Children's shorts for girls (75 photos): for teens from 11 years old, shiny models, shoes from Vans, Zara, Kotofey, H & M, in Step


Among the huge range of shoes for girls is very in demand by such an option as Slipons. These are lightweight, durable and comfortable products have the most diverse design that will allow any young fashionista to choose a model to taste.

Children's shorts for girls (75 photos): for teens from 11 years old, shiny models, shoes from Vans, Zara, Kotofey, H & M, in Step 13601_2

Children's shorts for girls (75 photos): for teens from 11 years old, shiny models, shoes from Vans, Zara, Kotofey, H & M, in Step 13601_3

Children's shorts for girls (75 photos): for teens from 11 years old, shiny models, shoes from Vans, Zara, Kotofey, H & M, in Step 13601_4

Features and advantages

Slipons - lightweight shoes without fasteners of sports ordeal. For the first time they appeared in the United States in the late 70s. And originally were part of the equipment of surficists. Pretty soon these products have won popularity worldwide in children and adults.

By its design, the slips are a textile upper part and a rubber sole. Most of the models are equipped with rubber inserts on the sides that allow them to wear them without effort and shoot. A distinctive feature of the slips is also a white sole.

Children's shorts for girls (75 photos): for teens from 11 years old, shiny models, shoes from Vans, Zara, Kotofey, H & M, in Step 13601_5

Children's shorts for girls (75 photos): for teens from 11 years old, shiny models, shoes from Vans, Zara, Kotofey, H & M, in Step 13601_6

Children's shorts for girls (75 photos): for teens from 11 years old, shiny models, shoes from Vans, Zara, Kotofey, H & M, in Step 13601_7

This is an unusually light shoe that provides the skin of excellent ventilation, which is especially important for children - the leg will not sweat in hot weather.

Slipons are the perfect option for the baby also because they have a small weight. They have no lightning, no lacing - the child will easily wear shoes on its own, which favorably distinguishes slips from samples. For the girls, they are ideal as replaceable shoes at school or kindergarten, for training in the sports section, active games in the fresh air. Elegant options will be useful even for the holiday.

Children's shorts for girls (75 photos): for teens from 11 years old, shiny models, shoes from Vans, Zara, Kotofey, H & M, in Step 13601_8

Children's shorts for girls (75 photos): for teens from 11 years old, shiny models, shoes from Vans, Zara, Kotofey, H & M, in Step 13601_9

Children's shorts for girls (75 photos): for teens from 11 years old, shiny models, shoes from Vans, Zara, Kotofey, H & M, in Step 13601_10

Little fashionistam always likes beautiful and bright shoes - a varied design and color gamut of slips will not leave them indifferent. Cast models will raise the girl's mood and become an integral part of a fashionable image for school or walk.

In addition, Slipons are a universal thing: they will suit girls of different settings: with a wide either narrow foot, low or high lifting.

Children's shorts for girls (75 photos): for teens from 11 years old, shiny models, shoes from Vans, Zara, Kotofey, H & M, in Step 13601_11

Children's shorts for girls (75 photos): for teens from 11 years old, shiny models, shoes from Vans, Zara, Kotofey, H & M, in Step 13601_12

Children's shorts for girls (75 photos): for teens from 11 years old, shiny models, shoes from Vans, Zara, Kotofey, H & M, in Step 13601_13

For the parents of young fashionistas, the fact that this shoes do not need special care - it can be simply wrapped in a typewriter by choosing the right mode. These tissue products are dried in a suspended state or using a special dryer. The leather slips just wipe with a damp cloth and dry.

And of course, the advantage of this model includes its small cost, compared to at least with branded kids.

Children's shorts for girls (75 photos): for teens from 11 years old, shiny models, shoes from Vans, Zara, Kotofey, H & M, in Step 13601_14

Views and models

Slipons for girls can be divided into classic and sports models. The first is more suitable as school shoes, the second is the option for the section.

Children's shorts for girls (75 photos): for teens from 11 years old, shiny models, shoes from Vans, Zara, Kotofey, H & M, in Step 13601_15

Depending on the shape of the sole, there are options on a flat move or on a wedge. In addition, it can be found for the daughter of Slipons with an orthopedic insole, which serves as the prevention of development of flatfoot. In this shoe, the girl may run all day, and you will not fear for her health.

