Children's swimwear (122 photos): models for girls and kids, fusion, knitted, white


Well, what kind of child does not like water procedures, swimming, sunbathing, splashing in the pool? This question, of course, is rhetorical. For such a holiday, special clothing is needed - children's swimsuit. The use of ordinary clothes is inappropriate because it dries for a long time, sticks to the body and sits badly. Even young children began to wear in swimsuits.

Children's swimwear (122 photos): models for girls and kids, fusion, knitted, white 13579_2

Children's swimwear (122 photos): models for girls and kids, fusion, knitted, white 13579_3

Children's swimwear (122 photos): models for girls and kids, fusion, knitted, white 13579_4


Baby swimsuit is a special thing that should be comfortable, beautiful and safe. The modern market of children's swimsuits offers a huge range of models that are affected by their design. Elastic materials are used to create them, which quickly dry out, do not lose their shape and remain as vivid. The style of swimsuits are created in such a way that the child does not feel discomfort during outdoor activities. Therefore, modern children's swimsuits are well sitting on the body, do not fall and do not twist.

Children's swimwear (122 photos): models for girls and kids, fusion, knitted, white 13579_5

A variety of styles allows you to choose universal models that can be used not only for bathing and sunbathing, but also for recreation by a countryside, for example, a grandmother in a village or in the country.

Children's swimwear (122 photos): models for girls and kids, fusion, knitted, white 13579_6

Children's swimwear (122 photos): models for girls and kids, fusion, knitted, white 13579_7


Children's swimwear are widely separated by various parameters. To choose the right swimsuit, you need to navigate well in their varieties.

Children's swimwear (122 photos): models for girls and kids, fusion, knitted, white 13579_8


Such children's costumes are always bright, affect interesting stations and prints. For their decoration, designers often use beads, ruffles, rhinestones, appliques and ruffles. Modern manufacturers decorate their creations by images of heroes who are loved by children. For the smallest you can choose swimsuits with foam inserts that allow you to go to rest without a circle and vest.

Children's swimwear (122 photos): models for girls and kids, fusion, knitted, white 13579_9

Children's swimwear (122 photos): models for girls and kids, fusion, knitted, white 13579_10

Children's swimwear (122 photos): models for girls and kids, fusion, knitted, white 13579_11

Children's swimwear (122 photos): models for girls and kids, fusion, knitted, white 13579_12

Children's swimwear (122 photos): models for girls and kids, fusion, knitted, white 13579_13

Children's swimwear (122 photos): models for girls and kids, fusion, knitted, white 13579_14

Children's swimwear (122 photos): models for girls and kids, fusion, knitted, white 13579_15


Similar models for children are used for the most part for classes in the pool. Such clothes have a strict style and lack of decor. As a basic material, a high-elastic fabric is used, which does not argue the movements of the child, is resistant to chlorine and is very strong. Sports children's swimsuits for the most part closed.

Children's swimwear (122 photos): models for girls and kids, fusion, knitted, white 13579_16

Children's swimwear (122 photos): models for girls and kids, fusion, knitted, white 13579_17

Children's swimwear (122 photos): models for girls and kids, fusion, knitted, white 13579_18

Children's swimwear (122 photos): models for girls and kids, fusion, knitted, white 13579_19

Children's swimwear (122 photos): models for girls and kids, fusion, knitted, white 13579_20

Children's swimwear (122 photos): models for girls and kids, fusion, knitted, white 13579_21

Children's swimwear (122 photos): models for girls and kids, fusion, knitted, white 13579_22

For babies

These swimsuits are created from synthetics, but the insert, which is located between the legs of the child, must be made of x / b material. In swimsuits for the smallest décor used should be safe and well fixed so that the child cannot tear it off.

