Tattoo with digit 13: value and sketches. What does the number on the neck and on the hand, in other parts of the body for men and girls?


Many people apply tattoos not just to stand out, but to interest these others, hooking them any feature. After all, it is known that people who love originality often make dizzying success in a career and personal life.

      Tattoo with digit 13: value and sketches. What does the number on the neck and on the hand, in other parts of the body for men and girls? 13972_2

      Tattoo with digit 13: value and sketches. What does the number on the neck and on the hand, in other parts of the body for men and girls? 13972_3

      Tattoo with digit 13: value and sketches. What does the number on the neck and on the hand, in other parts of the body for men and girls? 13972_4


      According to Orthodoxy and Old Russian beliefs, the number 13 means misfortune . The "wrong dozen", 13 students of Christ, one of which betrayed the latter - this interpretation holds many Russians and Russian-speaking people to apply such a number on the body. However, in Judaism, the beliefs of Maya, in Japan, a given number, on the contrary, is a symbol of wealth and happiness. Muslims also do not see anything bad in 13 - for comparison, Friday is identified by about the same thing as Saturday from Orthodox, this day is special, and if it is already on the 13th day of the month of the calendar, then there is nothing sacral .

      Tattoo with digit 13: value and sketches. What does the number on the neck and on the hand, in other parts of the body for men and girls? 13972_5

      Tattoo with digit 13: value and sketches. What does the number on the neck and on the hand, in other parts of the body for men and girls? 13972_6

      Tattoo with digit 13: value and sketches. What does the number on the neck and on the hand, in other parts of the body for men and girls? 13972_7

      Along with this, in many countries there are no 13 homes and apartments - the numbering can be regarded as 12a and 12b, and then immediately goes the 14th. Nevertheless, the hot and ambitious youth is principled - deliberately uses "bad" tattoos, including the image of the number 13, believing that faith, religion is a particle of good, and numerological prejudices - heresy from the evil, and the person himself is a blacksmith . Careers, wealth and power can be achieved at least with the skull and bone or black cat in the skin. For ambitious men, the number 13 on the skin is a symbol of visual success.

      As for girls, women, the number 13 on the body is an indicator of the absence of prejudice and the confidence of a person in the future.

      Tattoo with digit 13: value and sketches. What does the number on the neck and on the hand, in other parts of the body for men and girls? 13972_8

      Tattoo with digit 13: value and sketches. What does the number on the neck and on the hand, in other parts of the body for men and girls? 13972_9

      Tattoo with digit 13: value and sketches. What does the number on the neck and on the hand, in other parts of the body for men and girls? 13972_10

      Types and sketches

      The finished options of the tattoo may come across some of their ideas.

      • Number 13 can be applied to Hands (one digit on each) or legs. Rear it is like a player number on the field.

      Tattoo with digit 13: value and sketches. What does the number on the neck and on the hand, in other parts of the body for men and girls? 13972_11

      • No need to apply a skull and bones - It may be a skull with a hat. This picture resembles the character of Erron Blake "Day of Dead" from the game Mortal Kombat 9/10/11.

      Tattoo with digit 13: value and sketches. What does the number on the neck and on the hand, in other parts of the body for men and girls? 13972_12

      • The number 13 is applied in the form of "tape" numbers, Moreover, they have different lengths. The color of the closed areas will give an additional contrast - for example, a black contour and a red core.

      Tattoo with digit 13: value and sketches. What does the number on the neck and on the hand, in other parts of the body for men and girls? 13972_13

      • Those who love card , You can capture the numbers 1 and 3 on the background of the deck of playing cards.

      Tattoo with digit 13: value and sketches. What does the number on the neck and on the hand, in other parts of the body for men and girls? 13972_14

      But you can always blow up and imagine how the future of the tattoo can look.

      • "Carpet" The execution resembles patterns of carpets from the Middle East, Central Asia and the North Caucasus. Zigzags and lines are drawn within the external circuit of these numbers. The numbers themselves are also performed by the broken initially.

      Tattoo with digit 13: value and sketches. What does the number on the neck and on the hand, in other parts of the body for men and girls? 13972_15

      • People of creative professions - wedding photographer, custom singers and DJ - seem amusing embodiment in the form of images wafer cone, which is located in the middle of a given number. This is a reference to a positive way of life, creative work, involving the exchange of vital energy with the audience, customers who bought the celebration.

