Tattoo in the form of runes (62 photos): value and sketches. Tattoo on hand and on the fingers, on the back and on the chest. Runes-amulets and runes of strength, other options


Runes - Ancient designations whose character is sometimes called even mystical. The use of runes on the body as tattoos often (if practically not always) has a protective nature. This strange, at first glance, the language is the legacy of the Scandinavian peoples (and not only them). In the runic alphabet, which is called Futark, 24 characters, each has its name and meaning, which opens far away.

Tattoo in the form of runes (62 photos): value and sketches. Tattoo on hand and on the fingers, on the back and on the chest. Runes-amulets and runes of strength, other options 14028_2

Tattoo in the form of runes (62 photos): value and sketches. Tattoo on hand and on the fingers, on the back and on the chest. Runes-amulets and runes of strength, other options 14028_3

Types of tattoos and sketches

Runes are symbols that have Slavic and Scandinavian origins. Nevertheless, one cannot say that one of these species prevails over another image frequency on the body.

Tattoo in the form of runes (62 photos): value and sketches. Tattoo on hand and on the fingers, on the back and on the chest. Runes-amulets and runes of strength, other options 14028_4

Tattoo in the form of runes (62 photos): value and sketches. Tattoo on hand and on the fingers, on the back and on the chest. Runes-amulets and runes of strength, other options 14028_5

Tattoo in the form of runes (62 photos): value and sketches. Tattoo on hand and on the fingers, on the back and on the chest. Runes-amulets and runes of strength, other options 14028_6


Ancient characters are not only beautiful, their semantic message is quite deep, it is only worth reading the interpretation of the runes.

Slavic Runic Symbols for Tattoo - Description.

  • Chernobog . Derupts the connection of the past, which are human. Such runes are applied if you want to find a way out of a difficult situation that seems to be a closed circle.

Tattoo in the form of runes (62 photos): value and sketches. Tattoo on hand and on the fingers, on the back and on the chest. Runes-amulets and runes of strength, other options 14028_7

  • Treba . Associates with the will, the power of the Spirit, the right choice of intentions and actions.

Tattoo in the form of runes (62 photos): value and sketches. Tattoo on hand and on the fingers, on the back and on the chest. Runes-amulets and runes of strength, other options 14028_8

  • Peace . This rune is associated with the image of the world tree, and it helps to call for help to help. It is believed that this symbol enhances altruistic gusts in a person, relieves from negative actions.

Tattoo in the form of runes (62 photos): value and sketches. Tattoo on hand and on the fingers, on the back and on the chest. Runes-amulets and runes of strength, other options 14028_9

  • Rainbow . Needed as help in finding a life path. It is believed that this symbol helps a person to comprehend the laws of the universe.

Tattoo in the form of runes (62 photos): value and sketches. Tattoo on hand and on the fingers, on the back and on the chest. Runes-amulets and runes of strength, other options 14028_10

  • Alatyr . Rune means an internal balance, balance. She makes those whose psycho-emotional state is alarming.

Tattoo in the form of runes (62 photos): value and sketches. Tattoo on hand and on the fingers, on the back and on the chest. Runes-amulets and runes of strength, other options 14028_11

  • Need . And this is already an appeal to dark deities, which are far from everyone offering tests, only chosen. In this man - the shackles, in which the soul languishes, seeking freedom.

Tattoo in the form of runes (62 photos): value and sketches. Tattoo on hand and on the fingers, on the back and on the chest. Runes-amulets and runes of strength, other options 14028_12

  • Beregin . The female symbol, charm, whose importance is to establish family ties, and in motherhood, and in the ability to maintain homemade hearth. Girls often inclined the choice in favor of this symbol.

Tattoo in the form of runes (62 photos): value and sketches. Tattoo on hand and on the fingers, on the back and on the chest. Runes-amulets and runes of strength, other options 14028_13

  • Wind . Such a tattoo makes those who want to find inspiration and energy of creation. But if the runes are sent to use not in good purposes, it will bring the opposite result.

