Tattoo "Nature": Tattoos sketches with landscapes. Meaning. Where better to apply?


Tattoo with the image of nature is so extensive notion that almost everyone will find for themselves in this subject sketch, which can reflect the inner world of a person or just please the original and beautiful pattern. Values ​​can be the most different depending on the selected picture.







Tattoo value

Tattoo "Nature" is the common name of a large number of where the most diverse plots and elements can include:

  • animals - wild and homely;
  • All sorts of plants;
  • underwater world;
  • Landscapes - marine, mountainous, forest;
  • Sky - in a variety of species (in sunny, cloudy weather, day, night).





The main summary value of such a tattoo will be one: This man strives for beauty and perfection, appreciates the world around, is in harmony with him or very striving for it. If you start to understand in detail in choosing a narrower subject, then the values ​​may depend on which items are depicted on the tattoo. Consider only some examples. Tattoo depicting different animals may mean that with the help of certain representatives, a person wants to designate some features of their character or attitude to peace.

Men often choose Tigers, Lviv, Orlov, crocodiles for this purpose. Women preferred cats, panthers, dolphins, owls, flamingos, hummingbirds. If we talk about plants and colors, then most often they use romantic nature for tattoo, and women simply emphasize the beauty of the body.

For application on the body, flowers such as rose, chamomile, lotus, lily, dandelion are chosen.




Sea landscapes may differ from the sea itself. If it is violent, it may mean a passionate nature, ready for adventure and dangerous corners. The calm surface of the water will symbolize peace of mind and inner harmony. Mountains on the tattoo will mean willingness to overcome obstacles and the desire to be always the winner. Forest expanses emphasize the adventure and at the same time to solitude

The night sky can push the thoughts about something mystical and at the same time about the infinity of the universe, the sky with clouds and thunderstorms means nature contradictory or certain complex turns in life. Thus, The theme of nature is convenient because you can choose any option and put it with your own meaning. The main thing is that the image on the body like the owner itself.




Ideas sketches

When choosing a sketch, preference most often gives such styles as Realism and watercolor, Since with their help you can transfer all the beauty of nature, whether it is a sea landscape in a circle or a wild cat in the jungle.

Graphics and minimalism Also can also be used, but are suitable for those who want to express some idea with the help of concise tattoo, while not attracting unnecessary attention to their tattoo. Although extensive landscapes made by the hand of the master look impressive. More often such tattoo prefer to apply a man on the body.




To select a successful sketch, you can consult with the master, see his finished works, come up with something. Images can be the most different. Therefore, it is necessary to clearly imagine what basic idea you invest in the selected tattoo.

  • Harsh men's tattoo, but very realistic, telling about the inner world as it is impossible . Before us, an extreme leisure amateur that does not seek easy paths.


  • The beauty of the sky, water, forests and the mountains are transferred in the same tattoo, and In black and white.


  • Very harmonious picture From which there can be calm, warm and at the same time mystery.


  • Landscape In the circle it looks concisely and realistic at the same time.


  • Such a tattoo In color execution Very reminds the picture.


  • A somewhat aggressive image, but it looks bright and impressive. Maybe the owner wanted to tell about his character in this way, and maybe in general his life looks like a volcano.


Where can I apply?

Tattoo on the theme of nature for the most part makes voluminous so that the smallest details were drawn, paints were present . Therefore, they take back, hand, side, chest. You can often find a landscape placed on the back, or an animal that occupies the entire hand. Sometimes the landscape originates on his hand and goes to the back or starts on the chest with the transition to side. It should be borne in mind that such volumetric tattoo is made not for one session, time and money will go to such masterpieces a lot, and the process of skin healing will last longer.

It is less likely to meet such a tattoo at different parts of the leg, neck, stomach. But if a plant or animal of miniature sizes, such as lily or hummingbird, can be placed on the wrist, and on the ankle, and on the shoulder, and on the neck.

The choice of the body portion depends on the scale of the image and the choice of desire - to demonstrate their views on the world with the help of a tattoo or leave it with their little secret.







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