Tattoo "Power": signs of the invincible strength of the spirit, the meaning of the symbols. Sketches of tattoos meaning inner power. Tattoo on hand and on other parts of the body


In the modern world, tattoos decorate themselves as guys and girls. Many people believe that the correctly chosen pattern can significantly change the human life. Therefore, tattoos, symbolizing strength, are now very popular.



Types and sketches of tattoos

Tattoo on the topic "Strength" attracts the attention of both men and women. Therefore, there are a lot of interesting and diverse sketches, which is worth paying attention to.


The top of the most popular tattoo includes pictures with animals. Most often, images of wild animals are applied to the body.

  • A lion. This animal is one of the main symbols of strength and masculinity. Therefore, tattoo with the image of the king beasts is very in demand. Such a native figure also symbolizes the loyalty to its principles, the desire to protect its territory and the family.


  • Crocodile. In many cultures, the crocodile is the main symbol of danger and strength. Most often, the crocodile is depicted with an open mouth. The value of such a tattoo is understandable to all. She emphasizes the willingness to overcome any obstacles and fight for their place under the sun.


  • Boar. Wild boars also have a dangerous temper. Tattoos with these animals were popular among the ancient Celts. Therefore, it is not surprising that modern tattoo with boars most often performed in Celtic style.


  • Wolf. Tattoos with wolves are popular all over the world. This is an animal, symbolizing strength and devotion, most often stuffed on the body guys. The tattoo is beautifully looking in the style of realism, graphics and dough.

Tattoos with animals are usually made quite large. Most often, such drawings complement with some significant characters.



Many people believe that Lotus is a symbol of femininity. But a tattoo with the image of this flower can also symbolize inner strength and perseverance. Such tattoos most often make one-photon.



Like the lotus, the tattoo with the image of the carp Koi is a symbol of persistence and perseverance. Most often, these fish make part of the Eastern Tattoos. They look beautiful in any color. The image of Koi carp can be the basis of the sleeve.



The list of forces and energy, the Chinese symbol "Lee", is included in the tattoo. Such tattoos, as a rule, make one-photon. Most often they are stuffed in black. The image of the hieroglyph is suitable as a guy and a girl. The drawing can be supplemented with colored spots or sakura petals.



This is a popular African symbol that is usually applied to the body using black paint. The sign consists of four thin blades. Such a tattoo resembles a person that in order to achieve greatness, he will have to work for a long time and stubbornly.



Tattoos with the image of this sign beautifully look in any color. Tatoo looks like palm of his right hand. In some cases, the drawing is complemented by the image of the eye. Tattoo, meaning the power of will, most often stuffed in closed areas of the body. In this case, the tattoo serves for a person to protect from evil.



This symbol is a logogram that is used to designate a tricky and dangerous jaguar. Tattoos depicting this sign were popular among the representatives of the Maya people. In their culture, this animal was considered the God of the Underground World. Such a tattoo looks beautifully on the body.

Most often, similar drawings make one-photon.


Aztec eagle

Aztec always treated dangerous birds with respect. Eagles in their culture symbolized the invincible strength of the Spirit. Most often they were applied to the body of the warrior. Now tattoo with Aztec eagles is also usually stuffed with men. Similar drawings look beautifully at the forearm or on the back.



In Celtic culture, Aylm is one of the main symbols of strength. Tattoos with the image of ate beautifully look at the hands and legs. Evergreen plants are distinguished by persistence and ability to survive in any conditions. Therefore, tattoo with the image of the Celtic symbol is ideal for people who are not afraid of any difficulties.



This symbol also became very popular with the ancient Celts. This sign looks like a triple spiral. It symbolizes the power of will and the desire to constantly move forward and develop.



Tattoo "Claws Eagle" also symbolizes courage and power. Similar images are most often applied to the body of a man. Previously, they were decorated with representatives of the people of Akanov. They believed that all the forces of the eagle are concentrated in his claws. Therefore, such images on the chest, back and arms applied.



The image of this mythological character is also used to emphasize the power and self-confidence. Learn this creation in its appearance is very simple. The creature with a lion's body complements the wings and head of the eagle. Such a tattoo is a symbol of human wisdom and strength. Griffon images are often complemented by smears of orange or scarlet paint.



Tattoos with Scandinavian runes are also popular and popular. This sign emphasizes the courage, courage and endurance. Such tattoos use people who exceed their honor and the desire to protect loved ones. Tattoo with the image of the rune can be made part of some big composition. Most often, minimalistic drawings are complemented by other runic symbols.


Styles and color solutions

Tattoos, meaning force, can be both black and white and colored. Men most often prefer to apply simple monochrome tattoo on the body. Girls love to add bright colors in drawings. Most often to create colored tattoo use shades of red, blue and green. It is interesting to look and tattoo made by white paint. Such tattoos usually choose people who do not want to attract the attention of foreign people to their forefront.

Since tattoo, symbolizing physical and internal force, is very different, they can be performed in any stylistic direction. Large drawings are usually made realistic or performed in watercolor style. Little graphics tattoo or inscriptions most often make minimalistic.

Many young guys and girls like tattoo with animals made in the style of graphics or dough.




Accommodation options

When choosing the most suitable place for tattoo, it is worth considering the features of their lifestyle. Many people prefer to fill the tattoo in the closed areas of the body. Symbolic drawings are beautifully looking at the back, chest or shoulders. Make a man's image brighter help tattoo on hand or legs. At these parts of the body, it looks beautifully both accurate minimalistic drawings and worked voluminous tattoo. To attract attention to a person can help the tattoo on the neck, throat or brush.

Properly chosen tattoo is an excellent reminder of pleasant moments from life, as well as an important symbol of strength and ability to overcome any obstacles.




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