Tattoo in the form of runes (62 photos): value and sketches. Tattoo on hand and on the fingers, on the back and on the chest. Runes-amulets and runes of strength, other options 14028_14

  • Force . These are the power (including spiritual) and the opportunity to get away from evil people, from the painful events of the past, etc.

Tattoo in the form of runes (62 photos): value and sketches. Tattoo on hand and on the fingers, on the back and on the chest. Runes-amulets and runes of strength, other options 14028_15

  • Rock . More than a radical rune, which, they say, affects fate. Experts advise with great care to do such a tattoo.

Tattoo in the form of runes (62 photos): value and sketches. Tattoo on hand and on the fingers, on the back and on the chest. Runes-amulets and runes of strength, other options 14028_16

  • UD . The symbol is associated with sexual energy (both male and female), contributes to harmonious relations in a pair.

Tattoo in the form of runes (62 photos): value and sketches. Tattoo on hand and on the fingers, on the back and on the chest. Runes-amulets and runes of strength, other options 14028_17

  • Source . Promotes harmony, equilibrium, mental balance.

Tattoo in the form of runes (62 photos): value and sketches. Tattoo on hand and on the fingers, on the back and on the chest. Runes-amulets and runes of strength, other options 14028_18

  • Dazhibogog. . Symbol of wealth and abundance, good luck, including material.

But only hardworking people with clean intentions can use this rune. If it does lazy, he will lose even more.

Tattoo in the form of runes (62 photos): value and sketches. Tattoo on hand and on the fingers, on the back and on the chest. Runes-amulets and runes of strength, other options 14028_19

  • Perun . Used as protection against dark forces, from damage, from envious.

Tattoo in the form of runes (62 photos): value and sketches. Tattoo on hand and on the fingers, on the back and on the chest. Runes-amulets and runes of strength, other options 14028_20

  • Craft . Need to those who want to develop their own strong leadership qualities.

Tattoo in the form of runes (62 photos): value and sketches. Tattoo on hand and on the fingers, on the back and on the chest. Runes-amulets and runes of strength, other options 14028_21

  • Support . Symbolizes the connection with the genus, the root feeding of a person.

Tattoo in the form of runes (62 photos): value and sketches. Tattoo on hand and on the fingers, on the back and on the chest. Runes-amulets and runes of strength, other options 14028_22

  • Lelia . Girls who wear this rune on the body can be counted in touch with the ancestors, as well as the development of intuition.

Tattoo in the form of runes (62 photos): value and sketches. Tattoo on hand and on the fingers, on the back and on the chest. Runes-amulets and runes of strength, other options 14028_23

  • There is . Associated with progress, its own promotion, activity.

Tattoo in the form of runes (62 photos): value and sketches. Tattoo on hand and on the fingers, on the back and on the chest. Runes-amulets and runes of strength, other options 14028_24

People who prefer to other tattoo runes should believe in their symbolism, meaning. Otherwise, this disrespect for signs that are at least artifacts.


They are also interesting, their values ​​are close to Slavic, ancient Russian variations of runes.

Symbols of Scandinavian runes.

  • Uruz . Helps to save and strengthen human health. But it can attract in his life and disturbing situations.

      Tattoo in the form of runes (62 photos): value and sketches. Tattoo on hand and on the fingers, on the back and on the chest. Runes-amulets and runes of strength, other options 14028_25

      • Laguz . A female symbol that increases vitality, helping to reveal talents, strengthen your own energy.

      Tattoo in the form of runes (62 photos): value and sketches. Tattoo on hand and on the fingers, on the back and on the chest. Runes-amulets and runes of strength, other options 14028_26

      • Kano. . Enhances the runes inscribed in her. May attract love to man. Sometimes she completely changes his life.

      Tattoo in the form of runes (62 photos): value and sketches. Tattoo on hand and on the fingers, on the back and on the chest. Runes-amulets and runes of strength, other options 14028_27

      • Tourisaz . Also used in the complex with other runes, has a protective effect.

      Tattoo in the form of runes (62 photos): value and sketches. Tattoo on hand and on the fingers, on the back and on the chest. Runes-amulets and runes of strength, other options 14028_28

      • Yera . Otherwise, this rune is called a symbol of desires. It attracts good luck and promotes the material benefit of projects.

