Tattoo "Cat" (64 photos): sketches and meanings, black cat on hand and on belly, on other parts of the body, cat in a hat, tattoo for men and women


Among the sketches, the tattoo does not reduce the popularity of animal theme, including cats. The field is extensive - this includes homemade cats and wild, large and small, real and cartoons. The cat's drawing is of particular importance that can be determined by position, shade and location of the sketch.




A tattoo with the image of a cat is found on the female body quite often, much more often than on male. Men Unless to consider prison symbols, give preference to wild feline - tigers, lions, leopards, etc. Female Half Prefers more touching quotes, sometimes even from cartoons, for example, "scarecrow-meadow" or Cheshire cat.

One of the sketch values ​​is the myth of their invulnerability, about nine cats, possess which does not mind and humanity. In addition, the cat is a symbol of tricks, mind, dexterity and grace. Sphinx speaks of mysteriousness, kitten on playing or desire to have a defender, a strong support.



No less significant choice of place of drawing of drawing and cat breed - Sphinx can mean not only a kind of highlight and cheerful temper, but also the sexuality of the owner, its internal tension. A domestic cat may be a symbol of love for the world and people, a cat in a jump - the ability to defend their interests and safety, a hissing cat - explosive, and even aggressive nature.

Cat eye tattoo may have a sacred value - For the ancient Egyptians, the cat was sacred, her eyes were considered the portal to other, other worlds.



The black cat can serve as a signal for those who surround the owner's cunning and his inclination to intrigue.

Men for whom carnal joy are of great importance that do not see the difference between the vulgarity and subtle hint, can apply a tattoo with the image of the March cat. Alas, not everyone is given a sense of measure and good taste. But sooner or later, the young man ceases to be such and enters the time of maturity. But the image of a tiger in the jump, the pumped muzzle, the lion is a sign of masculinity, a tendency to aggression and readiness to protect their loved ones.



Cat drawing - This is not only a sketch and breed, but also choosing a style, from which the manner of the image and place depends in many ways. There are many formats for such a topic, because tattoo with a cat is popular around the world, like the prototypes themselves. Their independent nature, the ability to influence the person of caressing and aggression, purposefulness and perseverance - not all the features of a feline character.



What are their ability to be gentle creatures, deftly hiding the predatory knitting of the cruel hunter. Such a variety of nature could not do not make a reason to make them objects of love and worship of the human community. Men's and female sketches in the form of a cat will always be in the catalogs of tattoo masters, and in a wide variety.



Black cat

Black Cat adores girls, seeing magic in it. Such sketches look quite feminine, but the location says a lot. "Site" a black cat in the abdomen, give her a voluptuous pose, and this will become an obvious symbol of sexuality, openness, restraint. The elegant figure on the wrist is like a flirty infantile age.

A sketch with an image of a hooligan cat speaks of incontinence and readiness to be the first to start a quarrel, about sharp shavy gusts. But the "courtyard tramp" clearly shows the reluctance to obey the generally accepted standards, disrespect of public opinion.


The tattoo in this style carries a negative promise and will never give rest to the soul of the owner.

Silhouette of a little black cat on the background of the moon It looks so attractive that it is impassing the impression of the mysterious nature of the owner, its subtle mental strings and creative principles. Very often such people are immersed in themselves, they are much more interesting to their own inner world than other people's business. Many of them are ready and wishing strong long-term relationships, durable family bonds. A girl with a black cat tattoo can be an excellent hostess capable of creating a friendly cohesive family.




A funny cat Leopold, the hero of the children's cartoon about the adventures of the cat and his enemies of mice, carries the energy promise under the motto "Let's live together!". A sketch of the cartoon cat definitely requires stinging a color pattern, otherwise the meaning is lost in choosing exactly such a type. Leopold's cat is known for its nobility and kindness, readiness for understanding and adopting foreign flaws. In addition, he really appreciates friendship and friends, always happy with new acquaintances.