Children's shorts for girls (75 photos): for teens from 11 years old, shiny models, shoes from Vans, Zara, Kotofey, H & M, in Step 13601_16

Children's shorts for girls (75 photos): for teens from 11 years old, shiny models, shoes from Vans, Zara, Kotofey, H & M, in Step 13601_17

Models differ also on the decor. In addition to simple concise models, maiden shoes are decorated with rhinestones, sequins, decorative embroidery, even imitate some animal - have ears and eyes.

Slipons as a type of shoe is popular and in teenage girls. Models for this age category for design and color palette is closer to adults.

Children's shorts for girls (75 photos): for teens from 11 years old, shiny models, shoes from Vans, Zara, Kotofey, H & M, in Step 13601_18

Children's shorts for girls (75 photos): for teens from 11 years old, shiny models, shoes from Vans, Zara, Kotofey, H & M, in Step 13601_19

Children's shorts for girls (75 photos): for teens from 11 years old, shiny models, shoes from Vans, Zara, Kotofey, H & M, in Step 13601_20

Children's shorts for girls (75 photos): for teens from 11 years old, shiny models, shoes from Vans, Zara, Kotofey, H & M, in Step 13601_21

Children's shorts for girls (75 photos): for teens from 11 years old, shiny models, shoes from Vans, Zara, Kotofey, H & M, in Step 13601_22

Children's shorts for girls (75 photos): for teens from 11 years old, shiny models, shoes from Vans, Zara, Kotofey, H & M, in Step 13601_23

Material and color

Slipons for girls can be made of various materials: leather, suede or textiles. Of course, the highest quality and practical leather options. However, the newest technologies provide an opportunity to use more economical raw materials in the production of this object of the children's wardrobe.

Children's shorts for girls (75 photos): for teens from 11 years old, shiny models, shoes from Vans, Zara, Kotofey, H & M, in Step 13601_24

Children's shorts for girls (75 photos): for teens from 11 years old, shiny models, shoes from Vans, Zara, Kotofey, H & M, in Step 13601_25

Children's shorts for girls (75 photos): for teens from 11 years old, shiny models, shoes from Vans, Zara, Kotofey, H & M, in Step 13601_26

Since the slips are closed shoes, the material from which they are executed must certainly be breathing. And if the leather models are appropriate for the spring-autumn period, textile models are relevant for the summer season. In this regard, the classic solution is a light sail or cotton material.

Children's shorts for girls (75 photos): for teens from 11 years old, shiny models, shoes from Vans, Zara, Kotofey, H & M, in Step 13601_27

Children's shorts for girls (75 photos): for teens from 11 years old, shiny models, shoes from Vans, Zara, Kotofey, H & M, in Step 13601_28

Children's shorts for girls (75 photos): for teens from 11 years old, shiny models, shoes from Vans, Zara, Kotofey, H & M, in Step 13601_29

Speaking of demi-season slips, you should mention the original versions of thin fur, which are quite rare.

Children's shorts for girls (75 photos): for teens from 11 years old, shiny models, shoes from Vans, Zara, Kotofey, H & M, in Step 13601_30

As for the colors of this shoe, it is very diverse: from classic black, white, gray models to the most unusual colors. These are bright and acid tones.

Children's shorts for girls (75 photos): for teens from 11 years old, shiny models, shoes from Vans, Zara, Kotofey, H & M, in Step 13601_31

Children's shorts for girls (75 photos): for teens from 11 years old, shiny models, shoes from Vans, Zara, Kotofey, H & M, in Step 13601_32

Children's shorts for girls (75 photos): for teens from 11 years old, shiny models, shoes from Vans, Zara, Kotofey, H & M, in Step 13601_33

Children's shorts for girls (75 photos): for teens from 11 years old, shiny models, shoes from Vans, Zara, Kotofey, H & M, in Step 13601_34

In addition, girls' slippers may have a print (floral, geometric, polka dot, strip) or even a drawing in the form of images of favorite fabulous and cartoon characters. Multicolored models look unusually and fun.

Children's shorts for girls (75 photos): for teens from 11 years old, shiny models, shoes from Vans, Zara, Kotofey, H & M, in Step 13601_35

Children's shorts for girls (75 photos): for teens from 11 years old, shiny models, shoes from Vans, Zara, Kotofey, H & M, in Step 13601_36

Children's shorts for girls (75 photos): for teens from 11 years old, shiny models, shoes from Vans, Zara, Kotofey, H & M, in Step 13601_37

Children's shorts for girls (75 photos): for teens from 11 years old, shiny models, shoes from Vans, Zara, Kotofey, H & M, in Step 13601_38

Children's shorts for girls (75 photos): for teens from 11 years old, shiny models, shoes from Vans, Zara, Kotofey, H & M, in Step 13601_39

Children's shorts for girls (75 photos): for teens from 11 years old, shiny models, shoes from Vans, Zara, Kotofey, H & M, in Step 13601_40

As mentioned above, the classic slips have a white sole, but now there are models with soles and other shades and even a print.

