Quest Mom for Birthday: how to make a game script at home? Note to memorize. Where to hide them?


You can congratulate my mom Happy Birthday, you can not just give her a gift and saying warm congratulations, and setting up a memorable holiday for her in the form of interesting entertainment - a quest, intriguing various tasks and a fascinating game.

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How to make a script?

Drawing up a quest scenario for his mother's birthday begins with the idea and determination of its place. If the game is invented for the house, it will be one scenario, if in a cafe or in the office - another, with elements of adventure can be done when the game is planted on the street.

At home, usually the birthday girl does not give a gift, but give a postcard in which the tips are indicated. They one after the other should lead the culprit of the celebration to the cherished goal.

Instead of a scenario plan, you can draw yourself a map where you can specify all the caches with the notes - so you will clearly appreciate the situation and see what you need to correct before the game.

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Quest Mom for Birthday: how to make a game script at home? Note to memorize. Where to hide them? 13246_4

For examples of tasks

Tasks can be the most diverse and depend on your imagination or mother's preferences.

You can make riddles to her, give the opportunity to draw up words on pre-harvested letters and prompts. And you can describe in the poetic form in the notes.

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Quest Mom for Birthday: how to make a game script at home? Note to memorize. Where to hide them? 13246_6

Quest Mom for Birthday: how to make a game script at home? Note to memorize. Where to hide them? 13246_7

So, you can start with a bathroom, where the birthday girl first will go in the morning to take a shower. On the mirror you can write good wishes and continue to continue: "Smile, tight and turn to the washer".

And inside the washing machine - the next tip, which advises to appeal to the one that regularly warms the lunch in the house (meant microwave). So you can cover all the important devices, and hide a gift in your favorite mother's room, where she keeps all their important things.

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Quest Mom for Birthday: how to make a game script at home? Note to memorize. Where to hide them? 13246_9

If the mother loves literature, tasks can be in her favorite book, you can write her tasks with the missing numbers of numbers of phone numbers of people close to her, give the opportunity to make a puzzle for the next search phase.

Seeing a note with the name of the croup: pearl, semolina, buckwheat, wheat and pasta, Mom should guess that the next tip in the package with Macaronami. From there, the birthday room can be sent to the refrigerator, to the gas stove, dishwasher and complete the search in the oven.

You can, of course, to ask for mom in the notes to sing, dance, perform some other pleasant to her actions that will raise the mood, you can connect to the search for other family members - it all depends on your fantasy and desire to make a memorable holiday.

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Quest Mom for Birthday: how to make a game script at home? Note to memorize. Where to hide them? 13246_11

Quest Mom for Birthday: how to make a game script at home? Note to memorize. Where to hide them? 13246_12

Where to hide notes?

Places where scrapbook hide must first be safe. Therefore, eliminate the option with the outside of the window, do not hide behind the overall objects that may fall onto a person. And the player should be nice to look there.

Again, we exclude a bucket for garbage, basket for dirty linen and other unpleasant things. Traditional places - on the closet, under the chair or sofa - it is pre-inspecting and, if necessary. Not every woman will be pleased to see the flaws of his cleaning at such a moment, but if the mother detects perfect purity, it will add to her optimism.

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Tips should not get into the eyes immediately and become available ahead of time, otherwise interest in the game will disappear. For example, Mama should not put a note in the pocket of a home dressing, she will still rise before everyone and calmly find it - Intrigue will disappear.

But if she is prompted to eat a festive breakfast prepared breakfast, under which there will be a hint, "this will cause a storm of emotions and the desire to continue the game. The note can be hidden in a bottle and put it in a bath with water, and you can put a pillow into your favorite mother's pillow.

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Covers can serve inflated balls, boxes with favorite candies, interior items

If the final stage of receiving a gift is the descent to the mailbox, the birthday girl will gladly capture the key and run to the first floor to speed it up and get his gift.

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Quest Mom for Birthday: how to make a game script at home? Note to memorize. Where to hide them? 13246_16


On average, it is recommended to use up to 10 tips - if a person is active, then it can be more, but not to tire, 6-7 will be enough. The tasks must be simple, so as not to cause any difficulty in mom. In the end, the task is to entertain the birthday girl, and not check its level IQ.

When choosing a gift, as in the preparation of the scenario of its presentation in the conditions of the game, it is necessary to take into account the preferences of the conviction of the celebration. You can beat some funny situations to search for a gift that you were with a birthday party or her favorite households for the past year.

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Mom's mood to raise small gifts on the way to the most important surprise. The next notes with the tasks attach to the chocolate, the postcard made by the personally, to the box with your favorite spirits, to the bauble, about which she dreamed of a long time ago. After all, your task is to raise the mood on this day and give as much joy as possible the most expensive person in life.

About how to make a quest mom for a birthday, look in the video below.

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