Children's swimwear (122 photos): models for girls and kids, fusion, knitted, white 13579_23

Children's swimwear (122 photos): models for girls and kids, fusion, knitted, white 13579_24

Children's swimwear (122 photos): models for girls and kids, fusion, knitted, white 13579_25


One-piece swimsuits can be put on not only in the pool, but also to the beach. Such models are well suited to very active children who do not want to stop in place. The fusion swimsuit will feel tightly to the body despite the mobility of his small owner. The minus of solid swimsuits is their impracticality, they are usually enough for one season, because children grow rapidly.

Children's swimwear (122 photos): models for girls and kids, fusion, knitted, white 13579_26

Children's swimwear (122 photos): models for girls and kids, fusion, knitted, white 13579_27

Children's swimwear (122 photos): models for girls and kids, fusion, knitted, white 13579_28

Children's swimwear (122 photos): models for girls and kids, fusion, knitted, white 13579_29


Separate swimsuits are of great popularity among girls, as they already want to look like mom. Such swimsuits are presented in a wide variety: panties with a top, short T-shirt or bra. Panties can be made in the form of a skirt, which looks very original and cute. Moreover, its upper part can be used separately with skirt or shorts.

Children's swimwear (122 photos): models for girls and kids, fusion, knitted, white 13579_30

Children's swimwear (122 photos): models for girls and kids, fusion, knitted, white 13579_31

Children's swimwear (122 photos): models for girls and kids, fusion, knitted, white 13579_32

Children's swimwear (122 photos): models for girls and kids, fusion, knitted, white 13579_33

Children's swimwear (122 photos): models for girls and kids, fusion, knitted, white 13579_34

Children's swimwear (122 photos): models for girls and kids, fusion, knitted, white 13579_35

An important advantage of such a swimsuit is the ability to use for several seasons. Especially if straps with regulation or long strings are provided in the swimsuit.

Children's swimwear (122 photos): models for girls and kids, fusion, knitted, white 13579_36


Trikini is now very popular among girls who are supported by their moms. Trikini is a swimsuit that is complemented by a short skirt or pareo. Such kits are created from one material.

Children's swimwear (122 photos): models for girls and kids, fusion, knitted, white 13579_37

Children's swimwear (122 photos): models for girls and kids, fusion, knitted, white 13579_38

Children's swimwear (122 photos): models for girls and kids, fusion, knitted, white 13579_39

Children's swimwear (122 photos): models for girls and kids, fusion, knitted, white 13579_40

Children's swimwear (122 photos): models for girls and kids, fusion, knitted, white 13579_41

Children's swimwear (122 photos): models for girls and kids, fusion, knitted, white 13579_42


Knitted baby swimsuits although they look original, but they will dry for a long time. If you decide to give your fashionable a knitted swimsuit, then you will need to have another one. You can make such a swimsuit yourself, there is nothing complicated.

Children's swimwear (122 photos): models for girls and kids, fusion, knitted, white 13579_43

For boys

Boys also need to have appropriate beach holidays. Sports melting, beach models, shorts, overalls, Bermuda (elongated shorts that reach the knee). Very comfortable melting, in which there is not only an elastic band, but also a lace.

Children's swimwear (122 photos): models for girls and kids, fusion, knitted, white 13579_44

Children's swimwear (122 photos): models for girls and kids, fusion, knitted, white 13579_45

Children's swimwear (122 photos): models for girls and kids, fusion, knitted, white 13579_46

Children's swimwear (122 photos): models for girls and kids, fusion, knitted, white 13579_47

Children's swimwear (122 photos): models for girls and kids, fusion, knitted, white 13579_48

Children's swimwear (122 photos): models for girls and kids, fusion, knitted, white 13579_49

Children's swimwear (122 photos): models for girls and kids, fusion, knitted, white 13579_50

Whole overalls or bathing kits

T-shirt with shorts is recommended for children whose skin is very sensitive to ultraviolet. Such swimsuits are created from synthetic materials, which, during wetting, do not stick to the body and allow the child to feel comfortable.

