Tattoo "Aries" (59 photos): for girls and men. Zodiac sign constellation and other tattoos. Sketches and values. Tattoo on hand and on the chest, on the wrist and on other parts of the body


People born under the sign of the Zodiac Aries are characterized by optimism, are independent personalities, bold and generous in nature. According to astrologers, Aries are owners of leadership qualities, they always strive for the goal, focusing only on their own opinion. And so that others understand, with whom they have, men and women, born from March 21 to April 19 They talk about their zodiac accessories by means of a tattoo.





The first in the zodiacal circle is familiar to Aries. According to generally accepted judgments, this zodiac sign is characterized by the usual and most famous pet - a ram. Aries are representatives Elements of fire And this speaks about many. They are active personalities sufficiently impulsive, quick-tempered. Their main feature - straightness . No Aries will definite about his thoughts and tell an opponent everything he thinks about him. It is the presented personal qualities and transmitted through the tattoo.



Well, now it is proposed to disassemble the meaning of the Tattoo "Aries". First of all, it is important to note that Such tattoo apply representatives of this sign of the zodiac to their body. But each separate owner of the Tatoo Aries tries to emphasize certain features of his character. There are cases when the couples in love are applied to their bodies the signs of the partner's zodiac, but it is wrong. The surrounding will not be able to figure out why calm fish on the shoulder bangs a ram or his constellation.



Everyone knows that people who are on the Horoscope of the Aries have an incomplete inner force, they arrive at all, not paying attention to obstacles, and always reach the goal. Accordingly, the carriers of the Tatu Aries tell the world that they are winners, endowed with courage, determination and courage.

For strong Aries, such a tattoo is a symbol of courage and courage, but for a weak spirit of a person with protection, charm.


Who will fit?

Tattoo "Aries" is suitable for both men and women. However, representatives of opposite sexes are styling similar drawings with different goals.

Men thus point to high moral and physical strength, show that they are ready to defend their positions and interests to the latter. Guys wearing a tattoo with a Tattoo, prove to all that they can achieve all through pain and tears.



For representatives of the beautiful floor, the Tattoo "Aries" plays a slightly different role. Fragile girls thus try to get protection, self-confidence. They are confident that the symbolism of the sign of the zodiac, applied to the body, will work as a guard.

The difference between the female and male tattoo with the symbolism of the first zodiac sign is noticeable with a naked eye. The ladies prefer classic sketches, while representatives of strong gender are styling on their body of formidable rams with powerful curled horns.



Types and sketches of tattoos

There is a huge variety of species of Aries tattoos, for each individual species, a lot of sketches is made. And each individual sketch is made with a special meaning.

Representatives of strong sex more like the image of the rams presented in Grozny form, for example, on fire. By the way, such a tattoo indicates the affiliation of Aries to the fiery element. No less popular among men are images of rams with fiery eyes, with firearms or cold weapons, eliminated shreds of wool.



According to the masters, men will decide what tattoos to fill. Sometimes to choose the best sketch, they spend more than 2-3 days. Mostly the choice falls on the head of the Baran. Only 2 out of 10 want to make the "Aries" tattoo in the story sleeve.



Women's tattoos are more reminiscent of lovely bars from the game "Merry Farm". For girls, a lot of sketches was created, while each separate pattern has semantic specifics. One means the strength of the Spirit, the other is the desire to move forward. But the most important thing is all embellished with flower, hearts and asterisks. And what is interesting, most of the most beautiful sex representatives give preference not to the head of the ram, but the very sign of the symbol of Aries.




We offer to familiarize yourself with the most common types of Aries tattoos, which uses a variety of additions.

With an inscription

Thanks to the complement in the form of a specific phrase, the meaning of the tattoo made is understood. This is especially true of zodiac symbolism. And there is no difference, the tattoo on the body of a man or a woman. The only difference is the font. Representatives of heavy sex stop the choice on the gothic font, and women are more attracted by a patterned inscription.



Small symbols

Not necessarily a tattoo of this sign of the zodiac must be represented as a head of the ram. For those who do not perceive the tattoo of large sizes, it is quite acceptable to fill only a zodiacal symbol. He externally reminds the oblong head of this animal with horns. Yes, such a symbol is actually very small and practically not visible. But those who see it will understand who they are dealing with.




