Children's raincoat (52): To a boy and a girl, model Raincoat Kaste navy, hooded cloaks of Reima, Twins


How to dress your baby in rainy weather - a topical issue that worries many parents. Walking with an umbrella is not always convenient, so you should think about the choice of children's raincoat.

Children's raincoat (52): To a boy and a girl, model Raincoat Kaste navy, hooded cloaks of Reima, Twins 13664_2

Children's raincoat (52): To a boy and a girl, model Raincoat Kaste navy, hooded cloaks of Reima, Twins 13664_3

Children's raincoat (52): To a boy and a girl, model Raincoat Kaste navy, hooded cloaks of Reima, Twins 13664_4

Models for boys and girls

The designers made sure that the children's clothing for rainy weather has been presented in a large assortment:

  • Raincoat poncho-free cut and characterized by the presence of the hood. Such a model will provide reliable protection, freedom of movement and comfort, so a raincoat, poncho possible long walks.

Children's raincoat (52): To a boy and a girl, model Raincoat Kaste navy, hooded cloaks of Reima, Twins 13664_5

Children's raincoat (52): To a boy and a girl, model Raincoat Kaste navy, hooded cloaks of Reima, Twins 13664_6

  • Raincoat-cape is perfect for an active child, for which even the rain did not serve as a hindrance to walking. Most of these models are selected for small children.

Children's raincoat (52): To a boy and a girl, model Raincoat Kaste navy, hooded cloaks of Reima, Twins 13664_7

Children's raincoat (52): To a boy and a girl, model Raincoat Kaste navy, hooded cloaks of Reima, Twins 13664_8

Children's raincoat (52): To a boy and a girl, model Raincoat Kaste navy, hooded cloaks of Reima, Twins 13664_9

  • Raincoat in the form of jackets or overalls - a maximum protection, which will operate even in heavy rain. In these clothes are provided gum in the sleeves and hem on jacket, due to which the water has no chance to get under the raincoat.

Children's raincoat (52): To a boy and a girl, model Raincoat Kaste navy, hooded cloaks of Reima, Twins 13664_10

Children's raincoat (52): To a boy and a girl, model Raincoat Kaste navy, hooded cloaks of Reima, Twins 13664_11

Children's raincoat (52): To a boy and a girl, model Raincoat Kaste navy, hooded cloaks of Reima, Twins 13664_12


Relative to the length that will be optimal for children's raincoat, a bit versions. Better to choose the model that will reach only to the knees.

Children's raincoat (52): To a boy and a girl, model Raincoat Kaste navy, hooded cloaks of Reima, Twins 13664_13

Still kids active and mobile, and the coat should not create difficulties for the movement and not to drown in pools each time the child will want to sit down. You will not go wrong if you give preference to the length raincoat at mid-thigh or a little lower, but not longer than the knee.

Children's raincoat (52): To a boy and a girl, model Raincoat Kaste navy, hooded cloaks of Reima, Twins 13664_14

Children's raincoat (52): To a boy and a girl, model Raincoat Kaste navy, hooded cloaks of Reima, Twins 13664_15

Trying cloak, the child should move to eliminate scoring slicker and snare movements.

Children's raincoat (52): To a boy and a girl, model Raincoat Kaste navy, hooded cloaks of Reima, Twins 13664_16

Children's raincoat (52): To a boy and a girl, model Raincoat Kaste navy, hooded cloaks of Reima, Twins 13664_17

Children's raincoat (52): To a boy and a girl, model Raincoat Kaste navy, hooded cloaks of Reima, Twins 13664_18

Children's raincoat (52): To a boy and a girl, model Raincoat Kaste navy, hooded cloaks of Reima, Twins 13664_19

Children's raincoat (52): To a boy and a girl, model Raincoat Kaste navy, hooded cloaks of Reima, Twins 13664_20

Children's raincoat (52): To a boy and a girl, model Raincoat Kaste navy, hooded cloaks of Reima, Twins 13664_21

How to choose?

Flour choice will not torment you, if you follow some simple rules:

  • Sutures require greater attention because it is from them for the most part depend on the ability of the cloak does not pass water. the fabric is not sewn, and is soldered or glued into children's models. Other options can not be considered.

Children's raincoat (52): To a boy and a girl, model Raincoat Kaste navy, hooded cloaks of Reima, Twins 13664_22

  • The size must be chosen carefully, taking into account the time that the cloak should be free. No slim line models. Remember that a raincoat will dress on a sweater or jacket.

Children's raincoat (52): To a boy and a girl, model Raincoat Kaste navy, hooded cloaks of Reima, Twins 13664_23

  • Lining is not a compulsory element of children's cloak. You can rely on your personal preference and should be based on the season. For the summer period cloak lined to anything, but for the autumn and early spring is better to choose a model with a lining made of cotton or polyester.

Children's raincoat (52): To a boy and a girl, model Raincoat Kaste navy, hooded cloaks of Reima, Twins 13664_24

  • Style is selected solely on age, sex and desires of the child. For kids is better to choose a jacket with pants, and now for the 3-year-old child can buy a separate cloak.

Children's raincoat (52): To a boy and a girl, model Raincoat Kaste navy, hooded cloaks of Reima, Twins 13664_25

Children's raincoat (52): To a boy and a girl, model Raincoat Kaste navy, hooded cloaks of Reima, Twins 13664_26

Children's raincoat (52): To a boy and a girl, model Raincoat Kaste navy, hooded cloaks of Reima, Twins 13664_27

Children's raincoat (52): To a boy and a girl, model Raincoat Kaste navy, hooded cloaks of Reima, Twins 13664_28

  • The hood should be in the rain, it will allow you to give up the umbrella. It is better if the hood will be adjusted by clamps or in its design there will be an elastic band. Hooded must freely accommodate the hat. An excellent option is a hooding raincoat on which a visor has. In this case, the drops will not fall on the face.

