Covers on suitcases (26 photos): How to determine the size? Transparent and other covers. How to choose and wear them? Tissue overview


Comfortable suitcase - a constant attribute on the journey. When things are collected, the last touch remains - to wear a case. This accessory will protect your luggage and allow you not to overpay for winding a suitcase with a film at the airport. Choose a case is easy - there are different types, sizes and colors for every taste.

Covers on suitcases (26 photos): How to determine the size? Transparent and other covers. How to choose and wear them? Tissue overview 13649_2

Description and appointment

The protective accessory is sewn from durable fabric, resistant to moisture, pollution and mechanical damage.

As a rule, synthetic materials are used, but naturally occur.

Covers on suitcases (26 photos): How to determine the size? Transparent and other covers. How to choose and wear them? Tissue overview 13649_3

The shape of the case repeats the rectangular outlines of the suitcase, there are also fasteners, velcro or lightning to ensure reliable fixation. There are several sizes, in addition, there are options from elastic fabrics that can stretch if necessary.

The case on the suitcase is a useful acquisition that has several advantages.

  • Protects luggage from small damage. Loaders do not ceremony with his swing, and there is a considerable chance of a succession to detect scratches or dents on their suitcase. The presence of a cover reduces the likelihood of such unpleasant surprises.
  • Protects against dampness and dirt. If you have a suitcase with a fabric coating, it can quickly get dirty during the loading or in the luggage compartment. The case will help to avoid such problems.
  • Allows you to save. Each time you pay for winding a film at the airport - a solid ruin, especially if you often fly. In addition, it happens that the customs department decides to check the contents, and cellophane is cut. After inspection, the owner has to pack the suitcase again - and again pay for the winding. With a case, you can not be afraid of extra spending.
  • Facilitates the search for baggage. Sometimes the owner is quite difficult to identify its suitcase on the issuance tape. Accessories with the same type design, in addition, closed in the film, look very similar. With a bright case, you immediately recognize your luggage as soon as it seems on the ribbon.
  • Creates additional insurance. If you try to take with you as many things as possible, lightning on the suitcase may not withstand the pressure. If you have a cover, your property will remain in preservation and will not be lost.

Covers on suitcases (26 photos): How to determine the size? Transparent and other covers. How to choose and wear them? Tissue overview 13649_4

The case will also be an obstacle for intruders. Most likely, the thief ignores the luggage with which it will have to mess around for a long time, open all the fasteners and buttons, because these actions attract attention.

Cover is a good option for those who want to change the design of the suitcase. Buying several different sacques for each case - it is quite expensive. You can proceed easier and entrust your travel accessory to a new case that comes up to your image and mood.

Covers on suitcases (26 photos): How to determine the size? Transparent and other covers. How to choose and wear them? Tissue overview 13649_5

Review of species

Covers differ in their characteristics, so it is worth understanding their features to understand what exactly you are suitable. It is important that this item be durable, convenient and matched the size of the suitcase. For the smallest travelers, you can pick up a children's case. As for the design - the accessory can be monophonic, transparent, with a print.

Covers on suitcases (26 photos): How to determine the size? Transparent and other covers. How to choose and wear them? Tissue overview 13649_6

By type of construction

The case of the case depends on how convenient it will be in operation. First of all, it is worth paying attention to the method of fixation:

  • Lightning - most often found, a fairly reliable type of clasp, which usually does not cause problems;
  • Velcro - with active use, the veins cling to itself, dirt, as a result, the mount becomes not solid enough and can be spontaneously unborn;
  • Buttons - require some time, to fasten them longer than zipper;
  • Buttons - with careless use, such items can be inadvertently cutting down with the root, and it will not be possible to repair - a hole will remain on the canvase.

Covers on suitcases (26 photos): How to determine the size? Transparent and other covers. How to choose and wear them? Tissue overview 13649_7

Covers on suitcases (26 photos): How to determine the size? Transparent and other covers. How to choose and wear them? Tissue overview 13649_8

On some models there is a Fastex - a special clasp with teeth. It is installed at the bottom of the product to provide a good shrinkage and additional fixation.

Covers on suitcases (26 photos): How to determine the size? Transparent and other covers. How to choose and wear them? Tissue overview 13649_9

Covers on suitcases (26 photos): How to determine the size? Transparent and other covers. How to choose and wear them? Tissue overview 13649_10

In addition to the accessories, it is worth paying attention to the cuts. For two-wheeled and four-wheeled suitcases, different covers will be required.

And also need to be traced that the holes for the handles coincide, otherwise there is difficulty in the process.

Covers on suitcases (26 photos): How to determine the size? Transparent and other covers. How to choose and wear them? Tissue overview 13649_11

Covers on suitcases (26 photos): How to determine the size? Transparent and other covers. How to choose and wear them? Tissue overview 13649_12

By material manufacturing

Basic requirements for products - wear resistance, elasticity, availability of moisture protection and dirt-repellent properties. There are several types of fabrics and materials that are in one degree or another for these criteria, and covers are usually sewn.