Children's swimwear (122 photos): models for girls and kids, fusion, knitted, white 13579_51

Children's swimwear (122 photos): models for girls and kids, fusion, knitted, white 13579_52

Children's swimwear (122 photos): models for girls and kids, fusion, knitted, white 13579_53

Children's swimwear (122 photos): models for girls and kids, fusion, knitted, white 13579_54

Children's swimwear (122 photos): models for girls and kids, fusion, knitted, white 13579_55

Children's swimwear (122 photos): models for girls and kids, fusion, knitted, white 13579_56

Swimwear with the tail of mermaids

Many girls dream of being similar to mermaids. Now every girl can embody his dream into reality and feel like a real mermaid. Designers create swimsuits with a tail of mermaids.

Children's swimwear (122 photos): models for girls and kids, fusion, knitted, white 13579_57

To create them, beautiful, sparkling and transfusing materials are used. Inside the right tail there is a special place for the legs and feet. Walking in such a swimsuit will be very difficult, but the process of bathing and swimming will turn into a favorite occupation of your girl.

Children's swimwear (122 photos): models for girls and kids, fusion, knitted, white 13579_58

When choosing a swimsuit for a full girl, you need to take into account the features of her shape. In this case, a good option serve joint models that are made in the form of a skirt, have bright prints. You can pick up a pareo to the swimsuit that will hide the completeness on the stomach and hips. Complete swimsuits on a complete girl can not be chosen on the size less or in bulk, it is better to choose more. Otherwise, folds on the figure will be even more emphasized.

Children's swimwear (122 photos): models for girls and kids, fusion, knitted, white 13579_59

Children's swimwear (122 photos): models for girls and kids, fusion, knitted, white 13579_60

Children's swimwear (122 photos): models for girls and kids, fusion, knitted, white 13579_61


  1. In the swimsuits you can not only swim and sunbathe. Similar clothes use young ballerinas in their outfits. Similar clothing is created in white or black color, can have a long, short sleeve or wide straps. In swimsuits that are intended for ballerinas, the use of brilliant decor, stripes, embroidery or appliques is welcomed. Although many girls prefer more concise and restrained style.
  2. Also, children's swimsuits are used for various sodes, for example, in gymnastics, dance, circus art. Such swimsuits must be elastic and durable, bright and expressive, ideal suitable one parameters of young dating. In piece models, an open spin is often present, which can be decorated with a transparent material.

Children's swimwear (122 photos): models for girls and kids, fusion, knitted, white 13579_62

When choosing a swimsuit for classes in the pool It is worthwhile to take into account the presence of chlorine in water, which over time discolor fabric. Do not forget that when visiting the pool, you need to wear a hat.

Children's swimwear (122 photos): models for girls and kids, fusion, knitted, white 13579_63

Children's swimwear (122 photos): models for girls and kids, fusion, knitted, white 13579_64

Children's swimwear (122 photos): models for girls and kids, fusion, knitted, white 13579_65

Many manufacturers offer kits that include not only swimsuit, but also a hat as well. The advantage of such sets is one stylist and matching size for swimsuit and caps.

Children's swimwear (122 photos): models for girls and kids, fusion, knitted, white 13579_66

According to the age

Modern moms are no longer considering relevant to let their small children on the beach without appropriate clothes. Previously, it was appropriate, but now such liberations are considered unacceptable. Now there is a large selection of swimsuits for the smallest. Such models have bright colors and are often decorated with prints depicting favorite heroes from cartoons.

Girls in adolescence in all want to resemble adults, so when choosing a swimsuit, pay more attention to separate models that consist of panties and a bra. The range of swimsuits for adolescents is impressive with their diversity, from which any girl can choose a suitable model.

Children's swimwear (122 photos): models for girls and kids, fusion, knitted, white 13579_67

First of all, it is worth thinking about hygiene, safety and probability of genital diseases. In case of sand and direct contact with water increases the likelihood of inflammation of the vagina and the sex of girls, and the boys can fall into the extreme flesh.


