Tattoo "Slavic Runes" (43 photos): sketches and value of tattooing of the Old Slavic faucenes for women and for men, tattoo on hand, on the shoulder and on other parts of the body


The symbols of the runes who came to us from Slavs could be seen on the trees, stones and even on bodies. It was believed that these signs were a faith, which not only protects, but also attracts good luck to the owner in many areas. However, in order for the symbol to fully show its power, it was important to apply it to the skin correctly. A sufficiently small mischief from the Tattoo Master and the image will become a real curse.




Slavs have been taken on bodies to leave tattoos. Different images allowed to understand what tribe or community belongs to a person. It was easy to do on its own Tommer, which was a plant or an animal. Pictures on the body were considered overalls that were able to protect against angry gods and various unclean forces. The tattoo could also show that a person worshiped one or another deity.




For some Slavs, the image allowed to make a memorable note on the special events that occurred in their lives. Fittings made exclusively the Magicians (pagan priests). It was believed that these were Vedic knowledge, a special magical force, and they are associated with other worlds. It was assumed that the runes were applied not only on the body, but also on human aura.


Before each important stage in the life of the Slavs, they applied drawings on the bodies. It was a kind of motivation in achieving the goals. Tattoos were made only to those people who have not yet reached the age mark of 30 years.

It is worth noting that the images could be applied under the clothes (invisible) or on open areas of the body: neck, hands, face (visible). The first version of the tattoo was distinguished by sacred meaning, and the second was used to demonstrate.



Certificates of the onset images can be found in the records made by the Arab traveler and the writer of Ibn Fadlan in the 10th century. He visited Russia, or more precisely, near the Volga River. In his journey, he repeatedly saw a tattoo on the skin of local residents in the form of trees, dragons, birds and various geometric shapes.

In the 11th century, the full drawings are practically not mentioned that it can be explained by the baptism of the population, which was held everywhere in Russia. It was at this time that the eradication of paganism and Slavic tattoos began, as part of this religion. However, it is worth noting that no religion denies the presence of images on the body.



Gradually ancient tattoo of the Slavs and their values ​​began to forget. Only some people applied small drawings on those parts of the body that it is difficult to see. Quite often was the image with a proven. Currently, the tattoos of the ancient Slavs began to gain popularity again. Most often they are made to activate their own abilities and protect against trouble.

It is worth noting that in general, the scanning images have not changed since ancient times. Tattoos with pagan gods received the greatest distribution. At the same time, most of them were created in modern times on the preserved descriptions of the Old Slavonic tribes.



It was believed that Tatatu "Slavic runes" had a positive effect on human destinies.

  • Allowed to strengthen health, improving immunity and saving from terrible ailments.
  • Served as charging from the influence of black magic, demons and spirits.
  • Contributed to the disclosure of creative potential, as well as the development of abilities.
  • They gave the opportunity to learn calmness, accepting various situations, waiting.
  • Allowed to increase lifespan.
  • Supported in achieving the goals and the implementation of own plans.
  • Contributed to harmonious development.


The subject of the Slavic tattoo is very diverse, however, it is possible to highlight the main characteristics.

  • Borrowing of Gzhel and Phane symbols.
  • Use of images from epic and songs.
  • Patterns from the first written sources of Slavs.
  • Whole copies or parts of the canvases of Russian artists.


Of course, the main inscriptions from the ancient Slavs were made with the help of runes. This topic is developing today, merges with other genres, which allows you to get new plots and even subjects.

Types and sketches

Old Slavonic runes could have a variety of importance, starting on behalf of a certain deity and ending with the words that mighty forces stood. Thus, when applying such characters on the body, they became protected for carrier. However, before you stop the choice on a specific rune, you should find out what it symbolizes. You can also combine one or more runes in the form of peculiar formulas.



Experienced tattoo masters are recommended after the formula is chosen, listen to sensations within itself. If the slightest negative waves feel, it is better to abandon this tattoo. It is important that it is perceived extremely positively. Among the sets of runes, certain options are considered the most powerful.


One of the most important runes, which symbolizes the unity of a person with God. It is capable of inspiring his carrier, to enrich it with creative forces, contribute to the disclosure of the potential. The owner of such a rune stretches to getting new knowledge to bring harmony inside himself. It is perfect for those who wish to drive away from themselves different anxieties and stop led by experiencing and fear. Also, the symbol becomes a reliable faucer.



This rune means destruction, allowing you to learn everything too much to start a new life path. Ancient Slavs gave an exceptionally negative coloring symbol.

It was believed that death and chaos were imprisoned. But after all, it is from them to change, including the better.



