Sea tattoo: sketches of tattoos with sea theme for men and girls. Their values. Application on hand, chest, wrist and other places


Tattoo is not only a beautiful image. As a rule, it also carries a certain promise. Below we will talk about the meaning of marine tattoos, as well as about the styles in which they are performed.

Sea tattoo: sketches of tattoos with sea theme for men and girls. Their values. Application on hand, chest, wrist and other places 14054_2

Sea tattoo: sketches of tattoos with sea theme for men and girls. Their values. Application on hand, chest, wrist and other places 14054_3

Sea tattoo: sketches of tattoos with sea theme for men and girls. Their values. Application on hand, chest, wrist and other places 14054_4

Sea tattoo: sketches of tattoos with sea theme for men and girls. Their values. Application on hand, chest, wrist and other places 14054_5

Sea tattoo: sketches of tattoos with sea theme for men and girls. Their values. Application on hand, chest, wrist and other places 14054_6

Sea tattoo: sketches of tattoos with sea theme for men and girls. Their values. Application on hand, chest, wrist and other places 14054_7

Tattoo value and sketches for men

Among men, maritime themes are especially common. As a rule, on male tattoos, ships are most often depicted. The value of such a tattoo is interpreted depending on certain compositional features.

  • In general, the image of the ship is interpreted as a desire for change, the desire to find its true purpose, and in some cases such a tattoo also means that its owner's activities are somehow related to the sea.

Sea tattoo: sketches of tattoos with sea theme for men and girls. Their values. Application on hand, chest, wrist and other places 14054_8

Sea tattoo: sketches of tattoos with sea theme for men and girls. Their values. Application on hand, chest, wrist and other places 14054_9

Sea tattoo: sketches of tattoos with sea theme for men and girls. Their values. Application on hand, chest, wrist and other places 14054_10

  • Usually, in order to emphasize that the tattoo owner is striving for change, the figure is also depicted and the card is also made, but the emphasis is on aspiration to achieve his cherished dream, the image is complemented by stars.

Sea tattoo: sketches of tattoos with sea theme for men and girls. Their values. Application on hand, chest, wrist and other places 14054_11

Sea tattoo: sketches of tattoos with sea theme for men and girls. Their values. Application on hand, chest, wrist and other places 14054_12

  • At the same time, if a warship is depicted on a native figure, it extends the value of the pattern. It symbolizes fearlessness, willpower and power.

Sea tattoo: sketches of tattoos with sea theme for men and girls. Their values. Application on hand, chest, wrist and other places 14054_13

Sea tattoo: sketches of tattoos with sea theme for men and girls. Their values. Application on hand, chest, wrist and other places 14054_14

  • Pretty widespread and tattoo with a ghost ship, "Battle Dutch". The image of this ship is associated with numerous marine legends. In one of these legends, the captain says that he kept painting the curses towards the marine elements. For this, he himself was cursed: he was energized on the eternal wanderings on the seas without the possibility of adjusting to the shore.

Sea tattoo: sketches of tattoos with sea theme for men and girls. Their values. Application on hand, chest, wrist and other places 14054_15

Sea tattoo: sketches of tattoos with sea theme for men and girls. Their values. Application on hand, chest, wrist and other places 14054_16

Sea tattoo: sketches of tattoos with sea theme for men and girls. Their values. Application on hand, chest, wrist and other places 14054_17

  • If the ship is depicted in a bottle, then this means a dream, the desire to achieve it.

Sea tattoo: sketches of tattoos with sea theme for men and girls. Their values. Application on hand, chest, wrist and other places 14054_18

Sea tattoo: sketches of tattoos with sea theme for men and girls. Their values. Application on hand, chest, wrist and other places 14054_19

Sea tattoo: sketches of tattoos with sea theme for men and girls. Their values. Application on hand, chest, wrist and other places 14054_20

  • Pirate ship in a native picture means reluctance to obey other laws, independence from people and circumstances.

Usually on such tattoo you can meet the "black pearl" - the ship, which became known thanks to the film "Pirates of the Caribbean Sea".