  • The main materials that are used in creating children's swimsuits is spandex, nylon, polyamide, lycra and other synthetic fabrics. Such materials are well drawn, quickly dry and pleasant to the body. Natural fabrics are used for the most part to create an insert, which is located between the legs.
  • The use of guipure is appropriate in swimsuits that are intended for performances. It is not recommended to swim in such a swimsuit, since the guipure inserts will quickly lose their kind and swimsuit will have to throw out.
  • Knitted swimsuits are the most original and exclusive, because for the most part are created by their own hands. It is necessary to carefully select the threads from which a swimsuit will be created. Artificial fibers should be present in their composition, which will not allow the swimsuit to change in size during operation.

Children's swimwear (122 photos): models for girls and kids, fusion, knitted, white 13579_68

Children's swimwear (122 photos): models for girls and kids, fusion, knitted, white 13579_69

It is worth considering a long-term drying of the knitted product, so you need to have a replaceable swimsuit.

Color solutions

When choosing a color swimsuit for a beach holiday, you should not fear that it will be too bright, because for children simply does not exist such a thing. Any bright color will be appropriate in the children's beach fashion.

The most popular colors are red, orange, salad and yellow. It will be a single swimsuit or multicolored in any case to your child, he will have to taste. The swimsuits with drawings or prints do not lose popularity. Girls love flower, fruit, princesses and heroes from favorite cartoons, and manufacturers actively use such elements when designing swimsuits.

Children's swimwear (122 photos): models for girls and kids, fusion, knitted, white 13579_70

Children's swimwear (122 photos): models for girls and kids, fusion, knitted, white 13579_71

Children's swimwear (122 photos): models for girls and kids, fusion, knitted, white 13579_72

Children's swimwear (122 photos): models for girls and kids, fusion, knitted, white 13579_73

Children's swimwear (122 photos): models for girls and kids, fusion, knitted, white 13579_74

White and black swimsuits are usually bought for ballet and speeches. They are monophonic, restrained, can have long sleeves or straps. For a beach holiday and even for classes in the pool there are more interesting models. In addition, black, as is known, attracts the sun's rays, because the likelihood of burning, staying on vacation, increases.

Children's swimwear (122 photos): models for girls and kids, fusion, knitted, white 13579_75

Children's swimwear (122 photos): models for girls and kids, fusion, knitted, white 13579_76

Children's swimwear (122 photos): models for girls and kids, fusion, knitted, white 13579_77

Children's swimwear (122 photos): models for girls and kids, fusion, knitted, white 13579_78

Dark swimsuits in blue and purple color will look good on full girls who want to seem a bit harder.


After all the information studied about children's swimsuits, it remained to familiarize themselves with the manufacturers whose products are worth.


Starting with the Belgian manufacturer of Archimede, which has existed since 1989. During its existence, the products of this brand became very popular among the moms of many countries. Among the entire range, swimsuits are distinguished by foam, which will allow the child to confidently hold onto the water.

Children's swimwear (122 photos): models for girls and kids, fusion, knitted, white 13579_79

Children's swimwear (122 photos): models for girls and kids, fusion, knitted, white 13579_80

Children's swimwear (122 photos): models for girls and kids, fusion, knitted, white 13579_81

Children's swimwear (122 photos): models for girls and kids, fusion, knitted, white 13579_82


Children's swimsuits from Arena is the best that you can give your child. When creating swimsuits, innovative technologies are used that allow you to achieve perfect fit to the body, protection against UV rays, color resistance, rapid drying of the material. The swimsuits of this brand have an ergonomic design and an exquisite design, in which there is nothing superfluous.

Children's swimwear (122 photos): models for girls and kids, fusion, knitted, white 13579_83

Children's swimwear (122 photos): models for girls and kids, fusion, knitted, white 13579_84


Decathlon for the most part specializes in creating sports swimsuits that can be used for swimming in the pool, ballet classes, gymnastics and other sports. Decaton's products are high quality, ergonomic styles, thoughtful design and minimalistic decor.

