Winter overalls envelope for newborns (53 photos): envelope transformer, which is better to take on an extract in winter, model on sheepin


Future parents with trepidation and tenderness are preparing for the appearance of the baby. With a special concern, they choose things for their child. And before those who expect his birth to late autumn or in winter, among other things, the question arises about the choice of outerwear. After all, newborn children, as well as others, it is necessary to be in the fresh air, despite the weather.

Winter overalls envelope for newborns (53 photos): envelope transformer, which is better to take on an extract in winter, model on sheepin 13296_2

Today there are incredibly many sentences. But what exactly choose? Recently, the envelope overalls have acquired great popularity. What is his secret? Let's figure out.

Winter overalls envelope for newborns (53 photos): envelope transformer, which is better to take on an extract in winter, model on sheepin 13296_3

What is a jumpsuit envelope?

In fact, this invention combined 2 things - jumpsuit and envelope. From the overalls in it the upper part is a hood and sleeves. And from the envelope - the bottom, reminiscent of the bag.

Winter overalls envelope for newborns (53 photos): envelope transformer, which is better to take on an extract in winter, model on sheepin 13296_4

Such clothes are very comfortable. Due to long zipper for the entire length of the product, the baby is very easy. It is enough just to reveal it completely, put the child, wear the sleeves and fasten.

Winter overalls envelope for newborns (53 photos): envelope transformer, which is better to take on an extract in winter, model on sheepin 13296_5

Winter overalls envelope for newborns (53 photos): envelope transformer, which is better to take on an extract in winter, model on sheepin 13296_6

Winter overalls envelope for newborns (53 photos): envelope transformer, which is better to take on an extract in winter, model on sheepin 13296_7

Winter overalls envelope for newborns (53 photos): envelope transformer, which is better to take on an extract in winter, model on sheepin 13296_8

There are models suitable for more adult children. . This is a transformer jumpsuit. In it, in addition to the sleeves, there are also pants. It helps quickly and effortlessly turn the envelope into jumpsuit.

Winter overalls envelope for newborns (53 photos): envelope transformer, which is better to take on an extract in winter, model on sheepin 13296_9

Winter overalls envelope for newborns (53 photos): envelope transformer, which is better to take on an extract in winter, model on sheepin 13296_10

Winter overalls envelope for newborns (53 photos): envelope transformer, which is better to take on an extract in winter, model on sheepin 13296_11

Winter overalls envelope for newborns (53 photos): envelope transformer, which is better to take on an extract in winter, model on sheepin 13296_12

Winter overalls envelope for newborns (53 photos): envelope transformer, which is better to take on an extract in winter, model on sheepin 13296_13


This piece of children's clothing has many advantages, if you compare it with envelopes, overalls or blanket. It:

  • Convenience and easy to use;
  • Dressing and undressing does not take much time;
  • Multifunctionality, the ability to convert an envelope into a jumpsuit;
  • Reliable protection from the cold;
  • Long service life (envelope overalls can be worn not only by babies, but also at an older age).

Winter overalls envelope for newborns (53 photos): envelope transformer, which is better to take on an extract in winter, model on sheepin 13296_14

Winter overalls envelope for newborns (53 photos): envelope transformer, which is better to take on an extract in winter, model on sheepin 13296_15

Winter overalls envelope for newborns (53 photos): envelope transformer, which is better to take on an extract in winter, model on sheepin 13296_16

What is better to take on an extract in winter: overall envelope, blanket or jumpsuit?

It is possible to talk about the advantages of one or another type of clothing for a long time. All of them are good in their own way. To determine the choice, you need to consider when the kid should be born.

  • If the birth of a child falls on September-October, the rational all will choose the envelope overalls. The first months to use it as an envelope, and subsequently - as a jumpsuit.

Winter overalls envelope for newborns (53 photos): envelope transformer, which is better to take on an extract in winter, model on sheepin 13296_17

  • For those who should be born in November-December, the winter envelope will be perfect. While the child can not hold the head and does not turn over, it is better to use the envelope for walking. In addition, it is cheaper than the previous option.

Winter overalls envelope for newborns (53 photos): envelope transformer, which is better to take on an extract in winter, model on sheepin 13296_18

  • If the birth of a child is expected in February, then you should not spend money on top clothes. A blanket in this case will be quite enough, both for extracting and for walking. In a month, it will be warm and better to take care of spring clothes.

