Teen sneakers (67 photos): Popular models


Sneakers have long ceased to be the main symbol of sports and an active lifestyle, swinging from the gyms and from stadiums on the podiums and streets of cities.

Most young people today prefer convenience and practicality, and thanks to which these qualities they especially loved a variety of sneakers.

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Teen sneakers (67 photos): Popular models 13539_4

Let's find out the most of all this comfortable shoes of adolescents attracts and how to choose the highest quality, practical and beautiful couple for your teenager.

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Undoubtedly, the fundamental characteristic of the sneakers is their sports destination. Thanks to this, in a pair of this shoe, the child adherally will be conveniently engaged in physical education and run with friends on the street.

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Depending on the characteristics of individual models, you can choose sneakers for different types of activities or sports. For example, classic models with corrugated soles will be an excellent option for walking - convenience, simplicity and the opportunity to fit into almost any everyday image is very valued and young fashionable, and their parents.

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For sports activities, you need to select a pair with special properties. For example, to visit school lessons in the gym needed light and breathable models.

For occupation on the street, for example, playing football, workouts for athletics and other sports, suggesting outdoors, it is important to choose a non-slip and well-shock-absorbing sole.

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Lovers of active games, such as basketball, should be given preference to sneakers with high-legs, which reliably fix the ankle, thereby significantly reducing the risk of injury.

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Well, those who are interested in foot tourism or simply loves walking around the rough terrain, it is recommended to acquire special tracking sneakers - they will feel very comfortable in them, as the sensation of irregular surfaces will almost come down.

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How to choose?

In adolescence, young people and girls still have no feeling of their own style, it is still just starting to form. But nevertheless, each of them really relates to choosing a wardrobe to impress their appearance on peers.

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Therefore, at such age, parents should give freedom to choose the model to the most child, but leaving the decisive word of purchase, since your child has not yet fully objectively judge the product from a practical point of view.

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For girls, it is permissible to select bright models that can be decorated with prints - Possible strips are possible, various geometric prints and vegetable decor. Ethnic abstractions are very popular recently - appearing and attaching in an adult fashion, they do not make themselves waiting for teenage instances.

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Teen sneakers (67 photos): Popular models 13539_27

Boys tend to prefer more restrained colors - muffled brown, dark blue, black. But some personalities who want to boldly declare the world about their individuality, choose bright tones - bright blue, red, green, orange. You can also often find pairs that are made in combination of two shades - bright and muted.

Such models look pretty catchy, and attract attention to themselves, and are distinguished by practicality and non-smack compared to monophonic bright sneakers.

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Teen sneakers (67 photos): Popular models 13539_30

A very important aspect when choosing is correctly selected. Teens, although already adults are already enough, continue to grow, and, accordingly, the length of the feet also increases. Therefore, buy shoes without fitting is not very recommended, in order not to return the purchase as unnecessary.

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If you and my daughter come to the store together, it will greatly simplify the task, since you will surely avoid disagreements about the appearance of the sneakers, providing the right to choose your child.

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Teen sneakers (67 photos): Popular models 13539_38

Upon fitting, the foot should feel quite freely in the shoes, but not hang out. With a dense leaving of the fingers to the inner part of the sneakers in the back of the heel, two fingers should be placed. Otherwise, shoes may be small through a short time.

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Teen sneakers (67 photos): Popular models 13539_40

Teen sneakers (67 photos): Popular models 13539_41

It is very important that the sneakers constantly circulate air - this will ensure the ventilation of the stop, will exclude sweating and the development of fungal infection. To ensure the maximum air exchange, you can purchase sneakers with the Gore-Tex membrane.

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This is a unique patented technology that provides free air circulation inside the sneakers, but at the same time does not allow moisture inward.

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The membrane tissue is usually located between the inner and outer layer of the top of the shoe. Micropores, which are at times less than the diameter of the human hair, perfectly passes the excessive moisture and air from the sneakers, but due to their meager size do not allow water molecules to penetrate inside. Due to this leg in such a sneakers will always be preserved in dryness.

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Membrane sneakers are manufactured in various modifications for different sections. The most practical wearing such a pair in the fall, when rains are poured almost without ceasing and feet in a child in ordinary sneakers constantly wet.

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Winter boots with a layer of membrane fabric will work effectively only about the time of sports - skiing, running. In any case, with active physical exertion, sweat is highlighted, which immediately will continue to be output due to membrane micropores.

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Teen sneakers (67 photos): Popular models 13539_50

It is worth notify that for everyday wearing in winter sneakers with a membrane, they do not fit - they do not have warming properties (unless, of course, do not have an additional layer of insulation), so standing at a stop of 10 minutes at a temperature of minus 5 degrees, the legs of the teenager are most likely freeze .

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Teen sneakers (67 photos): Popular models 13539_52

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What to wear?

Sneakers today have become practically universal shoes, which people wear all styles and ages. Teens - no exception.

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A properly chosen wardrobe will help your child stand out from the total mass of its developed by the years with a sense of style and individuality.

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Teen sneakers (67 photos): Popular models 13539_56

Before helping Chad with a choice of wardrobe to a pair of sports shoes, find out his tastes. Perhaps your son has a restrained classic? Then the best choice will be the sneakers-shoes of the neutral shade. You can safely pick up black pants of a laconic everyday style.

Owing such an ensemble with a shirt and a child with a classic portfolio or diplomat, your schoolboy will conquer all classmates with Harisma and sophisticated taste.

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Teen sneakers (67 photos): Popular models 13539_58

Naughty Buntar, who does not represent any other day without sports, will appreciate the sports suit proposed by you. Surely such clothes will become a beloved in combination with sneakers in an active child.

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Girls, especially gentle and touching in this complex transition period, will be very pleased with things that look like objects of mother's wardrobe. Short top with Olympic? Jeans with an overwhelmed waist? Sport bag with a famous brand logo? Exactly what is needed. These things will be in the wardrobe from your daughter things Must-Have, and in combination with sports shoes, in addition to self-confidence, will give her convenience and comfort.

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