Quest For Girls: Birthday Scenario Child 9, 11, 13 and 14 years old, Description of tasks for holding at school and house


Quest is an excellent way to have fun, create an interesting adventure for children. It is worth understanding that the theme of quests can be different, and its choice mainly depends on who will go through tasks. In this article, consider more different quest ideas for girls.

Quest For Girls: Birthday Scenario Child 9, 11, 13 and 14 years old, Description of tasks for holding at school and house 13242_2

Quest For Girls: Birthday Scenario Child 9, 11, 13 and 14 years old, Description of tasks for holding at school and house 13242_3

Quest For Girls: Birthday Scenario Child 9, 11, 13 and 14 years old, Description of tasks for holding at school and house 13242_4


Quest is a fairly fascinating adventure, during which its participants must solve all the tasks and as a result of this receive a gift. If you consider the quest for girls, then the topics of the game may be as follows:

  • fairy tale characters;
  • princesses;
  • pony;
  • Fairies and so on.

Quest For Girls: Birthday Scenario Child 9, 11, 13 and 14 years old, Description of tasks for holding at school and house 13242_5

Quest For Girls: Birthday Scenario Child 9, 11, 13 and 14 years old, Description of tasks for holding at school and house 13242_6

    Very often, parents prepare a birthday quest, because on this day the child awaits something unusual and unforgettable.

    Such a game can take place both at home and in the open sky.

    Quest For Girls: Birthday Scenario Child 9, 11, 13 and 14 years old, Description of tasks for holding at school and house 13242_7

    To pass the quest exceptionally positive and pleasant emotions, you need to take into account the following points.

    • The age of the child. If the girl is 7-8 years old, then it is interesting for fabulous heroes, but the girls at the age of 13, 14 years will suit more quests that will concern their interests, for example, a favorite video game or film. For children, videos should pick up tasks where they can decide together, but teenagers like to show leadership maks.
    • Number of participants. If 8 people will participate in Quest, then you should immediately create two teams. It should be understood that the quest may be at speed, or you should initially come up with your version of tasks for each command. Do not forget that you need to have a spare option, if something goes wrong, as planned.
    • Room. We need to decide in advance with the place where the game will pass, because it will have an impact on creating tasks. It is necessary to prepare the room under the game, remove all the fighting things, because children can hurt any item in the room in Azart. On the street, of course, there will be no such problems. But here it will be necessary to think through the fence of the dedicated territory under the game, as one should never forget about the safety of children.
    • Quests for girls 9 or 11 years old should not be difficult. It is enough to come up with 6-8 tasks, then children do not get tired and plenty of the quest. For adolescents, the number of tasks can be increased, but not more than 15 pieces.
    • Usually, furniture, windowsills, shelves or small objects in the room, such as books, soft toys, are used as caches. If you want to add azart to the game, you can use not only one room, and the whole apartment - then the tests will bring more delight.
    • All quest members should receive gifts - you can please children with sweets, notebooks, handles, small toys. If only girls take part in the quest, the doll will be an unforgettable gift for each participant.

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    Quest For Girls: Birthday Scenario Child 9, 11, 13 and 14 years old, Description of tasks for holding at school and house 13242_9

    Description of tasks

    Tasks for quests intended for girls can be diverse. But for starters, we will stop at two main varieties of quests.

    • Linear. This decision is perfectly suitable for girls of preschool or younger school age. The peculiarity of this species is that only by performing the first task, you can go to the other, and so on. And at the end there will be promised gifts.
    • Collective. This species lies in the fact that children get all the tasks at once. This quest will come true for older children. Only solving all the tasks, the participants will be able to get a code word or a randlessness of the quest. The tasks can be placed on cards or make a pirated map on which the place of the treasure will be labeled, and it, in turn, must be collected from small parts.
    • Encrypted. This species is also performed as a chain. First, it is necessary to solve the first task, the departure will lead to the next element and so on until the pricing pricing is found.
    • With locks. Children handed a prize, but closed on the castle. If participants want to open it, many puzzles and mysteries should be solved.