Children's shorts for girls (75 photos): for teens from 11 years old, shiny models, shoes from Vans, Zara, Kotofey, H & M, in Step 13601_41


As you know, this practical type of shoes has developed and presented a designer Paul Van Doren, which is the founder of the VANS brand. This company and today successfully produces, among other things, children's models of slips.

Children's shorts for girls (75 photos): for teens from 11 years old, shiny models, shoes from Vans, Zara, Kotofey, H & M, in Step 13601_42

Children's shorts for girls (75 photos): for teens from 11 years old, shiny models, shoes from Vans, Zara, Kotofey, H & M, in Step 13601_43

Children's shorts for girls (75 photos): for teens from 11 years old, shiny models, shoes from Vans, Zara, Kotofey, H & M, in Step 13601_44

Children's shorts for girls (75 photos): for teens from 11 years old, shiny models, shoes from Vans, Zara, Kotofey, H & M, in Step 13601_45

Another foreign brand representing the girls' models - Swedish company H & M. This is the largest European network that offers fashionable clothing and shoes at an adequate price.

Children's shorts for girls (75 photos): for teens from 11 years old, shiny models, shoes from Vans, Zara, Kotofey, H & M, in Step 13601_46

It is worth mentioning about children's slips from Adidas. Products are distinguished by the concise design and lack of decor, but, nevertheless, they do not lose compared to other models of eminent brands. The sole of the shoes is made of vulcanized rubber, and top of high quality textiles.

Children's shorts for girls (75 photos): for teens from 11 years old, shiny models, shoes from Vans, Zara, Kotofey, H & M, in Step 13601_47

Children's shorts for girls (75 photos): for teens from 11 years old, shiny models, shoes from Vans, Zara, Kotofey, H & M, in Step 13601_48

Children's shorts for girls (75 photos): for teens from 11 years old, shiny models, shoes from Vans, Zara, Kotofey, H & M, in Step 13601_49

Children's shorts for girls (75 photos): for teens from 11 years old, shiny models, shoes from Vans, Zara, Kotofey, H & M, in Step 13601_50

Slipons have been produced by CROCS for some time. The top of the children's products is made of textiles, but the sole is made of branded crosslate (polymer patented by this brand). Of the same polymer material made a special insole with the effect of light massage. Croslage makes children's shoes waterproof, weightless. He is hypoallergen, comfortably fits the leg and protects the skin from unpleasant odors. CROCS Children's line is presented in a large color manifold, especially for models for young fashionistas. These are monochrome (all sorts of shades of pink and red), multicolored and pregnant products. Many models are fabulous characters, such as fairies. Mixed slips are also decorated with sparkles, embroidery, decorative syns.

Children's shorts for girls (75 photos): for teens from 11 years old, shiny models, shoes from Vans, Zara, Kotofey, H & M, in Step 13601_51

Children's shorts for girls (75 photos): for teens from 11 years old, shiny models, shoes from Vans, Zara, Kotofey, H & M, in Step 13601_52

Children's shorts for girls (75 photos): for teens from 11 years old, shiny models, shoes from Vans, Zara, Kotofey, H & M, in Step 13601_53

Decent quality adolescence specializes Keddo and Tesoro brands specialize. Keddo - British trademark, branded shops of which are available only in major cities. Tesoro is also in demand in certain circles.

Children's shorts for girls (75 photos): for teens from 11 years old, shiny models, shoes from Vans, Zara, Kotofey, H & M, in Step 13601_54

Children's shorts for girls (75 photos): for teens from 11 years old, shiny models, shoes from Vans, Zara, Kotofey, H & M, in Step 13601_55

Children's shorts for girls (75 photos): for teens from 11 years old, shiny models, shoes from Vans, Zara, Kotofey, H & M, in Step 13601_56

Children's shorts for girls (75 photos): for teens from 11 years old, shiny models, shoes from Vans, Zara, Kotofey, H & M, in Step 13601_57

As for domestic manufacturers of children's slips, it is possible to distinguish such brands like "Kotofey" and in-Step . The latter specializes in the production of children's and adolescent products of sports ordeal. Slip materials allow the skin to breathe, and the form of the upper part does not squeeze the fingers, providing normal blood circulation.