Winter overalls envelope for newborns (53 photos): envelope transformer, which is better to take on an extract in winter, model on sheepin 13296_19

  • Kids, who will have 4-5 months for the arrival of winter, it makes no sense to buy an envelope or transformer. In this case, it is best to buy a jumpsuit.

Winter overalls envelope for newborns (53 photos): envelope transformer, which is better to take on an extract in winter, model on sheepin 13296_20

Anyway, to buy your child - to solve only you. After all, every mom want her baby to be the most beautiful and fashionable.

Winter overalls envelope for newborns (53 photos): envelope transformer, which is better to take on an extract in winter, model on sheepin 13296_21

Winter overalls envelope for newborns (53 photos): envelope transformer, which is better to take on an extract in winter, model on sheepin 13296_22

Winter overalls envelope for newborns (53 photos): envelope transformer, which is better to take on an extract in winter, model on sheepin 13296_23

Winter overalls envelope for newborns (53 photos): envelope transformer, which is better to take on an extract in winter, model on sheepin 13296_24

Winter overalls envelope for newborns (53 photos): envelope transformer, which is better to take on an extract in winter, model on sheepin 13296_25


Envelope overalls are divided into:

  • Winter. This is a warmed option. It is characterized by an inserted lining made of natural material. It may be sheepskin or fluff. These fillers are designed for severe frosts.

Winter overalls envelope for newborns (53 photos): envelope transformer, which is better to take on an extract in winter, model on sheepin 13296_26

  • Autumn-spring. These models are manufactured using synthetic fillers. They breathe well and prevent overheating.

Winter overalls envelope for newborns (53 photos): envelope transformer, which is better to take on an extract in winter, model on sheepin 13296_27

  • Universal. These models have a detachment lining. Therefore, they can approach both autumn and for the winter.

Winter overalls envelope for newborns (53 photos): envelope transformer, which is better to take on an extract in winter, model on sheepin 13296_28

Winter overalls envelope for newborns (53 photos): envelope transformer, which is better to take on an extract in winter, model on sheepin 13296_29

Winter overalls envelope for newborns (53 photos): envelope transformer, which is better to take on an extract in winter, model on sheepin 13296_30

Also distinguished piecework and separate overalls transformers. The first are capable of converting into an envelope. The second contains two details - pants on the straps and jacket. She has a hood and high collar.

Winter overalls envelope for newborns (53 photos): envelope transformer, which is better to take on an extract in winter, model on sheepin 13296_31

Winter overalls envelope for newborns (53 photos): envelope transformer, which is better to take on an extract in winter, model on sheepin 13296_32

Winter overalls envelope for newborns (53 photos): envelope transformer, which is better to take on an extract in winter, model on sheepin 13296_33

Winter overalls envelope for newborns (53 photos): envelope transformer, which is better to take on an extract in winter, model on sheepin 13296_34

Winter overalls envelope for newborns (53 photos): envelope transformer, which is better to take on an extract in winter, model on sheepin 13296_35

Also distinguished piecework and separate overalls transformers. The first are capable of converting into an envelope. The second contains two details - pants on the straps and jacket. She has a hood and high collar.

  • In order to make an envelope from a piecework overalls, it is required to sweep the slippers and unzip the zipper on the side of the sidelines. After that, it is necessary to fasten the snake located in the middle. Thus, the product resembles a trapezoid form. The final action will be fixing the bottom of the rivet.
  • Separate overalls can be transformed in various ways. It can be pants on suspenders, of which it is easy to make trousers. It's enough just to sweep the straps. There are transformers with snakes on the sleeves. Usually it is overalls with a removable lining. In them, the sleeves can be disseminated and a vest will turn out. Some models contain transverse zipper located on the belt line. In this option, the top can be worn and then when the baby is growing and the pants will become small.

Winter overalls envelope for newborns (53 photos): envelope transformer, which is better to take on an extract in winter, model on sheepin 13296_36

Material and insulation

Nowadays, there are a wide variety of fabric solutions for basic clothes for babies. To be more accurate, it concerns fillers. The top coating is usually made from Cordura, which completely repels moisture or nylon-polyester, which only misses it in part.

Winter overalls envelope for newborns (53 photos): envelope transformer, which is better to take on an extract in winter, model on sheepin 13296_37

Consider what types of fillers are.