      Tattoo in the form of runes (62 photos): value and sketches. Tattoo on hand and on the fingers, on the back and on the chest. Runes-amulets and runes of strength, other options 14028_29

      • Fehu. . Rune is also associated with material well-being.

      Tattoo in the form of runes (62 photos): value and sketches. Tattoo on hand and on the fingers, on the back and on the chest. Runes-amulets and runes of strength, other options 14028_30

      • Mannaz . Her carrier will be well learned, his intuition will exist.

      Tattoo in the form of runes (62 photos): value and sketches. Tattoo on hand and on the fingers, on the back and on the chest. Runes-amulets and runes of strength, other options 14028_31

      • Wasya . And it is called Rule joy, which helps a person to hear the inner child in himself.

      Tattoo in the form of runes (62 photos): value and sketches. Tattoo on hand and on the fingers, on the back and on the chest. Runes-amulets and runes of strength, other options 14028_32

      • Berkana . A female symbol that makes many women who want to conceive a child. And also those who want to become feminine, softer.

      Tattoo in the form of runes (62 photos): value and sketches. Tattoo on hand and on the fingers, on the back and on the chest. Runes-amulets and runes of strength, other options 14028_33

      • Gebo. . Rune to gain self-confidence, finding inner harmony.

      Tattoo in the form of runes (62 photos): value and sketches. Tattoo on hand and on the fingers, on the back and on the chest. Runes-amulets and runes of strength, other options 14028_34

      This is just a brief description of the runic symbols, without details and important details. But already on him, a person can be bowed to the area of ​​one or another rune, and study it in more detail.

      Tips for choosing

      There is such a thing about those who are passionate about the runes and knows how they work in the form of tattoos - "Tattoo requires a fee." You can, simplifying, say so: Rune is a coastery, a powerful symbol. It fills the carrier with a special energy, attracts the necessary people in his life, events, etc.

      But if the carrier itself does not "work out" such an advance, the rune does not just lose force - it can become dangerous for a person who took responsibility to wear it.

      Tattoo in the form of runes (62 photos): value and sketches. Tattoo on hand and on the fingers, on the back and on the chest. Runes-amulets and runes of strength, other options 14028_35

      Tattoo in the form of runes (62 photos): value and sketches. Tattoo on hand and on the fingers, on the back and on the chest. Runes-amulets and runes of strength, other options 14028_36

      The fee for the tattoo in the form of a rune is not mythical sacrifices, it is working on yourself. Someone conducts an analogy with a vow. A person asks for the highest forces of condescension, help in, for example, a career. And in return, he gives any vows not to lie, do not focus, help close, etc. So and with the runes: if you apply a symbol that helps to attract material success, you should not leave doubts in your own hard work.

      Tattoo in the form of runes (62 photos): value and sketches. Tattoo on hand and on the fingers, on the back and on the chest. Runes-amulets and runes of strength, other options 14028_37

      Tattoo in the form of runes (62 photos): value and sketches. Tattoo on hand and on the fingers, on the back and on the chest. Runes-amulets and runes of strength, other options 14028_38

      Recommendations of experts on the Runic Tattoo.

      • You need to make sure that the Natisk is from the side, the criticism will necessarily. And from those who consider these paganism, a connection with dark forces. And from those who doubt that the carrier of the runes understands their meaning and chose a suitable option for itself. It is necessary to be ready and understand that this is not a pendant that you can remove that with it, a tattoo, you will need to be crushed.

      Tattoo in the form of runes (62 photos): value and sketches. Tattoo on hand and on the fingers, on the back and on the chest. Runes-amulets and runes of strength, other options 14028_39

      • If the runes are used to record some kind of phrase, the phrase should be recorded exclusively in the Runic language (Icelandic, Pragerme). It is not necessary to make transcription from Russian, English, etc., because in this case the runes become a lowercase formula, and not a solid phrase. And this, at least, is unreasonable, and even dangerous.

