Orthodox tattoo: religious tattoos with prayers, "Holy Spirit", "Crucifixion of Christ" and others, their meaning and sketches. Tattoo on hand and on the shoulder, on the chest and on other parts of the body


People in antiquity stuffed the knack as a sign of faith or as an amulet. This tattoo indicates the confessional affiliation of its owner. Therefore, if you are going to apply a similar image on the body, you must be completely confident that with the times, do not change your religion.

Orthodox tattoo: religious tattoos with prayers,

Orthodox tattoo: religious tattoos with prayers,

Orthodox tattoo: religious tattoos with prayers,


Orthodox topics - perhaps the most ambiguous . In the classic Christian tradition there is no unambiguous opinion on this issue, all the responsibility for the selection of tagged with religious symbolism entirely and completely falls on the owner of the Tattoo.

The ROC does not approve of the application to the body of any faith symbols, but at the same time does not establish prohibitions. At the dawn of the origin of Christianity was allowed tattoo with the name of Christ or the image of his face. Special distribution received knockers with crosses on the chest at the crusaders, especially they were often stuffed before the campaigns. Therefore, the practice of religious symbols on the body has its own historical experience.

Orthodox tattoo: religious tattoos with prayers,

Orthodox tattoo: religious tattoos with prayers,

But in the Old Testament Book of Levit there is a reference to the ban's ban on the skin of texts and images of religious content. Some theologians indicate a different reason for the ban on Tattoo in Orthodoxy. This teaching often indicates the human body as "God's temple", which means it is impossible to desecrate it in his own will.

Obviously, there is no consensus on the admissibility of the use of Orthodox symbolism in the tattoo, nor in the church or in society.

Only one thing is known to be known: images of this kind are relevant among believers.

Orthodox tattoo: religious tattoos with prayers,

Orthodox tattoo: religious tattoos with prayers,

Orthodox tattoo: religious tattoos with prayers,

In past centuries, Christian symbolism on the body was perceived as charm. She defended her owner from adversity and failures in military battles. Nowadays, these drawings are pursued by other goals, namely:

  • tribute to religious traditions;
  • demonstration of his faith in God;
  • protection against external negative and bad deeds;
  • to attract attention.

Orthodox tattoo: religious tattoos with prayers,

Orthodox tattoo: religious tattoos with prayers,

Orthodox tattoo: religious tattoos with prayers,

Types and sketches of tattoos

Tattoo with Christian symbolism in our days is considered a fairly common direction of native painting. Such a symbolism has its own sacred interpretation and a special subtext for Christian believers. Let us dwell on the most common plots.


    Initially, the cross on the skin stuck medieval knights. In the Middle Ages it was believed that such a sign would be removing brave warriors in the battle and attracts success to their side. Most often, the image was applied in the chest area either on the back. Nowadays, tattoos offer crosses of several types:

    • With rollers - indicates the absolute faith of the owner of the Tattoo;

    Orthodox tattoo: religious tattoos with prayers,

    • with stone - talks about finding the meaning of life and its destination;

    Orthodox tattoo: religious tattoos with prayers,

    • Katyn - personifies the memory of people who left this world;

    Orthodox tattoo: religious tattoos with prayers,

    • Celtic - serves as a symbol of communication of all phenomena in the world;

    Orthodox tattoo: religious tattoos with prayers,

    • knights - a sign of valor, honesty and physical strength;

    Orthodox tattoo: religious tattoos with prayers,

    • Cross Peter - indicates the sincere faith in the Lord, West and respect;

    Orthodox tattoo: religious tattoos with prayers,

    • baptismal - associated with the theory of the immortality of the soul.

    Orthodox tattoo: religious tattoos with prayers,


    This is a very symbolic christian drawing. He personifies the purity of the soul and faith in God. Interpretation of this symbol directly depends on the plot line of the knack:

    • archangel - will be a guard from the dark forces;

    Orthodox tattoo: religious tattoos with prayers,

    • cherub - personifies innocence and mental purity;

    Orthodox tattoo: religious tattoos with prayers,

    • Angel of Death - indicates the fear of the ambulance or, on the contrary, is associated with the willingness of a person to leave this world;

    Orthodox tattoo: religious tattoos with prayers,

    • fallen Angel - interpreted as repentance in its own sins.

    Orthodox tattoo: religious tattoos with prayers,

    Quite often meets the theme of Angel and Demon . Such a tattoo symbolizes the two sides of the life of each person: dark and light, good and evil.

    They lead a continuous struggle with each other to take control of the owner of the tag.

    Orthodox tattoo: religious tattoos with prayers,

    the Virgin Mary

    The appearance of the Maiden Virgin, stuffed on the body, indicates the desire of the owner of the Palace to be cleaned of sins, to achieve forgiveness and proximity to the Almighty. In addition to the Virgin, the sketches of the crucifixions of Christ, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit are often pounding on the body.

    Orthodox tattoo: religious tattoos with prayers,

    Orthodox tattoo: religious tattoos with prayers,


    A variety of images associated with Christian teaching are used as Orthodox characters:

    • the Rose - the personification of innocence, spiritual purity and martyrdom;

    Orthodox tattoo: religious tattoos with prayers,

    • lamb - symbolizes sacrifice and absolute humility;

    Orthodox tattoo: religious tattoos with prayers,

    • anchor - It is considered a tribute to the deceased people;

    Orthodox tattoo: religious tattoos with prayers,

    • pigeon - means giving hope and sincere faith in a miracle.

