, a variety of colors and forms was still preserved: the legacy of pre-revolutionary Russia was still felt in mass production. But Since 1929. The ideology of equality is strengthened in the USSR, and beauty, individuality, elegance in the production of linen for women disappears.

From Soviet times The production of women's linen came to the state level, it became massive, so the models produced typical and quietly modest in their execution.

Soviet combinations were available to every woman, they sewed from a simple canvase that calmly kept even boiling. In the 50s Year of the fashion has become elegant: the combinations began to sew from silk and cotton fabrics. And in the 70s Synthetic - viscose and nylon added to the production.

Women's combinations (89 photos): Choose a shirt under the dress. What it is? Whitening, black, beige and other color, beautiful lace 1407_12

For a long time, the combinations were worn not only for a more profitable presentation of the figure, but also as a clothing that can be put on a transparent blouse, for example.

Referred to the combination, of course, is not worth it. There were models really small, but no less than beautiful, feminine, seductive, elegant samples. And if the Soviet fashionista "delivered" an imported combination, such a prey to truly be proud of. It was usually silk models with a tump, which decorated with any shape.

Women's combinations (89 photos): Choose a shirt under the dress. What it is? Whitening, black, beige and other color, beautiful lace 1407_13

Women's combinations (89 photos): Choose a shirt under the dress. What it is? Whitening, black, beige and other color, beautiful lace 1407_14

Women's combinations (89 photos): Choose a shirt under the dress. What it is? Whitening, black, beige and other color, beautiful lace 1407_15

Women's combinations (89 photos): Choose a shirt under the dress. What it is? Whitening, black, beige and other color, beautiful lace 1407_16

Women's combinations (89 photos): Choose a shirt under the dress. What it is? Whitening, black, beige and other color, beautiful lace 1407_17

Fashion and aesthetics are two pillar, so long holding the position of the combination.

Women's combinations (89 photos): Choose a shirt under the dress. What it is? Whitening, black, beige and other color, beautiful lace 1407_18

Women's combinations (89 photos): Choose a shirt under the dress. What it is? Whitening, black, beige and other color, beautiful lace 1407_19


In other countries (if you hold a parallel with the Soviet fashion and light industry), the combinations were also, but they were called otherwise. Basically, this name was played by the phrase "bottom dress". It can be said that an elegant female shirt was considered everywhere combination.

It could look different.

  • Whitappling (corrective figure) model. Today, such linen is quite a lot, it is comfortable and imperceptible. With a combination, it was slightly though, it was especially difficult to make a summer bow with a combination under the dress. But for extra centimeters on the waist, it was possible not to worry.

Women's combinations (89 photos): Choose a shirt under the dress. What it is? Whitening, black, beige and other color, beautiful lace 1407_20

Women's combinations (89 photos): Choose a shirt under the dress. What it is? Whitening, black, beige and other color, beautiful lace 1407_21

  • With fastening straps. If the outfit assumed their absence, then the straps simply disgusted. For young girls it was a normal practice - to acquire such a model, because many blouses were transparent, I wanted to open your shoulders. But the zone of the neckline was opened in moderation, everything else was hiding the elegant combination.

Women's combinations (89 photos): Choose a shirt under the dress. What it is? Whitening, black, beige and other color, beautiful lace 1407_22

Women's combinations (89 photos): Choose a shirt under the dress. What it is? Whitening, black, beige and other color, beautiful lace 1407_23

  • On the wide and on narrow straps (free cut). Usually women acquired both options. Narrow straps were not always comfortable, but for many outfits it was such a type of lingerie. With narrow straps, the combination became a more elegant element of the wardrobe.

Women's combinations (89 photos): Choose a shirt under the dress. What it is? Whitening, black, beige and other color, beautiful lace 1407_24

Women's combinations (89 photos): Choose a shirt under the dress. What it is? Whitening, black, beige and other color, beautiful lace 1407_25

  • Elegant and standard. If the combination was made of beautiful brilliant and sliding tissues, then heavy dresses and narrow skirts lay on them perfectly - folds easily fell, and the fees acquired a pleasant eye drapery.

Women's combinations (89 photos): Choose a shirt under the dress. What it is? Whitening, black, beige and other color, beautiful lace 1407_26

Women's combinations (89 photos): Choose a shirt under the dress. What it is? Whitening, black, beige and other color, beautiful lace 1407_27

  • Fabric. These are models that sewed from silk (natural and artificial) and cotton fabrics. It was possible to buy a combination of taffeta, chiffon, batista, marquise, tightness.

