Tattoo "Elements": symbols of air and fire, water and land. Sketches and tattoo values ​​in the form of nature elements. Where to apply signs?


If you want your tattoo and after many years I look appropriate, you should look at the drawings associated with your zodiac sign. She will not only decorate the body, but also emphasize your individuality. Recently, many astrological images choose as tattoo sketches. It is believed that such drawings carry special energy. Neat tattoos with a zodiac sign or with the appropriate natural elements look very beautiful and stylish.

In the article, we will be a little deeper in the history of the concept of "natural elements" and consider the features and types of sketches of tattoos with such an image.





In antique times, representatives of one of the leading directions of philosophy - naturophilosophy was nominated by the theory of four initial substances: land, water, air and fire, which underlie everything. Each of them corresponds to a certain type of character: Earth - melancholic, water - phlegmatic, air - Sanguini, fire - choleric.

In modern astrology, 4 elements are distinguished - fire, water, earth, air, corresponding to a certain sign of the zodiac, under which a person is born. The element characterizes the features of a psychotype of a person, his consciousness and worldview.




Let's get closer with every element.

  1. Element of fire. Corresponds to such signs of the zodiac as Aries, Lion, Sagittarius. The main features of the nature of the fiery elements are impulsiveness, activity, dedication, aggressiveness, strong will, sincerity.

  2. Earth elements. Corresponds to such signs of the zodiac as Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn. Earth element characterizes people as hardworking and faithful, solid in their decisions, but at the same time cold and slow.

  3. Element of air. Corresponds to such signs of the zodiac as twins, scales, aquarius. People born under the sign of air, the same lungs and movable, as well as the element itself. They are quickly trained, but they also forget everyone.

  4. Element of water. Corresponds to such signs of the zodiac as cancer, scorpion, fish. Water element characterizes people as emotional personalities, inclined to react violently. Water signs are sensitive, touchy, however, if necessary, very insightful and strong.





Those who chose as a tattoo sketch a symbol of a certain element should be clarified Does his zodiac sign correspond to this natural element. It is believed that any symbol carries energy information, so it is not recommended to fill a tattoo with images inappropriate to him of the element.

Tattoo, which includes symbols of any of the four elements, will enhance from the owner of the tattoo qualities of this element.

Also, this option tattoo sketch difficult to combine with other patterns. The most harmonious combination of signs is obtained by supplementing the element members corresponding thereto zodiac sign.

Sometimes there are difficulties with the definition of their element. For example, you were born under a water sign, but you pronounced traits of fire people.



Types and sketches of tattoos

On how shows the symbol of a particular element, and changing its meaning. For example, a fire shut up in a certain framework (candle, lit a match, a torch) - is the heat, the light of hope. In the case of the image of the fire element without restriction - the power, the passion, potential.

Water symbol image is treated as a calm, enlightenment, the desire to develop.

Air signs elements can be interpreted in different ways, some mean tenderness, fragility, others - freedom, high intelligence.

Tattoo designs with symbols of the Earth elements can also be interpreted in different ways, in one case, they can mean fertility, vitality, in the other - death.


As well as the meaning of a tattoo "Elements" varies depending on the characteristics of its image and location on the body:

  • animal on fire - aggression;

  • characters of fire in the areas below the belt - sexy;

  • heart surrounded by fire - the torment;

  • a drop of water - the loss;

  • wave - the variability of nature and so on.





Different symbols can carry a different meaning, so it is important to understand the true meaning of each, as any damage to the body image affects the destiny of man.

Each of the four basic elements of nature carries a certain value. People who chose Me as a tattoo sketch image of one or more characters of any element, believe that the elements corresponding to these character traits will dominate an owner tattoos.

Many people prefer to fill a tattoo with the image once all 4 characters - Air, Fire, Earth and Water.



Application options, there are many. They can be made in black and white and in color.

For those who prefer a tattoo style minimalism , You should pay attention to the monochrome image. They look discreetly and carefully, but also very stylish.




People who prefer the bright and colorful varieties of tattoos, there are plenty of original sketches of tattoos.



Another popular version of such a tattoo - it fiducials any element other astrological symbols corresponding to a particular zodiac sign. This pattern looks very harmonious and effectively.


Location options

To tattoo looked nice and neat on your body, you must find the right place where it is better positioned.

Mainly large image is applied to the back, chest, shoulder, or hip - places with the largest area.





Effectively as a female, and the male body looks a tattoo depicting the symbols of the elements placed on the forearm.



For lovers of minimalism has a small monochrome or color tattoo, which can be placed anywhere on the body - the wrist, collarbone, arm, thigh, leg, and others. Thanks to a neat sketch of a picture will look elegant in almost any area of ​​the skin.




remember, that tattoo - a conscious choice, the result of which will be with you for life, so it is important to carefully approach the selection of a sketch . Before you decide to stuff yourself or that drawing, for a moment, imagine how you will look with this image when you will be 50-60 years.

And finally, we made a selection of beautiful examples of tattoo designs with symbols of elements of Water, Air, Fire and Earth.




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