    Orthodox tattoo: religious tattoos with prayers,


    People breeding centuries tried to protect themselves from dark forces and misfortunes, so prayer has always had a weight for any believer. Not bypassed Fashion for the sacred texts and the art of tattoos. Such an image carries several meanings.

    Appeal to the Lord is the most important interpretation. Regardless of whether the text of which prayer is naked on the body, first of all, these are words facing the Lord. At the same time, not all prayer is often used, but only its part.

    Orthodox tattoo: religious tattoos with prayers,

    Orthodox tattoo: religious tattoos with prayers,

        The attitude towards the Christian religion is obvious that the person, far from Orthodoxy, will not punish a similar tattoo on the body.

        The memory of a life situation is used in the case when a certain prayer helped a person to overcome difficulties and testing. The sacred text in this case means gratitude. And expresses it not only to God, but also to all those people who were next to the man and supported him.

        The most common prayer "Father Our" in Russian or in Latin with translation.

          Orthodox tattoo: religious tattoos with prayers,

          Orthodox tattoo: religious tattoos with prayers,

          Styles and color solutions

          The greatest popularity when using tattoos in Orthodox topics got style realism . It is characterized by a detailed drawing of all elements of the picture. Such a pallpaper turns out, rather, like a photo, rather than on a native pattern.

          Some types of images are styled in the Blackout style - most often it is crosses . In this case, the skin is painted completely. A little smaller distribution received Watercolor Stylistics, it is in demand when applying Orthodox characters (pigeon or roses).

          In this case, the picture resembles a drawing with its bright colors, gradient transitions, smears and drifts.

          Orthodox tattoo: religious tattoos with prayers,

          Orthodox tattoo: religious tattoos with prayers,

          Orthodox tattoo: religious tattoos with prayers,

          Tips for choosing an image

          The Bible in literally interpreting establishes a ban on tattoos in honor of the dead or living people. All other themes and plots are not contraindicated. It should also be noted that in the Holy Scripture there is a ban on the implementation of suns on the body of clergy. Therefore, the choice of tattoo with religious symbolism directly depends on the value of this pattern.

          Orthodox images choose people forced to live in a society where the other faith is confess. They often have an image of the cross on the skin. This symbol is used as a sign of differences for others, allowing after death to bury the owner of the Tattoo in accordance with the Christian, and not Muslim tradition.

          Orthodox tattoo: religious tattoos with prayers,

          Orthodox tattoo: religious tattoos with prayers,

          Orthodox tattoo: religious tattoos with prayers,

          Orthodox tattoos may be different. The only taboo is the use of a Christian symbol as an ordinary decorative decoration for the body. It is not allowed to use a pallium for thoughtless opposition to society. It should be understood that such options only people make, sincerely believers in God, who want to stand on the path of repentance and cleansing from the limits. Tattoo with Orthodox symbols becomes a kind of sign of refusal of sinful thoughts and actions. That is why the believers choose the sketch so that he extremely accurately pointed out the feelings that hesitate.

          Orthodox tattoo: religious tattoos with prayers,

          Orthodox tattoo: religious tattoos with prayers,

          Location options

          When choosing a place for a tattoo, it is necessary to take into account that such symbols of surrounding people can be perceived absolutely differently. It so happened that certain sketches are stacking on specific areas of the body. If the pallium carries in itself the sacred essence - it is applied to significant sections. And if she describes its owner, they are stuffed in places hidden from the views of others.

          For religious symbols, the listed places are most in demand.

          • Shoulder - On this site, the image of the man's hands is usually pounded, so the owner of the tattoo emphasizes the courage and spiritual power. Also on the shoulder you can find images of the saints.

          Orthodox tattoo: religious tattoos with prayers,

          • Forearm - This place is used for the image of the Great Saints and Paradise Gates. The drawing in this place personifies the man's thrust to God.

          Orthodox tattoo: religious tattoos with prayers,

          • Wrist - Optimal images for this part of the body will be religious attributes of small sizes, roses, anchors, birds, and a little less than more than less often crosses.

          Orthodox tattoo: religious tattoos with prayers,

          • Brush - Orthodox symbols are often fascinated on the edge of the palm.

          On the palms you can, if you wish, place an excerpt from prayer or praises of the Scripture.

          Orthodox tattoo: religious tattoos with prayers,

          • Neck - There are inscriptions, crosses and other Orthodox attributes.

          Orthodox tattoo: religious tattoos with prayers,

          • Breast - This place is suitable for large snaps, as a rule, it is wings, inscriptions and sketches in the form of icons. It is believed that the tattoo in this place is a powerful amulet for its owner.

          Orthodox tattoo: religious tattoos with prayers,

          • Back The wings of angel are considered the most popular squash in this zone, the trinity, crucified Jesus and church domes are less common. The symbolic message of such a tattoo is associated with a niche that a person bears.

          Orthodox tattoo: religious tattoos with prayers,

          But the legs and hips for the Orthodox tattoo are not used. It is believed that they are intended for sketches, which are intimate.

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