Tattoo for girls on the wrist (80 photos): Little tattoo with meaning and other, sketches and meanings, beautiful tattoos around the wrist and side


Tattoo wrists are very popular among women. Such drawings help to emphasize the fragility of female hands and add an image of femininity.

Tattoo for girls on the wrist (80 photos): Little tattoo with meaning and other, sketches and meanings, beautiful tattoos around the wrist and side 13834_2

Tattoo for girls on the wrist (80 photos): Little tattoo with meaning and other, sketches and meanings, beautiful tattoos around the wrist and side 13834_3

Tattoo for girls on the wrist (80 photos): Little tattoo with meaning and other, sketches and meanings, beautiful tattoos around the wrist and side 13834_4


Before making a tattoo on the wrists, it is worth studying all their features. These tattoos have a large number of advantages.

  1. Drawings on this part of the body are not deformed over time. The wrist skin is almost not exposed to age-related changes. Therefore, the picture on the body over time does not change its color and does not blurry.
  2. Behind the tattoo on the wrist is very convenient to care for. Therefore, it is not possible to heal the drawing.
  3. Tattoos on wrists can be used to overlap old scars.
  4. Drawings on this part are suitable for girls of any age.
  5. On the wrists can be placed both a very small tattoo and a bulk pattern.

Tattoo for girls on the wrist (80 photos): Little tattoo with meaning and other, sketches and meanings, beautiful tattoos around the wrist and side 13834_5

Tattoo for girls on the wrist (80 photos): Little tattoo with meaning and other, sketches and meanings, beautiful tattoos around the wrist and side 13834_6

Tattoo for girls on the wrist (80 photos): Little tattoo with meaning and other, sketches and meanings, beautiful tattoos around the wrist and side 13834_7

It should be remembered that such an image is immediately striking. Therefore, people planning to work in the office are not recommended to fill the wrists tattoo.

Tattoo for girls on the wrist (80 photos): Little tattoo with meaning and other, sketches and meanings, beautiful tattoos around the wrist and side 13834_8

Types and sketches of tattoos

There are many original and interesting tattoos that can be fill on the wrist. When choosing a suitable sketch, you can pay attention to the most popular ideas and examples of ready-made work.


Among the girls are very popular with small tattoo with meaning. Such accurate drawings can be stuffing both on the side and in the middle of the wrist. The most popular are the following characters.

  • Stars. Many years ago, the sailors stuck such a tattoo in order to attract good luck. The value of modern tattoos remains the same. They are stuffed in order to attract luck and happiness in their lives. Star tattoo can be both monophonic and color.

Tattoo for girls on the wrist (80 photos): Little tattoo with meaning and other, sketches and meanings, beautiful tattoos around the wrist and side 13834_9

Tattoo for girls on the wrist (80 photos): Little tattoo with meaning and other, sketches and meanings, beautiful tattoos around the wrist and side 13834_10

  • Crown. This is an old symbol associated with people with power and power. Fill the tattoo with the image of the crown is strong and self-confident girls. Such a native figure will constantly remind a person about his goals and inspire further development. Unusual graceful crowns, complemented by the initials of his beloved person, look very beautiful.

Tattoo for girls on the wrist (80 photos): Little tattoo with meaning and other, sketches and meanings, beautiful tattoos around the wrist and side 13834_11

  • The Infinity symbol. This symbol is very popular among lovers. Such a tattoo most often indicates endless love and devotion to another person. Such symbols often complement the iconic inscriptions. Most often part of the symbol make the name of the second half or some short phrase.

Tattoo for girls on the wrist (80 photos): Little tattoo with meaning and other, sketches and meanings, beautiful tattoos around the wrist and side 13834_12

  • Diamond. An image of such a stone on the body is a symbol of integrity and honesty. In addition, a diamond tattoo can become a symbol of the strength of the relationship, because these stones often decorate the wedding rings. Tattoo with diamonds is also used to designate their practicality and traction to money.

Tattoo for girls on the wrist (80 photos): Little tattoo with meaning and other, sketches and meanings, beautiful tattoos around the wrist and side 13834_13

Tattoo for girls on the wrist (80 photos): Little tattoo with meaning and other, sketches and meanings, beautiful tattoos around the wrist and side 13834_14

Tattoo for girls on the wrist (80 photos): Little tattoo with meaning and other, sketches and meanings, beautiful tattoos around the wrist and side 13834_15

  • Feather. First, this symbol began to use indigenous Americans. In the ancient Indians, he symbolized eternal life. Tattoo with the pen previously could be seen on the body only at the leader or shaman. Now feminine tattoos with feathers are found quite often. Elegant drawings look very beautifully on the female body.

