Tattoo in language: Is it possible to make a tattoo and how to apply it? Options sketches


In the modern world, tattoos are very popular. Therefore, they are stuffed even on such unusual parts of the body, like fingertips, eye corners or language.

Tattoo in language: Is it possible to make a tattoo and how to apply it? Options sketches 13836_2

Tattoo in language: Is it possible to make a tattoo and how to apply it? Options sketches 13836_3

Advantages and disadvantages

Tatoo in language has a number of advantages.

  1. Immediateness. Such tattoos can be saved invisible to others. A small drawing in the language almost does not attract attention. A similar tattoo will most likely see only its owner and the closest people.
  2. Painlessness. Tattoo on this part of the body is not very painful. Therefore, to decorate your body in such an unusual way, even a person with a low pain threshold can.
  3. Healing speed. Healing tattoos in the language very quickly. At the same time, care for them is much easier. Healing pattern in the language takes 3-4 weeks.
  4. Universality. Tattoo of this type can do both guys and girls. Most often, similar drawings choose young people.

Tattoo in language: Is it possible to make a tattoo and how to apply it? Options sketches 13836_4

But there are similar tattoos and its cons. First of all, it is worth noting that not everyone will decide to fill the drawing in the language. In addition, most people have a negative attitude towards such a tattoo.

It is also worth remembering that such tattoos very quickly lose their brightness. The drawing on this part of the body can hold out from a few weeks to a pair of years. The term of "life" tattoo depends on the quality of the paints used. However, for many this item is a plus. After all, the owner of such a tattoo does not have to interrupt or reduce the drawing. With time it will disappear even without outside interference.

Tattoo in language: Is it possible to make a tattoo and how to apply it? Options sketches 13836_5

Tattoo in language: Is it possible to make a tattoo and how to apply it? Options sketches 13836_6

Options sketches

Deciding to make such an unusual tattoo, it is worth choosing the most suitable picture. The selected sketch should be very small. It is for this reason that most people prefer to make tattoo quite simple.

  • Notes. A young musician can like the idea to fill in the tattoo language with the image of a note or a violin key. Such a tattoo is also suitable for a bright person, not afraid of attracting attention. Notes are usually drawn black paint.

Tattoo in language: Is it possible to make a tattoo and how to apply it? Options sketches 13836_7

  • Numbers. In the language you can also fill the tattoo with a digital that brings good luck. Most often, people choose seven or nine. Popular and tattoo with a number 13, which is traditionally considered mystical. Also on this part of the body you can capture some important date. Ready drawing can be supplemented with contour heart or any other detail.

Tattoo in language: Is it possible to make a tattoo and how to apply it? Options sketches 13836_8

  • Plants. Both among the guys and among girls are popular tattoo with flowers and trees. In the language you can depict both a gentle rose and a stylish Christmas tree. The selected drawing looks beautifully surrounded by neat points.

Tattoo in language: Is it possible to make a tattoo and how to apply it? Options sketches 13836_9

  • Moon and stars. A girl can like the idea to use the image of the moon and stars to decorate the language. These characters can be stuffing both individually and together. The contour drawings on the space topics look pretty nice.

Tattoo in language: Is it possible to make a tattoo and how to apply it? Options sketches 13836_10

In the language you can also bundle a short text tattoo. It may be some kind of significant phrase or the name of your loved one.

Styles of execution

Most often, tattoo on this part of the body makes minimalism style. Simple contour drawings do not occupy a lot of space. As a rule, they make black paint. Bright colors are used very rarely. After all, such paints are faster than faster. The same concerns the pigment of white. Light drawings in the language usually look like old scars.

Tattoo in the style of realism, watercolor or Old skull is also not applied to the language. The process of creating such drawings takes too much time. Therefore, almost no one solves the detailed tattoo tattoo in the language.

Tattoo in language: Is it possible to make a tattoo and how to apply it? Options sketches 13836_11

Tattoo in language: Is it possible to make a tattoo and how to apply it? Options sketches 13836_12

Features of drawing tattoos

The process of applying such a tattoo does not take much time. Special tools are usually used in operation. Tattoo in the language is stuffed with a fast-moving needle. This is done so that the client does not have discomfort, because during the entire session a person has to keep a tongue dried.

The drawing is usually applied to the tip of the language. But there are also people wishing to arrange a tattoo at the lower half of the language or on the sides.

Tattoo in language: Is it possible to make a tattoo and how to apply it? Options sketches 13836_13

Tattoo in language: Is it possible to make a tattoo and how to apply it? Options sketches 13836_14

Separately, it is worth noting that, having decided to radically change its appearance, you should not immediately do the piercing and tattoo in the language. This will lead to a puncture, and the drawing will be healing slowly.

Tattoos in the language look quite unusual. But you should not do such a tattoo just to surprise others. The choice of sketch and the master should be treated seriously. Only in this case the drawing will not cause unpleasant emotions in humans.

Tattoo in language: Is it possible to make a tattoo and how to apply it? Options sketches 13836_15

Tattoo in language: Is it possible to make a tattoo and how to apply it? Options sketches 13836_16

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