Tattoo Nicholas II (16 photos): Was there a tattoo on his right hand and what does it mean? Why did the emperor made a tattoo?


If you see some photos of Emperor Nicholas II, then on its right hand you can notice a tattoo. The figure shows the dragon. There are several versions of what the Emperor naked himself a tattoo, but only one of them is the most believable.

General Description Tatu

The tattoo was located on the right hand of Nicholas II. It was a drawing depicting a dragon. Since ancient times, the dragon was considered a symbol of non-lawn strength and power. It also personifies the combination of elements (air and earth, fire and water). In addition, the dragon tattoo can mean the connection of all four sides of the light: the North, East, South and the West.

Tattoo Nicholas II (16 photos): Was there a tattoo on his right hand and what does it mean? Why did the emperor made a tattoo? 13899_2

Tattoo Nicholas II (16 photos): Was there a tattoo on his right hand and what does it mean? Why did the emperor made a tattoo? 13899_3

Tattoo Nicholas II (16 photos): Was there a tattoo on his right hand and what does it mean? Why did the emperor made a tattoo? 13899_4

People who patch themselves such a tattoo with certain features of character. These include:

  • power;
  • persistence;
  • militancy;
  • congenital nobility;
  • masculinity;
  • some mysteriousness;
  • Canceled leadership qualities.

If you believe historians, then it was the Emperor Nicholas II. On a tattoo located in the forearm, a snake or a dragon with an open mouth was drawn. Externally, the image is quite serious, even aggressive.

But despite this, the emperor never shunted his tag. If such an opportunity appeared, he gladly demonstrated it to others. That is why, in many photos, Nicholas II is captured with tough sleeves.

Tattoo Nicholas II (16 photos): Was there a tattoo on his right hand and what does it mean? Why did the emperor made a tattoo? 13899_5

Tattoo Nicholas II (16 photos): Was there a tattoo on his right hand and what does it mean? Why did the emperor made a tattoo? 13899_6

Tattoo Nicholas II (16 photos): Was there a tattoo on his right hand and what does it mean? Why did the emperor made a tattoo? 13899_7

When and why the emperor did a tattoo?

Some mistakenly believe that the tattoo on the right forearm appeared at the time when Nikolai had already become the emperor. But actually it is not. The tattoo was concerned about his hand back in 1891. At that time, he was already 23 years old. There are many theories of the origin of this tattoo, but most of all confidence causes the main one.

The fact is that In those days, among young aristocrats, there was a fashion for tattoos, so the picture does not mean anything special. And the image of the dragon is chosen only because the tattoo was packed while traveling in Japan. When he arrived in Nagasaki, he immediately asked to bring one of the best tattoo masters of that time on board his cruiser - Choir Kio.

Tattoo Nicholas II (16 photos): Was there a tattoo on his right hand and what does it mean? Why did the emperor made a tattoo? 13899_8

Tattoo Nicholas II (16 photos): Was there a tattoo on his right hand and what does it mean? Why did the emperor made a tattoo? 13899_9

When Ko's Choir arrived at the cruiser Nikolai, he was very surprised by the desire of a young aristocrat to make himself a pall. Since the monarchs were never engaged in such things in Japan, and the dolls were decoration of exclusively marginal elements of society.

If you look in the photo, you can make a mistake to think that the tattoo is made in black and white. In fact, this is not the case, since the knocker is colored. The dragon had a red body, green paws and yellow horns. The master worked on the tattoo of the future emperor as much as 7 hours.

Interesting fact! Very similar tattoo was on hand and at the cousin Nikolai II - Georg V.

Tattoo Nicholas II (16 photos): Was there a tattoo on his right hand and what does it mean? Why did the emperor made a tattoo? 13899_10

Tattoo Nicholas II (16 photos): Was there a tattoo on his right hand and what does it mean? Why did the emperor made a tattoo? 13899_11

Fake theory

Despite the existence of the main and plausible version of the origin of the tattoo on the right of the forearm Nikolai II, there are other erroneous assumptions. The first of them is based on the fact that the future emperor was born in 1868. This year on the Eastern calendar was just as the aspect of the yellow earth dragon. Some researchers suggest that that is why Nikolai and put the dragon. But at that time, not so actively, as now, was interested in the eastern calendar.

There is also another fake theory. If you evaluate it from the point of view of reality, it can be safely called the foregoing. Her founders are followed by adherents of the theory of conspiracy. According to this version, there is a so-called Dragon Order. This is a certain secret society in which only representatives of the European elite have tolerance, as well as their nearest environment. And the tattoo on the right hand is a kind of human accessory symbol to this society.

Tattoo Nicholas II (16 photos): Was there a tattoo on his right hand and what does it mean? Why did the emperor made a tattoo? 13899_12

Tattoo Nicholas II (16 photos): Was there a tattoo on his right hand and what does it mean? Why did the emperor made a tattoo? 13899_13

But it was such a time when this theory of origin of his tattoos was considered almost the main. In the distribution of this version, an identical tattoo played his role, which was at his cousin. People began to believe that if they have the same knockers, it means that it is a sign of belonging to a secret society. Here, just "Red Dragon" was indicated. People said that representatives of this, allegedly existing, the society unleashed the world's first world war. But there is no direct evidence.

In addition, there is another weighty contradiction. The fact is that both Nicholas II and his cousin never hid his tattoos. On the contrary, the emperor often, posing for photos, shoved his shirt sleeve in order to demonstrate his dragon. If this squabster actually pointed to belonging to some secret society, it was logical that her man would try to hide her. Also to fill such a tattoo should not be on hand, but on some other part of the body. Again, in order to hide it under clothing with unauthorized people.

The unconvincing of all previous theories of origin led to the fact that the main one, according to which Nicholas II, in his own will, made a squint, thereby giving tribute to fashion.

If you remember the interpretation of the tattoo, which was presented at the beginning of the article, then we can safely say that the emperor of the knocker was very suitable. After all, he possessed leadership qualities, courage, was stubborn and sought his goals.

Tattoo Nicholas II (16 photos): Was there a tattoo on his right hand and what does it mean? Why did the emperor made a tattoo? 13899_14

Tattoo Nicholas II (16 photos): Was there a tattoo on his right hand and what does it mean? Why did the emperor made a tattoo? 13899_15

Tattoo Nicholas II (16 photos): Was there a tattoo on his right hand and what does it mean? Why did the emperor made a tattoo? 13899_16

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