Park for pregnant women (21 photos): Autumn and Spring Models


If, when choosing the upper clothes, a pregnant woman does not know what to stop his choice, then you should look at the park. It will become the perfect option for protection from the cold and will provide comfort. And it is quite "enough" for the entire period of pregnancy, despite the constant growth of the abdomen.

Park for pregnant women (21 photos): Autumn and Spring Models 13454_2

Park for pregnant women (21 photos): Autumn and Spring Models 13454_3

Park for pregnant women (21 photos): Autumn and Spring Models 13454_4

Features and advantages

Today, a lot of models of such jackets are presented, which differ not only by functionality and comfort, but also have beautiful and stylish design and styles.

Park for pregnant women (21 photos): Autumn and Spring Models 13454_5

Park for pregnant women (21 photos): Autumn and Spring Models 13454_6

The main distinguishing feature of the female park is a row on the belt. With this lace, you can adjust the size at different times as the abdomen grows.

Park for pregnant women (21 photos): Autumn and Spring Models 13454_7

There are also special sling parks for pregnant women who have special inserts to adjust the size. And for the postpartum period, such jackets have aligning for the baby.

The main advantages in favor of choosing Parks for pregnant women will be:

  • Fabric that does not wet and does not blow.
  • Warm lining.
  • Free cut.

Park for pregnant women (21 photos): Autumn and Spring Models 13454_8

Park for pregnant women (21 photos): Autumn and Spring Models 13454_9

  • Kulisk, with which the size is adjusted.
  • Additional lacing from the bottom of the jacket that protects against infancy.

Park for pregnant women (21 photos): Autumn and Spring Models 13454_10



The classic model of the female park is a jacket until the middle of the thigh with a stegan lining, mainly from artificial fur. Such jackets have a high rack and hood collar. Also the jacket is distinguished by the presence of patch pockets and one pocket on the sleeve.

Park for pregnant women (21 photos): Autumn and Spring Models 13454_11

Park for pregnant women (21 photos): Autumn and Spring Models 13454_12


Such parks, probably, the most suitable option for pregnant women, because almost all items are transformed depending on the needs.

For warm and windless days, lining and a hood are unfastened, on some models, this list is added sleeves. As for the hood, in some parks it is equipped with vertical lightning, which turns the hood in the collar.

Park for pregnant women (21 photos): Autumn and Spring Models 13454_13

Park for pregnant women (21 photos): Autumn and Spring Models 13454_14

For those who are waiting for the appearance of a kid in the cold season, there are transformer-transformers. They allow you to wear a baby after childbirth.

Park for pregnant women (21 photos): Autumn and Spring Models 13454_15


Very relevant model of the last seasons, it serves as a good alternative to the down jackets. The hood of such a jacket-park is usually decorated with fur.

Park for pregnant women (21 photos): Autumn and Spring Models 13454_16

Park for pregnant women (21 photos): Autumn and Spring Models 13454_17

How to choose?

  • When buying a park for pregnant women, it is necessary to focus on the size. You should not take a few sizes more, but at the same time the jacket should not become small with the growth of the abdomen. To do this, on such a park and there are special inserts and additional locks.
  • On the aligning should be a hood for a kid, and on some models there are locks for the pens of the child.

Park for pregnant women (21 photos): Autumn and Spring Models 13454_18

Park for pregnant women (21 photos): Autumn and Spring Models 13454_19

  • Choose the park with insulation, which is thermophyne and tensulite. Such insulation guarantee low price, simple care and have a small volume, in contrast to fur losages.
  • Mandatory is the length of at least the middle of the hip with the adjustable lacing to avoid pods.
  • A double-sided castle will help in the late periods of pregnancy with uncomfortable and stinting movements or when walking on the stairs.

Park for pregnant women (21 photos): Autumn and Spring Models 13454_20

Park for pregnant women (21 photos): Autumn and Spring Models 13454_21

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