Tattoo with scorpions (69 photos): value and sketches. Tattoos on hand and on the shoulder, on the neck and on the chest, drawings on the shovel, on the leg and on other parts of the body


Almost every tattoo carries a certain meaning, and something exclusively good in it prevails in it. For this reason, before applying a tattoo on the body, it is recommended to know about its meaning. In this article, we will tell about what means the tattoo with a scorpion, what kind of varieties there are, where it is better to apply it.

Tattoo with scorpions (69 photos): value and sketches. Tattoos on hand and on the shoulder, on the neck and on the chest, drawings on the shovel, on the leg and on other parts of the body 13780_2


At this time, tattoo with scorpions are very popular. For many, this creature is of great importance . At all times to scorpions there was a very controversial attitude. Many they scared, and not in vain: Scorpions are able to kill a person with their poison. Nevertheless, they were respectful, and some even tried to imitate them to gain force, resistance, dexterity and determination, and also cause other people with the same fear and tremies.

Tattoo with scorpions (69 photos): value and sketches. Tattoos on hand and on the shoulder, on the neck and on the chest, drawings on the shovel, on the leg and on other parts of the body 13780_3

Tattoo with scorpions (69 photos): value and sketches. Tattoos on hand and on the shoulder, on the neck and on the chest, drawings on the shovel, on the leg and on other parts of the body 13780_4

In ancient Greek culture, this is a creature was a symbol of eternal life, the ability to win and achieve the desired despite all the difficulties . However, over time in ancient Greek culture, as in ancient Roman, scorpions have become the personification of murderers. The reason for this was one of the myths about the goddess of Artemis and Hunter Orion, that was the son of Poseidon. He insulted the beautiful goddess. That having angry, decided to create a scorpion, which helped her kill the hunter.

Tattoo with scorpions (69 photos): value and sketches. Tattoos on hand and on the shoulder, on the neck and on the chest, drawings on the shovel, on the leg and on other parts of the body 13780_5

Tattoo with scorpions (69 photos): value and sketches. Tattoos on hand and on the shoulder, on the neck and on the chest, drawings on the shovel, on the leg and on other parts of the body 13780_6

During the Middle Ages, scorpions were perceived as precursors of something evil and bad, they were associated with traitors and liars. In Christians, this image also had a negative interpretation: it was believed that Scorpio - This is a symbol of the devil himself and other unfinished forces.

Tattoo with scorpions (69 photos): value and sketches. Tattoos on hand and on the shoulder, on the neck and on the chest, drawings on the shovel, on the leg and on other parts of the body 13780_7

Tattoo with scorpions (69 photos): value and sketches. Tattoos on hand and on the shoulder, on the neck and on the chest, drawings on the shovel, on the leg and on other parts of the body 13780_8

But in Egypt to this creature, opposed, with great reverence. It was believed that he was a companion of Goddess Isis, that patronized mothers, and can help in the birth of a child. Many worshiped Scorpio during the period of tooling the child with the hope that, due to this, the process of childbirth would be painless, and the baby himself will be healthy. In addition, scorpions were considered helkend assistants that patronized dead, and conductor in the afterlife. According to legends, these creatures protected the entrance to and peace of all the dead. Because of this, the image of Scorpio often met on tombs or near the burial places.

Tattoo with scorpions (69 photos): value and sketches. Tattoos on hand and on the shoulder, on the neck and on the chest, drawings on the shovel, on the leg and on other parts of the body 13780_9

Tattoo with scorpions (69 photos): value and sketches. Tattoos on hand and on the shoulder, on the neck and on the chest, drawings on the shovel, on the leg and on other parts of the body 13780_10

In buddhist culture of scorpions, too, read . It was believed that they could provide a bold and brave warriors full protection, help them in battle. Because of this, the image of this creature could often be found on swords, shields and other military attributes. In many cultures for soldiers, Scorpio meant courage, willpower, the nobility and the ability to self-sacrifice.

