Pajamas for newborns (35 photos): models


A strong dream is a pledge of health and well-being of a newborn baby, so it is important to provide him with all the necessary conditions. In addition to the cozy bed and a calm atmosphere, it is important to provide comfortable clothes for sleeping - pajamas.

Pajamas for newborns (35 photos): models 13636_2

Pajamas for newborns (35 photos): models 13636_3

Pajamas for newborns (35 photos): models 13636_4

It should be remembered that when choosing clothes you need to be guided not to the appearance, but its convenience and practicality, and both the child and the mother.

Pajamas for newborns (35 photos): models 13636_5


There are several types of pajamas for newborns, which are distinguished by cover, cloth, clashes, color and other aspects.

Pajamas for newborns (35 photos): models 13636_6

Pajamas for newborns (35 photos): models 13636_7

Popular models include:

  • Envelopes or sleeping bags. They can be with sleeves and without, but the main feature is that the lower part is made in the form of a bag, not a pouch.
  • Slips or overalls. Such pajamas enjoy the greatest popularity, so they are comfortable and warm. Slips can be closed with sleeves and sheds or open.
  • Body. This model for sleeping for sleep, in fact, is the same slick, but with shortened pants and sleeves. Summer options do not have sleeves and pantian.

Pajamas for newborns (35 photos): models 13636_8

Pajamas for newborns (35 photos): models 13636_9

Pajamas for newborns (35 photos): models 13636_10

Pajamas for newborn children can be equipped with different clashes: buttons, buttons and lightning.

Pajamas for newborns (35 photos): models 13636_11

Pajamas for newborns (35 photos): models 13636_12

It is believed that the most convenient option is models with buttons, because They do not interfere with the baby and easily fastened. But it should also be noted that pajamas with lightning are also quite practical. But when buying it is important to draw attention to the fact that from the inside the clashes should be hidden.

Pajamas for newborns (35 photos): models 13636_13

Clashes on sleep clothes can be located as follows:

  • on the back of the product;
  • near the neck;
  • from the neck to the groin;
  • from the neck to the feet of one pant
  • from the neck and to the feet of both pants;
  • From one panta to another.

Pajamas for newborns (35 photos): models 13636_14

Pajamas for newborns (35 photos): models 13636_15

Pajamas for newborns (35 photos): models 13636_16

Pajamas for newborns (35 photos): models 13636_17

Pajamas for newborns (35 photos): models 13636_18

Pajamas for newborns (35 photos): models 13636_19

Frequently often found pajamas with hoods, but it should be understood that such models can be extremely uncomfortable, especially for active kids.

Pajamas for newborns (35 photos): models 13636_20

Pajamas for newborns (35 photos): models 13636_21

Tips for choosing

Many mothers acquire pajamas, looking only on their appearance, and at all do not think about whether the child will sleep comfortably in such clothes. To choose a good and convenient thing, you must pay attention to the following:

Pajamas for newborns (35 photos): models 13636_22

1. Material. It should be natural in order not to cause allergic reactions. For a warm season, it is better to choose satin or cotton products, and for the winter it will suit the fleece, flannel, bike.

Pajamas for newborns (35 photos): models 13636_23

Pajamas for newborns (35 photos): models 13636_24

Pajamas for newborns (35 photos): models 13636_25

2. Model. Pajamas should be simple, without a volume decor, pockets and other coarse elements. In the cold season, it is better to give preference to dress with closed pants and sleeves, and for the summer you should purchase more open models.

Pajamas for newborns (35 photos): models 13636_26

3. Clashes. For both the child, and for Mom, the most convenient option will be the buttons. On the slips, they should be located along the entire length of the pajamas, and on the body - on the neck, and on the legs or in the area of ​​the groin.

Pajamas for newborns (35 photos): models 13636_27

Pajamas for newborns (35 photos): models 13636_28

Pajamas for newborns (35 photos): models 13636_29

size 4. The child during sleep should not interfere and fade his movement, so it is recommended to choose a free dressing, about 1 size.

Pajamas for newborns (35 photos): models 13636_30

5. Model. This criterion will depend on the age of the baby, its activity, and parental preferences. In addition, each mother knows what clothes her baby feels most comfortable.

Pajamas for newborns (35 photos): models 13636_31

Pajamas for newborns (35 photos): models 13636_32


Slips with closed feet and long sleeves are perfect for the cold season. It is convenient to wear them due to the presence of buttons on the pants and near the neck. The absence of a hood will allow the baby freely inspecting around.

Pajamas for newborns (35 photos): models 13636_33

Spacious pajamas-slip for the newborn will give the opportunity to make anyone to take any pose during sleep. Elastic cuffs on sleeves and pants will not allow dressing to go around, and thereby collapsed handles and legs.

Pajamas for newborns (35 photos): models 13636_34

Fluffy winter pajamas in the form of a bear will not give the baby to climb even in the coldest nights. Due to the zipper, the overalls are easily unbounded and stamped. If necessary, the handle can be opened, because Sweet valves are provided on the sleeves.

Pajamas for newborns (35 photos): models 13636_35

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