Tattoo with the letter "A": on the wrist on the hand and on the edges. The letter "A" beautiful print in a circle, inverted and other embodiments, the values ​​of the tattoo


Tattoo with the letters stuffed in the body as the boys and girls. One of the most common tattoos depicts the first letter of the alphabet.

Tattoo with the letter

Tattoo with the letter


Figure with the letter "A" may have multiple values.

  1. Initials . Most of these tattoos are packed into a memory of a certain person. This could be a close friend, a relative or a loved one. Memorial tattoos complement the various characters or patterns. Next to the letter may also be an important date.

  2. changes . Since most of the world alphabets "A" is the first letter, with its image of the tattoo can also symbolize the desire for change and a new beginning.

  3. Wisdom . In many cultures, the symbol associated with wisdom and knowledge. For example, in ancient Egypt, this letter has been associated with the sun god. In Hinduism, the "A" - this is the first sound of the most famous mantra. Tattoo with the letter often means striving for the development and acquisition of new knowledge.

Tattoo with the letter

Tattoo with the letter

Such tattoos are suitable even for those who have on the body are not yet any figures. They are inexpensive and flavorful. They are easy to hide from prying for clothing or accessories. Miniature image of the future will go perfectly with any other tattoo.

Types of tattoo

People who choose a simple letter tattoos, as a rule, stop the decision on simple sketches. Neat uppercase "A", made a beautiful font looks on the body is very cute. But in some cases these figures complement a variety of important details.

  • Crown . Picture a small crown draw near with a letter or over it. It can be as a schematic sketch, and work up to the last detail picture. This tattoo is suitable strong personalities who want to rule over others.

Tattoo with the letter

  • Patterns . To create these tattoos are often used stamp fonts. Image of letters decorated curls, looks very impressive. Monochrome image can be supplemented by vivid colors. In this case the picture will look more interesting.

Tattoo with the letter

  • Heart . Capital letter can be part of the drawing. Simple pattern made from a few curls, looks cute and lovely. Such a tattoo with a heart is a great way to show your love for a loved one.

Tattoo with the letter

Often the letter "A" depicted in the circle or on the background of flower petals. Such tattoos are especially popular among girls.

Location options

Tattoo with the first letter of the alphabet is small in size. Therefore, to fill this pattern can be virtually any part of the body.

  • Hands . Small tattoo most often stuffed on the wrist. There may be both an ordinary letter and inverted. Large drawings are located on the brush. Such images are often wetted into more volumetric patterns. An image of the letter is usually combined with color buds or hearts.

Tattoo with the letter

  • Legs . More volumetric drawings look well on the feet or ankles. They are neat and almost not visible.

Tattoo with the letter

  • Neck . The letters written by beautiful font look perfectly on the back of the neck or near the ear. There, as a rule, completely small tattoos are stuffed. They are very popular among girls.

Tattoo with the letter

  • Breast . Graceful tattoo women are usually stuffed on the clavicle. Men have such drawings on the chest.

Tattoo with the letter

  • Ribs . Beautifully look at the letters consisting of thin black lines and on the ribs. Pictures on this part of the body are almost invisible from the side. This makes them more significant and special.

Tattoo with the letter

So that the tattoo looks beautiful, it is necessary to make it in Tattoo Master, who has experience in lettering. In this case, the adhesive drawing will be elegant, thin and attractive.

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