In Japan, the image of the Scorpio was different . He was perceived as a symbol of wisdom, sanity and experience. And the scorpion depicted with a flower was considered a symbol of family well-being and happiness.

Tattoo with scorpions (69 photos): value and sketches. Tattoos on hand and on the shoulder, on the neck and on the chest, drawings on the shovel, on the leg and on other parts of the body 13780_11

Tattoo with scorpions (69 photos): value and sketches. Tattoos on hand and on the shoulder, on the neck and on the chest, drawings on the shovel, on the leg and on other parts of the body 13780_12

Indian tribes that lived in North America, they also had a special attitude to this creature. They perceived him as a fair and wise judge, who was able to appreciate all the good and bad acts of a person and determine his fate after death.

Tattoo with scorpions (69 photos): value and sketches. Tattoos on hand and on the shoulder, on the neck and on the chest, drawings on the shovel, on the leg and on other parts of the body 13780_13

Tattoo with scorpions (69 photos): value and sketches. Tattoos on hand and on the shoulder, on the neck and on the chest, drawings on the shovel, on the leg and on other parts of the body 13780_14

And for some scorpion, he was something like a guard, which was protected from diseases and negative influence from . Typically, this value was the creature of those people who were engaged in healing or were leaders. It was due to the fact that the Scorpio poison can not only kill a person, but also used for its treatment. Basically, he caused numbness of the limbs, which was especially necessary for operations. For this reason, the ancient surgeons began to use the ancient surgeons to be actively used, and Scorpio himself began to mean a long life and strong health.

Tattoo with scorpions (69 photos): value and sketches. Tattoos on hand and on the shoulder, on the neck and on the chest, drawings on the shovel, on the leg and on other parts of the body 13780_15

In Astrology, Scorpio, and rather his constellation also takes far from last . This is the eighth zodiacal sign that is under the auspices of two planets at once, pluton and Mars, which is characterized by its strength and symbolize the courage, aggression, and in some cases excessive rigidity . In view of this, the image of the Scorpio is interpreted as determination, self-peculiar and some impulsivity. However, this is still a water mark. Element of water dults all these pronounced qualities, somewhat softening them.

Tattoo with scorpions (69 photos): value and sketches. Tattoos on hand and on the shoulder, on the neck and on the chest, drawings on the shovel, on the leg and on other parts of the body 13780_16

If we talk about who comes up with a scorpion tattoo, it is universal, it can be seen on the bodies of both girls and men. Often, such a native figure makes those people who were born under the Zodiacal Scorpio sign.

Tattoo with scorpions (69 photos): value and sketches. Tattoos on hand and on the shoulder, on the neck and on the chest, drawings on the shovel, on the leg and on other parts of the body 13780_17

Tattoo with scorpions (69 photos): value and sketches. Tattoos on hand and on the shoulder, on the neck and on the chest, drawings on the shovel, on the leg and on other parts of the body 13780_18

However, all those who consider themselves a strong person and possesses a decisiveness, purposefulness and effort of will, such a tattoo will also fit.

Types and sketches of tattoos

There are many interesting sketches of scorpion tattoos. This can be both a simple pattern of small size without any additional elements and a full-fledged picture, the center of which is a creature.

In general, tattoo, where Scorpio is depicted by itself, look quite interesting and fully. The reason for this is that this creature has a special body structure. But at the same time, in the image of Scorpio, some features will play a huge role, in particular, its posture and sizes of individual parts.

Tattoo with scorpions (69 photos): value and sketches. Tattoos on hand and on the shoulder, on the neck and on the chest, drawings on the shovel, on the leg and on other parts of the body 13780_19

So, if Scorpio is depicted with open claws, this means an extraordinary person, a person's desire to extreme, some recklessness. Closed and straight claws in combination with a rounded tail, on the contrary, will mean equilibrium, calm and wisdom. If the claws are raised above the head, it means Dexterity, the desire to achieve the desired at any cost.