Children's raincoat (52): To a boy and a girl, model Raincoat Kaste navy, hooded cloaks of Reima, Twins 13664_29

Children's raincoat (52): To a boy and a girl, model Raincoat Kaste navy, hooded cloaks of Reima, Twins 13664_30

Children's raincoat (52): To a boy and a girl, model Raincoat Kaste navy, hooded cloaks of Reima, Twins 13664_31

Children's raincoat (52): To a boy and a girl, model Raincoat Kaste navy, hooded cloaks of Reima, Twins 13664_32

Children's raincoat (52): To a boy and a girl, model Raincoat Kaste navy, hooded cloaks of Reima, Twins 13664_33

  • The sleeves as well as the hood must have tumbs, regulators or gum. But if you failed to find such a model, stop at a raincoat with long and loose sleeves that will cover your palms and reach the bottom of the fingers.

Children's raincoat (52): To a boy and a girl, model Raincoat Kaste navy, hooded cloaks of Reima, Twins 13664_34

  • A button or zipper should be considered as a clashing, but not buttons.

Children's raincoat (52): To a boy and a girl, model Raincoat Kaste navy, hooded cloaks of Reima, Twins 13664_35

Children's raincoat (52): To a boy and a girl, model Raincoat Kaste navy, hooded cloaks of Reima, Twins 13664_36

  • The collar can be any design, but in any case he must be well covered with a child's neck, not leaving the rain drops no chance for hitting the raincoat.

Children's raincoat (52): To a boy and a girl, model Raincoat Kaste navy, hooded cloaks of Reima, Twins 13664_37

Children's raincoat (52): To a boy and a girl, model Raincoat Kaste navy, hooded cloaks of Reima, Twins 13664_38

Children's raincoat (52): To a boy and a girl, model Raincoat Kaste navy, hooded cloaks of Reima, Twins 13664_39


When choosing a raincoat for a child, it is necessary to carefully study the material from which it was manufactured. For the outside, synthetic fabrics are often selected, which do not let moisture and wear well. Cotton here has no chance.

Children's raincoat (52): To a boy and a girl, model Raincoat Kaste navy, hooded cloaks of Reima, Twins 13664_40

But water resistance is not the only requirement that is presented to the external raincoat material. The body should breathe in any case, the membrane materials are perfectly coping with this requirement. If you were not lucky enough to find a raincoat from such a fabric, choose PVC or nylon, but check the presence of ventilation holes. Most often they are located in the area of ​​the armpits.

Children's raincoat (52): To a boy and a girl, model Raincoat Kaste navy, hooded cloaks of Reima, Twins 13664_41

Any material should keep their form well, not to deform when flexing, do not form folds and even more fractures. Fat material is also not the best option for a kindergarten, because in such clothes the child will be inconvenient and hard.

Children's raincoat (52): To a boy and a girl, model Raincoat Kaste navy, hooded cloaks of Reima, Twins 13664_42

Color and print

This stage in the choice of raincoat can be entrusted to the child, he still can wear this raincoat. As practice shows, the boys choose models of blue, red or green colors, on which there is an image of a loved one from the cartoon. As for girls, here most often the choice falls on pastel tones and bright colors (pink, yellow, purple, blue). On rascoats that girls like, in most cases, there is a large print or small drawing. These parents assess the material and quality of the seams, and the appearance of the cloak, its brightness and expressiveness is more important for the child.

Children's raincoat (52): To a boy and a girl, model Raincoat Kaste navy, hooded cloaks of Reima, Twins 13664_43


Many manufacturers are engaged in the release of children's raincoats, so there are no problems with the choice. Very good options for waterproof clothing are represented from Kaste Navy, Twins, Barkito and Kidorable.

Children's raincoat (52): To a boy and a girl, model Raincoat Kaste navy, hooded cloaks of Reima, Twins 13664_44

Children's raincoat (52): To a boy and a girl, model Raincoat Kaste navy, hooded cloaks of Reima, Twins 13664_45

Children's raincoat (52): To a boy and a girl, model Raincoat Kaste navy, hooded cloaks of Reima, Twins 13664_46

An excellent model introduced Kaste Navy. Raincoat raincoat is made of three types of fabrics. The top layer is dense, but thin, does not let the water and protects against the wind. The second layer is responsible for the preservation of heat and the withdrawal of moisture, which is produced by the body. And finally he warms the third layer, ensures comfort and breathing the body. Such a model can be considered an example of an ideal baby rain.

Children's raincoat (52): To a boy and a girl, model Raincoat Kaste navy, hooded cloaks of Reima, Twins 13664_47

Children's raincoat (52): To a boy and a girl, model Raincoat Kaste navy, hooded cloaks of Reima, Twins 13664_48

What to wear?

It is clear that in one raincoat is very walking - it is necessary to pick up additional elements. The girl will be crazy about the handbag from the waterproof material. In tone to the flood, you need to choose rubber boots and an umbrella.

Children's raincoat (52): To a boy and a girl, model Raincoat Kaste navy, hooded cloaks of Reima, Twins 13664_49

Children's raincoat (52): To a boy and a girl, model Raincoat Kaste navy, hooded cloaks of Reima, Twins 13664_50

Children's raincoat (52): To a boy and a girl, model Raincoat Kaste navy, hooded cloaks of Reima, Twins 13664_51

Children's raincoat (52): To a boy and a girl, model Raincoat Kaste navy, hooded cloaks of Reima, Twins 13664_52

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