Tattoo with the pen is suitable to the freedom-loving and easy-to-lift person.

Tattoo for girls on the wrist (80 photos): Little tattoo with meaning and other, sketches and meanings, beautiful tattoos around the wrist and side 13834_16

Tattoo for girls on the wrist (80 photos): Little tattoo with meaning and other, sketches and meanings, beautiful tattoos around the wrist and side 13834_17

Tattoo for girls on the wrist (80 photos): Little tattoo with meaning and other, sketches and meanings, beautiful tattoos around the wrist and side 13834_18

  • Dream Catcher. The pen can also be part of a tattoo with a dream catcher. This is a guard that protects a person from bad dreams and thoughts. Such tattoos are often decorated with colored details.

Tattoo for girls on the wrist (80 photos): Little tattoo with meaning and other, sketches and meanings, beautiful tattoos around the wrist and side 13834_19

Tattoo for girls on the wrist (80 photos): Little tattoo with meaning and other, sketches and meanings, beautiful tattoos around the wrist and side 13834_20

Symbolic tattoo usually make small and invisible. Such drawings are easy to hide from other people's sleeves or a wide bracelet.

Tattoo for girls on the wrist (80 photos): Little tattoo with meaning and other, sketches and meanings, beautiful tattoos around the wrist and side 13834_21

Tattoo for girls on the wrist (80 photos): Little tattoo with meaning and other, sketches and meanings, beautiful tattoos around the wrist and side 13834_22

Tattoo for girls on the wrist (80 photos): Little tattoo with meaning and other, sketches and meanings, beautiful tattoos around the wrist and side 13834_23


Among the girls are very popular with tattoo with birds. Most often, such drawings make one-photon. The wrist can be depicted as one big bird and a few small. A similar pattern symbolizes ease and craving for freedom.

Tattoo for girls on the wrist (80 photos): Little tattoo with meaning and other, sketches and meanings, beautiful tattoos around the wrist and side 13834_24

Tattoo for girls on the wrist (80 photos): Little tattoo with meaning and other, sketches and meanings, beautiful tattoos around the wrist and side 13834_25

Tattoo for girls on the wrist (80 photos): Little tattoo with meaning and other, sketches and meanings, beautiful tattoos around the wrist and side 13834_26


Tattoos with fauna representatives also look perfectly on female wrists. Most often, the girls choose a tattoo with animals that are associated with their femininity and elegance.

Many warehouse representatives like cute and tender tattoo with cats. These animals can symbolize both freedom and independence and women's gracefulness. Cats on the wrists are depicted in different poses. Most often, girls choose simple contour tattoos. They look perfectly on the body.

Tattoo for girls on the wrist (80 photos): Little tattoo with meaning and other, sketches and meanings, beautiful tattoos around the wrist and side 13834_27

Tattoo for girls on the wrist (80 photos): Little tattoo with meaning and other, sketches and meanings, beautiful tattoos around the wrist and side 13834_28

Tattoo for girls on the wrist (80 photos): Little tattoo with meaning and other, sketches and meanings, beautiful tattoos around the wrist and side 13834_29

In demand and tattoo with foxes. Such a full drawings are suitable for cunning and charming personalities. Instead of a full tattoo on the wrist, you can capture the prints of the animal paw.

Tattoo for girls on the wrist (80 photos): Little tattoo with meaning and other, sketches and meanings, beautiful tattoos around the wrist and side 13834_30

Tattoo for girls on the wrist (80 photos): Little tattoo with meaning and other, sketches and meanings, beautiful tattoos around the wrist and side 13834_31

Tattoo for girls on the wrist (80 photos): Little tattoo with meaning and other, sketches and meanings, beautiful tattoos around the wrist and side 13834_32


People who feel intimacy with nature will enjoy and tattoos with images of various plants. The easiest option of the tattoo, which can be placed on the wrist, is a tree. Such a drawing symbolizes the thrust to growth and development. In addition, the tree is also a symbol of fertility and immortality.

Often girls decorate their wrists and images of flowers. In addition to popular roses, lilies and peonies, girls like tattoo with lotus or dandelions.

Tattoo for girls on the wrist (80 photos): Little tattoo with meaning and other, sketches and meanings, beautiful tattoos around the wrist and side 13834_33

Tattoo for girls on the wrist (80 photos): Little tattoo with meaning and other, sketches and meanings, beautiful tattoos around the wrist and side 13834_34

Tattoo for girls on the wrist (80 photos): Little tattoo with meaning and other, sketches and meanings, beautiful tattoos around the wrist and side 13834_35


Tattoo with bracelets stamped around the wrist, are also popular among girls. They can imitate real jewelry. But most often they consist of conventional thin lines or patterns.