Tattoo with scorpions (69 photos): value and sketches. Tattoos on hand and on the shoulder, on the neck and on the chest, drawings on the shovel, on the leg and on other parts of the body 13780_20

In addition, the silhouette of the scorpion in the figure can be filled with a variety of patterns. They can carry a certain promise, and can be applied and pure for aesthetics - it largely depends on the preferences of the carrier of the future tattoo.

Tattoo with scorpions (69 photos): value and sketches. Tattoos on hand and on the shoulder, on the neck and on the chest, drawings on the shovel, on the leg and on other parts of the body 13780_21

Tattoo with scorpions (69 photos): value and sketches. Tattoos on hand and on the shoulder, on the neck and on the chest, drawings on the shovel, on the leg and on other parts of the body 13780_22

Additional elements on such tattoos may also be present . So, in addition to the scorpion itself, which symbolizes the militancy and the ability to fight, a snake may be present in the figure. Such a combination looks very aggressive and symbolizes the active struggle against internal fears and passions, the confrontation of positive and negative, life and death.

Tattoo with scorpions (69 photos): value and sketches. Tattoos on hand and on the shoulder, on the neck and on the chest, drawings on the shovel, on the leg and on other parts of the body 13780_23

Tattoo with scorpions (69 photos): value and sketches. Tattoos on hand and on the shoulder, on the neck and on the chest, drawings on the shovel, on the leg and on other parts of the body 13780_24

Floristic elements on such tattoos may also be present, which is characteristic mainly for female drawings. Usually, beautiful and lush roses are depicted in such pictures. Such a drawing will have a two-way interpretation: it can mean a destructive love that wounds the human soul, and can symbolize loyalty.

Tattoo with scorpions (69 photos): value and sketches. Tattoos on hand and on the shoulder, on the neck and on the chest, drawings on the shovel, on the leg and on other parts of the body 13780_25

Tattoo with scorpions (69 photos): value and sketches. Tattoos on hand and on the shoulder, on the neck and on the chest, drawings on the shovel, on the leg and on other parts of the body 13780_26

Other colors in the picture will also look appropriate . A similar image on the female body will look very gently, but at the same time emphasizes the power of its owner, the presence of a strong inner rod.

Tattoo with scorpions (69 photos): value and sketches. Tattoos on hand and on the shoulder, on the neck and on the chest, drawings on the shovel, on the leg and on other parts of the body 13780_27

Tattoo with scorpions (69 photos): value and sketches. Tattoos on hand and on the shoulder, on the neck and on the chest, drawings on the shovel, on the leg and on other parts of the body 13780_28

In addition, such a tattoo, according to the Japanese interpretation, will mean family harmony and stability.

Sometimes scorpions on tattoos are depicted in a clock combination. In this case, the image will mean life, its frequency. If the moon is depicted on the tattoo, then a mystical promise will be present here. It is believed that it enhances all the qualities that inherent in scorpions, and also symbolizes mystery.

Tattoo with scorpions (69 photos): value and sketches. Tattoos on hand and on the shoulder, on the neck and on the chest, drawings on the shovel, on the leg and on other parts of the body 13780_29

Tattoo with scorpions (69 photos): value and sketches. Tattoos on hand and on the shoulder, on the neck and on the chest, drawings on the shovel, on the leg and on other parts of the body 13780_30

Tattoo with scorpions (69 photos): value and sketches. Tattoos on hand and on the shoulder, on the neck and on the chest, drawings on the shovel, on the leg and on other parts of the body 13780_31

The inscriptions on such tattoos may also be present. Their content, font and language on which they will be written, depend solely on the wishes of a person. Most often, people choose inscriptions in Latin or English, which contains something about the desire for goal or invincibility.

Tattoo with scorpions (69 photos): value and sketches. Tattoos on hand and on the shoulder, on the neck and on the chest, drawings on the shovel, on the leg and on other parts of the body 13780_32

Tattoo with scorpions (69 photos): value and sketches. Tattoos on hand and on the shoulder, on the neck and on the chest, drawings on the shovel, on the leg and on other parts of the body 13780_33

But the combination of scorpion with turtles often causes an ambiguous reaction, After all, scorpion is often viewed as a symbol of childbearing, the emergence of a new life and longevity, and the skull, on the contrary, means death. For this reason, such drawings look very contradiction.

