Samoa Tattoo: Sketches of Samoan Tattoos and their meaning, Features and Options for Tattoo


Tattoos "Samoa" have many features, they differ significantly from ordinary tattoo. What is the importance of self-auenic drawings, and what is their peculiarity, we'll figure it out in this article.

Samoa Tattoo: Sketches of Samoan Tattoos and their meaning, Features and Options for Tattoo 13942_2

Samoa Tattoo: Sketches of Samoan Tattoos and their meaning, Features and Options for Tattoo 13942_3


"Samoa" is one of the varieties of tattoos, which takes its beginning in Polynesia. The main feature of the drawings made in the self-general style is that they look as if they were cut out of wood, which is achieved at the expense of a clear drawing of the lines.

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Samoa Tattoo: Sketches of Samoan Tattoos and their meaning, Features and Options for Tattoo 13942_5

Currently, such tattoos are not so difficult to transfer to the skin. But in the ancient times they were different. This process was incredibly painful and, according to current standards, even inhuman, because the pattern on the skin was not applied with the help of special tools, but using sharp fangs and claws of wild animals or special scrapers.

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Samoa Tattoo: Sketches of Samoan Tattoos and their meaning, Features and Options for Tattoo 13942_7

The process of applying such an image on the body was a whole ritual, about the intricacies of which only the self-sustainers were aware.

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Each element of such a navigate image is characterized by its uniqueness and uniqueness. As a rule, geometric shapes prevail in such drawings, rather complex performed. They are woven together, thereby forming a single and interesting ornament. Extremely actively in such drawings, triangles and shapes with sharp corners are used. But different curls, spirals and too large details in the tattoos of the self-sustains are almost completely absent. However, there are exceptions.

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Samean style is quite ancient. However, despite this, it practically did not undergo changes in all the time of its existence. This is due to the fact that the self-sustainers tried to save the originality of their style, protecting it from the influence of other cultures.

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Samoa Tattoo: Sketches of Samoan Tattoos and their meaning, Features and Options for Tattoo 13942_11

As a rule, in such tattoos, every detail is of great importance, each barcode and pattern - no line drawn in purely for aesthetics. Often, the chronicle of the life of a person, important events in his fate, his feats in battles are often presented in such valim pictures - it is for this reason that the image in this style is most often occupied by such a large skin area.

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Samoa Tattoo: Sketches of Samoan Tattoos and their meaning, Features and Options for Tattoo 13942_13

Today, such tattoos are still in demand in humans. They can be applied purely of aesthetic motivations, and they can carry a certain promise.

For the most purpose, such a full drawings symbolize force, power, courage, the ability to protect themselves and their relatives, will, hard character, the desire for their goals, to victory, self-confidence and their own forces, as well as the originality. However, in some cases, the tattoo may carry in itself and other meaning. For this, a person should contact a specialist to work with him an individual drawing.

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Despite the fact that Samoan tattoos are considered to be in most men, you can see them on the bodies of women.

Usually, the representatives of the finest floor choose such drawings or due to their effect, or because of their desire to emphasize their inner strength, independence from other people and circumstances.

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Samoa Tattoo: Sketches of Samoan Tattoos and their meaning, Features and Options for Tattoo 13942_16

Tattoo Options and Sketches

There are many different sketches of self-anent tattoos. It combines their one - they are all drawn exclusively in black color, other shades for such drawings are usually not used. In addition, it is worth saying that such an image is not easy to make understandable, turning it, for example, in something similar to the beast or flower. However, in some cases, see and portray specific images in such tattoos can still work out.

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The drawings themselves can be varied according to their plot content. The value of the native picture depends on them.

  • So, often among the patterns can be seen spears, arrows and other weapons, Related to the number of primitives - they all symbolize warlikeness, the desire for victory.

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  • Image on such drawings of different labor instruments For example, hoes or an ax, denotes a person's human activity in the self-sustaining, and also demonstrates its skills and achievements in certain areas.

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  • Animals on such tattoos can also be seen often, although The fauna of the Samoan Islands is not distinguished by its abundance. Often, on such drawings you can see a lizard, which in the self-suicide was considered to be divine creation and symbolized the connection with another world. Turtles on such tattoos are also often found. These animals in self-school culture symbolize genus, family, strong health and long life.

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  • Shark In a native image, it suggests that its owner is distinguished by its strength, courage and courage. He knows how to stand up for himself and for his relatives. This value of the tattoo is quite understandable, because the shark is considered one of the most dangerous inhabitants of the ocean. Skat on such a drawing will symbolize sanity, experience and freedom. Whale - family relationship, prosperity and abundance in the house. Dolphins are friendliness, positive and sincerity.

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  • For the most part, all marine fish carry a positive promise. But Muren is an exception. According to the self-suicide, this maritime inhabitant means ailment, problems. Many consider it a conductor for unclean forces and spirits.

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  • In some cases, in such tattoos you can see Floral elements that at the present time is especially characteristic of female tattoos.

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But most often, of course, beautiful, the most intricate patterns prevail on such tattoos, but the value of which will be understandable only to the person who is wearing such an image on its body.

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How to locate on the body?

Samoan tattoos can be located on any part of the body. The tattoo space is largely determined by its scale, as well as human preferences.

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Samoa Tattoo: Sketches of Samoan Tattoos and their meaning, Features and Options for Tattoo 13942_26

As a rule, Samoan tattoos differ in their dimensions, and therefore occupy a large area of ​​the skin. For this reason, they often arrange at the same time, back or chest. Medium-sized tattoos occupy significantly less space - they are placed on the shoulder or forearm.

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