Tattoo "Egyptian gods": Osiris, Amon Ra, Mountains and other Gods of Egypt, sketches of tattoos and their meaning. Tattoo on the shoulder, on the forearm and on other parts of the body


An overview of the "Egyptian gods and goddess" tattoo will be interesting to those who are interested in unusual tattoo, wants to stand out, and, moreover, it clearly knows that he wants to say with one or another image present on the body.




Preferences in choosing Egyptian symbols are characteristic of people of different ages and gender, but Many attracts spectacular visuality, mysteriousness and mysticism of images. The "Egyptian gods" tattoo is sometimes chosen without studying inner meaning, while in ancient Egypt they were given great importance: the energy flows were sent, the information was enshrined, expressed a commitment to the object of worship.

The modern interpretation may be far from the original sense of the tattoo, and the symbols of the afterlime world and have an ominous value for the owner or people surrounding.



In modern reality, the image of the Egyptian gods believes:

  • A peculiar protest against the main religious beliefs, often imposed by people from birth, not leaving freedom of choice (any symbolism, including the images of the gods);
  • Talismans and overalls against the sinister events, life adversity, to attract good luck (for this, variable images are selected, it all depends on human knowledge and goals);
  • the result of the strong influence of literary or cinema struggles (Tutankhamon, Cleopatra, Sphinx);
  • Symbols indicating belonging to a modern subculture, which chose them for their own purposes.



The ancient Egyptian drawings, judging by the surviving information, contained recognizable symbols, from the objects of the environment and life to the characters and images of the deities. The subject of tattoos, its limit variety, numerous combinations of small and large images are now not amenable to unambiguous interpretation.

The most common images of Egyptian gods attract the wealth of parts, spectacular visualization, a characteristic appearance, recognizable or mysteriousness. Some of them are an ambiguous interpretation, and it is not always taken into account in choosing a sketch. Some images are acceptable only for men, but there are drawings without any cult load. This includes copies of temple frescoes in which modern parts can be added or highly simplified hieroglyphs, signs, like a lotus, scarab, anchor, pen.



Sketches of tattoos and their meaning

For sketches of tattoos, the location of God or the goddess, design style - is used not only realism , but also doosek Sometimes the designation is playing in demand in demand old school . The masters tattoo have a huge selection of offers on Egyptian themes, but before making a choice, you need to well explore the image value.




Depicted with human body and dog head . Shakals and dogs in the representation of Egyptians - animals that deliver the dead in the afterlife. In modern presentation, the tattoo is associated with the requirements of justice and the highest power. Sometimes such a picture indicates a search for the owner of a special life path or destiny in this world. Women can instead of Anubis to use the goddess of the Input, with a dog's head.

Sketches with it are rare, but it is believed that this is an option for a beautiful sex, identical to spectacular and mysterious anubis.




God himself rarely appears in the plots, but the eye of God is a symbol-charm, which is called all-seeing approach . He has many meanings - from giving power and gaining protection until the resurrection of the life and personification of the Sun or the Universe. Most often a sign indicates a continuous cycle of life and death, but sometimes it is chosen to gain knowledge about the hidden essence of things, contact with cosmic wisdom, receiving secret knowledge. Each world religions have an all-seeing eye, but the meaning of the image is invested different. In Christians, it personifies strength and light.




A cat or a woman with a cat's head is popular among representatives of both sexes, the most primitive importance is love or joy. The sign has no restrictions at the placement location, color combinations and sizes. People prone to seek a deep meaning in the Egyptian cat apply the characteristics of human or cat in nature, for some it is a symbol of family happiness, and for their opponents - independence.




Pharaoh - a symbol of the eternal opposition of good and evil, day and night. Its value varies depending on the additional attributes: with the cross - immortality, the crown in the form of the Sun is spiritual enlightenment, the scepter is the exposure of the Divine power inherent in the owner of the Tattoo. Aimon-ra can be depicted in the form of a highly sealed falcon or a phoenix rising from the ashes.




The God of Death and Destruction, and should be remembered, even if the master assures that the image suits people militant, dominant and self-sufficient. In Egyptian mythology, he was considered an evictance of evil, he wrote his words and cruelty. It is depicted in the form of a pipeball, lizard, crocodile, but does not apply to the number of popular.




It has exceptionally positive importance, personifying harmony, family well-being, dedication and loyalty and at the same time wisdom, reliability or leadership . It occurs infrequently and is described poorly, since the image is not so spectacular as others, more popular, although the owner can mean acquiring a new hypostasis, rebirth or spiritual revival.




The mother of the goddess of the sky is chick and god of the earth of Geiba. Depicted in the form of a lioness, women in a wig with a snake or a sunny disk, but a woman in a headdress with plants is found. Often there is a goddess-lioness, which is preferred due to the entertainment and spectacular visualization of the pattern.




Elimination of suspension, wisdom, man with head of Ibis, patron of knowledge and libraries, scientists and order. It is difficult to submit people from this segment that would have resorted to such an image. However, later interpretation means magical actions, the cunning of the moon, the preservation of the balance in the universe, and the sketch with the image of God with the head of Ibis gained popularity.




The winged goddess is patronating children and a family hearth, contributes to a successful delivery. Despite this orientation, popular in men.



Accommodation options

The most spectacular visualization is sleeves with the image of the Egyptian God or Goddess. Stuffed in a monochrome or color version and leave an unforgettable impression. Neutral accommodation option - on shoulder, back or forearm. Small signs - ANCH, OKO Mountain looks spectacular on the back of the neck, between the blades, on hand. There are no special prohibitions in the location of the location, but some symbols are advised to treat with respect and caution.

Before making a decision about a certain God or goddess, you need to find out what the point has a tattoo.



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