Tattoo with scorpions (69 photos): value and sketches. Tattoos on hand and on the shoulder, on the neck and on the chest, drawings on the shovel, on the leg and on other parts of the body 13780_34

Tattoo with scorpions (69 photos): value and sketches. Tattoos on hand and on the shoulder, on the neck and on the chest, drawings on the shovel, on the leg and on other parts of the body 13780_35

Extremely common tattoos depicting the constellation of the zodiac sign Scorpio, which go raised quite beautiful and interesting. Constellation can be depicted as an independent object, and can be complemented by different parts, such as, for example, starry sky, planets, image of rocket or cosmonaut, geometric shapes, etc.

Tattoo with scorpions (69 photos): value and sketches. Tattoos on hand and on the shoulder, on the neck and on the chest, drawings on the shovel, on the leg and on other parts of the body 13780_36

Tattoo with scorpions (69 photos): value and sketches. Tattoos on hand and on the shoulder, on the neck and on the chest, drawings on the shovel, on the leg and on other parts of the body 13780_37

Sometimes such a drawing is complemented by the letter "M" with the tail in the form of an arrow, which is directed up or down - It is this sign indicates the zodiac constellation Scorpio . As a rule, such native images make those people who were born under the sign of the Zodiac Scorpio. Such a tattoo for them have a special meaning.

Tattoo with scorpions (69 photos): value and sketches. Tattoos on hand and on the shoulder, on the neck and on the chest, drawings on the shovel, on the leg and on other parts of the body 13780_38

Tattoo with scorpions (69 photos): value and sketches. Tattoos on hand and on the shoulder, on the neck and on the chest, drawings on the shovel, on the leg and on other parts of the body 13780_39



This style direction is the most common for tattoos with a scorpion image. . Such a full drawings are usually large-scale and have a high level of detail - almost each element of the pattern is drawn in detail. It is by detail that the image comes out volumetric as 3D, realistic and bright that many causes delight.

Tattoo with scorpions (69 photos): value and sketches. Tattoos on hand and on the shoulder, on the neck and on the chest, drawings on the shovel, on the leg and on other parts of the body 13780_40

Tattoo with scorpions (69 photos): value and sketches. Tattoos on hand and on the shoulder, on the neck and on the chest, drawings on the shovel, on the leg and on other parts of the body 13780_41

But small pictures in this style will not look so impressive, because it is simply impossible to make them so naturalistic.


Illustrative tattoos, as a rule, differ in their scale and occupy a large skin area - Make a full illustration in miniature simplicity is not possible. Typically, this style may include several other destinations at once - most often it is realism, however, other style ethiments will also be appropriate, and their combinations look very interesting and unusual.

Tattoo with scorpions (69 photos): value and sketches. Tattoos on hand and on the shoulder, on the neck and on the chest, drawings on the shovel, on the leg and on other parts of the body 13780_42

Tattoo with scorpions (69 photos): value and sketches. Tattoos on hand and on the shoulder, on the neck and on the chest, drawings on the shovel, on the leg and on other parts of the body 13780_43

It should be noted that in such drawings, as a rule, there is always a certain plot, and therefore, in addition to scorpion, other composite elements will be present on them.


This style is also known as Tribal . For such drawings, it is characterized by the use of certain geometric patterns with blacks and bright lines, and they are performed in monophonic - most often they choose black or gray for them. Such tattoos first appeared at the tribes of Africa, where the scanning images were applied not only for aesthetics. Usually they carried a certain promise.

