Electroepilation Deep bikini: What is dangerous? How is it done? And how many procedures is required? Reviews after the procedure


Modern women are always trying to get rid of unwanted vegetation, especially in intimate places. Regular depilation does not bring a stable result, often provoking irritation and discomfort. In order to avoid such moments, you can use deep bikini electroepilation. In this article, we will consider in detail the features of such a procedure, as well as ways to conduct it.

Electroepilation Deep bikini: What is dangerous? How is it done? And how many procedures is required? Reviews after the procedure 13328_2

Features, Indications and Contraindications

The deep bikini electro pharmacy is a popular cosmetology procedure, due to which the hair follicle in the groin, genital organs and buttocks is destroyed under the action of electric current. The principle of action of this method is that the thin needle electrode is introduced into the follicle, and the electric discharge that stands out at the end of this game, radiates a heat that kills the follicle bulb.

Such manipulations must be carried out with each hair. The main advantage of this procedure is that after the processing of the follicle electric shock, it will never grow again: it will be killed by the first procedure.

Thanks to this method, hairs of different thicknesses and colors are removed. The procedure is used for both men and women.

Even curved follicles are removed, and the number of ingrown hair is reduced. Despite the fact that the procedure is a bit painful, it is considered the safest of all hardware methods. The skin is quickly restored, and the client does not experience any discomfort after the session. The technique is suitable for all skin types.

Among the main disadvantages, it is possible to distinguish what, of course, painful sensations arise from shocks. In addition, the procedure lasts for a very long time, as you need to remove each hairs. Itself is not particularly dangerous for the female body, but this is only if there is no contraindications.

Electroepilation Deep bikini: What is dangerous? How is it done? And how many procedures is required? Reviews after the procedure 13328_3

It is impossible to conduct it to people who have:

  • Problems with cardiovascular system;
  • diabetes;
  • neoplasms of different character;
  • Negative body reactions on the material used;
  • psychological or neurological disorders;
  • colloid scars;
  • Pigment stains and moles, tattoos in the treated area.

Also, the procedure should not be done if you used alcoholic beverages on the eve if you have pressure or ischemia, pregnant and nursing, people who have sharp or chronic diseases.


Consider several ways to carry out the procedure.


A feature of the pincente method is that the needle is not suitable directly to the bulb. The hairs are captured above the skin, then the current passes through it. A feature of this method is that it is less painful than the rest, but, unfortunately, the least effective. It takes quite a lot of time on this procedure (more than 10 seconds for one hairs), and you have to pay for a while.


The method called thermolysis affects the variable electric shock at once on the follicle. The current heats the hair onion, causing an irreversible protein death, from which it consists. This current has a high frequency and low voltage.


The electrolysis uses constant current. Due to it, alkaline connections occur in the tissues. It is they who destroy the bulbs. The method is characterized by the smallest painful sensations, but a long time is time. To remove deformed follicles, two different charges are often used: positive and negative.

Electroepilation Deep bikini: What is dangerous? How is it done? And how many procedures is required? Reviews after the procedure 13328_4


The most modern is a blend-method, which consists in using two combinations: electroplating electrolyte and thermolysis. This method does not cause painful sensations, and the skin remains intact.


The flash method works on advanced thermolysis, which uses a constant current with a high frequency. Thanks to this, pain is much reduced.


The sequengial flash drive works on a variable sinusoidal current with high frequencies. Due to this, the electrode becomes a maneuverable, which is easily allowed to remove hair of different thickness at high speed of destruction of the hair onion.

How much sessions need?

To completely remove the hair area with a deep bikini zone of one session will not be enough. On average, 5-9 procedures are required. This is due to the fact that the hair in this zone is growing quickly and very thickly. While the active bulbs are removed, sleeping sleeping. Therefore, the cosmetologist must be visited as they grow and awakening these hair. The interval between procedures is usually 30-40 days. In patients with thick hairproof, the number of sessions may increase to 20.

Electroepilation Deep bikini: What is dangerous? How is it done? And how many procedures is required? Reviews after the procedure 13328_5

For prevention, the next five years after the primary procedure is better to come to consult and inspection by a specialist once a year.

How do you do?

The procedure needs to come with hairs that have reached a height of 2-5 mm, that is, before the procedure it is necessary for several days not to shave. It is also not recommended to take hormonal drugs, and in a week before the session cannot be visited by a bath and solarium.

The hairs removal procedure of a deep bikini zone consists of several stages. The first mandatory task of the cosmetologist is to painkille the skin. A special composition is applied to the zone alleged for epilation, with which it is necessary to stay 15-20 minutes. Next, the patient takes horizontal poses offered by a specialist facilitating work. The master sets up the impulse and introduces the electrode in the needle, while removing the hairs. So that the procedure is most secure, the client must keep the neutral electrode in hand. After the process is completed, the antiseptic composition and healing means are applied to the processed zone.

Electroepilation Deep bikini: What is dangerous? How is it done? And how many procedures is required? Reviews after the procedure 13328_6

Subsequent care

After each epilation session, a certain time is required to restore the skin and consolidate the result. For 7-10 days, it is better to avoid depilation by mechanical methods. It is not recommended to swim in the pool or outdoor reservoir to avoid different bacteria. For 10 days, it is necessary to apply antiseptic and wound-healing products on the skin, and it should be done about 5 times a day.

If we neglect all these recommendations, swelling, crusts, scars and even bruises can be formed in the treated zones.

Electroepilation Deep bikini: What is dangerous? How is it done? And how many procedures is required? Reviews after the procedure 13328_7

Review reviews

After analyzing customer reviews that have passed this procedure, it can be noted that it is not suitable for everyone. To understand this, you need to make one trial session. Women who passed the course completely, note that the hair cover in the bikini zone is destroyed, and it does not grow up.

Especially recommended electronicization to women who are prone to irritation from mechanical or other means for depilation.

As for the cost, the procedure is quite expensive, if you compare it with other epilation options, but it ensures one hundred percent result. Longs for a very long time, on average 1-1.5 hours. For customers with increased pain syndrome, such hair removal will be very painful. It also noted the painful condition of the skin and the swelling of soft tissues after the intervention. Of course, all these consequences with proper care were minimized.

Electroepilation Deep bikini: What is dangerous? How is it done? And how many procedures is required? Reviews after the procedure 13328_8

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