What is a poodle? 86 Photo Description of red puppies, feuds of harlequin and other breeds. The weight of dogs. How to care for them? How much do they live?


Padel is a popular and talented breed of domestic dogs, which is famous for its incredible tricks and acrobatic abilities on circus performances. In this article, you will familiarize yourself with the common types and rocks of poodles, the features of their maintenance, care and training.

What is a poodle? 86 Photo Description of red puppies, feuds of harlequin and other breeds. The weight of dogs. How to care for them? How much do they live? 13221_2



(Rating 2 out of 5)



(Rating 1 out of 5)


The average

(Rating 3 out of 5)


Very clever

(Rating 5 out of 5)



(Rating 4 out of 5)

Need care

Very high

(Rating 5 out of 5)

Cost of content

Above the average

(Rating 4 out of 5)



(Rating 3 out of 5)


Very easy

(Rating 5 out of 5)



(Rating 4 out of 5)

Attitude to solitude

Short periods

(Rating 2 out of 5)

Security qualities

Bad guard

(Rating 2 out of 5)

* Characteristics of the Poodle breed is based on the assessment of the experts of the site and feedback from the owners of the dog.

History of origin

All that is just knowing about this breed at the moment, points to her rich historical past, which goes back to the roots of thousands of years ago. Primitive images of these animals were found on the ancient Roman and Greek coins, as well as on the stucco of some temples.

At various times, many European countries were considered the birthplace of this breed. Most often, preference was given to Hungary, Germany and France, where this breed began to be used in the Middle Ages. Initially, the podsels were used exclusively as hunting breed - They caught rapid prey from water bodies and swampy terrain. From the German language, the word "poodle" alignively translates as "swamp" or "puddle", with English Puddle also denotes "puddle".

In French, the Breed is called "Kanish", which happened from the expression Chien Canard, which is translated as "a dog for ducks hunting."

What is a poodle? 86 Photo Description of red puppies, feuds of harlequin and other breeds. The weight of dogs. How to care for them? How much do they live? 13221_3

What is a poodle? 86 Photo Description of red puppies, feuds of harlequin and other breeds. The weight of dogs. How to care for them? How much do they live? 13221_4

It is believed that the droplets were formed by crossing several different breeds at once. Among them were: Barbet, bullets, Commander, Retriever, Toy Spaniel, Bishon. It is precisely known that its real popularity of the breed was acquired in the XVIII century, when the podsels went to the European market and almost instantly became homemade pets of rich and famous persons. Earlier, Gearing services opened in France - Specialized Salons for Care Care Salons, and with the appearance of poodles, their activities were able to thoroughly gain momentum.

At one time, Padel became the pets of such famous personalities as Maria Antoinette, Schopenhauer, Ludwig Van Beethoven. All of them admired the beauty, grace and mind of these pets. It is also known that some poodle breeds were bred specifically to participate in military battles. These dogs could imperceptibly for the enemy to carry food, supplies and reports, as well as find wounded people and thaw them from the battlefield.

What is a poodle? 86 Photo Description of red puppies, feuds of harlequin and other breeds. The weight of dogs. How to care for them? How much do they live? 13221_5

What is a poodle? 86 Photo Description of red puppies, feuds of harlequin and other breeds. The weight of dogs. How to care for them? How much do they live? 13221_6

Official recognition This species received only in 1886, when the world's first standard of such a breed was published. A little later, a similar document was drawn up in France and Germany. This breed also got into Russia in the XIX century, and the dogs became favorite pets from many representatives of the Russian nobility.

Today, France is considered the Radonarchist Padel. It was on the territory of the French state that the first clubs of fans of poodles were formed, and exhibitions of the best individuals were organized.

What is a poodle? 86 Photo Description of red puppies, feuds of harlequin and other breeds. The weight of dogs. How to care for them? How much do they live? 13221_7

What is a poodle? 86 Photo Description of red puppies, feuds of harlequin and other breeds. The weight of dogs. How to care for them? How much do they live? 13221_8

Description of appearance

Poodle is one of those few purebred rocks, which is immediately found in the crowd of other dogs. The cause of such awareness is extraordinary hairstyles and haircuts, which are awarded by these animals of their owners.