Many people endow such tattoos in deep meaning. Such simple drawings can symbolize protection against evil spirits or used to attract good luck. The most popular is the tattoo in the form of thin red lines. A similar drawing usually means a person's craving for mysticism and everything mysterious.

Tattoo for girls on the wrist (80 photos): Little tattoo with meaning and other, sketches and meanings, beautiful tattoos around the wrist and side 13834_36

Tattoo for girls on the wrist (80 photos): Little tattoo with meaning and other, sketches and meanings, beautiful tattoos around the wrist and side 13834_37

Tattoo for girls on the wrist (80 photos): Little tattoo with meaning and other, sketches and meanings, beautiful tattoos around the wrist and side 13834_38


This part of the body is perfect for accommodating small inscriptions. There you can fill quotes from your favorite books or songs included in the playlist. Attract girls and tattoo with the initials of loved ones or important dates. Such a memorable tattoo usually suggests that its owner is a sensitive and sentimental person.

Tattoo for girls on the wrist (80 photos): Little tattoo with meaning and other, sketches and meanings, beautiful tattoos around the wrist and side 13834_39

Tattoo for girls on the wrist (80 photos): Little tattoo with meaning and other, sketches and meanings, beautiful tattoos around the wrist and side 13834_40

Tattoo for girls on the wrist (80 photos): Little tattoo with meaning and other, sketches and meanings, beautiful tattoos around the wrist and side 13834_41


When choosing a tattoo, pay attention to what it is done in what style. Modern tattoo can be very different. The most popular are the following stylistic directions.


Watercolor tattoos design attracts many girls. Such drawings look bright and effectively. The most popular colors that are used when creating such a tattoo, blue, green and red. The drawings differ in the absence of clear contours. Watercolor tattoo wrists allow to emphasize the femininity and elegance of the girl.

Tattoo for girls on the wrist (80 photos): Little tattoo with meaning and other, sketches and meanings, beautiful tattoos around the wrist and side 13834_42

Tattoo for girls on the wrist (80 photos): Little tattoo with meaning and other, sketches and meanings, beautiful tattoos around the wrist and side 13834_43

Tattoo for girls on the wrist (80 photos): Little tattoo with meaning and other, sketches and meanings, beautiful tattoos around the wrist and side 13834_44


Simple graphic tattoo is popular among guys. Ready drawings resemble real works of art. Tattoo usually make one-photo. They look bright and effectively.

Tattoo for girls on the wrist (80 photos): Little tattoo with meaning and other, sketches and meanings, beautiful tattoos around the wrist and side 13834_45

Tattoo for girls on the wrist (80 photos): Little tattoo with meaning and other, sketches and meanings, beautiful tattoos around the wrist and side 13834_46


The tattoo in the style of minimalism has several features. Such tattoos are distinguished by a small number of parts. Most often they are made simple and monochrome. As a rule, when packing such a tattoo uses 1-2 colors.

Tattoo for girls on the wrist (80 photos): Little tattoo with meaning and other, sketches and meanings, beautiful tattoos around the wrist and side 13834_47

Tattoo for girls on the wrist (80 photos): Little tattoo with meaning and other, sketches and meanings, beautiful tattoos around the wrist and side 13834_48

Tattoo for girls on the wrist (80 photos): Little tattoo with meaning and other, sketches and meanings, beautiful tattoos around the wrist and side 13834_49

old school

The bright Tattoo in the style of Old Skull look very simple. Usually, green, red or yellow pigment is used to create them. The edges of tattoos complements the clear contour of black. Similar drawings are tested by time. They attract both guys and girls. On the wrists most often stuffed images of swallows, roses, hearts or lightning.

Tattoo for girls on the wrist (80 photos): Little tattoo with meaning and other, sketches and meanings, beautiful tattoos around the wrist and side 13834_50

Tattoo for girls on the wrist (80 photos): Little tattoo with meaning and other, sketches and meanings, beautiful tattoos around the wrist and side 13834_51

Tattoo for girls on the wrist (80 photos): Little tattoo with meaning and other, sketches and meanings, beautiful tattoos around the wrist and side 13834_52


The tattoo in this style is distinguished by the workplace of parts and realism. They look bulk and alive. The wrists beautifully look at realistic tattoo with fish, roses or animals. The only minus of tattoos in such a style - they cost quite expensive. Yes, and the process of drawing drawings takes a lot of time. But the result is usually worth it. A qualitatively made realistic tattoo lasts its appeal.