Floral motifs

The perfect version of the tattoo for representatives of the fine floor. Such images are filled with romanticity, femininity, attractiveness. Symbols of Aries, decorated with roses, will talk about passionate nature of its owner. A drawing, complemented by peonies, emphasizes the attractiveness of a woman. Lotus will tell about the mysteriousness of the lady's native.




Head of Baran

The male version of the tattoo, the main characteristics of which are the strength and courage of the representative of the strong sex. Such a drawing will look spectacular in black. Color design will not look so harmonious. But if you look at the other hand, the red fiery insert will be relevant, no more.



With patterns

Very interesting and very unusual Tattoo, made in combination of various patterns . Each individual line is part of a whole composition. Neat and smooth bends repeat the contour of the head of the ram and its horns. However, deciding to make such a tattoo, it is important to find a highly qualified wizard.

Unfortunately, not every specialist can embody a similar sketch into reality.




The best option to emphasize your belonging to the fiery sign of the zodiac. Such tattoos are not catchy, do not cause conflicting impressions. Yes, and you can fill them on any part of the body. Basically, such a kind of zodiac tattoo prefer to make girls. And it is not surprising. Beautiful sex representatives are more tired for modesty, which is just characteristic of the image of the constellation.




Such tattoos with a ram in the lead role call the storm of emotions from others. Some try to bypass the owner of the aggressive tattoo, others, on the contrary, believe that this particular person can become a defender and support. In fact, the branger aggression in Tatu characterizes its owner as a strong, courageous person.



Styles and color solutions

It's no secret that even in tattoo art there are our own stylistic solutions.

  • Part applied style - minimalism . Such a tattoo have small dimensions, they are mainly applied to those of the body hidden from extraneous eyes. The color palette of minimalism is quite modest, and very often such images are performed in black and white.




  • Very popular and style realism . It becomes clear from the very name, which is the essence of the tattoo created. The selected sketch must be 100% compliance with reality. That is why such a tattoo should fill a highly qualified master with the talent of the artist.


  • The next style you should know Tresh Polka. . The name is quite unusual, rare. Translated from English means "garbage". The tattoo masters, in turn, translate the name of the style represented as a "trash can art." The creation of such tattoo uses a bright contrast of red and black carcass.

Instead of the head of the living ram, the animal skull is sometimes stuffed, this moment gives a tattoo a formidable appearance and keenness, which is characteristic of TRASH Polka.




  • No less popular style doosek . This is the technique of applying a tattoo through separately disposed points of different sizes. Such tattoo can wash themselves very different in size and complexity. And, most importantly, any sketch of the door can be supplemented with exclusive inserts so that the second such tattoo does not have managed to meet.




  • For people belonging to one or another subculture, more suitable tattoos in style graphics . Finished images are so amazing and unusual that the owner of the tattoo instantly appears a desire to make another one. The body of a man for a master becomes an artistic canvas, and he, using only a black mascara, causes a conceived pattern.



Accommodation options

Before you go to the master, it is important to decide on what part of the body is to pump the selected sketch.

  • Men, for example, first consider the option back . For a tattooer, this is a real easel, where you can fill in the tattoo of any complexity. Here you can reproduce the head of the ram, and the constellation with a fiery background, in general, everything that the soul will wish.



  • No less popular location is shoulder . This is an excellent option for a small tattoo of the Constellation of Aries, which more often use representatives of the fine floor. A tattoo, knocked out on his shoulder, will not be hidden from the eyes of others, especially in the summer.



  • Originally and effectively watch tattoos with auto on leg . At the same time, you can use a sketch in full animal growth. Another option is to arrange a tattoo on ankle, but not every person can withstand such pain.



  • Very pretty head of the ram looks on male chest . In the case of fair sex on the chest, it is recommended to fill the zodiac symbolism of the fiery sign or a combination of stars.



  • And yet women should consider tattoos in the style of minimalism made by on the wrist or on Ires . Such pictures, firstly, will protect their owner from everything bad, and secondly, the femininity and sexuality will emphasize.



In fact, to fill the Tattoo "Aries" can be on any part of the body, on the neck, on hand or on the forearm.

The main thing is that its location like the owner, because such a drawing is applied for life. Well, and no less important factor - find a good wizard. Highly qualified specialist, once inspected the skin of a person, can say where to fill the tattoo, and wherever you can not do them.


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