Below will be considered the typical characteristics of the appearance of poodles depending on the species.

  • Royal (big). The largest large variety among all poodles. The growth is up to 60 centimeters in the withers, the average weight of the adult individual - from 20 to 23 kg.

What is a poodle? 86 Photo Description of red puppies, feuds of harlequin and other breeds. The weight of dogs. How to care for them? How much do they live? 13221_9

  • Small poodle. Up to 45 centimeters in the withers, the mass is less - up to 8 kilos. Unlike royal varieties, small species of poodles need a more balanced feed, however, do not require a large number of space for games in the apartment.

What is a poodle? 86 Photo Description of red puppies, feuds of harlequin and other breeds. The weight of dogs. How to care for them? How much do they live? 13221_10

  • Dwarf breeds . Typical dimensions: no higher than 35 centimeters height, by weight is rarely heavier than 6 kilos.

What is a poodle? 86 Photo Description of red puppies, feuds of harlequin and other breeds. The weight of dogs. How to care for them? How much do they live? 13221_11

  • Toy Poodle. Up to 28 centimeters in height with weight not more than 4-5 kg.

What is a poodle? 86 Photo Description of red puppies, feuds of harlequin and other breeds. The weight of dogs. How to care for them? How much do they live? 13221_12

Options for poodles can be completely different. Since the wide propagation of breed, breeders have achieved impressive results in color of wool: peach, snow-white, chestnut, red, gray, and even red shades.

What is a poodle? 86 Photo Description of red puppies, feuds of harlequin and other breeds. The weight of dogs. How to care for them? How much do they live? 13221_13

What is a poodle? 86 Photo Description of red puppies, feuds of harlequin and other breeds. The weight of dogs. How to care for them? How much do they live? 13221_14

Regardless of the species of the breed, all the podsels have about the same features of the exterior. Let's get acquainted with them more.

  • Head. An extended, slightly flattened shape, the head is significantly highlighted on the background of the neck. The bridge is wide and smooth, the muzzle itself is long, significantly narrowed to the nose. The eyes are small, solid brown or dark color, occasionally there are blue shades. The nose is remarkably developed, not covered with wool, color black, pinkish or brown, nostrils are well noticeable.

On the head there is a typical hat from curly hair, some individuals grow up to 20 cm, which allows the original hairstyle on the head of the pets.

What is a poodle? 86 Photo Description of red puppies, feuds of harlequin and other breeds. The weight of dogs. How to care for them? How much do they live? 13221_15

  • Ears. Advantageously long ears (sometimes to a chest length), a hanging type, covered with a dense layer of couxerous long wool. The inner part of the ears is also covered with wool. In shape most often rounded form, the base width is much smaller than the width of the final part.

What is a poodle? 86 Photo Description of red puppies, feuds of harlequin and other breeds. The weight of dogs. How to care for them? How much do they live? 13221_16

  • Neck. The medium length, elegantly deployed, is covered with a thick layer of wool, due to which it seems excessive and wide.

What is a poodle? 86 Photo Description of red puppies, feuds of harlequin and other breeds. The weight of dogs. How to care for them? How much do they live? 13221_17

  • Torso. Extracted type, proportional to form. Spin indirect, however, there is no deflection. The chest is unintently and practically flat, but at the expense of the hairpool seems to be arched forward. The belly in adult individuals are tightened, there are no folds. In individuals after pregnancy, the folds are masked by the hairproof.

What is a poodle? 86 Photo Description of red puppies, feuds of harlequin and other breeds. The weight of dogs. How to care for them? How much do they live? 13221_18

  • Limbs. Due to the rest of the body and plenty of hair, it seems thin, but healthy animals are well developed muscles. The legs are delivered correctly and parallel to each other, also covered with a thick layer of wool. The paws themselves are small, the pads of oval type, the fingers are closed.

What is a poodle? 86 Photo Description of red puppies, feuds of harlequin and other breeds. The weight of dogs. How to care for them? How much do they live? 13221_19

  • Tail. Most individuals are poorly presented, since it is most often cut in nurseries at birth. It can grow up to 40 centimeters, however, the purebred individuals with tails are often found to 7-10 centimeters. The tail is also covered with a thick layer of wool and resembles a hair ball. Usually looks up or bent into the arc.