Tattoo with scorpions (69 photos): value and sketches. Tattoos on hand and on the shoulder, on the neck and on the chest, drawings on the shovel, on the leg and on other parts of the body 13780_44

Tattoo with scorpions (69 photos): value and sketches. Tattoos on hand and on the shoulder, on the neck and on the chest, drawings on the shovel, on the leg and on other parts of the body 13780_45

Another kind of tribal or ethnic tattoos is a Polynesian style. It is there, by the way, the art of tattoos originated. Pictures made in this style, look like a set of patterns, of which the image of a animal, bird or insect is formed. In antiquity, it was believed that such images could help attract gods to their side, find good luck and success. In addition, some of these tattoo people applied to emphasize their high social status.

Tattoo with scorpions (69 photos): value and sketches. Tattoos on hand and on the shoulder, on the neck and on the chest, drawings on the shovel, on the leg and on other parts of the body 13780_46

Tattoo with scorpions (69 photos): value and sketches. Tattoos on hand and on the shoulder, on the neck and on the chest, drawings on the shovel, on the leg and on other parts of the body 13780_47

New Skul

Tattoos with scorpion, made in the style of New Skul, will also look very interesting. This is a relatively new style direction. . It appeared in about the middle of the eighties and at the present time enjoys greatly popularity.

This style is characteristic of the clarity and brightness of the contours of the image, as well as colorfulness. There are no restrictions on the plan of execution here, which allows both a person that wishes to make a tattoo himself, and the master himself includes his fantasy to full.

Tattoo with scorpions (69 photos): value and sketches. Tattoos on hand and on the shoulder, on the neck and on the chest, drawings on the shovel, on the leg and on other parts of the body 13780_48

Tattoo with scorpions (69 photos): value and sketches. Tattoos on hand and on the shoulder, on the neck and on the chest, drawings on the shovel, on the leg and on other parts of the body 13780_49

Due to this whole drawings, according to the total, it turns out volumetric, which allows them to read even from far distance.


This style direction is also very popular. It is characterized by conciseness, simplicity and elegance that bribe many. Figures made in this style are very compact. This allows you to place them on any part of the body. In addition, they can be easily hidden under clothing from unnecessary eyes, which is also a plus for many. It is very interesting and harmonious in this style it looks like a tattoo with the constellation of the zodiac sign Scorpio. However, other drawings also take place.

Tattoo with scorpions (69 photos): value and sketches. Tattoos on hand and on the shoulder, on the neck and on the chest, drawings on the shovel, on the leg and on other parts of the body 13780_50

Tattoo with scorpions (69 photos): value and sketches. Tattoos on hand and on the shoulder, on the neck and on the chest, drawings on the shovel, on the leg and on other parts of the body 13780_51


It will be very interesting to look at the tattoo with a scorpion in such a stylistic direction as geometry . This style is appropriate for almost any native image.

The special role in it is played by geometric shapes, which also have a certain effect on the drawing, slightly expanding its value. So, for tattoos with scorpion, figures often use figures with a large number of angles or zigzag lines - they symbolize impulsiveness, aggression, but at the same time perseverance, purposefulness, the ability to achieve their own. But the circle and smooth lines, on the contrary, mean a peace-loving temper and calm.

Tattoo with scorpions (69 photos): value and sketches. Tattoos on hand and on the shoulder, on the neck and on the chest, drawings on the shovel, on the leg and on other parts of the body 13780_52

Tattoo with scorpions (69 photos): value and sketches. Tattoos on hand and on the shoulder, on the neck and on the chest, drawings on the shovel, on the leg and on other parts of the body 13780_53

Tresh-Polka style for such drawings will also be appropriate. Usually in this style, only two colors and their shades are used - red and black. In some cases, it is possible to do with the black one. As a rule, such images are characteristic of aggressiveness, they look defiantly and distinguished by their dull.

Tattoo with scorpions (69 photos): value and sketches. Tattoos on hand and on the shoulder, on the neck and on the chest, drawings on the shovel, on the leg and on other parts of the body 13780_54

Tattoo with scorpions (69 photos): value and sketches. Tattoos on hand and on the shoulder, on the neck and on the chest, drawings on the shovel, on the leg and on other parts of the body 13780_55

Drawings in a similar style choose mainly men who want to emphasize their strength.

