Tattoo "Angel Wings" (42 photos): Tattoo value for a girl and men, sketches of angel wings on his back, hand and neck


Angels at all times inspired artists and poets, Bradraja imagination of philosophers, theologists and just lovers of myths and legends. Therefore, it is not surprising that, wanting to touch their mystical image, many art connoisseurs tattoo choose exactly the images of the angelic wings. What they carry the hidden meaning and in which styles they are taken, read in this material.



The tattoo "Angel Wings" is very symbolic. Unlike new-fashioned sketches, often performing only a decorative function, the drawing is in itself a lot of values ​​- with each person usually puts into it Something special, purely personal, having an important meaning for him. It is believed that such a plot is chosen The strong spirits are people or those who seek to this.

Some stuff the wings as an amulet giving faith and celestial protection - especially if only one protective, wing appears in the picture. Others are confident that such a tattoo means rebirth or fateful transformation. Owners of the dolls believe that it will give them strength at a difficult moment and will set up to the creative way.


Widely spaced wings usually indicate purity, internal freedom and ability to look high on any vital difficulties. Also tattoo resembles desperate that the Guardian Angel is always near. More wings are stuffing to honor the memory of the deceased person. Mothers who lost the child thus emphasize the inseparable sacred bond among themselves and their angel. Finally, religious people symbolize their faith in God and the part of the Divine, which is in them themselves.

Note! Not all sketch values ​​are positive. So, broken or folded wings indicate fear, disappointment and deep insecurity.


For girl

On the female body, the angelic wings talk about innocence, sensuality and high spirituality of their owner. Along with ease and elevation, the wings indicate that the girl has a solid connection with the highest forces.


For a man

Men's tattoo with this image symbolize strength and kindness. On such a person you can always rely, reliably undergoing under his powerful wing.


Overview of sketches

The plot fascinates with multi-faceted. With the help of the drawing, you can transfer inspiration, sadness, fighter mood or light melancholy. Dreamers are placed next to the wings of small stars, and the "combat" operators are depicting them together with a sword, thereby warning that they are not so harmless, as they seem. Wings can be depicted solo, and can be part of a large composition. So, they often "paint" hourglass, flowers, skulls, crosses or hearts.




Large wings on the back do not need extra decisions - a bold drawing speaks for himself. As a rule, these are bulk black and white sketches, only occasionally supplemented by initials or some important symbol for a person, like a diamond or crown.



It is noteworthy that This is one of the few tattoos that "come to life" on the body when driving - Sliding hands to the sides, you can "straighten" the wings as if preparing for flight. As a rule, men are solved on such designs, men are often limited to more miniature plots, like a pair of small wings on hand or blade.




Some sketches beat the theme of the duality of human nature, depicting angel wings in a pair with devilish horns and tail.

Thus, the holder of the tattoo recognizes that one without another is impossible - in each person, albeit in different proportions, the particles of light and darkness are at the same time.


Wings are ideal for paired tattoo . They are chosen in love, friends and relatives to emphasize that they are two halves of one whole. The chip is that, like popular friendship pendants, each person rolls on only one wing. To see the full picture, both halves are needed.




If you cannot decide on the selection, you can extract the sketch directory of the wizard and select the ready-made option. Nevertheless, the original drawing is preferable - if only because this will not be anyone else. Take the time to conversation with the master and creating a personal sketch, and you will get truly a unique tattoo.


Especially gently look tattoos in style watercolor - Pastel palette and blurred contours peculiar to this delicate style, as it is impossible to match the "Angel" topic. Often used lilac, pink and blue color gamuts, which gives the drawing even more air. Stylistics are especially in demand for women's tattoo.




Minimalism Great for modest and sophisticated mini sketches on wrist or ankle. Often, this style is treated in order to honor someone's memory, not exposing the tattoo at the bottom. So, neat wings with a lump will be reminded of an expensive person, not rushing to the eye.

Sometimes such a drawing is complemented by the name, dates of birth and death or touching epitaph.




This style is echoing with concise technique. Lainvork , reminding everyone from childhood Favorite coloring. The drawings made in this style seem to be drawn by a solid line with a pencil and are practically devoid of bright colors and volumes.



Realistic Tattoo is especially popular among representatives of strong sex. They are often performed in the elegant black and white range and thanks to the competent use of colors and shadows look very expressive. Complete wings in 3D technique made by a talented master and breathe in the spirit.



Young guys also in honor of the militant style tribe whose roots go deep into the centuries-old tattoo traditions of the African and ocean tribes. Singleness and smooth geometry of the pallows emphasize the courage and the brutality of their owner.


A little less demanded, but very impressive Anatomical style Ensures medical accuracy in the image of human organs. Alternatively, there are anatomically correct overwhelmed hearts, as well as super-automatic images of the spine, from which the angel wings "grow". Something similar to it and biomechanics, combining images of the human body and robotic spare parts - steel plates, gears and the like.


Wings B. geometric Styles are not as often as watercolor or realistic, but they look no less effectively. The abstraction allows you to portray the wings schematically, with the help of free strokes and elegant curls. Strict, black tattoo sometimes decorate rhinestones to add some glamor.


Style old school It is impossible to confuse any other - bright colors, dense black contours and an old-fashioned "cartoon" style immediately allocate it among all others. The favorite style of sailors, as a rule, choose naughty nature.



Where can I fill?

The most successful place to apply such a tattoo, of course, back. Giant wings on the whole back look especially stunning, especially if they are made in realistic style. This solution is equally popular in both sexes, but men's spines are characterized by a special scale. . In addition, the drawing is more durable there - in this place the skin is growing slower than on the rest of the body, which practically eliminates the risk of deformation and fading of the sketch. By the way, symmetric black and white wings also look perfectly on a muscular male chest.



If there is no plot of your horse, you can put a small picture on your hand, for example, on a brush or wrist. The inner side of the palm is used not often due to special sensitivity, but the final result is worth it - cute watercolor wings on the palm look very expressive. In addition, the tattoo will not be right away: you can demonstrate a drawing with every wave hand.



Fans of secret tattoo can put the wing behind the ear or on the foot - where not everyone can notice him. Girls also stuff them on the side or back of the neck, which makes it easy to cover with their hair or a high collar. Another beautiful sex representatives love to place a tattoo on the clavicle, abdomen, chest and lower back - on these parts of the body sketch looks pretty playfully.



Men often give up the tattoo all the forearm before the wrist, thereby forming the colorful "sleeve". Such a squint often smoothly goes to the blade, paying out very realistic wings. Independent tattoo on the blade is no less popular - this can be said, the most logical choice after the back. Wings can be one or two, style and size can also be absolutely any.



Often, the angelic wings can be found on the leg, one on each ankle or a pair at the foot - sometimes they even bang on the thumb. If more space is required for creativity, the thigh is perfect. Tattoo stuffing there is not so painful, as on the spine, and the result is no worse.


If you are not quite sure, it is worth a blank drawing, contact the master for advice. Based on the features of the selected sketch, he will be able to advise the very place where the tattoo will look like the winner.

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