What is a poodle? 86 Photo Description of red puppies, feuds of harlequin and other breeds. The weight of dogs. How to care for them? How much do they live? 13221_20

  • Leather. Pigmented type. In individuals of white, gray or platinum color, silver tone cover, features of pesting paints correspond to the main shade.

What is a poodle? 86 Photo Description of red puppies, feuds of harlequin and other breeds. The weight of dogs. How to care for them? How much do they live? 13221_21

  • Wool. Depending on the variety, there may be two types. The first type: Thin, but thick and curly curly hair, on the texture of soft and spring. Second Type: Long Cord Locks, In factory, hard, have a small springness, disobedient.

What is a poodle? 86 Photo Description of red puppies, feuds of harlequin and other breeds. The weight of dogs. How to care for them? How much do they live? 13221_22

What is a poodle? 86 Photo Description of red puppies, feuds of harlequin and other breeds. The weight of dogs. How to care for them? How much do they live? 13221_23

Character features

    Padel is an incredibly intelligent breed of dogs, which has specific characteristics of character. The main features of the character are greatly dependent on the conditions of education and content, which is why it is worthwhile to take time for dog training already from childhood.

    • Attitude to family members. Almost from the first days of dating poodles with all their might try to contact with new owners. By nature, they are extremely sociable, they love constant attention and games, prone to empathy.

    This is not the breed of dogs, which relates well only to one owner. Padel - Dobryaki, and to all family members will be favorable.

    What is a poodle? 86 Photo Description of red puppies, feuds of harlequin and other breeds. The weight of dogs. How to care for them? How much do they live? 13221_24

    What is a poodle? 86 Photo Description of red puppies, feuds of harlequin and other breeds. The weight of dogs. How to care for them? How much do they live? 13221_25

    • Attitude towards children. For young children, Padel become real friends. These are their permanent satellites that will support in any games, walks and dating. Even when it comes to the appearance of a newborn baby in the family, Padel is extremely patiently belong to night cries, whims and stickies.

    No jealousy, envy or malice with respect to children you will never notice.

    What is a poodle? 86 Photo Description of red puppies, feuds of harlequin and other breeds. The weight of dogs. How to care for them? How much do they live? 13221_26

    What is a poodle? 86 Photo Description of red puppies, feuds of harlequin and other breeds. The weight of dogs. How to care for them? How much do they live? 13221_27

    • Attitude towards other pets. If we are talking about cats, then the poodles are one of those few dogs that can make friends with them. However, there is a lot of a lot on the nature of the cat and the poodle itself. The young poodles are more difficult to make friendship with cats - they are too active for them and they can drive a lot of injuries in the heat of the game. Before reaching the semi-annual age, the poodle is better with an adult cat not in contact. If we are talking about other breeds of dogs, then with them the poodle does not arise any problems. But it must be animals of about one age.

    In any games and entertainment, Padel perform initiators.

    What is a poodle? 86 Photo Description of red puppies, feuds of harlequin and other breeds. The weight of dogs. How to care for them? How much do they live? 13221_28

    What is a poodle? 86 Photo Description of red puppies, feuds of harlequin and other breeds. The weight of dogs. How to care for them? How much do they live? 13221_29

    What is a poodle? 86 Photo Description of red puppies, feuds of harlequin and other breeds. The weight of dogs. How to care for them? How much do they live? 13221_30

    • Need to communicate. As already mentioned, Padel is extremely social animals. They literally cannot stay alone in a closed room for a long time. Even an adult poodle will be everywhere to chase you in your apartment, follow your affairs and attract attention with all the might.

    This is the plus, and minus poodles - they are ready for games at any moment, but can be too obsessive or in addition.

    What is a poodle? 86 Photo Description of red puppies, feuds of harlequin and other breeds. The weight of dogs. How to care for them? How much do they live? 13221_31

    • Attitude towards other people. If new people come to the apartment or you met someone from our acquaintances on the apartment, do not expect from your poodle of playful mood and desire to meet. In the presence of other people of Padel slightly timid and bugles, but are unable to open aggression. The maximum that can afford any poodle towards someone else's people, - Warning Lai.

