Tattoo "Eye": sketches and values. Tattoos "Oko" on hand (on the brush) and on the back, on the stomach and chest. "Third Eye" and other tattoo for men and girls


Tattoo is often not just a beautiful image. In some cases, it also carries a certain promise, which can be both positive and negative. In the article we will tell you what can mean a tattoo with an image of the eye and where it is better to apply it.






An image of the eye can have a different meaning. It depends on the compositional features of the drawing, as well as from the culture of the country. The image on the body of the third eye was very common in paganism and was considered mandatory for shamans. Intended such a native drawing of two. On the one hand, he meant intuition, the ability to see other people's souls and even look into the otherworldly worlds. On the other hand, such a tattoo was perceived as a symbol of communication with something unclean and dark.



In the culture of North American Indians, this image symbolized the Great Spirit, strict but fair. People believed that he continuously watches them, for their actions, to reward those who do something good, and punish those who spread evil.


In ancient Egyptian culture, the image of the third eye was also its value. There was especially common sign "Eye Mountain", which was also named as a hand. He was associated with one of the main ancient Egyptian gods, whose name was the mountains.

This is a sunny and heavenly god, which most often appeared to people in the appearance of a person with a falcon head.

Many believed that the eyes of this deity could treat a person from the most launched diseases. At the same time, the left eye of the Mountain meant the Moon, the night time and the past, he was the embodiment of the female start. Right eye, on the contrary, symbolized solar energy, daytime and future, he personified the male start.



In the culture of Middle Eastern countries, this sign also exists. He is called Hams. Often, residents of the Middle East are depicted on the palm. It is believed that this is a strong guard, who is able to protect a person from dangers, evil spirits and bring him good health and success.



In the History Current culture, the image of the third eye is directly connected with one of the myths about the Supreme Divine Eyel. So, according to this myth, one wanted to get drunk from the well and for the sake of this I decided to give one eye. So this sign appeared.


In Freemasonry, he is also present, there it is called "radiant delta" . Masones believe that the eye is a symbol that is the personification of the very creator of the Universe, the Great Creator. Such a Masonic sign is known to almost everyone: as a rule, it is an eye, which is located in a triangle or pyramid. Here this symbol means an enlightened consciousness, the desire for higher knowledge. Interestingly, such a sign can often be found on American cash bills, which symbolizes the prosperity of the country and its active development, progress.


In the culture of the Hindus sign in the form of an eye is also present. This sign is a third eye of Shiva, which is the Supreme Divine in Hinduism. For many, this third eye is the most real guard, which allows you to get patrons from the highest strength, protection against the unkind forces, to gain wisdom and sound thoughts.



W. Buddhist The eye is considered to be the eye of the Buddha, he means protection from the gods and gaining enlightenment. V Christianity This sign was considered a kind of conductor, which allowed people to communicate with God himself, to receive protection from him.



It is worth saying that on the tattoos, the image of the eye spread and thanks to the well-known piece by J. R. R. Tolkina "Lord of the Rings". There is an eye of Sauron in it, which many is also known as the Ocham. This symbol that was used by the servants of Mordor and was chosen by Sauron after the loss of a single ring. The symbol is an eye-colored eye, surrounded by fire and resembling a cat's eye.



Who will fit?

Tattoo with the image of the eye is very popular both in men and girls, it is universal. In this case, the denotation of the tattoo may be different - it depends on what sense to her own the owner is investing, as well as from certain compositional features.





Most often for many, this sign on the body is a faith, which is characterized by its powerful energy and power.

For this reason, before applying such a tattoo, you need to think about your decision several times, because this sign, if it is connected with religion and enlightenment, seriously and requires a respectful relationship, that is, for the joke, it is not worth it for his body.

Otherwise, this symbol can bring only negative owner. In addition, a person who wants to have in his body "the third eye" should have a big life force, strive for self-development and knowledge.





Types and sketches of tattoos


The third eye on tattoos is quite harmonious looks as a single image. It can be depicted schematically in the form of an outline, which looks pretty simple. Usually such simplicity is characteristic of the image of the Egyptian sign - the eye of the mountain.

A special meaning for such a drawing has a line that goes from the eye and twists in a spiral - many call this line with a tear.