Children's swimwear (122 photos): models for girls and kids, fusion, knitted, white 13579_85

Children's swimwear (122 photos): models for girls and kids, fusion, knitted, white 13579_86


Products from the Speedo company are known all over the world, they love, respect even the Olympic athletes with great dignity, and this indicates a lot. Clothing of this brand is created from materials with high resistance to chlorine and the sun. Swimwear are well sitting on the body, can stretch immediately in several directions, and the use of Quick Drying technology allows the material to dry quickly.

Children's swimwear (122 photos): models for girls and kids, fusion, knitted, white 13579_87

Children's swimwear (122 photos): models for girls and kids, fusion, knitted, white 13579_88

Children's swimwear (122 photos): models for girls and kids, fusion, knitted, white 13579_89

Children's swimwear (122 photos): models for girls and kids, fusion, knitted, white 13579_90


A large range of children's swimsuits at an affordable price offers Charmante, which belongs to the Arina brand. This clothing is known and popular among Russian parents. The assortment has a large number of interesting, bright models: separate and fusion swimsuits, with skirts and pareo, in the form of dresses, topics and much more.

Children's swimwear (122 photos): models for girls and kids, fusion, knitted, white 13579_91

Children's swimwear (122 photos): models for girls and kids, fusion, knitted, white 13579_92

Children's swimwear (122 photos): models for girls and kids, fusion, knitted, white 13579_93

Arina Festivita.

Italian swimsuits are one of the best in the world - this is known to everyone. Each mother wants her princess to look better than everyone even on a beach holiday. Such requirements satisfy swimsuits from Arina Festivita. Under this brand, swimsuits are produced for any age: from the smallest and ending with adolescents.

Children's swimwear (122 photos): models for girls and kids, fusion, knitted, white 13579_94

Children's swimwear (122 photos): models for girls and kids, fusion, knitted, white 13579_95

Children's swimwear (122 photos): models for girls and kids, fusion, knitted, white 13579_96

Children's swimwear (122 photos): models for girls and kids, fusion, knitted, white 13579_97


EMDI issues extremely high-quality products that are focused on users of any age. Children's swimsuits have become popular among users from around the world through the use of the latest computer technologies that are used in the area of ​​cutting, the implementation of non-standard decisions in the field of design and use of extremely quality materials from the well-known Europe factories.

Children's swimwear (122 photos): models for girls and kids, fusion, knitted, white 13579_98

Children's swimwear (122 photos): models for girls and kids, fusion, knitted, white 13579_99

Children's swimwear (122 photos): models for girls and kids, fusion, knitted, white 13579_100

Children's swimwear (122 photos): models for girls and kids, fusion, knitted, white 13579_101

Children's swimwear (122 photos): models for girls and kids, fusion, knitted, white 13579_102

Hello Kitty.

The child always appreciates the thing in its appearance, in particular, on the decor. Girls are crazy about Hello Kitty, so swimsuits with the image of this cute kitten will not leave any fashionable indifferent. Swimsuit with Hello Kitty will not break with your girl. With this décor, it can compete except swimsuits with Disney princesses, which are also presented in a large assortment.

Children's swimwear (122 photos): models for girls and kids, fusion, knitted, white 13579_103

Children's swimwear (122 photos): models for girls and kids, fusion, knitted, white 13579_104

Children's swimwear (122 photos): models for girls and kids, fusion, knitted, white 13579_105

Children's swimwear (122 photos): models for girls and kids, fusion, knitted, white 13579_106

Children's swimwear (122 photos): models for girls and kids, fusion, knitted, white 13579_107


NEXT clothing is known to everyone. In the range of products there is a line of children's swimsuits. They are created in the style of Next, which means their quality is at the height, they please the eye with their interesting design and original styles. Next often uses the images of Disney heroes in its clothing.