Sea tattoo: sketches of tattoos with sea theme for men and girls. Their values. Application on hand, chest, wrist and other places 14054_21

Sea tattoo: sketches of tattoos with sea theme for men and girls. Their values. Application on hand, chest, wrist and other places 14054_22

Sea tattoo: sketches of tattoos with sea theme for men and girls. Their values. Application on hand, chest, wrist and other places 14054_23

Often, on a tattoo with maritime themes, you can see the wind rose, which is a polygon that shows the wind mode. Sailors perceived this symbol as an overlap, which can help them in diligent swimming. Travelers used the wind rose as a landmark. At the present time, the tattoo with the image of the wind roses symbolizes for a person a desire for freedom, and both to physical and spiritual. Often on male tattoos with sea theme you can meet and The inhabitants of the seabed. Their meaning can also be interpreted in different ways.

So, Often on a native image you can see octopus. This mollusk in ancient times was very afraid of what was caused by its dimensions. In many cultures, the image of this sea inhabitant is interpreted as an overlap, which will protect its carrier from problems, evil spirits and unkind views. Sailors also applied the image of this sea inhabitant with the purpose of protecting their ship from attacks from pirates, from marine monsters and storms. In addition, the octopus also symbolizes longevity, good health, and sometimes in general immortality - this interpretation of the image is associated with the fact that the octopus has as many as three hearts.

Sea tattoo: sketches of tattoos with sea theme for men and girls. Their values. Application on hand, chest, wrist and other places 14054_24

Sea tattoo: sketches of tattoos with sea theme for men and girls. Their values. Application on hand, chest, wrist and other places 14054_25

Sea tattoo: sketches of tattoos with sea theme for men and girls. Their values. Application on hand, chest, wrist and other places 14054_26

An important role for such a drawing is played by additional composite Elements - Among them may be a watch that means infinity of time, or anchor. The image can also be present in the picture. If it is sinking due to octopus, it symbolizes the dangerous and somewhat impulsive nature of the owner of the Tattoo. If the ship sails, swing peacefully on the waves and nothing threatens him, then this is, on the contrary, means a calm and peaceful character, the desire to gain stability.

The presence of a crab on a native drawing is also its value. Crabs are strong animals with a strong shell and powerful clamshells that help this creature to defend and attack enemies. For this reason, the image of the crab is interpreted as a symbol of strength, determination, solid character and invulnerability.

Sea tattoo: sketches of tattoos with sea theme for men and girls. Their values. Application on hand, chest, wrist and other places 14054_27

Sea tattoo: sketches of tattoos with sea theme for men and girls. Their values. Application on hand, chest, wrist and other places 14054_28

Sea tattoo: sketches of tattoos with sea theme for men and girls. Their values. Application on hand, chest, wrist and other places 14054_29

It is worth saying about the styles in which the men's tattoo with the sea theme is depicted. Most often, men give their preference to such a stylistic decision as realism . Tattoos data look very natural, especially if they are depicted by marine inhabitants, and differ in high degree of detail. Usually, the full drawings made in realism are characterized by their scale and occupy a large area of ​​the skin. However, in fulfillment, such works are quite complex, and therefore the search for a good wizard needs to pay special attention. Men and such styles are used not less popular Old Skull and New Skull. Such tattoos look very bright and catchy, as they differ in their colorfulness and clarity of contours. At the same time, there are often such composite elements such as skulls, flowers, hearts, fire, different symbols and not only.

Another interesting and non-standard style, which often choose men - it doosek . The feature of the native pictures made in this style decision is that they are applied using a large number of points, between which there is a certain distance.

Most often, work performed in this style is distinguished by their large size and complexity. Miniature images in the style of the doomle are rare, as they do not look so impressive.

Sea tattoo: sketches of tattoos with sea theme for men and girls. Their values. Application on hand, chest, wrist and other places 14054_30

Sea tattoo: sketches of tattoos with sea theme for men and girls. Their values. Application on hand, chest, wrist and other places 14054_31

Sea tattoo: sketches of tattoos with sea theme for men and girls. Their values. Application on hand, chest, wrist and other places 14054_32

Tattoos for girls

Girls, like men, also often give their preference to tattoo with sea subject. Often on the bodies of girls you can see the image of ships. However, such drawings are usually in many ways different from those depicting men on their body. As a rule, girls prefer drawing paper ships, pleasure boats or cruise ships. Looks like drawings gently and non-aggressive. They symbolize love for freedom, carefit, easy existence and desire to find our place in this world.

