Tattoo "Lunnitsa": Tattoo sketches, the correct value of the overag for women, tattoo on the wrist, on the thigh and other parts of the body


Tattoos on themes of pagan, mythological symbols are considerable popularity. It is logical that Slavic mythology confidently keeps on this list: the symbols are beautiful, and their meaningful load is interesting for studying, metaphoric, filled with its meaning. One example of this is the "Lunitsa" tattoo, female charm with an unusual history.



Description and value

Even ancient people, without having such powerful scientific tools, which today have astrophysics, for example, understood the power of the Moon as a celestial body. And we realized that it affects a person: his physiological and emotional state. Already then understood that the female cycle is also associated with the Moon. From here and requests from the shone about help, and attempts to make the moon to the faith.


The young month was considered a symbol of fertility, and therefore swimming under the young moon was considered a good job, which promise the long-awaited replenishment in the family. Therefore, the image of the moon could be applied on clothing, as well as underwear: It was believed that it would help female health. Young girls could give a special talisman (more often pendant), which was called Lunni. He meant the power of a young month, patronizing women. How he was still defended from a bad eye, but mainly answered for women's happiness.



In about the XV century, Lunitsa became a popular decoration, but such earrings could afford only rich. But the simple pendant, made literally from the girlfriend, could make each.

Women believed that Lunitsa:

  • Does not give in to someone else's influence;

  • Enhances the female charm;

  • helps in conception;

  • helps in childbirth, and even stimulates lactation;

  • Enhances spiritual connection with the beloved;

  • Attracts wealth to the house.



Such a talisman could only wear women. And if he suddenly put his man, he, as they believed before, people lost part of his male strength. Lunitsa, which today is increasingly found in the form of a tattoo, is also a female theme.

A few more interesting facts about the fault:

  • His patronage was considered the goddess Mara, which is responsible for fertility;

  • Amulet enhances tenderness and softness in the female character;

  • considered a strong marriage symbol;

  • Ideally, he had to be presented on the birthday of a loving person (but if this did not happen, later the girl could make him herself);

  • The symbol was still important as a girl associated with the mature - he was like her conductor in the female world;

  • The Form of the Oberega has always remained sickle, but in general the appearance could change - it appeared an ornament, then precious stones in the decoration (for people rich);

  • wore the moonnitz horn down, on the amulte, 3 triangles were depicted - one in the center of the decoration, and each meant cyclicity of life (an analogy with the cycles of the moon is clearly visible);

  • Some characters simply decorated the moon, but there were also deeply symbolic, for example, the points - they were to be about 30, each - strictly in its place, they meant the number of days in the month;

  • Kosy lines on Lunnice - the connection of earthly and heaven, and even rain, which was considered a symbol of the yield (and female fertility, if you keep analogy further);

  • Crosses on Moonnitsa meant Christianity, a woman who wore Moonlitsa with a cross, as if acquired heavenly patronage;

  • Theirs were with wide horns and with narrow, patterns were more often appeared on the Wide Lunitsa;

  • Spiral on the faucet - a symbol of wisdom that saves against negative energy;

  • Velesovik (a circle with several petals) is a large protective symbol.



Some of the species of Lunnitz will have a lot: Northern, closed, Lunnitsa Makosh and others. This Slavic symbol is well studied by ethnographers, so finding more detailed information about it, deepen in the topic, is not a problem. But even at the stage of superficial knowledge about the symbol, those who are close to, often think not just to wear such a decoration, but to make part of himself. That is, fill the tattoo with Lunnitsa. It is believed that the security action of this symbol is also manifested in this form.



There is even a recommendation that speaking that the right tactic is to independently draw up the sketch of the Lunnica. Then she will be truly coast. But it is impossible to say that everything is clearly performed by this prescription: sketches are found on the Internet, in special magazines, people simply see them and repeat.




2 types of Lunnica were the most popular in the tattoo. The first classic is a twir-legged month facing horns down. Three-time Lunitsa is a month with another, median horn. Three horns mean cyclicity: past, present and future. It is believed that such a tattoo have a strong protective force.



Sketch options can be a lot.

  • Lunitsa with a bracelet. This tattoo is more often made on hand, in the wrist area. It mimics the bracelet with an ancient female symbol. The Lunitsa itself in this option is more often three-time. It is quite wide, has patterns and ornaments.

  • Big color with thematic images. Such a sketch is more often applied on your back. Inside the Lunnica (its contour), a whole plot of Slavic mythology can be played. This sketch is a lot of color.

  • Lunnitsa with precious stones. It is also more common on the back. It is a realistic version of natural coastal jewelry, inlated by precious stones, pearls.

  • Lunitsa with flowers. This is no longer imitation of decorations of silver or other metal, but a clean pattern, the projection of which is the symbol itself. Flowers can be stylized. Such a tattoo combines the Slavic charm and flowers as a feminine beginning, a symbol of beauty, flowering.

  • Lunitsa horn down under a crown of branches. The tattoo looks beautiful, elegant. It is more often stuffed between the blades, and there it looks harmonious. The female symbol acquires protection in the form of a vegetable crown, as if enveloping it.

  • A pair tattoo - on one hand Lunnitsa, to another sun. Two shining are closely related to human life, they are both antipodes to each other, and tireless changers. Therefore, such a duality and there is a conductor of life, two starts, without which a person is unthinkable. It is not necessary to do a pair on hand, but this option prevails.




We can say that the same is equally popular and tattoo, where Lunitsa is a drawing of decoration, and where is a separate graphic symbol.

Where to sketch?

The tattoo has an additional meaning with the help of the place where it is applied.

Options for a woman's body.

  • Shoulder. It is believed that tattoo in this place, especially with such a strong gender symbol, helps to develop business qualities and gain self-confidence. Especially if the female energy "plays" in this area.

  • Wrist. Here, any tattoo is very influenced here, because it is the point of the pulse beating. It is said that the application of the Lunnica in this place protects against the appearance of the rival, helps strengthen family relationships.

  • Next to the brush. This tattoo protects against the change, the intent of the envious. It does not allow to make the wrong gestures (for example, stretching the hand to people who can deceive, abuse trust).

  • On the hip. Any tattoo here is designed to strengthen sexuality and sensuality, remove the "Stop" with the demonstration of these qualities. Perhaps this will help the girl to gain confidence, and therefore become more interesting as an object of attention. At the same time, the tattoo can be modest, small.

  • On forearm. Lunitsa helps to develop intuition in this place. The girls who are stuffing here, want to become more perceptive, it is better to deal with people and in themselves.

  • On the back. Making a tattoo in this zone, many people seem to put a touch ("Someone for my back helps me"). It is not always done consciously, a person himself can just follow his feelings. Lunnitsa on his back is a wanted behind his back. He like a buffer, like a protective layer between the vulnerable body of a person, his soul and the outside world.

  • On the foot. Psychologists assure that tattoo in this place, especially those wearing progress, people are doing with the aim of starting a new life or change the life path. Speaking figuratively, start doing the right steps.

  • On the finger. A rare place for the Lunnica, but meets.




So there are women who want to see the symbol as often as much as possible for them. But also to broadcast his world too, they make it part of themselves.

The tattoo is rarely solved in one day. So, the path associated with the appearance of an image on the body can be built with even greater attentiveness: for example, to follow the traditions and think about the sketch itself. And the wizard will help you correct and make it professional.



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