      Tattoo in the form of runes (62 photos): value and sketches. Tattoo on hand and on the fingers, on the back and on the chest. Runes-amulets and runes of strength, other options 14028_40

      • A temporary tattoo with the selected betrayal should be done. And better, if a person is pushing her at least a year. It may be a henna tattoo, maybe even made by the marker drawing. The option is appropriate only on the body: just wearing a printout with you, drawing on a piece of paper, etc. does not apply to an annual period.

      Tattoo in the form of runes (62 photos): value and sketches. Tattoo on hand and on the fingers, on the back and on the chest. Runes-amulets and runes of strength, other options 14028_41

      • Wonderful if a person does not just choose a rune and turn to the nearest tattoo salon, but will come to a manual manual, which manually inflicts his image. But such a bit, so you have to look for just good tattoo masters. But the person must also trust himself: if the master, he has at least the most perfect reputation, do not like something, does not have to trust such a responsible business.

      Tattoo in the form of runes (62 photos): value and sketches. Tattoo on hand and on the fingers, on the back and on the chest. Runes-amulets and runes of strength, other options 14028_42

      • It makes sense to look at the ready-made work of the master, but only after something else has read / look at the runes. Otherwise, you just do not understand how accurately the symbol is made, whether it is equal to the scheme, etc.

      Tattoo in the form of runes (62 photos): value and sketches. Tattoo on hand and on the fingers, on the back and on the chest. Runes-amulets and runes of strength, other options 14028_43

      • Tattoo, even if it is complicated, it is better to prick at once, entirely, without breaking the process of applying to sessions. The masters do not advise taking alcohol, painkillers on the eve of the session.

      But you can go a dance, but only if a person himself feels the need for this, it is not necessary.

      Tattoo in the form of runes (62 photos): value and sketches. Tattoo on hand and on the fingers, on the back and on the chest. Runes-amulets and runes of strength, other options 14028_44

      Also, the masters are advised to men and women for some time to "displacing Tattoo with Runeu in the head." To understand, is it closely its meaning, does not pursue a tattoo some short-term goals. This is the main point in choosing a rune: not just choose the strongest or visually spectacular sign, and find the most close as possible, important that does not "let go" for a long time.

      Accommodation options

      The place is not just the choice of the most successful zone for the tattoo, it is also adding an additional sense of the rune.

      Where the runic symbols are placed.

      • On the head . A person who chooses this place wants to give himself more importance in the eyes of others. It is believed that this may contribute to the disclosure of some special abilities.

      Tattoo in the form of runes (62 photos): value and sketches. Tattoo on hand and on the fingers, on the back and on the chest. Runes-amulets and runes of strength, other options 14028_45

      • On hand ("sleeves" also). Displays a confident life position, credo. Such tattoo usually make people who know their price. They pretty quickly choose the rune and do not doubt the choice. Especially if it is an image on the brush.

      Tattoo in the form of runes (62 photos): value and sketches. Tattoo on hand and on the fingers, on the back and on the chest. Runes-amulets and runes of strength, other options 14028_46

      • On chest . It is believed that tattoo in this zone is a challenge to society. It can really be the protest symbol, and the direction to the shoulder only enhances it.

      Tattoo in the form of runes (62 photos): value and sketches. Tattoo on hand and on the fingers, on the back and on the chest. Runes-amulets and runes of strength, other options 14028_47

      • On the back. Protective sign functions are enhanced, the person makes himself a powerful charm. This is a lot of calm, equilibrium, good energy.

      Tattoo in the form of runes (62 photos): value and sketches. Tattoo on hand and on the fingers, on the back and on the chest. Runes-amulets and runes of strength, other options 14028_48

      • On the wrist. Runes help to succeed, take it with hand (metaphorically). The same applies to fingers.

      Tattoo in the form of runes (62 photos): value and sketches. Tattoo on hand and on the fingers, on the back and on the chest. Runes-amulets and runes of strength, other options 14028_49

      • At the forearm . Power in action - that is, the rune should help some aspiration of man if he already has a plan and effort. That is, the rune will not work for a man, she, rather, acts as a satellite in business.

      Tattoo in the form of runes (62 photos): value and sketches. Tattoo on hand and on the fingers, on the back and on the chest. Runes-amulets and runes of strength, other options 14028_50

      • On the foot . Rarely appear here. Perhaps in this place you need to wear a temporary rune longer.