Tattoo for girls on the wrist (80 photos): Little tattoo with meaning and other, sketches and meanings, beautiful tattoos around the wrist and side 13834_53

Tattoo for girls on the wrist (80 photos): Little tattoo with meaning and other, sketches and meanings, beautiful tattoos around the wrist and side 13834_54


This Polynesian style is very popular among men. Now tattoo with spectacular patterns with pleasure stuffing on the body and girls. These drawings have several main features.

First of all, it is worth noting that such patterns consist of wide clear lines. Finished ornamental style tattoo resembles a tree thread. Details of such a picture are as simple as possible. The tattoo consists of lines, crosses, knots and spirals. Very often, such tattoos complement the images of the sun, the moon, as well as various marine animals.

Tattoo for girls on the wrist (80 photos): Little tattoo with meaning and other, sketches and meanings, beautiful tattoos around the wrist and side 13834_55

Tattoo for girls on the wrist (80 photos): Little tattoo with meaning and other, sketches and meanings, beautiful tattoos around the wrist and side 13834_56

Tattoo for girls on the wrist (80 photos): Little tattoo with meaning and other, sketches and meanings, beautiful tattoos around the wrist and side 13834_57

Color solutions

Among women are popular with both monophonic and multicolored tattoos. The most popular are monochrome black drawings. Trendy and stylish tattoo, made of black paint, are suitable for most girls. Therefore, planning to fill the first tattoo on the body, it is worth paying attention to one-time sketches.

Tattoo for girls on the wrist (80 photos): Little tattoo with meaning and other, sketches and meanings, beautiful tattoos around the wrist and side 13834_58

Tattoo for girls on the wrist (80 photos): Little tattoo with meaning and other, sketches and meanings, beautiful tattoos around the wrist and side 13834_59

Tattoo for girls on the wrist (80 photos): Little tattoo with meaning and other, sketches and meanings, beautiful tattoos around the wrist and side 13834_60

In demand among girls and white tattoo. Such a full drawing is particularly beautifully looking at dark skin. In addition, it is worth noting that the bright tattoo is almost not noticeable to a stranger. Therefore, they are rarely reduced or interrupted. If you wish, such a light tattoo can be blocked with a color pattern. But there are similar tattoos and its cons. Refrigerated drawings look like old scars. Over time, such a tattoo can shrust or change their color to pink.

Tattoo for girls on the wrist (80 photos): Little tattoo with meaning and other, sketches and meanings, beautiful tattoos around the wrist and side 13834_61

Tattoo for girls on the wrist (80 photos): Little tattoo with meaning and other, sketches and meanings, beautiful tattoos around the wrist and side 13834_62

Tattoo for girls on the wrist (80 photos): Little tattoo with meaning and other, sketches and meanings, beautiful tattoos around the wrist and side 13834_63

Lovers of bright drawings should pay attention to the color tattoo. They are suitable for creative and dreamy personalities. Colored tattoo look more interesting in monophonic.

But over time, such drawings often have to be adjusted, because they quickly fade.

Tattoo for girls on the wrist (80 photos): Little tattoo with meaning and other, sketches and meanings, beautiful tattoos around the wrist and side 13834_64


Female wrists most often decorate miniature drawings. Such tattoos can be placed both in the very center of wrist and on the side. Such tattoo ideally emphasize femininity and fragility of hands.

The mini-tattoo is suitable for girls who do not like to attract attention. Such drawings are easy to hide from prying eyes.

Tattoo for girls on the wrist (80 photos): Little tattoo with meaning and other, sketches and meanings, beautiful tattoos around the wrist and side 13834_65

Tattoo for girls on the wrist (80 photos): Little tattoo with meaning and other, sketches and meanings, beautiful tattoos around the wrist and side 13834_66

Tattoo for girls on the wrist (80 photos): Little tattoo with meaning and other, sketches and meanings, beautiful tattoos around the wrist and side 13834_67

If small tattoo seems too boring, you can pick up for yourself and more volumetric pattern.

Large tattoos and pictures of medium sized can also be used to overlap old scars or poor-quality drawings.

Usually, for this, the compositions in the style of blackwork or watercolor are used.

Tattoo for girls on the wrist (80 photos): Little tattoo with meaning and other, sketches and meanings, beautiful tattoos around the wrist and side 13834_68

Tattoo for girls on the wrist (80 photos): Little tattoo with meaning and other, sketches and meanings, beautiful tattoos around the wrist and side 13834_69

Tattoo for girls on the wrist (80 photos): Little tattoo with meaning and other, sketches and meanings, beautiful tattoos around the wrist and side 13834_70

Light small tattoo on the wrists can also be made part of the sleeve. To create it, it is worth picking items that are well combined with each other. Most often, the sleeves make in one style.