Children's shorts for girls (75 photos): for teens from 11 years old, shiny models, shoes from Vans, Zara, Kotofey, H & M, in Step 13601_58

Children's shorts for girls (75 photos): for teens from 11 years old, shiny models, shoes from Vans, Zara, Kotofey, H & M, in Step 13601_59

Children's shorts for girls (75 photos): for teens from 11 years old, shiny models, shoes from Vans, Zara, Kotofey, H & M, in Step 13601_60

Children's shorts for girls (75 photos): for teens from 11 years old, shiny models, shoes from Vans, Zara, Kotofey, H & M, in Step 13601_61

Children's shorts for girls (75 photos): for teens from 11 years old, shiny models, shoes from Vans, Zara, Kotofey, H & M, in Step 13601_62

Children's shorts for girls (75 photos): for teens from 11 years old, shiny models, shoes from Vans, Zara, Kotofey, H & M, in Step 13601_63

Children's shorts for girls (75 photos): for teens from 11 years old, shiny models, shoes from Vans, Zara, Kotofey, H & M, in Step 13601_64

Children's shorts for girls (75 photos): for teens from 11 years old, shiny models, shoes from Vans, Zara, Kotofey, H & M, in Step 13601_65

How to choose?

  1. When buying slips, like any other shoes, first of all, pay attention to the quality. Of course, the leading brands it will be at the highest level, but not everyone can afford such a purchase in mind its high price.
  2. Carefully consider the seams of the top of the shoes, the thickness, reliability, elasticity of the sole, as well as its connection with the top.
  3. Feel free to ask the seller to provide a product quality certificate and find out the question of warranty obligations.
  4. Since the slips do not have a lacing and zipper, and there are only rubber bones on the sides, make sure that the baby will be convenient to wear on their own and remove the thing. A rubber band should not be tough, so as not to squeeze the children's leg.

Children's shorts for girls (75 photos): for teens from 11 years old, shiny models, shoes from Vans, Zara, Kotofey, H & M, in Step 13601_66

What to wear?

This universal comfortable shoe girl can combine almost with any outfit. The main thing is that there is harmony in the color palette and in the overall style compatibility.

Children's shorts for girls (75 photos): for teens from 11 years old, shiny models, shoes from Vans, Zara, Kotofey, H & M, in Step 13601_67

Black, gray, brown models can be worn with trousers or jeans. The bright colorful slips will be remarkably suitable quite a small fashionistas, combine them all with the same jeans or with a sports suit.

Children's shorts for girls (75 photos): for teens from 11 years old, shiny models, shoes from Vans, Zara, Kotofey, H & M, in Step 13601_68

Children's shorts for girls (75 photos): for teens from 11 years old, shiny models, shoes from Vans, Zara, Kotofey, H & M, in Step 13601_69

Children's shorts for girls (75 photos): for teens from 11 years old, shiny models, shoes from Vans, Zara, Kotofey, H & M, in Step 13601_70

Children's shorts for girls (75 photos): for teens from 11 years old, shiny models, shoes from Vans, Zara, Kotofey, H & M, in Step 13601_71

Girls may well wear slips with skirts, dresses and sundresses (but the clothes should not be too elegant). In summer, this is an excellent addition to shorts and light suites. Complete the image of a miniature maiden backpack.

This casual shoes are wonderfully combined with a T-shirt, in the more cool day it will be replaced by a knitted tissue sweatshoot or a denim jacket.

Children's shorts for girls (75 photos): for teens from 11 years old, shiny models, shoes from Vans, Zara, Kotofey, H & M, in Step 13601_72

Children's shorts for girls (75 photos): for teens from 11 years old, shiny models, shoes from Vans, Zara, Kotofey, H & M, in Step 13601_73

Children's shorts for girls (75 photos): for teens from 11 years old, shiny models, shoes from Vans, Zara, Kotofey, H & M, in Step 13601_74


Teenage girl in stylish black lacquered leather slips. The shoes perfectly complements the troughting troughs of a bright blue color and an original T-shirt with an animal pattern. White Slip Sole is combined in color with riding clothes. This densite image complements bright bracelets and a careless hairstyle.

Children's shorts for girls (75 photos): for teens from 11 years old, shiny models, shoes from Vans, Zara, Kotofey, H & M, in Step 13601_75

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