Tattoo dedicated to children (59 photos): "Daughter's smile is more expensive than each of you" and tattoos in honor of the son "Son and Father", children's legs and other tattoo associated with children


The birth of a baby in the family is a very important event. Parents are trying to remember and capture all the details related to the child. Various photos and video materials allow you to save the most significant dates or events in memory. In addition, to capture the date of birth or other memorable event will make it possible to apply to the body of the tattoo dedicated to children. On the characteristics of such tattoo, about their varieties used, used, as well as the most successful places of application and will come today.

Tattoo dedicated to children (59 photos):

Tattoo dedicated to children (59 photos):


Modern parents can increasingly see tattoo dedicated to children.

Usually such a tattoo look in the form:

  • inscriptions;
  • portrait;
  • child name;
  • Dates of his birth;
  • Another significant date.

Tattoo dedicated to children (59 photos):

Tattoo dedicated to children (59 photos):

Tattoo dedicated to children (59 photos):

Tattoos of beloved over time can lose meaning due to the probability of breaking relationships. In the case of children, such a thing can not happen. Quantitative picture shows how endless love of parents to her came. Such motives are talking about the close connection of them with children.

A squint with the name of the child or his portrait will always be relevant and will remain for life.

Tattoo dedicated to children (59 photos):

Tattoo dedicated to children (59 photos):

There is an opinion that you don't stand in the form of a child or portrait, as it may affect his further fate, will change it. As unwanted consequences also indicate a possible damage or evil eye. Most parents consider such beliefs with superstition, believing that a tattoo, symbolizing love, cannot initially be negative.

Tattoo dedicated to children (59 photos):

Tattoo dedicated to children (59 photos):

Such drawings are often stuffed by people who have lost their relatives for them, as well as those who are away from the desired person. The name or initials of the baby, captured on the body, will become a sign of deep attachment towards him and great love capable of eclipsed by other feelings.

Such drawings contribute to strengthening relations between adults and children, give a feeling of harmony and peace of mind, regardless of where Chado is at the moment.

Tattoo dedicated to children (59 photos):

Tattoo dedicated to children (59 photos):

Apply a tag of such subjects now has become very relevant. The confirmation of this are images that many famous personities have impaired.

  • Sergey Lazarev In honor of his son, Nikita made an inscription on her neck in the form of an English letter n, while commenting on it he refuses.
  • At the TV host Ksenia Borodina You can see the inscription "Marusya". Such a tattoo leading expressed its huge maternal love for her daughter.
  • Not only domestic stars have addiction to similar pictures. David Beckham It is noted in the list of stars having addiction to tattoo. The inscription on his neck, in translation indicates the "adorable lady. Harper "and is dedicated to his baby. On the lower back he is banging the name of the Son.
  • On the chest and hand Johnny Depp The names of his children are banging: Jack and Lily Rose.
  • On hand Angelina Jolie. You can also see the inscriptions in the form of the coordinates of the place of birth of her children, relatives and receptions.

Tattoo dedicated to children (59 photos):

Tattoo dedicated to children (59 photos):

Tattoo dedicated to children (59 photos):

The date and time of the baby's birth can be seen in the form of a native picture in many parents who prefer classic options, without excessive parts. Such an inscription can be seen on the hand of Kanye West, the famous reference. His wrist is decorated with miniature Roman numbers from the date of birth of the daughter of Nord and Spouses Kim Kardashian.

Tattoo dedicated to children (59 photos):


There is a lot of varieties of such a knack. Choosing options, it is worth considering the most interesting sketches.

  • Using when writing a name or initials of different fonts, styles. This is one of the most common options that suggests an alpo image on the body. It may be the name of the baby, his initials or signature.

Many prefer to have tagged with an original way, with the use of unusual fonts, various curls, underscores.

Tattoo dedicated to children (59 photos):

Tattoo dedicated to children (59 photos):

  • Except the name or initials of the baby, often guys are stuffed next to him the name of their beloved . Such a picture is a recognition in feelings not only to the baby, but also his mother. These sketches can be complemented by phrases, for example, "forever in the heart", etc.

Tattoo dedicated to children (59 photos):

  • A good option is considered to be various inscriptions or sayings written in various languages. Popular are the options like "Smiling daughter is more expensive than each of you", "My children are my life" or a tattoo for men "Son and Father", packed in honor of the birth of the Son.

Tattoo dedicated to children (59 photos):

Tattoo dedicated to children (59 photos):

  • Palace-portrait is considered one of the most frequently used images. Such pictures are usually made large by placing them on visible places.

A good place for such a portrait will be the thigh, back, forearm, shoulder.

Tattoo dedicated to children (59 photos):

Tattoo dedicated to children (59 photos):

  • A good idea will be applied to the body of the initials of the child, or his full name, combined with his date of birth . This will allow for life to save the day in memory.

Tattoo dedicated to children (59 photos):

Tattoo dedicated to children (59 photos):

  • You can make a tattoo named kid in a foreign language . This applies not only to the name, but also of various sayings. There are inscriptions in Latin, English, as well as options with hieroglyphs and Arabic omge.

Choosing one of the options, you should transfer and check the correctness of the writing of the text. This is especially true of hieroglyphs. Just a small change in the symbol can completely change the meaning of the word.

Tattoo dedicated to children (59 photos):

  • The fingerprint of the baby's feet or the palm of the child is also indispensable attributes of such a knack. Children's legs or a baby's hand will harmoniously look next to the initials or the name of the child. Sketches look good in the form of two palms or both feet. The trace in the form of a tattoo looks very interesting and unusual. This option is also suitable for the girl, and for the guy. Plots with children's palms and feet are very popular. They are drawn schematically or according to the provided pattern in the form of a cast.

