Tattoo with whales: the value of tattoos and sketches, tattoo for girls and for men. Tattoo on hand and on ribs, blue and white whales. Little and big tattoos


Among all the options for the image of the water inhabitants, the tattoo with whale is quite rare. The fact is that it is one of the most ambiguous characters, it does not have a pronounced positive or negative value. At all times, these sea gigids admired, they were afraid and even endowed the Satanic power. Let's discern that it can symbolize such a nasty painting.

Tattoo with whales: the value of tattoos and sketches, tattoo for girls and for men. Tattoo on hand and on ribs, blue and white whales. Little and big tattoos 13963_2

Tattoo with whales: the value of tattoos and sketches, tattoo for girls and for men. Tattoo on hand and on ribs, blue and white whales. Little and big tattoos 13963_3


Tattoo with the image of the water giant people do very rarely. But even at the same time, the scenario in the image of China in different religions and cults there are various interpretations. Of course, they have and unifying the beginning - these creatures from ancient times personified terrible monsters. Whales could easily flood a huge ship, so for people they were inextricably linked with the unbridled power of nature.

Tattoo with whale is considered to be an embodiment of the immense power of nature, depth and rosy of the water element. Whales are recognized as the largest inhabitants of our planet, so they are inextricably linked with suppression and dominance.

Nevertheless, with its huge sizes, these are calm, unlobs and quiet mammals.

Tattoo with whales: the value of tattoos and sketches, tattoo for girls and for men. Tattoo on hand and on ribs, blue and white whales. Little and big tattoos 13963_4

Tattoo with whales: the value of tattoos and sketches, tattoo for girls and for men. Tattoo on hand and on ribs, blue and white whales. Little and big tattoos 13963_5

The image of whale is found in the oldest myths and legends on the creation of the world. One of the versions read that the world rests on three gigantic whales. Even after scientists completely proved the inconsistency of this hypothesis, KIT continued to remain a sign of foundation, inviolability and thoroughness. A whale in the form of China shows that its owner has a solid life position, it adheres to the principles of loyalty, honor and sincerity, will not change it under any circumstances.

In many cultures, China was considered an impersonation of evil, a terrible monster of the sea puchin. In this interpretation, the animal embodies an idea of ​​danger. Pulling with such a drawing on the body indicates that its owner is in the raging ocean of life, filled with risk, dangers and temptations . In Christianity, KIT is considered a symbol of revival. According to the Holy Scriptures, at the request of the Most High, the sea giant excused the ion, but after three days the monster him back from his womb. This time was enough for the prophet fully realized his mistakes and misconceptions and brought repentance. For this, God gave him a wonderful salvation.

Tattoo with whales: the value of tattoos and sketches, tattoo for girls and for men. Tattoo on hand and on ribs, blue and white whales. Little and big tattoos 13963_6

Tattoo with whales: the value of tattoos and sketches, tattoo for girls and for men. Tattoo on hand and on ribs, blue and white whales. Little and big tattoos 13963_7

Popular topics with whales and sailors. For them, the ocean is an important part of life, and Kit is his keeper. In this interpretation, a tattoo with a majestic animal means a talisman, charm. He protects the ship from the flows, storms and other troubles that can wait for the travelers during a long wander. Palace with whales often choose balanced and unlobs. Their choice is explained by the fact that it is not a predatory mammal. Despite the rather impressive dimensions, they never attack people first.

Some people believed that whales act as assistants of the Higher Forces. They were empowered to fight for the truth and justice. And the inhabitants of New Zealand stuffed such tattoos as a sign of eternal love for their satellite.

Tattoo with whales: the value of tattoos and sketches, tattoo for girls and for men. Tattoo on hand and on ribs, blue and white whales. Little and big tattoos 13963_8

Tattoo with whales: the value of tattoos and sketches, tattoo for girls and for men. Tattoo on hand and on ribs, blue and white whales. Little and big tattoos 13963_9

The situation has changed in 2016-2017. Then the image of this 150-ton water giant began to be associated with dangerous groups on social networks. "Blue Whale" - the one was called the prohibited community, in which children-suicidians consisted.

There are no accurate information about why this symbolism was chosen . Most likely, the reason is that whales every year are thrown ashore and die with big flocks without any causes. Scientists to this day have not been able to explain this anomalous phenomenon. Anyway, the emblem depicting a blue mammal on a blue background today is a suicide sign. Teenagers, planning suicide, pinch such a drawing on the wrist or forearm.

Tattoo with whales: the value of tattoos and sketches, tattoo for girls and for men. Tattoo on hand and on ribs, blue and white whales. Little and big tattoos 13963_10

Tattoo with whales: the value of tattoos and sketches, tattoo for girls and for men. Tattoo on hand and on ribs, blue and white whales. Little and big tattoos 13963_11

Variety of sketches

If you decide to fill tattoo with the image of whale, you need to study all possible sketches . What pictures are not found only - these are whales with portholes, resembling a submarine, and marine monster with wings, and two humpback giants in a fight. The most popular is the old good motive with whales holding the planet. It looks very stylish a giant mammal in a triangle.

Whales diving into a glass or jumping out of the circle are popular with popularity. Variations on this topic There are a huge set - you just need to choose the picture that will have to do. Supporters of the technician Old Skull usually depict the water giant along with anchor, a ship, a lighthouse, a skeleton and other elements. Such men's compositions allow creating a stylish marine story on the body.

