Tattoo "Theater Masks": the value and sketches of tattoos for men and women, beautiful examples of tattoo with masks, symbolizing comedy and tragedy


Many tattoos carry a certain meaning, which the owner of the native image is worth knowing. The article will tell about the meaning of the Tattoo "Theater Mask" and its sketches.





Theatrical masks were invented in the Stone Age, as evidenced by the rock paintings in the French cave shop, made by ancient people. Hunting is drawn on the images: people drive the animal, while their faces are hidden behind masks in the form of a muzzle of different animals.

The masks that are used today in the theater appeared in ancient Greece. The actors who played comedians were often encountered in the comedies, hid their face with a smile mask. And those who played in the tragedies wore masks that they portrayed sadness, grief and pain. It is believed that a native image with this theatrical attribute symbolizes the changeability of life, and also means communication with theatrical art.




The image of the Attribute of the Japanese Theater - Masks of Chania has a particular importance. She looks pretty terribly and strange. Outwardly reminds something demonic, she has two horns, fangs and a frightening smile. If you believe legends, Chania is connected with one woman, which was unrequited in love. As a result, it turned into a creature with such a person, as the Japanese mask looks like now, and burned his beloved.

But if we talk about a native image with such a mask, it doesn't carry anything bad in itself. It symbolizes wisdom, reasonableness and maturity.




Carnival masks, which appeared in the XI century in Venice, also have their own value. Usually they were used to hide their face, thereby comparing all those who participate in the festival. Social status of man in this case stopped playing such a significant role. Such a festive attribute liberated a man, gave him the opportunity to be for himself, having fun, closing his eyes to the prohibitions. For this reason, such a mask symbolizes justice, equality, physical and spiritual freedom.

However, we note that wearing this attribute outside the carnival strictly forbidden. Men for violation of this rule was a sentence in the form of 2 years of imprisonment, women - a public spanking rogue.




However, in some cases, the image of the theatrical mask can be interpreted differently. Some associate it with the hypocrisy, the lies and duality of nature, because the mask is so easy to hide his true feelings. Usually in such a context, the image of the mask is interpreted as "we laugh when sad, cry, when fun" or "our whole life is just the theater where we are actors." In this case, much depends on what sense does the person who is its carrier puts into its tattoo.




Options sketches

Tattoos with masks can be depicted in different style solutions, there are no restrictions here. Basically, the choice of style of the style depends on its composite features. In general, such drawings can be performed using different shades or be monochrome - it depends only on human preferences and its fantasy.




If we talk about the plot component of such tattoos, then the choice is quite large. Often, masks are depicted as independent attributes, complementing them only with any inscriptions, the content of which depends only on the owner of the tattoo. Such masks can be supplemented with bright feathers and elegant patterns. Usually, similar drawings are performed in watercolor style, which is characteristic of brightness and colorfulness.




Japanese Chania, who is so frightened by their appearance, is also often depicted on the tattoo. It is especially impressive on men. But women are also applied to such a tattoo, while often complementing its floral elements, thereby softening its appearance. Quite often to such a tattoo add different inscriptions in the form of hieroglyphs.

Such drawings look very interesting, however, before applying the hieroglyph, it is worth finding out its translation, otherwise there is a risk of getting into an awkward situation.




Another common option is a mask image under which a beautiful girl hides. Typically, such tattoos are quite large-scale. They are often performed in the style of realism, and therefore they are distinguished by a high degree of detail and their naturalistic. However, such drawings are complex performed. Therefore, to the selection of the master who will apply such a tattoo, it is necessary to approach responsibly.




What part of the body to apply?

You can arrange a tattoo with the image of theatrical mask on any part of the body. It depends only on human preferences and image dimensions.

So, women often give preference to small or medium in size of tattoos. They harmoniously look at the wrist, on the leg, edge or on the shovel. If the image is characterized by its scale, then it takes place with the highest skin area. These places can be attributed to the back, chest and shoulder.




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