In Hat

A special semantic load image of a cat in a hat and in the cylinder does not carry other than the prison segment, where it means belonging to the thieves sphere. Otherwise, this is a simple manifestation of preferences and fantasies of the client.




cat Baiyun - Mythological character, hero of Russian fairy tales, a resident of Mysterious Lukomorya. This is a huge beast, who has the bad habits to "postpone the teeth trails" and then dine them. This is a cat sorcerer, treacherous and cruel - while touching the vigilance of the interlocutor with affectionate speeches and wonderful singing, he kills iron claws. However, there is a positive moment in this and a positive moment - the one who will be able to seize him, will be able to take advantage of the healing force of Bayunsky fairy tales.


This character symbolizes the desire of freedom, unpreparedness to long-term family bonds and indicates the lubricity of the carrier . This type of man is a modern Casanova, a provocateur of destroyed marriages. Girls should be cautious to build plans for a guy with a cat's tattoo Bayun.



Wild cats are more often found on the male body.

  • Panther - Grace and power, dexterity and fearlessness, perseverance and beauty. Black panther fascinates, its amber sparkling eyes associate with witchcraft. It is ideal and universal, in gender, it can be attributed to the Unisex category. The pantry is stuffed with men and women. This is a symbol of aggression in male sketches, refinement in female, independence in both cases.



  • Tiger - Symbol of excitement, risk leaning. Such a drawing is often choosing lovers of extreme sports, as well as poker connoisseurs and other card games. Tiger symbolism is generally connected with finance. The culprit of such a interpretation can be considered China, more precisely, the legend, where the Chinese God of wealth and prosperity of Cai Shen drove the gold on the tiger. The criminal environment awarded the tiger with the values ​​of the malice and power.



  • a lion It has long been considered a symbol of nobility and justice, no wonder he is chosen by the king of the animal kingdom. This animal was often used, and still used in Heraldry, personifying power and prosperity. In the male execution, the sketch is performed in a more aggressive style, in the female it can be combined with an ornamental or floral pattern.


The image of the wild cats, made in the style of the Zentahl, look original. Slady symbolize children. This is not all the plots of images of cats.

Most of the evil cat or cunning in glasses or in a butterfly tie, a geometric cat head Frequently in the catalogs of tattoo shops.



Styles of execution

The cat's tattoo is performed in any existing style, and such a lot. The choice depends on the preferences of the customer and the masters' capabilities.





Realism - One of the most popular styles in the modern world, it is he who allows you to transfer all the subtleties of the idea of ​​the owner and the artist. Many masters consider this style the most difficult, and they are absolutely right. It is much easier to draw a cat in a fantasy style, and no one will be able to make a complaint about the mismatch of nature and drawing. The realistic picture should accurately accurately copy similarities with the source type. Realism requires the highest mastery and artistic abilities of the master.




Watercolor tattoos - These are bright drawings, picturesque sketches, juicy pictures with fuzzy blurred contours. Sketches are sometimes translucent, as it is characteristic of watercolor paints. Even the cat's muzzle can create an amazing, bright and colorful picture, unique and distinctive. Watercolor style preferences give girls.




The uniqueness of the dough style in the point execution, and all points must be at the same distance. This technique allows you to achieve an amazing beauty of the drawing even inexperienced artists. In this case, all drawings are unique.



Old school

European style arising in the XIX century whose distinctive features are a bright palette and thick, fat contours. Initially, the Tattoo of Oldskul was popular with the sailors and served them to be a faith and a reminder of native places left on land.



Black and white

Sketches in the black and white palette are most characteristic of minimalism. . Different with clarity of images, conciseness and small sizes. Black ink uses in the work, natural skin color uses, sometimes white paint.




This technique has a lot in common with a dudeling, but it uses constantly repeating patterns in the work, located in an arbitrary order. In one sketch, combine the combination of several types of patterns.



Geometric tattoo consists of direct intersecting lines whose multidirectional vectors form a common picture . When creating a sketch of Tattoo Master, it is often necessary to use mathematics, calculating the necessary dimensions in order to combine them mostly filigined into a single composition.




