Tattoo on the hand "Strips": a tattoo value of two strips. Around the hand, on the shoulder, black and other ideas of sketches in the form of straight lines


Tattoo on the hand "Strips" attracts attention, causes interest in most people. Externally, the primitive pattern often has a deep meaning, and the choice of application location indicates how personal will be this symbol. Having studied the value of the black tattoo of two bands, single in the form of straight lines and other sketch ideas around the hand and on the shoulder, on the wrist and fingers, you can fully appreciate the charm hidden in this laconic pattern.

Tattoo on the hand

Tattoo on the hand

Tattoo value

Tattoo "Strip" is not so simple, as it seems. Their image on hand is often a symbol of the closetness of the cycle of life. Two lines running in parallel, view as charm or power sign. A wide black strip - "sleeve" can symbolize mourning along a near man. The symbolism interpretation is usually made after a detailed consideration of all pattern features.

Tattoo on the hand

Tattoo on the hand

Among the common options for applying, the following can be allocated.

  1. Vertical parallel lines. They symbolize activity, move forward, spiritual growth.
  2. Horizontal strips. They are accepted to interpret as a manifestation of a contemplative attitude to life, the desire to join her stream. The owners of such tattoo are rational, believe in the predetermination of fate.
  3. Diagonal lines. They are considered a sign of perseverance, a symbol of overcoming difficulties. Such signs on the body are targeted people.
  4. Wavy lines. This is a traditional charm used in most native cultures. Waves as a sign of water are applied by stripes or closed rings. They are chosen by sailors or those who are associated with this element on the horoscope.
  5. Zigzag, broken lines. Such strips on the hand are given passionate nature subject to gust. This is a sign of a leader, a man who is passionate about the construction of a career or thirst for power.
  6. Wide repetitive black stripes. In tribal associations, they noted the leader. Today, the military in many countries of the world enjoy the leadership.
  7. Red duplicate strips on the wrist or forearm. Historically, they were applied warriors who took part in the bloody battle. The number of lines often corresponded to the number of defeated enemies.

Tattoo on the hand

Tattoo on the hand

Bands - an integral element of a heraldic tattoo. Of these, they make emblems and flags, depending on the color, the value of such combinations changes.

For example, white lines are a sign of purity, mental nobility, sincere faith. Blue symbolize immaculateness, loyalty to debt and honor. Scarlet - a sign of courage, love, courage.

However, look for a deep meaning in stripes optional. Sometimes they are chosen simply to hide an unsuccessful tattoo made earlier, disguise the scars. In addition, the strips are sometimes part of a more complex composition. Such drawings are found in Polynesian culture, at Celts and other ancient peoples, in which all ornaments have laid ordinary geometric elements.

Tattoo on the hand

Tattoo on the hand

Types and sketches

Tattoo on hand in the form of strips is most often performed in a monochrome gray or black range of colors. They are paired and single, wide and narrow, in the form of a curable or solid ornament. Traditionally, visual compositions from these lines are formed in a minimalist or abstract style. They are rarely made large, giving preference not brightness of external manifestations, but deep meaning.

Tattoo on the hand

Tattoo on the hand

Options for execution of such ornaments there is a lot. Consider the most common.

  • Straight serial stripes, solid and intermittent. They can be represented as hexagram and Jing or separately. In different combinations, they can serve as a declaration of a certain vital philosophy.

Tattoo on the hand

Tattoo on the hand

  • Thin red stripe on the wrist. It is worn by the followers of Kabbalah - special teachings, as a symbol of beliefing. Just so better such signs do not choose.

Tattoo on the hand

  • Thick wide strip in the form of "bracelet". This option is most often used to overlap old tattoos. A wide strip is well hiding small inscriptions or signs. It can also serve as a symbol of mourning and grief, like a dressing on the sleeve of clothes.

Tattoo on the hand

Tattoo on the hand

  • A strip with a quote or name. Applied in memory of the event, man, beloved pet.