      Tattoo in the form of runes (62 photos): value and sketches. Tattoo on hand and on the fingers, on the back and on the chest. Runes-amulets and runes of strength, other options 14028_51

      • On the neck, on the spine, on the face. Risky zones require a large thinking.

      Tattoo in the form of runes (62 photos): value and sketches. Tattoo on hand and on the fingers, on the back and on the chest. Runes-amulets and runes of strength, other options 14028_52

      Masters of Rounic Tattoo warn: Regardless of the place of application itself, the process of stuffing may be more painful than with any other image. Sometimes a person feels strong fatigue after the process, even soreness. Sometimes, on the contrary, euphoria. The feeling of euphoria is not very often celebrated, and not always after applying, but even in months after it.

      If it is even scientifically reasoned, it may be due to psycho-emotional features of a person, the degree of his faith in those signs that it synchronizes with him.

      Tattoo in the form of runes (62 photos): value and sketches. Tattoo on hand and on the fingers, on the back and on the chest. Runes-amulets and runes of strength, other options 14028_53

      Tattoo in the form of runes (62 photos): value and sketches. Tattoo on hand and on the fingers, on the back and on the chest. Runes-amulets and runes of strength, other options 14028_54

      Nuances of application

      The masters have their own set of rules concerning the application of the runic symbols. These rules help and more successful image visualization and strengthen their actions. Yes, it turns out that the process of application itself is able to strengthen the energy of the Rune and help them become the coasters.

      What is this rule.

      • Gray, red, black. Only the runes can be applied with these inks. Can be considered a canon.

      Tattoo in the form of runes (62 photos): value and sketches. Tattoo on hand and on the fingers, on the back and on the chest. Runes-amulets and runes of strength, other options 14028_55

      • If additional symbols / patterns appear next to the rune, which do not belong to the runic theme in principle, they are third-party, it works against the carrier of the tattoo. It is gently saying, not welcome.

      Tattoo in the form of runes (62 photos): value and sketches. Tattoo on hand and on the fingers, on the back and on the chest. Runes-amulets and runes of strength, other options 14028_56

      • Runes are rarely made big. It is believed that the size of the tattoo should be modest. The place of application is also very important. Rune in the reverse position is stuffed on that part of the body where the image will not turn over.

      Tattoo in the form of runes (62 photos): value and sketches. Tattoo on hand and on the fingers, on the back and on the chest. Runes-amulets and runes of strength, other options 14028_57

      • The masters offer to apply a temporary tattoo clients. With a tattoo, some time you need to live, listen to your feelings, look at what is happening around you. That is, you need to collect information, as the rune symbol influenced life, for self-assumption. And if this information is rated positively, you can make a permanent tattoo.

      Tattoo in the form of runes (62 photos): value and sketches. Tattoo on hand and on the fingers, on the back and on the chest. Runes-amulets and runes of strength, other options 14028_58

      • If the Runic Vych is stuffed, then it is necessary to do this so that the readable lick becomes becoming a person looking at the tattoo.

      Tattoo in the form of runes (62 photos): value and sketches. Tattoo on hand and on the fingers, on the back and on the chest. Runes-amulets and runes of strength, other options 14028_59

      It should be noted that not all the masters are taken for applying the runes. And this is not because they are technically complex, or the masters are so afraid of mysticism. Rather, it demonstrates an honest and professional look: they know that the ancient characters should be serious and respectful, which means to understand them. And if there is no such understanding of the rune alphabet, it will be dishonest to take on his visualization on the body.

      Tattoo in the form of runes (62 photos): value and sketches. Tattoo on hand and on the fingers, on the back and on the chest. Runes-amulets and runes of strength, other options 14028_60

      Tattoo in the form of runes (62 photos): value and sketches. Tattoo on hand and on the fingers, on the back and on the chest. Runes-amulets and runes of strength, other options 14028_61

      Tattoo in the form of runes (62 photos): value and sketches. Tattoo on hand and on the fingers, on the back and on the chest. Runes-amulets and runes of strength, other options 14028_62

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