Sari: Indian dress, with what to wear and how to wear (39 photos)


On the pages of magazines and sites you probably have repeatedly seen Indian beauties in bright outfits, decorated with precious stones and embroidered patterns. The fabric in which they are closed, called sari.

Indian Sari.

Sari is traditional women living in India. Having appeared a lot of centuries ago, such an outfit was made of a long piece of canvas in the form of a rectangle. Women wrapped in such a canvas, dragging him to emphasize the curves of the shape and hide the possible flaws.

Sari dress yellow

Purple Sarie

Indian sari orange-lilac

Red Pink Indian Sari

Many centuries later, Sari is still popular. This is the casual and elegant clothes of Indian women, as well as the original outfit of women in other countries. With the help of Sari, beauties can demonstrate their femininity, elegance and grace.

European Sari Green-beige

The product is a canvas without seams of 5-9 meters and a width of about 1 meter. Under it, a woman puts on a skirt, which is a little shorter sari, as well as a blouse, which is called Choli. The blouse is often suitable for color to skirt and sari, although if sari has a monophonic coloring, the blurring of the blouse may differ.

Sarie burgundy dress

Sari Orange Indian

Green Indian Sari.

A bit of history

With the advent of Sari in the wardrobe of India, many legends are connected. According to one of them, such a robe was created on a magic machine with weaving, which dreamed of a perfect woman. He connected all the qualities in the canvas that should be in such a beauty, having received incredibly beautiful and long clothes.

Woman in Sari.

Another legend binds the emergence of Sari with the king of the Pandavus, losing his condition and its own family in gambling. The last loss of the king was his spouse. The enemies wanted to achieve her outcrop, wanting to disgrace a woman, but they failed to spill clothes. Pandava's spouse defended Krishna, putting it in Sari.

Indian Sari.

Red Indian Sari.

Features of Indian robe

Carefully examined the fabric of sari, its colors, drapering and ornament, you can learn a lot about the girl you see such a robe. Sari is made mainly of silk, chiffon or cotton. The quality of the material indicates the prospect of the owner of Sari.

Much can tell the colors of the outfit. Widow wear white sari without patterns, young mothers immediately after childbirth - yellow, the brides are falling in the sari green or red, decorated with gold embroidery. Black apparel is extremely rare, considering it unhappy.

White Sari without Patterns

Yellow Sarie

Green Sarie

Only men participate in the manufacture of Indian sari. One outfit is produced for a long time (about 6 months). Sari can not be called a cheap outfit, but serves such a thing a very long period and is often transmitted to descendants.

Beautiful Sari.

At first glance, most sari are like each other, but it is not so. Each outfit is unique, and there are more than a dozen ways of their drapery.

White sari with burgundy

Stunningly beautiful white sari

Beautiful sari with embroidery

Style Aishvaria Paradise

The famous actress from India has repeatedly appeared on a red carpet and other important events in luxurious sari.

Beautiful Sari Aishvaria Paradise

In 2012, Bollywood star appeared on a charity admission in the designer Light Sari with a golden embroidery, and in 2013, her golden sari in Cannes dinner looked amazing. The actress supplemented this chic outfit with a brilliant clutch and gold jewelry.

Aishwaria Paradise in Sari 2012

Aishwaria Paradise in Sari 2013

Although the red color is not too suitable for solemn acting events, as it merges with the color of the track, but on the Aishvaria Paradise Sari in the Red Hamme look amazing. The actress has repeatedly put on chic sari of this color to the premieres of films and charitable events.

Aishwaria Paradise in Krx Sari 2012

In addition, Aishvaria often chooses gentle transparent sari. In 2006, the actress created a spectacular image with a green sari, decorated with white embroidery. To him, beauty picked up a clutch-shell and long earrings. In 2011, the outfit of Aishvaria was gentle pink, and his decoration consisted of beads and silver lace.

Green Dress With White Embroidery Aishwaria Paradise

Pink Sari Aishvaria Paradise 2011

Transparent Sari Sari Aishvaria Paradise 2006

Wedding Sarie

Sari, in which the girl get married is very beautiful and sophisticated. The products are decorated with beads, silver or gold embroidery, rhinestones and another attractive decor.

White Wedding Sari.

The choice of fabric, drawing and drapery affects the region of living the bride, the well-being of her family and other nuances. For example, in the northern regions of India, the bride is applied to the Red Sari, in the East - in the outfit yellow, in Maharashtra - in green sari, and in Assam - in white-white.

Red Wedding Sari.

White Wedding Sari.

Green Wedding Sari.

Yellow wedding sari

The most expensive sari in the world

In the book of Records Guinness in 2008, the most gorgeous and expensive Sari recorded. The product was estimated at 100 thousand dollars (about 4 million rupees). In the manufacture of such Sari, 30 weales took part. They manually worked over the outfit about 7 months, creating a really incredible robe.

The most expensive sari in the world

Sari embroidered silver, platinum and gold, and then decorated with diamonds, sapphires, rubies, topazami, corals, emeralds and other precious stones.

At the same time, the value of the product lies not only in such a finish, but also in the drawings on the sari. The canvas decorated 11 pictures of the famous artist from India. The weight of such the most expensive sari amounted to about 8 kilograms.

How to wear?

  1. Owing skirt and blouse, start refueling sari in a skirt with the right side of the canvas.
  2. Wrap the product from the right side to the left side by making one circle. At the same time, the lower part of the sari should touch the floor.
  3. Next, start collecting Sari's folds. Depending on the length of the product, you will get from 5-7 folds or more.
  4. The collected folds together lay behind the skirt so that they "watched" left.
  5. The remaining free part of the canvas again wrap around the waist, and the end of the product is pinched over the shoulder. You can fix it on the shoulder with beautiful pins.

How to wear Sari.

What to wear?

  • Suitable under sari shoes will be ballet shoes or sandals, which have a flat sole.
  • You can pick up a small bag-clutch to an elegant version of the sari.
  • Sari is wonderful with different decorations, such as bracelets, rings, necklaces, large earrings and other decorations.

Clutch to green sari

Clutch to pink sari

Clutch to white sari

Clutch to blue sari

Clutch to white sari

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