National costume of Dagestan (34 photos): Traditional female and men's Dagestan outfit


Previously, on the national costume of Dagestan, it was possible to determine the age of man, his social status, cash accumulation and even Aul, where he comes from. Today, such costumes are put on predominantly for festive events and theatrical performances. However, the younger generation can appreciate the historical significance and beauty of national outfits, so the costumes are customary to transmit from generation to generation.

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From the history of Dagestan costume

Dagestan's national costume in the form of what we know it today, there was not immediately. His story began in the Middle Ages. Men's suits consisted of white shirts, dark pants (gray or black), Beshmetov, boots, dads from fur and fitted Circus with gazery.

Circassian could be a knee-length or even lower, to the ankle, the sleeves of the book had an extension. She was tested with a narrow strap, on which the dagger was hung or a gun.

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Gazyri had caps made of ivory or silver. Powder was stored at the calculation: one cap is one shot.

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In the cold season, Dagestan men wore a bucket of sheep wool, and as shoes - Ichigi or Safyanovy boots.

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Women's suits characterized relatively free cut. Residents of Placin preferred silk clothes: shirt, pants, dress, red saffiano shoes (from the goat skin), headscarf.

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Women who lived in the mountains preferred wide long dresses and pants with an elegant gold pattern on the sidewalls. Site or boots were wore as shoes, and the headdress in each locality was somewhat different. Hair carefully cleaned under the Chukhta hat, on top of which was put on the bedspread, and then a patterned handkerchief.

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The color of the suit and a variety of jewelry indicated the social status of the owner of such an outfit, its material accumulation and age. Young dagestanis preferred bright colors in clothes and fabrics with ornament, older women chose, predominantly dark shades clothes.

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Features of the National Dagestan Costume

More than seventy nations live in Dagestan (Avartsents, Tabasarans, Kumyki, Lezgins, Darginians and others), each of which has its own costume. Despite this, all National Dagestan costumes are inherent in some common details: the use of shoes (tunic and dress), tunic, chukhty, chalms, scarves and Beshmek.

These things sewed from bright fabrics and decorated with patterns or embroidery (natural ornaments, animals). Patterns could carry a symbolic function - act as a guard, or aesthetic.

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National costume of Dagestan (34 photos): Traditional female and men's Dagestan outfit 1356_17

Dresses for solemn cases were decorated with silver, gold and precious outfits. As an additional decoration of women's suits, used: bracelets, coins, belts, rings.

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Dominant flowers in the costumes were: white, black, red. White color was considered a symbol of purity and was used during weddings. The red meant well-being and prosperity in the house, the black shade had a magical subtext and symbolized an inseparable connection with the ancestors.

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Layout is a characteristic feature of all Dagestan costumes. It was accepted on the head to wear several headscarves at once, pants were subsequently under the dress. In addition to the dress, there were many decorations that were considered an integral component of the national image.

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National costume of Dagestan (34 photos): Traditional female and men's Dagestan outfit 1356_26

Components of female and male dress

In addition to all the obligatory elements of clothing, the costume of Dagestan men included a dad - a headdress, considered from the Caucasian peoples a symbol of honor. Those who had good wealth were conquered in a doodle dad, people were simply satisfied with the same product, but from sheepskin. To knock down the dad from the head was considered an insult, but to give such a headdress - a friendship sign.

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National costume of Dagestan (34 photos): Traditional female and men's Dagestan outfit 1356_28

The difference between female outfits in different parts of the country was much stronger than the male models. So, in the south of Dagestan, multi-layered richly decorated costumes. At first, a silk dress was put on a straight cut, and then Valchang is the top dress. The whole costume decorated with gold, precious stones, refined pattern. Favorite flowers were red, purple, green. He was told on the head of silk scarf.

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National costume of Dagestan (34 photos): Traditional female and men's Dagestan outfit 1356_30

National Dagestan Ranks today

Modern Dagestan girls wear fitted dresses, allowing to emphasize a slim silhouette. As decorations are used precious stones, shoes - on high heels. Balzakov women prefer loose balachon dresses. Colors, mainly, choose black, as they represent a figure in a favorable light.

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Those who work in the fields or are engaged in economic affairs, choose comfortable bathrobes and fur vests in the cold season, thin, free crog dresses - in warm

Dagestan men prefer to wear pants and shirts, no different from the clothes of every modern man.

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