Tattoo "Point of Sein": Tattoo value on the wrist and other parts of the body, the best sketches and techniques


A tattoo with a punctuation mark in the form of a point with a comma at first glance seems very simple, but at the same time filled with a strong meaning. This trend is not from those who quickly pass and leave behind the trace. All over the world, the point with a comma is in demand, as it allows you to highlight problems associated with unstable mental health. Such a tattoo is part of the story of those who wish to hurt themselves are subject to depression, disturbance, various dependencies and daily enter the battle with them.




Tattoo "Point with a comma" appeared thanks to a non-commercial project created by Amy Bluela. Her father committed suicide, after which suicidal thoughts began to visit her. She tried to fight with them. As a result, a project in honor of Father Bluelal became a global movement, inspiring and prompting people to live and fight suicidal thoughts. The project website says that The punctuation mark in the form of a point with a comma is customary to use if the author can, but does not finish the proposal.



Such a simple symbol is able every day to remind that There is a lot of words in life that it is important to say. The tattoo point with comma is suitable for those who are not subject to depression, but understands and wants to support confusion fighting. The image is filled with a deep meaning and can also become a memory of a close person who died unnatural death.

It's amazing that such a symbol on the body is able to combine people and show how global problem is.


Applying a point with a comma It is worth being ready for a complete self-control of actions and wish to deal with all bad . Moreover, the light symbol means a heavy battle. Movement with a tattoo in the form of a punctuation mark is designed to motivate people who have similar problems.

The image stimulates to look back for the past, evaluate the path traveled and outline new. You can always start rewriting the history of your life, you should not finish with her suicide.



Options sketches

A semicolon looks good as an independent tattoo, and in addition to various elements. Most often, together with the sign of punctuation, butterfly, wings, birds, landscapes, waves, feather, flowers, heart or heartbeat line are applied. To date, there is a huge number of interesting sketches. One of them is a small point with a comma in black, applied to the finger.


The originality of the punctuation sign is originally made with a soft transition in shades of gray, as well as with white glare. A little unusual shadow, and the drawing turns into a spectacular three-dimensional, which made it look like a drop of water.


Complementing a point with a semicolon with multi-colored wings, you can get a tattoo in the form of a butterfly. Having made such a drawing on the wrist, you can express hope for the best.


A new life path can be associated with flying birds, to which the punctuation sign harmoniously jumped. This tattoo will be a good motivator to fight.


It's amazing how well a point with a semicolon can look in a large size. Especially if they illustrate the landscape, sea and whale in black and gray colors.


Point and comma may look very original if they make them in the form of shells and waves. In this case, blue-blue bubbles will be an excellent addition.


To express your position against suicides, there is no need to apply a large tattoo. A sufficiently small punctuation mark in an inverted form.


The symbol hanging in the loop will be a reminder that it is necessary to find strength to fight. At the same time, you can safely seek help from your loved ones or professionals.


Beautifully miniature punctuation sign will look at the ankle. Here he is rather reminiscent of a couple of moles, but it does not lose its meaning.


Tattoo with a point and comma, supplemented by crossed arles, are often made by pair. This is due to the fact that they are a symbol of real friendship.


A superbly completed old handle with a pen may end with an unusual punctuation mark. Such an image is filled with the idea of ​​writing self-life.


The point and comma can harmoniously fit into a large and attractive cat's cat. Especially good, such a tattoo will look in the watercolor style.


A black drawing, located inside the watercolor blue spot, looks at the skin. This effect is created due to the contrast between the colors.


Sometimes the point and comma are complemented to the main image. For example, a very profitable sign looks in conjunction with intricate sunflowers against the background of geometric shapes.


Even a small sketch can be diversified, for example, replacing the usual point for a nice heart.


Realistically, how life approval looks like a heart patent line in black. Its very impressive can be supplemented with a punctuation mark and a blue barely noticeable heart. Such a tattoo is filled with deep meaning and is associated with a continuation of life.


The heart, permeated with a comma point, will look softer and more elegant if adding a soft watercolor background. It is optimally combined pink, yellow and purple colors.


Expressive butterfly in watercolor style, symbolizes a new beginning and hope. In order for the story to continue, despite the dark times, it can be supplemented by inspirational text.


To appreciate the life even more, you can supplement the point with the comma with a small cross. This image will look great on the wrist as a reminder of the faith and the need for daily struggle.


Very clean and heavy lines in black, merge into the bracelet with points and comma. Such a drawing can mean recovery, despite the great difficulties.


Purposeful individuals can add a point with a comma and lines. It will not let you forget about the goal and allows you to output from the depressive state.


The offer on the hand, which ends with a beautiful sign of punctuation, means that life also continues.


If you want to make a very personal tattoo, it is better to use a white color that does not stand out on the body.


A spectacular addition to the point and the comma will be wings. It will encourage changes in their life path.


Original umbrellas are suitable for the best friends and accurately attract attention.


A punctuation mark in the form of a point with a comma can be applied in any style. However, adherents of this tattoo prefer the following directions.


Images in this style are distinguished by large areas, painted black paint. As well as characteristic features are simplicity, geometric shapes, dense color. However, it is not about each tattoo made in black shades, we can say that it is Blackworg. It is important that the style reflects the major images. Even staining of integer parts of the body into black.




According to some specialists, this style can be considered part of the doorway. The direction is characterized by a clear image, consisting of strict and straight lines that are necessarily solid . Linvork appeared relatively recently, but quickly became popular thanks to the original form. Sketches in this style always look bright and immediately remembered.


Tattoo can be done in any color, but it is advisable to stop the choice on black or red.


The style is characterized by ease, gentle flowers, smooth subteps, giving the tattoo of originality. This direction turns the full images to picturesque paintings. Air and transparent lines are impressive and create the effect of drawing using conventional paint, without using a tattoo machine. Such tattoo attracted attention to even those who are not very important to classic styles. It's nice to wear a watercolor picture on your body, and not to keep it on the wall.




The birthplace of this style is the United States, and his story began in the middle of the twentieth century. This direction is one of the most popular tattoo art. For tradition, the stories based on the motives of the late XIX - the beginning of the XX centuries, and at first they were used by sailors and travelers. Among distinctive features should be noted Simple execution technique, plot without a deep meaning and complex philosophy. Fattags are understandable to residents of all countries.



Images performed in the geometry style are attracted by clear lines and shapes. Tattoos look like Welding into a single integer lines with geometric shapes. Geometry can be seen in each subject, which is easy to display in the image, material or color. This direction is easily combined with various sketches.



This style appeared in the XXI century and quickly began to gain popularity. Interesting and attractive drawings look more spectacular than ordinary. Such tattoo want not only to look at, but also touch. However, complex images can qualitatively apply only a high-level professional, which will work all the details, effects and correctly select colors. It should be borne in mind that Multicolored 3D tattoos are losing brightness over time, and they have to be adjusted to save an unusual effect.


Places of application

Image of a point with a comma as a tattoo can be applied anywhere on the body . Simplicity and small sizes of sketches will be perfectly looked anywhere. Of course, the most popular places of tattoo with the sign of punctuation are the fingers, ankles and zones for the ears.

The images performed on the wrist also look original. The main thing is to choose a composition in black or different colors, which will make life for the better every day.




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