Women's combinations (89 photos): Choose a shirt under the dress. What it is? Whitening, black, beige and other color, beautiful lace 1407_28

Women's combinations (89 photos): Choose a shirt under the dress. What it is? Whitening, black, beige and other color, beautiful lace 1407_29

  • Knitted. They were made from viscose, kapron and acetate threads. The models could be with side inserts, without them, with inserts forming the glue.

Women's combinations (89 photos): Choose a shirt under the dress. What it is? Whitening, black, beige and other color, beautiful lace 1407_30

Women's combinations (89 photos): Choose a shirt under the dress. What it is? Whitening, black, beige and other color, beautiful lace 1407_31

All this list can be found today, although graceful, beautiful, very elegant models are now in demand. Stay in negligee, in a pretty combination - a completely different feeling than just in underwear.

Some women prefer to wear such elegant shirts under the homemade silk bathrobe.

Women's combinations (89 photos): Choose a shirt under the dress. What it is? Whitening, black, beige and other color, beautiful lace 1407_32

Women's combinations (89 photos): Choose a shirt under the dress. What it is? Whitening, black, beige and other color, beautiful lace 1407_33

Women's combinations (89 photos): Choose a shirt under the dress. What it is? Whitening, black, beige and other color, beautiful lace 1407_34

Women's combinations (89 photos): Choose a shirt under the dress. What it is? Whitening, black, beige and other color, beautiful lace 1407_35

Women's combinations (89 photos): Choose a shirt under the dress. What it is? Whitening, black, beige and other color, beautiful lace 1407_36

Women's combinations (89 photos): Choose a shirt under the dress. What it is? Whitening, black, beige and other color, beautiful lace 1407_37

Separately, it is worth saying about the "Nellier" version. These are transparent combinations models that pay attention to underwear under them or its absence.

Women's combinations (89 photos): Choose a shirt under the dress. What it is? Whitening, black, beige and other color, beautiful lace 1407_38

Women's combinations (89 photos): Choose a shirt under the dress. What it is? Whitening, black, beige and other color, beautiful lace 1407_39

How to choose a cloth?

Fabrics for underwear and related light industry goods must be not only beautiful, but also comfortable. It is important that they do not cause irritation on the skin, did not make the body sweat, did not rub the skin, did not paint the clothes.

  • Batiste. It sew summer women's sets and shirts that are made of linen or cotton yarn. And so that the surface is nice glitter, the canvas merserizes. It adds in strength and elasticity, and therefore becomes wear-resistant.

Women's combinations (89 photos): Choose a shirt under the dress. What it is? Whitening, black, beige and other color, beautiful lace 1407_40

Women's combinations (89 photos): Choose a shirt under the dress. What it is? Whitening, black, beige and other color, beautiful lace 1407_41

  • Atlas. This fabric involves satin interlacing fibers, the front side is shiny and smooth, and the irrigated - rough and matte. Usually, viscose combined with cotton, nylon or polyester is involved for the production of atlas. Satin combinations are often performed with lace.

Women's combinations (89 photos): Choose a shirt under the dress. What it is? Whitening, black, beige and other color, beautiful lace 1407_42

Women's combinations (89 photos): Choose a shirt under the dress. What it is? Whitening, black, beige and other color, beautiful lace 1407_43

  • Micromodeal. In appearance, it is not inferior to the satin and not say that loses silk fabric. The recycled beech cellulose allows you to get a thin and lightweight canvas. Externally, the material is similar to artificial silk, but it is stronger than him in tens of times.

Women's combinations (89 photos): Choose a shirt under the dress. What it is? Whitening, black, beige and other color, beautiful lace 1407_44

Women's combinations (89 photos): Choose a shirt under the dress. What it is? Whitening, black, beige and other color, beautiful lace 1407_45

  • Liocell. Another word that many women hear for the first time. This is cellulose super-modern material, which is made from eucalyptus wood. From what is the density and structure of its weaving, the appearance of the fabric depends. Liocell can remind and flax, and silk, and cotton. This is an eco-friendly, hygroscopic, airtight material with high wear resistance.

Women's combinations (89 photos): Choose a shirt under the dress. What it is? Whitening, black, beige and other color, beautiful lace 1407_46

Women's combinations (89 photos): Choose a shirt under the dress. What it is? Whitening, black, beige and other color, beautiful lace 1407_47

  • Guipure. Such a lace version makes an elemental shirt with a sexy wardrobe element. This beautiful fabric is represented by convex patterns that binds the finest grid. Make a guipure from natural filaments of silk, connecting them with Elastane and Polyester. Light fabric, transparent, shaped and, undoubtedly, practical.

True, distinguishes material and increased rigidity, if the percentage of synthetics is high.