Steampunk is a special style that has not so many fans. From this it becomes only interesting and almost unique, especially if we are talking about the cat's muzzle tattoo. Steampunk is a striking combination of parts of the steam mechanisms of the XVIII-XIX centuries and fantasy . Tattoo in this style should create a competent composition of the elements and fiction listed above.



This style requires the clarity and graphitivity of the strokes with which the image creates. Style was adopted from real engraving when the pictures are created using insteps made on copper plates . Now the artists almost do not work with engravings, since this work is extremely complex and painstaking. Create a sketch for tattoo in the form of engraving is much easier. They look extremely effectively and are popular.



Polynesian style cat is the original combination of image and ornamental pattern Maori . The sketches of self-aneg tattoos, whose striking beauty and the unique harmony of smooth bends and symmetry, graphitres and symbolism, was struck by Cook and his team at one time. Each barcode in Maori tattoo is full of semantic load, each curl is important, the more general picture. Sketches of Polynesian style cats are quite rare, which increases the uniqueness of the picture.



A biomechanical style tattoo originated after the appearance of a film "Alien". The meaning of this style in the exposure of mechanical robotic parts of the body, demonstrating a combination of living matter with cybernetic mechanisms, chips.

As for cats, they are infrequent in such a style, but the more the sketch and tattoo will be more unique. The underlying condition is visible evidence of cyborg.



When choosing a sketch and style, it is important to think not about the repetition of the tattoo like, but about the uniqueness of your own. This can help the Tattoo Salon Portfolio, Master Tips and Own Sensations. In the choice of the master you do not need to shy your own pickupness, because this drawing will accompany the media all life.



Where to apply a tattoo?

A place to catch up the drawing depends on many parameters. One of them, as far as this picture is designed for universal ferris. Some apply a tattoo as a memorable label, preferring not to demonstrate it to others. Or is it an overlap, which should be hidden from prying eyes. The drawing in a realistic manner, most complicated by execution and unique in beauty, is made to see him, admired them. The zone can be shoulder, sleeve, legs, back and chest. Main places to apply tattoos:

  • legs, hands, sleeves, shoulder;

  • belly, back, chest, forearm;

  • Clavicle, neck, less frequently head and face.



The parameters that pay attention to when determining the place:

  • Features of the picture and the area necessary for it;

  • how much drawing will be distorted while the muscles movement;

  • What impression of Tattoo will create from others on the beach or in a fitness room;

  • Own tolerance of pain - if the pain threshold is low, then you need to avoid the most sensitive places: face, ankles, ribs, etc.



If there are moles and scars, you may need consultation with a doctor. In addition, there are places on the human body where you should not apply a tattoo.

  • Elbows, knees, feet - uncomfortable and ugly places where the drawing will eventually look bad and quickly lose quality.

  • Palms, fingers, face - these places are always in sight. When the drawing is getting bored, it will be almost impossible to get rid of it, even the laser correction will not return the skin the original appearance.

Intimate zones, ribs, knuckles of fingers, women's breasts - all this is very sensitive and painful places.

In order to extraditely endure pain when working with them, you need to have a very high pain threshold.



Beautiful examples

Very beautiful face of the muzzle with blue eyes surrounded by cosmey colors on a female sleeve made in realistic style. Accuracy and realism of the picture are close to a photographic picture.


Next is presented with a magnificent copy of the cat in a watercolor style with the doome items, which is talking about the point image.


The following option is a female animal cat sketch in a flower wreath.


Male cat tattoo on the shoulder. His deer muzzle with square speaks about the ambiguity of the nature of the owner. The addition in the form of crossed daggers is clearly hinting that he is not averse to get into battle and defend its own interests.


Sketches of the tricks look amazingly realistic on the male sleeve, a powerful talent of Tattoo masters is felt, and the face of Barca seems to be sipped.



At the next tattoo, the cat on the thigh girl combines two styles - geometry and old school. Straight lines and bright palette form a cat face.


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