Tattoo with scorpion in the style of the door will also be an interesting and non-standard solution. This style direction is different from all other special method of drawing: the image is transferred to the skin with a large number of points that are located at a certain distance from each other.

Tattoo with scorpions (69 photos): value and sketches. Tattoos on hand and on the shoulder, on the neck and on the chest, drawings on the shovel, on the leg and on other parts of the body 13780_56

Tattoo with scorpions (69 photos): value and sketches. Tattoos on hand and on the shoulder, on the neck and on the chest, drawings on the shovel, on the leg and on other parts of the body 13780_57

Color solutions

If we talk about a color decision, then a large selection is also provided here. Tattoos with scorpion can be black and white, and can be colorful. It depends only on the characteristics of the composition, the selected style, as well as from the person himself. In both cases, the tattoos look beautiful and harmonious, especially if they did a good tattooker.

If we talk about colored tattoos with a scorpion, you can use a variety of shades for such drawings - most often it is beige or light brown, however, other colors will also be appropriate. So, quite often there are pictures, where Scorpio is presented in red, blue or purple color.

Tattoo with scorpions (69 photos): value and sketches. Tattoos on hand and on the shoulder, on the neck and on the chest, drawings on the shovel, on the leg and on other parts of the body 13780_58

Tattoo with scorpions (69 photos): value and sketches. Tattoos on hand and on the shoulder, on the neck and on the chest, drawings on the shovel, on the leg and on other parts of the body 13780_59

Tattoo with scorpions (69 photos): value and sketches. Tattoos on hand and on the shoulder, on the neck and on the chest, drawings on the shovel, on the leg and on other parts of the body 13780_60

Accommodation options

The tattoo with the image of the scorpion can be placed anywhere, it affects its meaning little. Basically, the selection of the zone depends on the compositional features of the drawing, as well as from the desire of the person himself.

Tattoo with scorpions (69 photos): value and sketches. Tattoos on hand and on the shoulder, on the neck and on the chest, drawings on the shovel, on the leg and on other parts of the body 13780_61

If we are talking about miniature figures, then in this case the tattoo will look the most harmonious on the wrist or brush, on the shovel, neck, leg, behind the ear, on the edge or on the clavicle. The smallest tattoos can be placed on the finger.

Tattoo with scorpions (69 photos): value and sketches. Tattoos on hand and on the shoulder, on the neck and on the chest, drawings on the shovel, on the leg and on other parts of the body 13780_62

Tattoo with scorpions (69 photos): value and sketches. Tattoos on hand and on the shoulder, on the neck and on the chest, drawings on the shovel, on the leg and on other parts of the body 13780_63

Tattoo with scorpions (69 photos): value and sketches. Tattoos on hand and on the shoulder, on the neck and on the chest, drawings on the shovel, on the leg and on other parts of the body 13780_64

Tattoo with scorpions (69 photos): value and sketches. Tattoos on hand and on the shoulder, on the neck and on the chest, drawings on the shovel, on the leg and on other parts of the body 13780_65

If the tattoo is characterized by its scale, then it can be placed on the chest, which will symbolize militancy, on the back, forearm, shoulder or on the stomach.

Tattoo with scorpions (69 photos): value and sketches. Tattoos on hand and on the shoulder, on the neck and on the chest, drawings on the shovel, on the leg and on other parts of the body 13780_66

Tattoo with scorpions (69 photos): value and sketches. Tattoos on hand and on the shoulder, on the neck and on the chest, drawings on the shovel, on the leg and on other parts of the body 13780_67

Tattoo with scorpions (69 photos): value and sketches. Tattoos on hand and on the shoulder, on the neck and on the chest, drawings on the shovel, on the leg and on other parts of the body 13780_68

Tattoo with scorpions (69 photos): value and sketches. Tattoos on hand and on the shoulder, on the neck and on the chest, drawings on the shovel, on the leg and on other parts of the body 13780_69

About what a tattoo with a scorpion will tell the following video.

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