      Tattoo with digit 13: value and sketches. What does the number on the neck and on the hand, in other parts of the body for men and girls? 13972_16

      • travel lovers can fill, for example, the image of your bike with the number 13 on his background. It tells others that the biker - adventurer, driving over long distances, including travel by bicycle to other countries. Perhaps the most distant of his "flight" is 13000 km. Either in his youth he had 13 bright and memorable for long distant trips.

      Tattoo with digit 13: value and sketches. What does the number on the neck and on the hand, in other parts of the body for men and girls? 13972_17

      • date of birth . For example, 06/13/2013 - People born on this day, then it'll kick yourself that date the Roman or Arabic numerals.

      Tattoo with digit 13: value and sketches. What does the number on the neck and on the hand, in other parts of the body for men and girls? 13972_18

      • tree branch with thirteen leaves, from 13 flower petals, rosehip sectional (or ear of wheat) with the grain 13, and so on. d.

      Tattoo with digit 13: value and sketches. What does the number on the neck and on the hand, in other parts of the body for men and girls? 13972_19

      • Complex tattoo: the number 13 is written like a fingerprint.

      To help in the work on drawing a tattoo advent of modern computer technology, such as creating a sketch, drawing in Photoshop.

      Tattoo with digit 13: value and sketches. What does the number on the neck and on the hand, in other parts of the body for men and girls? 13972_20

      • Football fans, for example, can poke yourself in the skin of their favorite team player image with the 13th number, which became the record for goals scored and became famous as a legend in his own time.

      Tattoo with digit 13: value and sketches. What does the number on the neck and on the hand, in other parts of the body for men and girls? 13972_21


      "Linear Work", or "laynvork" - clear by the contours, without halftones and transitions. This style is suitable for small "Tattoos" in Vol. H. And with the number 13, for example, painted on the neck and chest as a medal or a large room at the back as on the uniform of a football player.

      Tresh Polak. - a mixture of realism and classics, connecting the clarity and orderliness of negligence. Evokes thinking about the sudden end of things. Example - black crow with the white mark of the number 13. People nakolovshie imagine this tattoo in rebellious soul.

      Tattoo with digit 13: value and sketches. What does the number on the neck and on the hand, in other parts of the body for men and girls? 13972_22

      Tattoo with digit 13: value and sketches. What does the number on the neck and on the hand, in other parts of the body for men and girls? 13972_23

      fantasy - style of fabulous characters. For example, if a girl gamer vykolet on his shoulders the image China from MK-11 (with fan with the number 13), which she portrays on slotah masquerade devoted to the series Mortal Kombat, it will do this tattoo in blue. The advantage of fantasy style - colorful and aesthetics, devoid of sacred meaning.

      Watercolor - a style in which there are no sharp lines and color play. Feature - soft colors and pastel shades. Basically, these tattoos are done in color. Tattoo with the number 13 will not immediately noticeable and not under any lighting conditions. For example, there are shades that are well highlighted in green or blue light (disco).

      Tattoo with digit 13: value and sketches. What does the number on the neck and on the hand, in other parts of the body for men and girls? 13972_24

      Tattoo with digit 13: value and sketches. What does the number on the neck and on the hand, in other parts of the body for men and girls? 13972_25

      Places of application

      On the male breast volumetric inscription or the magic number will be placed without any problems, you can choose any style and color.

      Apply all the same number 13 on the little finger in simple form - a fairly fast amount of time procedure. Since the lines are short, and there are few of them, the professional master will perform this in a matter of minutes.

      Tattoo with digit 13: value and sketches. What does the number on the neck and on the hand, in other parts of the body for men and girls? 13972_26

      Tattoo with digit 13: value and sketches. What does the number on the neck and on the hand, in other parts of the body for men and girls? 13972_27

      On the wrist, the tattoo of the number 13 will look good with additional elements. Ideas for incarnation is an infinite set.

      This tattoo can be applied to any parts of the body, it all depends on the desire of a person - whether he wants to hide the tattoo or put it on the public.

      Tattoo, which makes no sense to hide, may be on hand. If there is a desire to show the image only in the summer on the beach, you can place numbers on the back, chest, leg.

      Tattoo with digit 13: value and sketches. What does the number on the neck and on the hand, in other parts of the body for men and girls? 13972_28

      Tattoo with digit 13: value and sketches. What does the number on the neck and on the hand, in other parts of the body for men and girls? 13972_29

      Tattoo with digit 13: value and sketches. What does the number on the neck and on the hand, in other parts of the body for men and girls? 13972_30

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