  • Spandex and neoprene. Excellent stretch, so even if you are slightly mistaken with the size, there will be no problems. These fabrics for a long time retain the initial species - the drawing does not fade on them. Products should be treated with moisture protection impregnation if this does not make a manufacturer.
  • Lycra. It has excellent elasticity, while durable - the seams do not diverge and do not rush even during active operation. Requires neat wash and drying away from the sun.
  • PVC film. This is not a fabric, but more dense material. It protects well from water and dirt, but at the same time does not stretch at all. And also the seams in such cases poorly withstand the load.
  • Polyester. It has wear resistance, easily tolerate washing, dries quickly. Prints on such a surface will retain the brightness of the paints for a long time.

Covers on suitcases (26 photos): How to determine the size? Transparent and other covers. How to choose and wear them? Tissue overview 13649_13

Covers on suitcases (26 photos): How to determine the size? Transparent and other covers. How to choose and wear them? Tissue overview 13649_14

And there are products from natural fabric - they are intended for leather suitcases. Similar spaces do not like hermetic packaging, so it is important that the material is breathing. In this case, the fabric should be rather dense, of thick threads to ensure protection from direct sunlight, pollution and scratches.

Covers on suitcases (26 photos): How to determine the size? Transparent and other covers. How to choose and wear them? Tissue overview 13649_15

Covers on suitcases (26 photos): How to determine the size? Transparent and other covers. How to choose and wear them? Tissue overview 13649_16

To size

The case must match the size of the suitcase. It's too small just not tolerant, and the big will be untidy to hang out, cling to other items and will not be able to normally perform their functions.

If you have a label from the suitcase, most likely, parameters are specified there, and you can focus on them.

In the absence of the necessary information, you will have to measure the suitcase independently:

  • Use a centimeter tape to determine the length, width and height of the product;
  • Measurements should be carried out only on the body, without taking into account wheels - for them there are slots in the case;
  • If the suitcase has unzipped handles, pockets, non-standard edges - it is necessary to take into account when determining the dimensions.

Covers on suitcases (26 photos): How to determine the size? Transparent and other covers. How to choose and wear them? Tissue overview 13649_17

Standard sizes suggest four options:

  • S is the smallest, for models below 56 cm;
  • M - for baggage not more than 65 cm high;
  • L - for large instances up to 80 cm;
  • XL - designed for the biggest suitcases.

In practice, it is often that the manufacturer uses its own classification, which may differ, so it is important to know the exact parameters of your suitcase.

Covers on suitcases (26 photos): How to determine the size? Transparent and other covers. How to choose and wear them? Tissue overview 13649_18

What a case to choose

First of all, you need to correctly determine the size so that the case is well sitting.

If you doubt the accuracy of measurements, it is better to take a model from elastic fabric that can stretch.

This advice is relevant for owners of non-standard suitcases.

Those who travel often should pay attention to the fabric capable of withstanding washing. This is polyester or lycra. Products from them you can wash in a typewriter. With neoprene or spandex, it is not necessary to do so - melted moisture-proof coating. And the PVC case can only be wiped with a sponge.

Covers on suitcases (26 photos): How to determine the size? Transparent and other covers. How to choose and wear them? Tissue overview 13649_19

The choice of design and color depends on personal preferences, but it is better to pay attention to the bright and original model. This will help you quickly find your suitcase when issuing luggage.

Manufacturers producing covers, quite a few. A good reputation deserved several companies. You can consider their range.

  • Samsonite. Famous brand, producing goods for travel. Products are manufactured in Europe.

Covers on suitcases (26 photos): How to determine the size? Transparent and other covers. How to choose and wear them? Tissue overview 13649_20

  • Mettle. Domestic company. It sews from moisture-proof and durable material, seams and fasteners have additional protection.

Covers on suitcases (26 photos): How to determine the size? Transparent and other covers. How to choose and wear them? Tissue overview 13649_21

  • Routemark. Accessories of this brand easily tolerate washing. And also the manufacturer offers the opportunity to order products with a unique pattern or inscription.

Covers on suitcases (26 photos): How to determine the size? Transparent and other covers. How to choose and wear them? Tissue overview 13649_22

  • LOQI. German covers pass multiple testing for strength and comply with the Oeko-Tex standard.

Covers on suitcases (26 photos): How to determine the size? Transparent and other covers. How to choose and wear them? Tissue overview 13649_23

If there is an opportunity, then you should buy a case of the same brand as the suitcase. Accessories from the manufacturer are best suited in size.

Covers on suitcases (26 photos): How to determine the size? Transparent and other covers. How to choose and wear them? Tissue overview 13649_24

Operating tips

Use the cover is easy. After you have finished collecting things, you need to unbuck the case and put it on the suitcase. Make sure it is well fixed, tighten the belts and additional mounts if they are.

Covers on suitcases (26 photos): How to determine the size? Transparent and other covers. How to choose and wear them? Tissue overview 13649_25

In the presence of contaminants, check whether the machine is washing for your product. Synthetic covers need to be washed at a minimum temperature, setting a delicate mode. It is not recommended to press them. And you can also try to drop the dirt manually using a brush or sponge and a cleaning agent that does not contain abrasive substances. If you do not use the product, you can store it in a folded form, it does not take much space.

Case is a profitable acquisition that will help you protect the suitcase. It does not require complex care and can serve a lot of time if you choose a model of suitable size and from durable fabric.

Covers on suitcases (26 photos): How to determine the size? Transparent and other covers. How to choose and wear them? Tissue overview 13649_26

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