    What is a poodle? 86 Photo Description of red puppies, feuds of harlequin and other breeds. The weight of dogs. How to care for them? How much do they live? 13221_32

    • Avenue. Not a particularly pleasant feature of poodles, which overtakes everyone who is indifferent to them or negligible. As already mentioned, it attracts the attention of the owner by all means. This is reflected in widespread hydration: Curb Slippers, spoiled furniture, puddles and wet wallpapers in various places.

    This behavior of pets resembles the actions of the real child with a deficit of attention.

    What is a poodle? 86 Photo Description of red puppies, feuds of harlequin and other breeds. The weight of dogs. How to care for them? How much do they live? 13221_33

    • Empathy. With healthy relations, the pet and the owner, the poodles have amazing empathic abilities. These animals very subtly feel the mental state of their owner, can copy its emotions: rejoice and peeling in non-standard and unusual situations. Padel will support absolutely all your ideas: from a long hike in the forest or for the city to the usual rest on the bed for watching the film.

    What is a poodle? 86 Photo Description of red puppies, feuds of harlequin and other breeds. The weight of dogs. How to care for them? How much do they live? 13221_34

    What is a poodle? 86 Photo Description of red puppies, feuds of harlequin and other breeds. The weight of dogs. How to care for them? How much do they live? 13221_35

    Before buying a breed, it is worthwhile to assess all "for" and "against" to finally determine for themselves, whether such a breed is suitable for you. The list below will include not only character traits, but also the physical features of these pets.

    The advantages of the acquisition of poodles will be as follows:

    • Cheerful, restless and ready-to-adventure;
    • Wool very rarely lens, cleaning is not difficult;
    • It is considered capable of breeds capable of training and exhibitions, has developed intelligence;
    • In the nature of soft, good-natured, but can stand up for itself, and for the owner;
    • is the so-called greenhouse breed, that is, perfectly feels in a closed space;
    • The breed in many countries is presented as an elite;
    • Wool does not have a specific dog smell;
    • It is wonderful to get along with all family members, including children.

    What is a poodle? 86 Photo Description of red puppies, feuds of harlequin and other breeds. The weight of dogs. How to care for them? How much do they live? 13221_36

    What is a poodle? 86 Photo Description of red puppies, feuds of harlequin and other breeds. The weight of dogs. How to care for them? How much do they live? 13221_37


      • Despite the wonderful fitness to the apartment, needs daily outdoor walks;
      • Caprisen and Avenue with a lack of attention;
      • So that the carrice of the pet looked beautiful and neat, it should be taken care of it regularly: comb and lay it.

      What is a poodle? 86 Photo Description of red puppies, feuds of harlequin and other breeds. The weight of dogs. How to care for them? How much do they live? 13221_38

      What is a poodle? 86 Photo Description of red puppies, feuds of harlequin and other breeds. The weight of dogs. How to care for them? How much do they live? 13221_39

      Life expectancy

      The average adult poodle is not very different from other domestic animals in terms of life expectancy. Depending on the conditions of content, the lifespan of the poodle may vary from 10 to 15 years. The strongest and hardy individuals live up to 20 years.

      However, it is worth understanding that after 10 years these animals begin with vision, hearing, hearing, can fall out and deteriorate appetite.

      What is a poodle? 86 Photo Description of red puppies, feuds of harlequin and other breeds. The weight of dogs. How to care for them? How much do they live? 13221_40

      What is a poodle? 86 Photo Description of red puppies, feuds of harlequin and other breeds. The weight of dogs. How to care for them? How much do they live? 13221_41

      The life expectancy of this breed, like all other four-legged, depends on the following factors.

      • Quality and conscientious care. Poodles are not recommended to start inexperienced owners who have no idea about the content of the dog. Some aspects in the toodle care may seem difficult to fulfill for an ordinary breeder.

      What is a poodle? 86 Photo Description of red puppies, feuds of harlequin and other breeds. The weight of dogs. How to care for them? How much do they live? 13221_42

      • Nutrition. It is the second factor affecting the life expectancy of any pets. Poodles cannot be called exceptional gourmets - they are able to eat almost everything that will come under hand, however, there are types of products that are contraindicated for these animals. They will be told a little lower.