Children's swimwear (122 photos): models for girls and kids, fusion, knitted, white 13579_108

Children's swimwear (122 photos): models for girls and kids, fusion, knitted, white 13579_109

Mad Wave

Mad Wave offers decent products for children's beach holidays at affordable prices that match the high quality of clothing. In the assortment of children's swimsuits there are models for sports and recreation, with concise and bright design, neutral and screaming colors.

Children's swimwear (122 photos): models for girls and kids, fusion, knitted, white 13579_110

Children's swimwear (122 photos): models for girls and kids, fusion, knitted, white 13579_111

Children's swimwear (122 photos): models for girls and kids, fusion, knitted, white 13579_112

Children's swimwear (122 photos): models for girls and kids, fusion, knitted, white 13579_113

How to choose size?

The main problem with which parents faces when choosing a children's swimwear is the choice of the right size. This problem becomes particularly relevant if there is no possibility to try out the swimsuit. In order not to make a mistake with the choice of swimsuit size, you need to know the growth of the child. This is the main parameter that is taken into account when sewing children's swimsuits.

When studying the label on a bathing suit, you will see intermediate sizes, for example, 98-104 cm. If the child's growth is 105 cm, then choose a swimsuit from the next intermediate size. It is also necessary to know the amount of waist, hips and chest, which will allow you to well orient in the dimensional grid and more accurately choose a swimsuit. Many manufacturers provide their size tables that significantly facilitate the choice of swimsuits for children.

Children's swimwear (122 photos): models for girls and kids, fusion, knitted, white 13579_114

Children's swimsuit must be influenced before purchasing. Only in this case can be confident that the child will be in it not only beautiful, but also comfortable.

Tips for choosing

  • Do not use the same swimsuit for the beach and the pool. Let it be two different things: swimsuit for the pool is closed, with a concise design, and the beach clothes are bright, expressive, with a catchy design.
  • The swimsuit is not bought on the grow out, the size should strictly correspond to the parameters of the child. The little swimsuit will put pressure, press the gentle body of the child, and large - to soy, go around and sit too loose.
  • When choosing a swimsuit, it is worth listening to the opinion of the child and not to impose your taste. Give your child the right to choose and the opportunity to learn to implement yourself.

Children's swimwear (122 photos): models for girls and kids, fusion, knitted, white 13579_115

Changes are regularly occurring in the children's beach fashion. This season is stylish with swimsuits with a tail of mermaids, sets with pareo, swimsuits with skirts, an unusual shape of the strap. Sport models that allow any little girl to feel special and look quite both adult are becoming increasingly relevant.

Children's swimwear (122 photos): models for girls and kids, fusion, knitted, white 13579_116

Children's swimwear (122 photos): models for girls and kids, fusion, knitted, white 13579_117

Children's swimwear (122 photos): models for girls and kids, fusion, knitted, white 13579_118


The nature of parents' feedback on children's swimsuits is completely dependent on the chosen brand. Products of those producers that were listed above are honored with the highest praise and excellent reviews. It is clear that high quality swimsuit cannot be cheap. The correct size choice also has a considerable impact on the formation of feedback.

Products from Chinese brands most often causes a storm of indignation by parents. They are replenish on low quality material that does not withstand intensive exploitation, quickly wear out, loses shape and color.

Children's swimwear (122 photos): models for girls and kids, fusion, knitted, white 13579_119

Children's swimwear (122 photos): models for girls and kids, fusion, knitted, white 13579_120

Children's swimwear (122 photos): models for girls and kids, fusion, knitted, white 13579_121

No matter how much the Chinese-made swimsuit cost, it's not worth buying it. Believe the negative reviews about the products of this kind and choose decent clothes for your child.

Children's swimwear (122 photos): models for girls and kids, fusion, knitted, white 13579_122

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