Often for the tattoo of the representative of the fine floor choose Images of marine animals. It can be both small pictures and larger. Frequently often in such values ​​are depicting Kault . It is believed that the image of this marine creature is a guard, which can protect its owner from various troubles, bring him prosperity and make it more confident. In addition, such a nice image will symbolize the power, power, dexterity, developed intelligence, as well as the desire to gain real love, make a family, because killeries are monogamous animals, which, to get a pair and family, retain it for the rest of their lives.

Sea tattoo: sketches of tattoos with sea theme for men and girls. Their values. Application on hand, chest, wrist and other places 14054_33

Sea tattoo: sketches of tattoos with sea theme for men and girls. Their values. Application on hand, chest, wrist and other places 14054_34

Sea tattoo: sketches of tattoos with sea theme for men and girls. Their values. Application on hand, chest, wrist and other places 14054_35

Skat - Also a common image for tattoos. This is an animal that symbolizes peacefulness, calm and creative mood. However, at the same time, the skate has a special mechanism that helps him defend themselves. This mechanism is an electrical discharge that is capable of paralyzing the enemy or even kill. For this reason, the image of the skate is associated with the ability to protect themselves and their loved ones.

Often on female tattoos meet and The image of swallows. Previously, the sailors did such a tattoo for good luck, believing that she could provide them with a safe return home. Therefore, at this time, such a tattoo symbolizes happiness and good luck. In addition, it is worth saying about additional elements that are present on the women's tattoo with the nautical theme.

Most often it is a different floristic elements that make the drawing softer and gentle, as well as the inscription, the content of which depends on the tattoo owner.

Sea tattoo: sketches of tattoos with sea theme for men and girls. Their values. Application on hand, chest, wrist and other places 14054_36

Sea tattoo: sketches of tattoos with sea theme for men and girls. Their values. Application on hand, chest, wrist and other places 14054_37

Sea tattoo: sketches of tattoos with sea theme for men and girls. Their values. Application on hand, chest, wrist and other places 14054_38

If we talk about the style solutions that the girl's preference most often gives watercolor . Drawings in this style are characterized by their softness and colorfulness. They look great on the female body, emphasizing the tenderness of the girl. This style as minimalism is also very popular. Little tattoos look at the Body of Narrosko, concisely, but at the same time effectively. They do not attract more attention to themselves, they can easily be hidden under the sweater.

In addition, girls also often prefer such styles as geometry and realism. New Skul and Old Chelse enjoy less popular, but these styles are also sometimes applied.

Sea tattoo: sketches of tattoos with sea theme for men and girls. Their values. Application on hand, chest, wrist and other places 14054_39

Sea tattoo: sketches of tattoos with sea theme for men and girls. Their values. Application on hand, chest, wrist and other places 14054_40

Sea tattoo: sketches of tattoos with sea theme for men and girls. Their values. Application on hand, chest, wrist and other places 14054_41

Where better to apply?

A marine style tattoo can be applied to any part of the body, this is most of its dependent on the scale of the wishes, as well as from the desires of its owner.

  • As a rule, girls choose small or medium in size image. For such drawings, such zones like wrist, leg, hand, shoulder blade, edge, clavicle. When choosing a place you need to consider the features of the image. So, if it is elongated, it will be best to depict it on hand or leg.

Sea tattoo: sketches of tattoos with sea theme for men and girls. Their values. Application on hand, chest, wrist and other places 14054_42

Sea tattoo: sketches of tattoos with sea theme for men and girls. Their values. Application on hand, chest, wrist and other places 14054_43

Sea tattoo: sketches of tattoos with sea theme for men and girls. Their values. Application on hand, chest, wrist and other places 14054_44

  • But such zones like a back, chest, sleeve, forearm and shoulder are more suitable for large-size tattoos, which are often preferred by a man. Small drawings in such places usually look in no harmonious.

Sea tattoo: sketches of tattoos with sea theme for men and girls. Their values. Application on hand, chest, wrist and other places 14054_45

Sea tattoo: sketches of tattoos with sea theme for men and girls. Their values. Application on hand, chest, wrist and other places 14054_46

Sea tattoo: sketches of tattoos with sea theme for men and girls. Their values. Application on hand, chest, wrist and other places 14054_47

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