  • More recently, it was most popular to use the products on the fluff. They are incredible warm. Many are able to keep the heat of the body of the child up to -40 degrees !!! If your kroch loves to sleep on a walk - this is the perfect option. Pooh copes well with moisture and heat-conductivity. However, he has some drawbacks. First, it can cause allergies to the feather, and secondly, if the product is stitched poorly, feathers can pass through the fabric.

Winter overalls envelope for newborns (53 photos): envelope transformer, which is better to take on an extract in winter, model on sheepin 13296_38

Winter overalls envelope for newborns (53 photos): envelope transformer, which is better to take on an extract in winter, model on sheepin 13296_39

Winter overalls envelope for newborns (53 photos): envelope transformer, which is better to take on an extract in winter, model on sheepin 13296_40

  • Another popular filler is fur. Products from it are the same warm, as well as down. Buying overalls-envelope from fur, you need to know how to store it. For example, fur products can not be washed in a washing machine. Therefore, it will not be superfluous to first familiarize yourself with the care instructions.

Winter overalls envelope for newborns (53 photos): envelope transformer, which is better to take on an extract in winter, model on sheepin 13296_41

  • The following insulation is known for centuries. We are talking about wool. True today, this material is rarely used in high-quality envelopes. First, it is a strong allergen. Secondly, the product on wool will not save from a strong wind. And thirdly, during wetting it immediately absorbs moisture and dries long.

Winter overalls envelope for newborns (53 photos): envelope transformer, which is better to take on an extract in winter, model on sheepin 13296_42

  • An excellent alternative wool has become sheepskin. This material has the same advantages as the down, but its flaws are deprived. Sheepskin does not cause allergies and can withstand lower temperatures. It should be noted that the product on the sheepskin is rather heavy. In addition, it should have a protective inner layer, otherwise the sheepskin can ride.

Winter overalls envelope for newborns (53 photos): envelope transformer, which is better to take on an extract in winter, model on sheepin 13296_43

Winter overalls envelope for newborns (53 photos): envelope transformer, which is better to take on an extract in winter, model on sheepin 13296_44

Winter overalls envelope for newborns (53 photos): envelope transformer, which is better to take on an extract in winter, model on sheepin 13296_45

  • Another famous filler is a fleece. True, it is not used in winter things. This is a demi-season option. He perfectly absorbs excess moisture, not allowing the child to stand.

Winter overalls envelope for newborns (53 photos): envelope transformer, which is better to take on an extract in winter, model on sheepin 13296_46

Winter overalls envelope for newborns (53 photos): envelope transformer, which is better to take on an extract in winter, model on sheepin 13296_47

Winter overalls envelope for newborns (53 photos): envelope transformer, which is better to take on an extract in winter, model on sheepin 13296_48

  • Singry procession - cheap, but not the highest quality material. For babies it is better not to use. All its attractiveness will lose the product on Sinyprodon, after the first washing, as the synthetone simply knocks pieces. It is not necessary to talk about the heating saving properties of this material - it is too "blowing".

Winter overalls envelope for newborns (53 photos): envelope transformer, which is better to take on an extract in winter, model on sheepin 13296_49

How to choose?

To purchase a high-quality thing that will delight you and your baby, not one season, it is necessary to respond with the purchase of an envelope jumpsuit.

Winter overalls envelope for newborns (53 photos): envelope transformer, which is better to take on an extract in winter, model on sheepin 13296_50

  1. First of all, it is necessary to decide how long the product should be. If you like the static option more, select the size "0-3 m" or "52-68 cm". If you want to buy a transformer, then anyone is allowed any.
  2. Further. It is worth paying attention to the color of the product. The envelope can be any shade. But the transformer is better to choose not china. Especially if the child will begin to go to walk in the winter.
  3. And last. Carefully read the existing fittings. Find out, whether the clashes are fastened, whether the lightning is working and they do not cling to fabric. It is also important how well the sleeves and the hood are dragged, because it depends on it, whether the heat will heat your baby in the winter frost.

Winter overalls envelope for newborns (53 photos): envelope transformer, which is better to take on an extract in winter, model on sheepin 13296_51

Winter overalls envelope for newborns (53 photos): envelope transformer, which is better to take on an extract in winter, model on sheepin 13296_52

Winter overalls envelope for newborns (53 photos): envelope transformer, which is better to take on an extract in winter, model on sheepin 13296_53

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