If you want to bring your life in order, then this rune is just perfect. As a rule, it means the way that allows a person to equalize his sides of good and evil. A tattoo with such a symbol contributes to the cost of rest and introduces stability. The rune is great for travelers.



In this Slavic rune, you can see the creation of life itself. Tattoo with this symbol will push to deep self-analysis, which eventually leads only for the better. The sign contributes to gradual changes and faith in itself. Alatyr can exacerbate intuition and lead to a right decision. However, the inverted rune pushes on rampant actions, which in the end lead to trouble.



Symbolizes fire and creative potential. This rune is able to clean the soul from all the bad, reveal yourself and give inspiration. It is often used to concentrate on the main purpose, to get rid of the negative and attracting good luck.



This rune means a limit. It is also associated with inaction or adoption of its destiny as evil rock. In the inverted form, the "need" symbol speaks of the complete absence of desires. Her carrier, as a rule, does not even want to change something in his life, simply floating in the flow without the slightest resistance.



The power of the sign gives vital energy and fills optimism. The owner of such a tattoo becomes brave, brave and achieving victories by warrior. An inverted symbol introduces indecision to the carrier.




The old Slavonic sign symbolizes self-sacrifice. Rune requires active actions and, if necessary, even to go for victims to achieve the best. Tattoo with the sign "Treka" means that it is time to bring changes to life. In the event that the rune will be turned over, it can lead a person to improper actions.




Rune "Beregin" is created for women and symbolizes fertility, beauty, wisdom, wealth, female strength. The owner will make such a tattoo even more attractive. Also, they are applied to the body, if they want to become a loyal and economic wife, to relieve childbirth. But in the inverted form, the rune should not be stuffing, as it is associated with a bad fate and family problems.




The symbol inspires itself on the study of itself and the search for a faithful life path. With finding the truth, the owner of such a tattoo can reveal its hidden abilities.



Rune symbolizes the element of water. When applied to the body makes it possible to improve intuition and strengthen femininity.




An exceptionally male symbol, which means the awakening of vital energy, unrestrained passion, youth. Tattoos with Ruju "UD" are associated with fertility in different spheres of life. An inverted symbol can weaken the male strength and exhaust the vitality.



Rune, contributing to overcoming life difficulties, eliminate problems with finance, achieving well-being. In the inverted state, the tattoo can symbolize the various difficulties that will have to face the life path itself.



This sign symbolizes that what happened cannot be changed. Tattoo with Ruhnu "Rock" should be applied if you want to completely rewrite my own destiny. It is worth noting that the symbol has no mirror designation.



The rune is a very strong charm, which will attract a light strip to life. A tattoo with this symbol makes it possible to realize the goals, helps to take correct solutions and achieve the desired one. In the inverted state, the sign "Dajibog" is associated with a lull, rest, filling the energy.


There is

The basic meaning of this symbol is given a person with determination and a firm character, which will cope with any difficulties. The inverted rune calls first to think carefully and only then act.



The symbol contributes to the slowdown in the processes, which gives time for analysis and reasoning. As a result, the owner of such a tattoo will be done to achieve goals, without misses.



This rune is associated with the victory. The owner of the "Perun" symbol is able to achieve any goals and at the same time to sacrifice everything. For success will have to pay money, personal life, spiritual flour or the fate will wish. In the inverted state of the rune means weakness and passivity.


Picture 1

Styles and color solutions

Currently, tattoo with Slavic runes become relevant. Traditionally, such images are performed with black or red shades. In ancient times in paint, it was customary to add a drop of blood. Among modern masters, it is often for Slavic tattoos color background, shadows and other effects are added.


Figure 2.

Quite often, the symbols of the Slavs are complemented by an ornament, which are based on rhombus, squares and other geometric shapes. Also, waves, crosses with six ends, points, solar symbols, patterns of Scythians, totem animal, pagan deities can be played as associated elements for runes.


Figure 3.

By style, the preference is given to Blackwork and Watercolor. The latter especially like women when the runes are performed as if really watercolor paints. Men often stop the choice on the style of Tribal with original patterns. Slavic symbols in graphic style will also look good.


Figure 4.

Accommodation options

The runes attract their simplicity, but before applying them to the body, it is necessary to carefully choose a place for them. Preference should be given to those areas of the body that remain motionless. Minimalism tattoo will look good on the neck, back, lower abdomen, shoulder, leg or chest. On hand, in particular, on the shoulder and forearm, Slavic characters are not recommended to be applied, as they can turn over and change their meaning. The ancient Slavs applied small inscriptions on the wrist as a faith.


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