Women's combinations (89 photos): Choose a shirt under the dress. What it is? Whitening, black, beige and other color, beautiful lace 1407_48

Women's combinations (89 photos): Choose a shirt under the dress. What it is? Whitening, black, beige and other color, beautiful lace 1407_49

  • Kulirka, interlock. From this fine knitwear, combinations are made less often, but this option is found. Things made of these fabrics have hygroscopicity and breathability. They are completely safe for health, differ in good thermoregulation and color resistance. Finally, they are very simple in care. Knitted combinations are comfortable, warm, light, wearing their winter useful not only for the best presentation of your own figure, but to preserve heat.

Women's combinations (89 photos): Choose a shirt under the dress. What it is? Whitening, black, beige and other color, beautiful lace 1407_50

Women's combinations (89 photos): Choose a shirt under the dress. What it is? Whitening, black, beige and other color, beautiful lace 1407_51

  • Bamboo. It makes both sets of underwear and combinations. Innovative textiles is considered artificial, but it is very eco-friendly material. This is a high-strength fabric that is pleasant to the skin - it is soft and elastic. Absolutely hypoallergenic material, characterized by hygroscopicity, breathability and ability to neutralize not the most pleasant smells.

Women's combinations (89 photos): Choose a shirt under the dress. What it is? Whitening, black, beige and other color, beautiful lace 1407_52

Women's combinations (89 photos): Choose a shirt under the dress. What it is? Whitening, black, beige and other color, beautiful lace 1407_53

And this is not a complete list of popular fabrics from which there are combinations. And the choice will be concluded not only in the material, but also in the assessment of the color and design of models.


In color terms, there should be no problem with finding a combination. In Soviet years, the choice was not large, and one of the most walking colors was "body". I must say that the models of this color are popular today. How the demand for underwear grows, merging with the skin precisely because of such a bodily shade, and the combinations are increasingly choosing "natural".

Women's combinations (89 photos): Choose a shirt under the dress. What it is? Whitening, black, beige and other color, beautiful lace 1407_54

Women's combinations (89 photos): Choose a shirt under the dress. What it is? Whitening, black, beige and other color, beautiful lace 1407_55

But you can buy models for every taste:

  • Black - under the dark total onion, an excellent option;

Women's combinations (89 photos): Choose a shirt under the dress. What it is? Whitening, black, beige and other color, beautiful lace 1407_56

Women's combinations (89 photos): Choose a shirt under the dress. What it is? Whitening, black, beige and other color, beautiful lace 1407_57

  • Beige - it's hard to do without it, if in your wardrobe prevails pastel gamma colors;

Women's combinations (89 photos): Choose a shirt under the dress. What it is? Whitening, black, beige and other color, beautiful lace 1407_58

Women's combinations (89 photos): Choose a shirt under the dress. What it is? Whitening, black, beige and other color, beautiful lace 1407_59

  • Red - to wear houses under a bathrobe, the option is more than worthy;

Women's combinations (89 photos): Choose a shirt under the dress. What it is? Whitening, black, beige and other color, beautiful lace 1407_60

Women's combinations (89 photos): Choose a shirt under the dress. What it is? Whitening, black, beige and other color, beautiful lace 1407_61

  • White - classic choice for amateurs of perfection.

Women's combinations (89 photos): Choose a shirt under the dress. What it is? Whitening, black, beige and other color, beautiful lace 1407_62

Women's combinations (89 photos): Choose a shirt under the dress. What it is? Whitening, black, beige and other color, beautiful lace 1407_63

Other colors are also found, but the above are the most sought-after.


It is worth walking along both brands that deliver modern and fashionable combinations to the market. In this list will necessarily be:

  • Mia-Mia. - Italian brand that presents popular models of configuration "Nellier", very bold solutions for women who are not afraid to be seductors;

Women's combinations (89 photos): Choose a shirt under the dress. What it is? Whitening, black, beige and other color, beautiful lace 1407_64

Women's combinations (89 photos): Choose a shirt under the dress. What it is? Whitening, black, beige and other color, beautiful lace 1407_65

  • Infinity Lingerie. - Russian manufacturer, pleasing a variety of models, bold flowers and charm in design, both simple and very bright models;

Women's combinations (89 photos): Choose a shirt under the dress. What it is? Whitening, black, beige and other color, beautiful lace 1407_66

Women's combinations (89 photos): Choose a shirt under the dress. What it is? Whitening, black, beige and other color, beautiful lace 1407_67

  • Felisse - Russian brand with affordable pricing policy, representing very bold images, which often choose brides and young women;

Women's combinations (89 photos): Choose a shirt under the dress. What it is? Whitening, black, beige and other color, beautiful lace 1407_68

Women's combinations (89 photos): Choose a shirt under the dress. What it is? Whitening, black, beige and other color, beautiful lace 1407_69

  • Palada. - Another domestic brand, the target audience of which is not only young beauties with sharp figures, but also women of various complexes;

Women's combinations (89 photos): Choose a shirt under the dress. What it is? Whitening, black, beige and other color, beautiful lace 1407_70

Women's combinations (89 photos): Choose a shirt under the dress. What it is? Whitening, black, beige and other color, beautiful lace 1407_71

  • Moor Moor. - Russian manufacturer, successful silhouettes and color solutions, pleasant price.

