Tattoo "Inscriptions in Russian": sketches of phrases and quotes, words with meaning on hand and other parts of the body, beautiful youth tattoo


Tattoos with inscriptions recently enjoy great popularity. Most often, these texts are stuffed in English, Latin or one of the eastern languages. The phrases in Russian are extremely rare, nevertheless it happens.




What are the inscriptions?

A few years ago, tattoos with phrases and words included mainly the names of loved ones or popular aphorisms on the ancient Latin. Today they may contain quotes from poems, literary works, movies and even songs. Such tattoos are stuffing both men and women.

There are two main reasons why people choose this particular Tattoo option.

  • For yourself - In this case, the text is stuffed in an invisible and inaccessible place for foreign views. In this case, the phrase carries a deep personal meaning for its owner.
  • For others - These phrases are used when a person wants someone to show something, prove or bring to the attention.



Before applying a tattoo with phrases on the body, you need to make your desires and thoughts to formulate your desires. The fact is that the inscription will be noticeable on the skin throughout life. And this means it should really be valuable and meaningful for you.

In the art of a youth tattoo for lovers of all sorts of inscriptions, foreign, and even better, extinct languages ​​to this day are a good way to distinguish. And this sometimes lies a big danger - Some foreign aphorisms in the literal translation into Russian acquire an absurd and incomprehensible meaning. This is the reason why people give preference to Russian texts.



Our speech is beautiful and multifaceted. She is rich in synonyms, so there can always be acknowledged aphorism in it, even if it is taken from other cultures.

Russian writing will be clear and understandable even if you depict the phrase not traditional in words, but by some intricate font. Putting up a tattoo in my own language, you automatically save yourself from the need to explain the translation of the text and the symbolism of the pattern.

Fattles with inscriptions can be large with bulk text. And may, on the contrary, differ with conciseness and contain a couple of words or even letters. Such a tattoo can be placed on the body horizontally, vertically or decompat in the form of a hemisphere. The inscriptions can effectively complement the pictures on the skin or roll into as an independent version.




Most often inscriptions in their native language include some warm words about family, devotion and friendship. Large distribution received quotes about the meaning of life and absolute values. It may be cardiac confessions, cautions or even call for some actions. In a word, the sole restriction here is the fantasy of the owner of the Tattoo.




Styles of execution

When creating tattoos based on texts, half success depends on the selection of the type of font. Thanks to the design variability, the same text in different techniques can look completely different. Especially popular lettering is a direction that allows you to pump texts or the letter using different types of fonts.

  • Gothick style. Traditionally gets in a black monochrome solution, visually, rather, resembles medieval writing. Such sketches look consistently effectively, although it happens that at first glance, read this inscription is far from all.


  • Graffiti . He is a fashion trend in the world of tattoo. Texts in this performance look creative and original.


  • Typewriter. Using this technique, you can fill the printed letters in the newspaper stylist.



  • Calligraphy . It is recognized as the most beautiful font for a nasty painting. Here, each letter is displayed with special accuracy. For the technique, the abundance of twisted lines and all sorts of patterns is typically.



Extremely spectacular inscriptions styled in the style of Arab or Eastern countries.

Options for sketches Tatahu

All inscriptions used for the image on the skin can be divided into several semantic groups.

  • Religious phrases. Tattoo of this type usually contain phrases and quotes from religious literature. It should be noted that such a nasty painting is not welcome in Orthodoxy. In Judaism and Islam, there are also strict prohibitions about tattoos. The choice of such a tattoo is not intended to insult the feelings of believers and is not intended to defile religion. A similar tattoo is not considered to be boasting - it demonstrates certain life of man. It is used as a reminder of the existence of absolute laws of being. Most often there are texts: "God" with us "," the Lord keeps us ", and also" do not harm "and other relevant phrases.



  • About family. Tattoo with an inscription about loved ones and family values ​​was distributed both among women and in men. The phrases are particularly popular: "My house is my fortress", "My family is my life" or "family is most important." Through these words, the owner of Tattoo demonstrates his attitude towards loved ones. Very often on the skin you can see sketches with the name of your loved one - usually it is a child or spouse. Alone words "Mom", "Dad" or phrases with their use are equally popular. Very often, the inscriptions are additionally decorated with lines, flowers, hearts and other details.



  • About love and devotion . A love theme is present in all without exception of life spheres, and tattoo is no exception. A tattoo can be a way to express feelings and recognition in his love. Usually, such texts are represented by such options: "Only you", "together forever", "You are my whole life," "You and I" or "Love - insane." Much distribution was drawn to the body named after a dear person and drawing up a composition from a pair of names. This group includes quotes and aphorisms about love as a sense of general, they become a way to demonstrate an individual attitude towards this bright feeling. For example, "love causes pain", "do not part with your loved ones."



  • Philosophical tattoo. Many make a choice in favor of inscriptions for those who are surrounding thinking about read. They pushes them to self-analysis and reflections. Examples of such texts can be called: "It means to think", "life is the road." Such sketches are universal, so they are used both men and women.



  • Motivating tattoos. In this turbid rhythm of life, everyone has the moments of despair and fatigue, when it is necessary for shaking, a sharp impetus to the adoption of an important decision. Insecurity in their own and loyalty of the chosen path often causes discomfort, which entails depression. In this case, motivating inscriptions - they seem to click on your consciousness and send it to the right direction. "Believe", "happiness", "believe in yourself", "never say never", "the night is darker in front of the dawn" - these and these expressions often have the power to turn the consciousness. Therefore, such tattoos are considered excellent ideas for motivation.




Placement places

The inscriptions can be located on any part of the body. However, the selection of their location should be treated with all seriousness. . Any phrases are endowed with their meaning, so they are not in every zone they will be equally appropriate. For example, the text of recognition in love or a tattoo associated with family values, packed on the foot or in the area of ​​the buttocks, will look, to put it mildly, inappropriate.

For the wristband, fingers and feet areas often choose neat miniature tattoo - short lines containing only a few words.




Aphorisms of average magnitude are best looking at the forearm and shoulder. In this case, the composition can be supplemented with the pictures of the appropriate subject.



In the chest and abdominal area, it is often pinching a date of birth. Religious texts, prayers and covenants are allowed to apply on the back and rubbers. If it is a difficult thing from the Bible, it can be fill it on the sides.




Version of vertical application of tattoos are allowed, they are best looking through the spinal line. Double phrases are no less effective when the beginning of the text is placed on one hand, and the continuation is to another. Memorable letters and numbers are stuffed on the neck.



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