Tattoo on the hand

Tattoo on the hand

  • Parallel vertical lines in the form of a guitar grip. Such a sketch will suit the musician immersed in his work.

Tattoo on the hand

  • A wide painted line with a cross inscribed in it. It can be applied as a sign of correction, repentance, transition to the path of Christianity.

Tattoo on the hand

Tattoo on the hand

  • Two parallel lines. If both are closed in a circle, such a tattoo can be an analogue of an infinity sign. Such "bracelets" wear people who do not want to do too complex and heavy patterns. The minimalistic composition is universal, it looks harmonious on the bodies of men and women.

Tattoo on the hand

  • Three stripes of the same or different thickness. They can be straight or wavy. This is a sign of harmony in nature, elegant and simple.

Sometimes he is considered the embodiment of the trinity in Christianity or a symbol of faith, love and hope.

Tattoo on the hand

Tattoo on the hand

  • Uneven parallel stripes. Sometimes they are stylized under the drums of paint or drawings on animal skins. Such an ornament looks spectacular, often symbolizes the difficulties found in the life path.

Tattoo on the hand

Tattoo on the hand

  • Colored thin lines. They can repeat the combination of rainbow colors or the entire spectrum of one tone. Such tattoos are often made on the back side of the palm or wrist.

Tattoo on the hand

Tattoo on the hand

  • Uneven zigzag cardiogram. It can symbolize heartbeat in love or sorrow along a close man. Sometimes this element is applied after severe illness, operations as evidence of continuing life.

Tattoo on the hand

Tattoo on the hand

  • The combination of a wide line on the wrist and diagonal thin on the outside of the brush. They diverge from the central line, forming a spectacular ornament. This is a traditional ethnic pattern that is suitable for a traveler, researcher.

Tattoo on the hand

  • Stylized flag. This element is especially popular in American culture, where stars and bands harmoniously complement each other.

Tattoo on the hand

Choosing sketches of tattoos with stripes, a person usually demonstrates his craving for minimalistic motifs in design. Such patterns fit well into the aesthetics of eastern and Arab tattoos. Girls often choose for themselves sketches of tattoos in black and gold colors, in the form of elegant bracelets on the wrists, forearms.

The combination of zigzag and straight lines is characteristic of Slavic culture. Ethnic ornaments in this style, with repetitive stripes, symbolize natural elements. For example, flanged lines with zigzags between them denote the sun - Yarilo. Parallel wavy lines are devoted to water elements.

Tattoo on the hand

Tattoo on the hand

Where can I apply?

Choosing a place to locate tattoos in the form of strips on hand, you need to decide from the very beginning whether the pattern will be noticeable for prying eyes. If there is a need to stick to the office dress code, the optimal choice for applying the pattern will be the area above the elbow - on the shoulder, forearm. Strips, stuffing wrist or going around the biceps, look quite concise and gently.

Tattoo on the hand

Short parallel lines (straight or broken, sometimes wave-like) can be located on brush hands. Such elements are applied to the phalange of the fingers or the edge of the palm. No less claimed to accommodate such an ornament, the wrist area.

True, it will be necessary to consider that the pattern will be noticeable to others.

Tattoo on the hand

Vertical lines usually have along the hand. Here they can be applied on the outside of the biceps or pass from the elbow to the wrist. Often so depicts a ton mill with a gamma recorded on it. Palm can also become a kind of "canvas" for the work of the tattooker. A complex geometric composition can be depicted here in which individual lines are woven together. Often, such patterns are made volumetric, with a 3D effect.

Tattoo on the hand

Patterns in the form of lines are also applied to the side surfaces of the fingers. The symbol in the form of a broken band is popular here - "Cardiogram", sometimes in combination with a heart. Hidden from an extraneous eye sign easily hides under massive perside or ring.

Tattoo on the hand

Tattoo on the hand

Tattoo on the hand

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