Women's combinations (89 photos): Choose a shirt under the dress. What it is? Whitening, black, beige and other color, beautiful lace 1407_72

Women's combinations (89 photos): Choose a shirt under the dress. What it is? Whitening, black, beige and other color, beautiful lace 1407_73

There should simply be problems with the choice - the market has a huge number of models on the most picky buyer.

How to wear?

Far is an important question, because today the fashionable combinations are fashionable. And, alas, they are often confused with true elegant shirts, which should remain strictly under the clothes. "Pajama" Fashion still does not give positions, and organize a fashionable failure in this background very easily. But if you want to wear a dress-combination to a party, then you will acquire an outfit that will be in the dresses department.

Women's combinations (89 photos): Choose a shirt under the dress. What it is? Whitening, black, beige and other color, beautiful lace 1407_74

Women's combinations (89 photos): Choose a shirt under the dress. What it is? Whitening, black, beige and other color, beautiful lace 1407_75

The combinations dresses are usually sewn from more dense tissue and synthetics add less frequently. In addition, such an outfit eliminates translucent elements, since such a combination looks at Too Mutch. The color of the usual shirt is more relaxed, homemade, combinations dresses can be with informal, very bright, expressive prints.

Women's combinations (89 photos): Choose a shirt under the dress. What it is? Whitening, black, beige and other color, beautiful lace 1407_76

Women's combinations (89 photos): Choose a shirt under the dress. What it is? Whitening, black, beige and other color, beautiful lace 1407_77

If you get a combination for a transparent dress, it should be contour, soft. Not worth a gentle transparent beige dress to wear a white or dark combination - only the body color will be appropriate.

Women's combinations (89 photos): Choose a shirt under the dress. What it is? Whitening, black, beige and other color, beautiful lace 1407_78

Women's combinations (89 photos): Choose a shirt under the dress. What it is? Whitening, black, beige and other color, beautiful lace 1407_79

Other important recommendations.

  • The average length of the standard combination is to the middle of the hip. Such models are more convenient, as you can wear them and with a relatively short dress, and with a long evening outfit.

Women's combinations (89 photos): Choose a shirt under the dress. What it is? Whitening, black, beige and other color, beautiful lace 1407_80

Women's combinations (89 photos): Choose a shirt under the dress. What it is? Whitening, black, beige and other color, beautiful lace 1407_81

  • Some models are complemented by lace, rhinestones, embroidery. If such elegant inserts are visible from under the outfit, it can be courses - only extravagant people with good taste can combine one with another. But for the home combination "under the bathrobe" such inserts are only welcome.

Women's combinations (89 photos): Choose a shirt under the dress. What it is? Whitening, black, beige and other color, beautiful lace 1407_82

Women's combinations (89 photos): Choose a shirt under the dress. What it is? Whitening, black, beige and other color, beautiful lace 1407_83

  • Combinations and tops as part of a fashion bow - reality. For example, in the first part of the film "Sex in the Big City" Carrie Bredshow puts on top, brushing on a short combination, right on pajamas. From above, long beads, fur coats and utopian outfit becomes an elegant decision of New York fashionable. If such ideas do you like, you can try, the main thing - the outfit should be appropriate where it is supposed to "walk away."

Women's combinations (89 photos): Choose a shirt under the dress. What it is? Whitening, black, beige and other color, beautiful lace 1407_84

Women's combinations (89 photos): Choose a shirt under the dress. What it is? Whitening, black, beige and other color, beautiful lace 1407_85

    The main task of modern fashionista is to distinguish a popular combination dress from an elegant-free combination. They have a very similar look, but different tasks. And in the wardrobe you can successfully both.

    Women's combinations (89 photos): Choose a shirt under the dress. What it is? Whitening, black, beige and other color, beautiful lace 1407_86

    Women's combinations (89 photos): Choose a shirt under the dress. What it is? Whitening, black, beige and other color, beautiful lace 1407_87

    Women's combinations (89 photos): Choose a shirt under the dress. What it is? Whitening, black, beige and other color, beautiful lace 1407_88

    Women's combinations (89 photos): Choose a shirt under the dress. What it is? Whitening, black, beige and other color, beautiful lace 1407_89

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