      What is a poodle? 86 Photo Description of red puppies, feuds of harlequin and other breeds. The weight of dogs. How to care for them? How much do they live? 13221_43

      • Relationship with the owner. Healthy, cheerful and pleasant relationships with the owner not only improve the mood of a pet, but also actually prolong his life life.

      Here you can rely on the study of Singapore scientists, which stated that a positive attitude extends the lifespan. The study concerned people, but it is just as true and relative to other living beings.

      What is a poodle? 86 Photo Description of red puppies, feuds of harlequin and other breeds. The weight of dogs. How to care for them? How much do they live? 13221_44

      What is a poodle? 86 Photo Description of red puppies, feuds of harlequin and other breeds. The weight of dogs. How to care for them? How much do they live? 13221_45

      • Heredity. A factor that is almost impossible to somehow control. This usually means that a pet is some genetic diseases that could travel from grandparents or grandparents. That is why experienced breeders recommend checking the passports of the puppy's parents when buying a young individual.

      With some genetic diseases, animals are able to calmly live all their lives, others can affect their health in young or old age.

      What is a poodle? 86 Photo Description of red puppies, feuds of harlequin and other breeds. The weight of dogs. How to care for them? How much do they live? 13221_46

      • Active leisure and sports. Poodles are always in motion. Even being in the walls of the house, these pets are unable to sit in one place for a long time. Without regular walks in the fresh air, the poodles can completely lose their cheerfulness, become passive and closed.

      A sedentary lifestyle together with good nutrition always leads to the obesity and problems of the cardiovascular system.

      What is a poodle? 86 Photo Description of red puppies, feuds of harlequin and other breeds. The weight of dogs. How to care for them? How much do they live? 13221_47


      At the beginning of the material, the main varieties of poodles were already indicated depending on their size and weight: large, small, dwarf and the poodle. In this subtitle you can familiarize yourself with popular varieties, depending on their original color. So, there are the following poodles.

      • Poodle harlequin. Breed, which is characterized by a contrasting black and white color with the prevalence of white. For these individuals, white limbs, chest, stomach, occasionally - the withers, as well as a muzzle. The rest of the body is occupied by extensive black spots. The ratio of white and black should be as follows: 60/40.

      What is a poodle? 86 Photo Description of red puppies, feuds of harlequin and other breeds. The weight of dogs. How to care for them? How much do they live? 13221_48

      • Poodle phantom. It is one of the most beautiful generally accepted poodle breeds. The breed is different from the rest of the unique brown-orange color. A dark brown or chocolate color occupies more than 80% of the total hair cover, orange, white or yellowish spots are located on the chest (at the base of the front limbs), cheeks, the inner side of the hind limbs and the outside of the front, near the paws.

      What is a poodle? 86 Photo Description of red puppies, feuds of harlequin and other breeds. The weight of dogs. How to care for them? How much do they live? 13221_49

      What is a poodle? 86 Photo Description of red puppies, feuds of harlequin and other breeds. The weight of dogs. How to care for them? How much do they live? 13221_50

      • Poodle Poentter. It is the result of breeding sequencies on the crossing of poodles with Pointers, Legal and Setters. The breed is used exclusively as hunting. From the rest of their parents, it is distinguished by a solid brown or chocolate color with a relatively short hair and pronounced long hair on the muzzle.

      What is a poodle? 86 Photo Description of red puppies, feuds of harlequin and other breeds. The weight of dogs. How to care for them? How much do they live? 13221_51

      • Maltese Poodle or Malthipa . It was removed due to the crossing of the one poodle with the Maltese Bolon. It has extremely small growth - up to 35 cm, and weighing up to 3.5 kilos. Most often there are such colors: red, brown, apricot and white. From their parents, poodles differ in a rounded head with a stupid face, as well as short and strong limbs. The breed is considered decorative.

      It is worth understanding that the Padel was subjected to breeding for more than one hundred years. At the moment there are at least 30 different species of poodles depending on their color and used to cross the rocks.

