Leather dresses for full: Dresses of large sizes of leather and leather inserts


Attitude towards leather clothing in the fashion world is ambiguous. Someone considers it beautiful and original, and for someone she is a top of vulgarity. Opinions converge only in one thing: to get into the leather outfit you need to have a significant proportion of courage and self-confidence. Leather dress - clothes for bold girls who are not afraid to attract increased attention to themselves. If you are inherent in these qualities, be sure to get something similar in your wardrobe.

The lush figure should not stop - there are many modern, stylish solutions for full girls.

Stylish leather dress for a full woman

Features of the material

Leather clothing, with the exception of the top, for the most part is made of artificial material. Modern production technologies make it possible to produce material, externally practically not different from genuine leather. The leathesies can imitate different types of treated genuine leather: lacquered, matte, textured, suede.

Things from leatherette are much cheaper than natural, besides, they are not as demanding in care. That is why dresses and other things from artificial leather find so many fans around the world.

Leather dress for full

Suede dress for full

Leather dress for full

Suede dress for full

Suede dress for full

Suede dress for full

Leather dress with basque for full

Variety of models

The leather dress should be as simple as possible, as the material itself is very catchy and unusual. Consider the notes, most suitable owners of lush forms:

  • Shift - a short-circuit dress of straight cut, usually has a length slightly above the knee. Shift looks very concise and elegant - exactly as the leather dress should look at ideally.
  • The case is a dress, the following contours of the figure, but not tightlying it. It is usually long until the middle of the knee. If you add it to a strict jacket, it may be an office option.
  • Slightly slaughtered dress. Options with an overestimated waist are possible.

Leather Dress for Full Women

Leather Dress for Full Women

Leather Dress for Full Women

Sexy dress

Going on a date with your beloved, you can afford to get dressed more boldly and catchy than on a regular day. Leather dress can create both mysterious, daring, and truly daring, sexy image.

Sexy leather dress for full

Sexy dress for full of shiny skin

Cocktail leather dress for full

Sexy leather dress for full

Dresses with leather inserts

Those who lack courage to fit in a leather dress, you can advise you to pay attention to the model with leather inserts. The dress can be sewn almost from any material, the main thing is that it is well combined with a rough leather texture. Different details of the outfit can be made of leather: sleeves, overhead pockets, belt, skirt and other elements. Full girls are suitable for model with side inserts, contrasting in color - they visually make a shape slimmer.

Dress for full with leather inserts

Leather inserts in a dress for full

Dress for full with leather inserts

Leather inserts in large dress

Dress with leather skirt for full

Combining with other materials

The skin is perfectly combined with other materials. This feature is actively used by designers, creating very original models of dresses. Most often, the skin is combined with knitwear. There is one nuance, about which girls with magnificent forms need to remember: a thin knitwear can be collected in the folds on problem places. Therefore, the cloth needs to be chosen down.

Leather dress for full with transparent sides

Leather dress for full with transparent sleeves

It is very impressive for a combination of leather with lace or chiffon - but this is an option not for everyday life, but for evening exit or even a secluded meeting with your beloved when you need to impress the surrounding.

Leather dress with lace for full


  • Avoid dresses from leather, which are overloaded with a large number of details - clasp, buttons, rhinestones, etc. The skin is a rather complicated material that does not need an additional decor.
  • No need to wear too many leather things right away. A set of leather dresses, jackets and bags - definitely bust. If possible, wear out on top of a leather dress clothing from textiles and complement it with appropriate accessories. Jewelery should be as small as possible, and they must be very laconic - so as not to lose image.

Leather dress for full

Leather Dress for Full Women

Leather dress for full

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