    Quest For Girls: Birthday Scenario Child 9, 11, 13 and 14 years old, Description of tasks for holding at school and house 13242_10

    Quest For Girls: Birthday Scenario Child 9, 11, 13 and 14 years old, Description of tasks for holding at school and house 13242_11

      When the tasks is selected, you should adhere to a single topic. For girls, you can use various fabulous stories associated with ponies, princesses, nobbles and so on.

      If a birthday quest is planned, the beloved theme of the birthday room should be chosen.

      Quest For Girls: Birthday Scenario Child 9, 11, 13 and 14 years old, Description of tasks for holding at school and house 13242_12

      Quest For Girls: Birthday Scenario Child 9, 11, 13 and 14 years old, Description of tasks for holding at school and house 13242_13

      For girls, the following quests are suitable:

      • Rapunzel disappeared, it should be found;
      • Journey to the magic planet, where many sweets and ice cream, there are guys waiting for the most unexpected adventures;
      • The best friend got into trouble, the evil wizard kidnapped him, it is necessary to save him.

      Quest For Girls: Birthday Scenario Child 9, 11, 13 and 14 years old, Description of tasks for holding at school and house 13242_14

      Quest For Girls: Birthday Scenario Child 9, 11, 13 and 14 years old, Description of tasks for holding at school and house 13242_15

        Tasks can be diverse - riddles, puzzles, mirroring. Riddles can be expelled using SMS or use social networks for older children who are already registered there.

        For young girls, tasks are ideally suited in the form of pictures or photos.

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        Quest For Girls: Birthday Scenario Child 9, 11, 13 and 14 years old, Description of tasks for holding at school and house 13242_17

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        Quest For Girls: Birthday Scenario Child 9, 11, 13 and 14 years old, Description of tasks for holding at school and house 13242_19


        Quests can be held at home, on the street or at school, but in the latter case it is necessary to obtain permission from the School Director. If the quest will be educational, then the school administration will certainly support your undertakes. Home Quest is usually spent on a birthday or another holiday, when there is no possibility to gather in nature or the weather does not allow it to do.

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        Quest For Girls: Birthday Scenario Child 9, 11, 13 and 14 years old, Description of tasks for holding at school and house 13242_21

        For little princesses it is worth creating a holiday in an air, lace style.

        Little beauties will not be able to resist Disney Princesses. Girls should be prepared in advance. They must come already elegant - in a beautiful ballot dress and with an irresistible hairstyle. For the scenario, you can use your child's favorite fairy tale, while engaged in the heroes from this fairy tale. And the plot can be how to leave untouched and modified. The choice remains for the organizer of the quest.

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        Quest For Girls: Birthday Scenario Child 9, 11, 13 and 14 years old, Description of tasks for holding at school and house 13242_23

        Quest For Girls: Birthday Scenario Child 9, 11, 13 and 14 years old, Description of tasks for holding at school and house 13242_24

        You can decorate the room to the eastern topics, and the main characters of the quest will be Aladdin and Jasmine.

        But the tasks will give out and help to solve invisible gin, which will appear on the monitor screen.

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        Quest For Girls: Birthday Scenario Child 9, 11, 13 and 14 years old, Description of tasks for holding at school and house 13242_26

        Many girls like the underwater world. The evil Ursula will receive from mermaid and her friends.

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        Quest For Girls: Birthday Scenario Child 9, 11, 13 and 14 years old, Description of tasks for holding at school and house 13242_28

        Quest For Girls: Birthday Scenario Child 9, 11, 13 and 14 years old, Description of tasks for holding at school and house 13242_29

        Probably, Each girl is delighted with the Cold Heart cartoon, where two sisters are in high roles - Anna and Elsa. You can come up with a fascinating quest, while the tasks will be stored in the refrigerator, and the prize will be the ice cream cake.

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        Quest For Girls: Birthday Scenario Child 9, 11, 13 and 14 years old, Description of tasks for holding at school and house 13242_31

        But we should not forget that the boys come to the holiday quite often to the girls, so they should consider their interests, then the quest will be fun and interesting.

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        Quest For Girls: Birthday Scenario Child 9, 11, 13 and 14 years old, Description of tasks for holding at school and house 13242_33

        Quest script at home in the video below.

        Read more