      What is a poodle? 86 Photo Description of red puppies, feuds of harlequin and other breeds. The weight of dogs. How to care for them? How much do they live? 13221_52

      What is a poodle? 86 Photo Description of red puppies, feuds of harlequin and other breeds. The weight of dogs. How to care for them? How much do they live? 13221_53

      Choosing a puppy

      Before you buy a poodle to your home, it is standing soberly to assess the future conditions of keeping your pet. Before the purchase itself, you need to pay attention to the following factors.

      • A family. It is worth understanding whether a certain breed of poodle is suitable for your family. So, the dwarf or the poodle should not buy in families with children. These animals have an extremely fragile skeleton and bones. Children in the process of playing with animals can bring him serious harm. If this is the family of the elderly, then the middle or small type can be suitable here, behind which too much care is not required.
      • Dimensions. It is worth understanding that the more the poodle in size, the more he needs feed, care and care. In addition, large breeds often need walks and a large number of space for games and entertainment. The amount of feeders per day also depends on the size of the breed.
      • Your free time. Poodle, like most domesticated dogs, need constant communication, games and active rest. If you are all the time busy at work, in domestic affairs or with children, it is better to choose another breed. In addition to entertainment, training and feeding, you will need to spend hours on walks and jogging with a dog. And she will not wait until you finish your affairs to impose a bunch.
      • Purchase goals. Immediately it is worth saying that modern poodle breeds are exclusively decorative, and they should be purchased for this purpose. They can be a defender for you on the streets, but they will not be able to watch the house.
      • Floor animal. Even before buying, you need to decide on who exactly you want to start a boy or a girl. The females are prone to greater attachment, they are easy to come to contact and quickly install friendships. But in the females from time to time there is a flow, which can influence their character. The males are more active, restless and sociable, they are difficult to teach something. For males walks, they will need more time - they will not leave the street until several places do. There are also problems relating to sexual matures.
      • Pet age. Experienced breeders know that the best time to buy an animal to the house is two- or three-month age. It was at this time that the poodle puppy becomes more intelligent, already knows how to execute elementary teams, accustomed to walks.
      • Climate. Despite its impressive coaching coat, the poodles are poorly adapted to harsh climatic recession and temperature shifts. It is worth considering if you decide to make a dog in a cold, unstable and frequent climate change.

      What is a poodle? 86 Photo Description of red puppies, feuds of harlequin and other breeds. The weight of dogs. How to care for them? How much do they live? 13221_54

      What is a poodle? 86 Photo Description of red puppies, feuds of harlequin and other breeds. The weight of dogs. How to care for them? How much do they live? 13221_55

      What is a poodle? 86 Photo Description of red puppies, feuds of harlequin and other breeds. The weight of dogs. How to care for them? How much do they live? 13221_56

      What is a poodle? 86 Photo Description of red puppies, feuds of harlequin and other breeds. The weight of dogs. How to care for them? How much do they live? 13221_57

      What is a poodle? 86 Photo Description of red puppies, feuds of harlequin and other breeds. The weight of dogs. How to care for them? How much do they live? 13221_58



        Now you should consider the factors and signs that you need to pay attention to when choosing the puppy itself in the nursery or with private hands.

        • Behavior and activity. This is the first thing to watch when choosing a poodle puppy. Puppies are usually in good mood, playful, constantly run, and can even go. This is a faithful sign of a healthy poodle with trouble-free character. It is especially close to the activity of dwarf-type features.
        • Dimensions . Among the puppies of the same sex, you should choose the one who more weighs and visually dimensively in size. Thickest and small individuals are often extremely weak and are subject to a variety of diseases. Remember that sometimes the whole litter of females can consist of weak and small puppies, but it does not speak about their poor health. The more individuals in litter, the smaller their weight separately.
        • Eyes. They must be clean, unlotted, without tear "tracks", redness, embodents and dirt. In the eyes, most of the diseases dangerous for dogs are reflected.
        • Limb . Feet in a healthy poodle puppy must be strong, straight and long, with dense pads on the legs. Make sure the pet does not chrome and have not experienced difficulties when running.
        • Belly and breast . Regardless of the species of the poodle, the animal must have healthy dense wool without galls and the besh. Special attention to the skin of the pet - in patients with puppies you can find redness or rash, suppuration on the tummy, breast and under my paws.
        • Ears. At all young puppies there are still no characteristic tanks with thick hair, so they will be quite simply check. In healthy individuals, the ears must be quietly hang, in the inside there should be no suppuration, scabbles or dirt.
        • Wool . Very much can be understood as the state of the wool itself. Healthy animals have smooth, whirlwind, springs at hand. Patients with individuals may be noticeable to breakdown, stamped wool, yellowed sections on the skin. Look at the wool around the anus - in healthy pets it should be clean and dry.
        • Parents . Some breeders prefer to judge the status of puppies for their pedigree. Usually pay attention to merit, mental state and physical health of parents. It is best to navigate in this situation in this situation, since any females after the birth of even the first litter begins deformation of the body - especially it concerns the skin and wool on the stomach (folds, shoulders).