It looks good in the form of two palms, an adult hand and a child's handles located near or one on top of another.

Tattoo dedicated to children (59 photos):

Tattoo dedicated to children (59 photos):

Tattoo dedicated to children (59 photos):

  • Particularly interesting look Sketches with motherhood symbols, Emphairing kindness and tenderness in the form of the image "Mother and Child".

A similar drawing looks better on a woman's hand or neck.

Tattoo dedicated to children (59 photos):

Tattoo dedicated to children (59 photos):

Tattoo dedicated to children (59 photos):

Also relevant options with children's cubes, asterisks, crowns and hearts remain relevant. Alternatively, you can choose a tattoo in the form of a genealogical tree or use as a sketch a drawing made by the child. Supplement compositions can be objects in the form of a baby carriage, ribbons in blue or pink color, colors or patterns. Also as additional elements can be gift packaging with bows, scrolls, books, olive branches or complex ornament.

Abstract symbols are more suitable for people, not ready to show a portrait of their child or demonstrate his name, but wishing to confirm their parent status.

Tattoo dedicated to children (59 photos):

Tattoo dedicated to children (59 photos):

Tattoo dedicated to children (59 photos):

It is not recommended to fill aggressive pictures or plots with negative characters. It is unacceptable to use the image of the weapon, barbed wires, skulls or pictures with scaled beasts for such a tattoo. There should be no doll associated with violence.

Styles and color solutions

There are almost 30 different styles used to create honeycombs.

Facials dedicated to children are more often performed in the techniques:

  • realism;
  • watercolor;
  • minimalism;
  • graphics;
  • Lettering.

Tattoo dedicated to children (59 photos):

Tattoo dedicated to children (59 photos):

Children's portraits made in the technique of realism are popular. Satual image in style realism is not only beautiful drawings, in it the master is trying to show the whole level of his skill. Realism is a technique with a clear design of the picture corresponding to the original to the maximum. Tattoos in this technique can be performed in color or black and white.

Tattoo dedicated to children (59 photos):

Tattoo dedicated to children (59 photos):

Black and white Options are more often used when packing children's portraits. In compositions using additional elements, the entire color palette can be used. Tattoo masters were noticed that men more often on the body apply images of daughters, making them in black and white, while women choose portraits of sons in color.

The appearance of such a picture directly depends on the talent of a specialist. With high-quality work, the picture on the body will look very realistic, as if coming to the skin.

Tattoo dedicated to children (59 photos):

Palace in style watercolor It looks very gently, exquisitely and at the same time brightly. That is why many women choose this option for a caught dedicated to children. Many are preferred style minimalism , Popular options with gradient . Styles can be used doosek or geometry.

Tattoo dedicated to children (59 photos):

Tattoo dedicated to children (59 photos):

Options related to children's portraits and inscriptions are also performed in the technique. Lettering . It is an appliance technique on the body of alphabetic or digital designations using a variety of fonts. Often the masters create successful combinations, Combining styles.

The font plays a special role when applying the pallium. If men choose complex fonts, then the ladies prefer openwork inscriptions, with thin letters and openwork curls.

Tattoo dedicated to children (59 photos):

Tattoo dedicated to children (59 photos):

Places of application

Future images are dedicated to children can be located on any body area. For women, places for tattoos on wrist, hand or thigh are considered preferred. Thin openwork inscriptions will be more appropriate at these parts of the body. Also a great place for the inscriptions can be the neck, wrist, fingers on the hands, ankle.

Tattoo dedicated to children (59 photos):

Tattoo dedicated to children (59 photos):

Tattoo dedicated to children (59 photos):

Men are more often on the backs of the back, chest, shoulders, while they are more solid drawings and massive fonts. Gothic font requires space, so the inscriptions are advisable to fill on the back, lower back or chest.

Tattoo dedicated to children (59 photos):

Tattoo dedicated to children (59 photos):

Tattoo dedicated to children (59 photos):

As for the hieroglyphs, they are applied vertically. The most suitable place for them is the neck, hand or shin.

The inscriptions in the form of hieroglyphs or the Arabic Vizia will greatly look at the body of both parents.

Tattoo dedicated to children (59 photos):

Tattoo dedicated to children (59 photos):

Special preferences either bans not exist for stinging in certain places. You can make a native image on the chest, ribs below the heart, on the clavicle or behind the ear.

Tattoo dedicated to children (59 photos):

Tattoo dedicated to children (59 photos):

Often you can see the pallows stuffed on your hand or forearm in the form of a genealogical tree. In this place will look good inscriptions from the date of birth of the baby, his name.

Tattoo dedicated to children (59 photos):

Tattoo dedicated to children (59 photos):

On the wrist, the initials written by a suitable font will look at the wrist.

It is important to keep the selected topics, complementing letters with images in the form of a children's pacifier, a favorite toy or palms or a fellow of baby.

Tattoo dedicated to children (59 photos):

Such inscriptions are customary to put in the most visible places, as they demonstrate the pride and love of parents to children. Often they are complemented by the image of the sign of the zodiac of the heir, the time of his birth. Roman numbers look very original, some of which are replaced by alphabetic symbols.

Tattoo dedicated to children (59 photos):

Some parents make a native image in places that are not visible to others, preferring that only chosen people know about the drawing. The drawing dedicated to the baby is not the main way to express the love of parents to it.

It is not necessary to fill a picture by following fashionable trends or imitating domestic or foreign stars, but to focus on our own desires.

Tattoo dedicated to children (59 photos):

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