Tattoo with whales: the value of tattoos and sketches, tattoo for girls and for men. Tattoo on hand and on ribs, blue and white whales. Little and big tattoos 13963_12

Tattoo with whales: the value of tattoos and sketches, tattoo for girls and for men. Tattoo on hand and on ribs, blue and white whales. Little and big tattoos 13963_13

Women love surrealistic motifs very - They are soul soaring in Kit space surrounded by stars or flying in the sky among the clouds an animal. Such a promise talks about the dreamability, unattainable ideals and the desire to have impossible. Such tattoos issue a touching and romantic nature of their owners. In addition, these creatures are often depicted in a pair, in this case they mean love and loyalty.

Sometimes it is not full of China completely on the body, but only his tail. This does not change the interpretation of the knack, indicating that the main power of each person is hidden inside him.

Such an image endow the properties of the overag - it is believed that it attracts success to a person and good luck, protects it from unkind thoughts.

Tattoo with whales: the value of tattoos and sketches, tattoo for girls and for men. Tattoo on hand and on ribs, blue and white whales. Little and big tattoos 13963_14

Tattoo with whales: the value of tattoos and sketches, tattoo for girls and for men. Tattoo on hand and on ribs, blue and white whales. Little and big tattoos 13963_15

Possible styles

You can portray whale in different styles. Despite the fact that this is the largest living being in the world, however, in the form of large whale tattoos almost does not occur. In most cases, the pallows are medium or miniature. Women prefer a watercolor manner. It is characterized by the use of bright translucent paints, lung smears, smooth gradients and colorful flops. Such images look very effectively and truly fascinating. Watercolor equipment makes it possible to create a clear art on the skin.

The main part of tattoos depicting the giant marine inhabitants came to modern culture from fishermen, sailors and pirates. Therefore, there are canonical techniques for tattoo packing. These include traditional, Old Skul and Oriental. Very effectively, this animal looks in the Polynesian technique, the style of Tribil and other ethnic forms.

Tattoo with whales: the value of tattoos and sketches, tattoo for girls and for men. Tattoo on hand and on ribs, blue and white whales. Little and big tattoos 13963_16

Tattoo with whales: the value of tattoos and sketches, tattoo for girls and for men. Tattoo on hand and on ribs, blue and white whales. Little and big tattoos 13963_17

In modern body art, it takes a special place Lainvork . Such geometric appliances packing is very popular in America and Europe, not so long ago she won the hearts and our compatriots. But for lovers to create original sketches, asian motifs can be recommended.

Those who do not like the volumetric tattoo in color, it is worth considering the options in the technique minimalism . The connection of whales with otherworldly worlds as it is impossible to be painted in an abstract manner. Such a sketch is black and white, and color. Here, intricate geometric shapes are combined with accurate lines.

Tattoo with whales: the value of tattoos and sketches, tattoo for girls and for men. Tattoo on hand and on ribs, blue and white whales. Little and big tattoos 13963_18

Tattoo with whales: the value of tattoos and sketches, tattoo for girls and for men. Tattoo on hand and on ribs, blue and white whales. Little and big tattoos 13963_19

Accommodation options

Place an image of whale can be on any body - It all depends on personal preferences and features of the anatomy. Very nice looks for simple compact drawings on the neck and in the ear in the ear. Whale looks on hands, especially on the wrist and fingers. These are small areas of the body, so there are compact drawings. The zone is optimal for paired dolls for two lovers.

If you depict China strongly elongated, it is best to consider its placement on Kuracy . This place is like it is impossible to give the dynamics of the movement of the marine giant in the aqueous depths. If we talk about legs, then girls are usually stuffed by Berdha . Young people prefer Feet, Shin and ankle.

Tattoo with whales: the value of tattoos and sketches, tattoo for girls and for men. Tattoo on hand and on ribs, blue and white whales. Little and big tattoos 13963_20

Tattoo with whales: the value of tattoos and sketches, tattoo for girls and for men. Tattoo on hand and on ribs, blue and white whales. Little and big tattoos 13963_21

Tattoo with whales: the value of tattoos and sketches, tattoo for girls and for men. Tattoo on hand and on ribs, blue and white whales. Little and big tattoos 13963_22

On back China is placed in cases where a volume composition is planned with a large number of parts. The back will become perfect canvas for tattoo masters. Sea giant in this place is depicted along with additional symbols that enhance the general semantic value of the figure.

Quite interestingly on the body of canceled men looks tattoo with whale on Rebr. . When moving the owner of this image, the movement of muscles creates an illusion, like a water giant moves. It may seem that he is at any moment ready to wave as a huge tail and rush forward. If you want to portray whale in space, the optimal site will be Back, belly, outer and back surfaces of the thigh, shoulder, as well as a segment from the chest to the clavicle.

Tattoo with whales: the value of tattoos and sketches, tattoo for girls and for men. Tattoo on hand and on ribs, blue and white whales. Little and big tattoos 13963_23

Tattoo with whales: the value of tattoos and sketches, tattoo for girls and for men. Tattoo on hand and on ribs, blue and white whales. Little and big tattoos 13963_24

The image of China is a very specific type of tattoos, they are not suitable for everyone. Sketch of this giant can be punished on their skin only people with firm life principles and non-standard, sometimes bothering views on life. The ambiguity of the interpretation of the sense of the tattoo and the contrast of his meanings makes it good to think well - is it necessary to portray this creature on the skin?

On the one hand, it is a great and mighty mammal, it is associated with power, a huge force, peace and balance. On the other hand, for several millennia, KIT caused fear, panic and the most negative emotions.

Nowadays, it is often associated with suicide and premature death, so before applying such a squint, you need to weigh everything and against.

Tattoo with whales: the value of tattoos and sketches, tattoo for girls and for men. Tattoo on hand and on ribs, blue and white whales. Little and big tattoos 13963_25

Tattoo with whales: the value of tattoos and sketches, tattoo for girls and for men. Tattoo on hand and on ribs, blue and white whales. Little and big tattoos 13963_26

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