Tattoo for girls on the wrist (80 photos): Little tattoo with meaning and other, sketches and meanings, beautiful tattoos around the wrist and side 13834_71

Tattoo for girls on the wrist (80 photos): Little tattoo with meaning and other, sketches and meanings, beautiful tattoos around the wrist and side 13834_72

Nuances of application

Before making a tattoo on the wrist, you need to make sure that there are no contraindications. Abandon the tattooes standing people who have certain problems.

  1. Diabetes. People with this disease wound on the body are very slow. Therefore, they should not be additionally injured their skin.
  2. Allergy. If a person has an allergy to something, it is worth warning about that wizard. In this case, the tattooker will be able to pick up suitable paint.
  3. Skin diseases. It is not recommended to apply on the body of tattoo and people with skin diseases. Having found some kind of skin problems, you need to get rid of them. Do not try to hide such a lack of a tattoo.
  4. Scars. The tattoo is very often used to overlap old scars. But in order for the paint to lay on the skin to a smooth layer, you need to wait for the full wound healing. Usually this process takes 6-9 months.

Tattoo for girls on the wrist (80 photos): Little tattoo with meaning and other, sketches and meanings, beautiful tattoos around the wrist and side 13834_73

    In the absence of contraindications, you can immediately move to the choice of a suitable wizard and applying a tattoo. This process consists of six stages.

    1. To begin with, the selected skin area needs to be treated with alcohol napkins. This procedure allows you to clean the wrist from all kinds of pollution.
    2. After disinfection, you can proceed to the transfer of the sketch on the skin. This process takes at very little time. To transfer the drawing, a special gel is used. The master inflicts him on the wrist. Next, the drawing is applied to the skin. He must be left on his hand for a couple of minutes.
    3. When the wizard removes a piece of paper from the skin, it will remain a neat schematic pattern.
    4. Next, he needs to disinfect all the instruments, as well as put on disposable gloves. After that, you need to prepare all the necessary consumables.
    5. The tattoo circuit needs to be lubricated with vaseline. This is done so that the skin does not irritated in the process of applying the tattoo and remove paint surplus.
    6. The process of stinging the tattoo on the wrist takes at very little time, because on this part of the body, very small pictures usually have.

    Tattoo for girls on the wrist (80 photos): Little tattoo with meaning and other, sketches and meanings, beautiful tattoos around the wrist and side 13834_74

    Tattoo for girls on the wrist (80 photos): Little tattoo with meaning and other, sketches and meanings, beautiful tattoos around the wrist and side 13834_75

    Tattoo for girls on the wrist (80 photos): Little tattoo with meaning and other, sketches and meanings, beautiful tattoos around the wrist and side 13834_76

    When the tattoo is finished, the master remains only to smear the wrist with a special healing ointment.

    Tattoo for girls on the wrist (80 photos): Little tattoo with meaning and other, sketches and meanings, beautiful tattoos around the wrist and side 13834_77

    Tips for care

      In order for the tattoo for a long time retaining its attractiveness, it is necessary to properly care for it. In the process you need to adhere to a number of rules.

      1. Wash tattoo is very neat. Do not rub the wrist with a washcloth. It is also not recommended to use leaving products that can cause an allergic reaction. After washing the tattoo, you need to gently flush with a towel. It is not necessary to rub it.
      2. Fresh tattoos cannot be treated with alcohol or products in which it is contained.
      3. Over time, a crust will begin to form on the surface of the skin. It can not be seized or tear off. This may lead to the fact that the drawing will be damaged. All you need to do at this stage is to moisturize the skin.
      4. To the tattoo heal in correctly, it must be regularly handled by special ointments. Usually the master himself advises its customers the most appropriate compositions.
      5. In the first few days after applying, the tattoo should refuse to eat alcohol, as well as hiking in a bath or gym.
      6. It is not recommended at this time and sunbathe or visit the solarium.

      If you do everything right, the tattoo will heal very quickly and will always look beautiful.

      Tattoo for girls on the wrist (80 photos): Little tattoo with meaning and other, sketches and meanings, beautiful tattoos around the wrist and side 13834_78

      Tattoo for girls on the wrist (80 photos): Little tattoo with meaning and other, sketches and meanings, beautiful tattoos around the wrist and side 13834_79

      Tattoo for girls on the wrist (80 photos): Little tattoo with meaning and other, sketches and meanings, beautiful tattoos around the wrist and side 13834_80

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