Tattoo "Georgy Victorious" (25 photos): The best sketches, tattoo on the shoulder and chest, the value of the tattoo for men


George Victorious is one of the strongest championship characters, which prefer to apply in need of protection as a tattoo. The value of this tattoo has a very long-standing in history and filled not only with religious, but also by patriotic meaning. Although many connoisseurs of native painting prefer her purely from aesthetic considerations.





Since our ancestors have lost the increased bulkiness of the skin, they began to strive to decorate their bodies. Symbolic drawings and inscriptions applied to smooth skin. At first, the blood of killed animals and land, diluted with water, and a few millennia later, the priests were late for the first versions of the inspleaved tattoos. At that time, the purpose of tattoos was purely practical and functional. Pictures on the body were not intended to be aesthetically beautiful. They were applied as a guard, perceiving as a kind of protection against evil. Symbols on the bodies of ancient people did, wanting to gain power and designate the attitude to a specific clan or caste.

Arriving before our era, they could tell about the origin of man and its activities, belonging to a certain religion. At that time, the application of the images of the gods was considered a chance to decline the favor of goodness from good. In the future, religious squads in the life of people attached special importance. Believers relied on the fact that George Victorious on the body will be able to defend them from the evil and trouble.

Holy Lick is a powerful and attractive symbol of good, winning evil. At the same time, the manner of its image is not the same in the schools of the West and the East.




Western masters give the Holy More Factory View. It is depicted with muscular body and powerful hands. This is a true warrior, capable of fighting the snake without effort. Eastern version of the design of St. George is distinguished by some grace. It does not proceed from him, there are even no protective armor. On the sketches there is only a symbolic image of a spear and a snake. Apparently, it is a hint of artists that the victory over the snake happened due to the spiritual, and not bodily strength. But in such differences in sketches and the whole charm of art lies. The masters are creating unique masterpieces in their styles, ambiguously revealing images, more and more fascinating the religiosity of the plots.

The Great Martyr George in the name of Faith squeezed all the deprivation and flour, and in the end it was executed. Therefore, this symbol is a demonstration of the fortress of the spirit and persistent principles. By the way, his image is present on the coat of arms of Moscow. Tattoo "Georgy Victorious" distinguishes on the righteous way. Their decisions and deeds are dictated by the desire to change everything negative. And although on religious canons it is impossible to apply the faces of the saints to sinful flesh, such a sketch remains one of the most sought-after. The tattoo with the Light Martyr is often captured on the skin of the former prisoners. Earlier, she was interpreted as a sign that a person realized the mistakes and rose the right way. And in the middle of the twentieth century, her meaning in the criminal world became completely different. Now such a sketch was chosen by those who devoted themselves to the confrontation of the KGB, perceiving this structure by the abode of evil.




Tattoo for women

Tattoo with the image George Victorious Choose sensitive nature. Such an image gives a girlfriend a decisiveness and indicates a hardness of character. It is more effectively obtained a large tattoo. For a dynamic plot, a painstaking study is required, so stopping at this tattoo, you need to be prepared for long visits to the Tattoo Salon.

Looking at the sketches of tattoos with Georgy Victoriousness, it is hard to disagree that they are close to true masterpieces of painting, of course, if this is the work of the experienced master.




Tattoo for men

The man who wished such a tattoo, adheres to persistent moral principles. He knows exactly what he wants. At the same time, it is clear to determine what this character means is not so simple. In general, George Victorious is a sample of strength and responsibility. Tattoo may be a manifestation of the inner struggle, the adoption of his own sins and the desire to know the truth. The symbol of the saint is very complex, with ambiguous energy. In a certain sense, he means the desire for spiritual purification, the suppression of sin in the ensuing and any injustice. This is a interpretation for courageous and decisive people.

George Victorious for the shoulder is considered to be awareness of his sinfulness and repentance symbol. Men with such a tattoo have come to resolve changing the life path. In addition to aesthetic and spiritual purpose, the main promise of such a tattoo is the request for protection, support and patronage. Occasionally, the tattoo with the Orthodox Saints is found on the bodies of those who confess Islam.




Overview of styles and best sketches

The pattern of the picture is interpreted from the point of view of different ideologies than and highlights the tattoo among other images. Often, the main reason to make yourself such a native figure is the desire to tie yourself with the famous hero. The tattoo with the image of a historical character looks winning in blackwork styles, realism and similar directions. They allow you to fully display the symbol energy.

To capture a small tattoo in the man. George is not the best option. Similar images are complex and imply the presence of free space. Little tattoo will not be able to convey the entire depth of the image.

Among the most popular sketches of tattoos with the Great Martyr George, the victorious can be called the plot when he wanted the top in the battle with the snake.




Where can I fill?

The meaning of the tattoo is often changing depending on the location, sometimes partly, and sometimes thoroughly. Most often it is applied on the shoulders and hands. Then the drawing see outsiders, and it has aesthetic destination. Such a hitch decoration does not have a deep meaning. Another thing is a conscious choice of sketch with this symbol. In this embodiment, on the shoulder and on the chest, Tattoo with George the victorious make those who boom to change their lives. This is a kind of symbol of the decision. It is not recommended to depict the saint face from the inside of the forearm, on a painful area where the epidermis is actively updated. A complicated pallium will last long, and healing will take more time.

Such a wizard requires artistic abilities from the master. The picture is transferred to the body for 2-3 sessions. Typically, the sketch of the tattoo consists of a plurality of small elements that need to be displayed on the skin. It will be reasonable to take some major body portion for such a work. Most, popular zones: hands, back, shoulders and chest.

A package of a challenging tattoo can be entrusted only to the experienced master working in sterile and comfortable conditions of a modern salon equipped with a professional tool and equipment.







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