It symbolizes the vital difficulties and obstacles, to do without which a person who is actively striving to implement his dreams will simply fail. A huge role for such tattoo plays both the eye is depicted in the figure. If the left, then it symbolizes the feminine, the moon. Right, on the contrary, is associated with the male start and energy of the Sun.


Sometimes more detailed eyes can be seen on tattoos. However, such pictures look like many noted, very terribly. Often eyes on such tattoos are depicted by crying, with tears or wet paths from them. Such a drawing symbolizes sorrows, bitterness from the loss of a close and native person, longing for him, endless sadness. Often, such drawings can be seen on male bodies, because it is believed that men cannot be unnecessary sentimental. Therefore, they show their feelings in this way.


In addition, eyebrows may often be present on such images. This element also has its own value, it symbolizes power, plumpness, reluctance to obey other laws. However, the figure may not be this detail, its presence is not mandatory.


With other symbols

Often additional characters may be present on such tattoos. Many of them significantly expand the drawing interpretation.

So, if the skull is depicted next to the pupil, it symbolizes the awareness of the peculiarity of the world. The owner of such a native figure seems to show that he understands that everything ever comes to an end, nothing is forever.


If the picture shows the face of a predatory animal, and the emphasis is done in his eyes, then such a drawing symbolizes concentration on a particular purpose. Often, at the same time, the eyes may have a different colors, which symbolizes the contradiction of human nature, spontaneity and unpredictability. If the figure shows the Sovic Eye, it says about the wisdom of man, about his prudence.



Eye color on similar drawings is also of great importance . So, if the eye is red, it says about passion, energeticness and life of the tattoo owner. The yellow eye, which is often portrayed in the dark, will personify the desire of a person to live only in its rules and laws.


If the eye is depicted surrounded by space elements, in particular, surrounded by planets and stars, then this suggests that a person burns with the desire to know the unknown, it pulls him to everything that they could not explain.


Tattoo eyes and roses means the desire of a person to find the right road. On the female body, such a tattoo also means holiness, attractiveness and purity. On the male body - loyalty, dedication and strength. Often, such drawings are complemented by such an element as the clock. In this case, the tattoo changes its value. She can say, combines the opposite: life and death, eternity and a moment, wilt and beauty.


There is another picture of the picture, where the eye is depicted with the clock . The cloudy clock on it is twisted, which indicates that a person is fully aware of the frequency of time and the inevitability of changes. And the eye-watch tattoo will say that a person appreciates his time.



Often you can see and the nice image where your eyes have wings. Similar drawings teach to choose those who love to invest in an entire deep meaning. Such an image will symbolize the desire for mental and physical freedom, dreamed of dreams.



Styles and color solutions

Tattoo with an eye can be performed in different style directions. So, many are preferred Realism. Such drawings look very bright, effectively, but at the same time weakly because of their naturalisticness.




The style of minimalism for such tattoo is also suitable. As a result, drawings are obtained by small and compact, which is for many big plus.



Such a style like watercolor, here also takes place . This stylistic direction is characteristic of colorfulness and tenderness. Due to this, the drawing is in the end, it turns out very unusual and interesting, while he looks like it was drawn by a real watercolor.




Graphic style for such images is also appropriate. As a rule, sharp and impulsive strokes predominate in such patterns, which is why they look like a quick sketch or sketch.



If we talk about a color solution, then in these images can be used a variety of shades.

Many prefer monochrome drawings in black color. However, color options are popular.

Often in color drawings are dominated by such colors as blue, blue and red. However, other shades can be used - it depends only on the desire of a person, as well as on the characteristics of the style and the image itself.



Accommodation options

A tattoo with an image of the eye is recommended to be placed in those places where it will be under the clothes, hidden from the eye of foreign sneakers. In most cases, such an image is emphasized by power and enormous force, and therefore it is simply for nothing on an ongoing basis.




It is worth saying that if you depict an eye on your body as a charm, then in this case you should not have a tattoo on the lower parts of the body. Otherwise, the charm will stop working, and his connection to the spiritual world will turn around.

The rest of the places are quite suitable for such native drawings. Zone for applying should be chosen based on the size of the tattoo. If the image is large, it is more appropriate to arrange it on hand, abdomen, back, on your chest, on my shoulder or forearm. Small drawings are often placed on the wrist, on the ribs, on the brush, on the shovel, and in some cases on the finger.




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