Tattoo "Through thorns to the stars": for women and for men. Tattoo «Per aspera ad astra» in the hand and other parts of the body, and the value of sketches of tattoos


Latin - the oldest surviving languages. Nowadays, they are not used in everyday life, but it is widely used in medicine and religion. Many scientists and writers knew Latin, so to this day remained a large number of winged phrases and philosophical expressions on it.

Among the sayings among fans of tattoos particularly popular Latin aphorism "Through thorns to the stars." In this article, we will reveal the significance of this phrase, as well as consider options for sketching and is ideal for placing a tattoo.





When people decide to fill a tattoo, they are always first examine its meaning and hidden meaning. Underwear figures in most cases, are designed to tell others about the media features, but tattoo Latin is not included in this category. The inscription on to keep the old language is not addressed to others, or to the owner.

Latin aphorism can take different philosophical meanings depending on age, living situation and outlook of the person.

People who choose a phrase in the ancient language as underwear figure, over the years, in a new way comprehend its hidden promise, so this tattoo is not boring.




Latin phrase «Per aspera ad astra», which translated into Russian language sounds like "through the thorns to the stars", many sources attribute to the ancient Roman philosopher and poet by the name of Seneca. The phrase means the efforts of a person on the way to his goal, and can be interpreted as "through the effort to win" or "through hardships to triumph." For the first time this expression the poet wrote in his work "Raging Hercules" to emphasize the idea of ​​stoicism, determination and firmness, not paying attention to the complexity.




Since then, the phrase has become a maxim, encouraging and inspiring millions of people.

Meaning tattoo "Through thorns to the stars" reveals deeper, if you carefully study the combination of opposing words - "thorns" and "star". Hearing the word "thorns" Many people probably remember thorny crown of thorns, which was put on Jesus' head. A thorn in the ancient name any plants with thorns and spines, which are painful wound body. The Latin expression Seneca word "thorns" is a difficult way of life, inflicting a wound body and mind sharp thorns of trials and tribulations.



Stars - grand, unattainable and infinitely beautiful celestial bodies. Many scientists have set themselves the goal to study the starry sky, and some have seen in astronomy meaning of his life. The stars in the Latin aphorism play the role of dreams, to which man aspires. L. akonichnaya and catchy phrase «Per aspera ad astra» contains a minimum of words and a maximum of meaning, telling about the main foundations of life and values ​​of humanity.



Expression of the Roman philosopher many people use as an unusual life motto, which gives strength in difficult times and does not lose the head of the temporary success. Aphorism inspired tattoo on media self-development, hard work and struggle with difficulties.

Sometimes a simple phrase uttered mentally owner of the tattoo, and help implement plans to solve tasks in spite of everything.


Tattooing in Latin should reflect your deepest desires and remind about the values ​​and principles that you honor. The inscription must be applied with a clear understanding of what goals you want to achieve at the moment and what life lessons you want to remember. Beautiful phrase is intended to inspire their support, not just decorating the body of the latest fashion trends.



Design options and sketches

Latin fonts, there is much more than in Russian, because Latin phrases are more popular among tattoo enthusiasts. Aphorisms can be packed in a variety of styles: print or cursive, rounded or angular, strictly or flowery, romantic or gothic in style. font design selects the next carrier tattoo, depending on the preferences and tastes. We propose to consider some interesting sketches of the phrase «Per aspera ad astra».

  • Normal font. Writing style aphorism same concise and memorable as the very philosophical phrase. The simple design is suitable for people of any age and gender.


  • samples in words . Aphorism, though he had just written in neat handwriting on the hand, helps the owner tattoo overcome difficulties. Suitable for men, doubt yourself, to find the strength for self-improvement.


  • ornate design . Extraordinarily complex style images of the first letters of words reminiscent of the ancient way of writing handmade folios. Tattoo is suitable for creative people - it will inspire the creation of new works of art.


  • Volumetric letters. The illusion of volume of words almost physically pushing the tattoo owner to implement their desires, causing difficulty to overcome. Style is well suited as a girl, tending to their goal, and the guy that was going through problems in life.


Places of application

Location Latin aphorism tattoo depends on its size, style and meaning, which puts him in the media. If you put the phrase in order to overcome internal torment and constantly remind yourself of your goals, choose a small font size and location on the body, which are before the eyes - fingers, hands and forearms. The expression shown on the body with a large font with a suitis design is a loud statement to the world that you have not just a dream, and the goal that you resolutely intend to achieve.




The expression "through thorns to the stars" should be easily read, so choose the places where it will be convenient to consider. It is not necessary to apply them wherever you will see them that the meaning of aphorism gives the strength. Successful places for applying a small size is the brushes of the hands, wrist and place under the clavicle. The sketch of the medium size can be placed on the forearm by turning it so that the phrase began at the elbow and ended at the wrist. Aphorism written by large font is better to place on the chest from the shoulder to the shoulder or on the back.




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