        What is a poodle? 86 Photo Description of red puppies, feuds of harlequin and other breeds. The weight of dogs. How to care for them? How much do they live? 13221_59

        What is a poodle? 86 Photo Description of red puppies, feuds of harlequin and other breeds. The weight of dogs. How to care for them? How much do they live? 13221_60

        Immediately after buying a pet, it is worth finding out what the past owners fed it. Organize a smooth transition to a new diet for a puppy. Recently born puppies should not buy - kids should get from the maternal milk all the necessary vitamins and elements from the mother in the first days.

        What is a poodle? 86 Photo Description of red puppies, feuds of harlequin and other breeds. The weight of dogs. How to care for them? How much do they live? 13221_61

        Conditions for content

          Regardless of the size and breed of your poodle, it is adapted exclusively for home in the walls of the apartment. Below you will be able to familiarize yourself with the rules for the content of poodles, which will help you correctly care for these animals.

          • Place for relaxation and hibernation. Highlight your pet your own place - it must be where people constantly go. It is desirable that the pet house has a good circulation of fresh air (without drafts) and was protected from direct sunlight. Avoid placing a house near radiators and heated walls - with such a thick hairproof, it will be harmful for the poodles. If possible, organize a special warm sun bed there.

          The pet must understand that it is his place, and that he can come there and relax at any convenient time.

          What is a poodle? 86 Photo Description of red puppies, feuds of harlequin and other breeds. The weight of dogs. How to care for them? How much do they live? 13221_62

          What is a poodle? 86 Photo Description of red puppies, feuds of harlequin and other breeds. The weight of dogs. How to care for them? How much do they live? 13221_63

          • Toilet. Immediately it is worth understanding that the dog is not a cat, and can not get used to shifting in some strictly defined place. In a sense, for this type of animal, it is unnatural.

          The more regularly you will go outside with animals, the sooner your poodle will get used to deal with your business precisely outside the apartment.

          What is a poodle? 86 Photo Description of red puppies, feuds of harlequin and other breeds. The weight of dogs. How to care for them? How much do they live? 13221_64

          • Toys and entertainment. The main part of the active time the pet is spent at its own classes and games. That is why it is worth buying a few toys with whom the dog could have fun while you are busy. First of all, it is worth taking care of the purchase of a special vitamin bone. This is especially true of young individuals who only begin to grow teeth. Also, a mandatory attribute for games will be a ball, a squeaker and a toy with a mystery (a plastic ball with feed inside will help for a long time to distract your pet and strives his teeth).

          When choosing toys, focus on objects made from natural and nutritious materials. Dogs love to nibble everything that comes at hand, and then eat. And if we are talking about fragile polymeric materials, the latter can cause poisoning or developing inflammatory processes.

          What is a poodle? 86 Photo Description of red puppies, feuds of harlequin and other breeds. The weight of dogs. How to care for them? How much do they live? 13221_65

          What is a poodle? 86 Photo Description of red puppies, feuds of harlequin and other breeds. The weight of dogs. How to care for them? How much do they live? 13221_66

          The right conditions of detention are not only a good place to relax, toys and walks, but also regular careful care for your pet. A list of procedures that should be conducted with their pet regularly will be presented.

          • Care of wool. The main part of the concerns about poodle will depend on the care of the hairproof. Without its dazzling spring wool, the poodle turns into an ordinary dog, and therefore it will take a lot of patience and cash costs. The first thing you should buy is a good hair brush or a thick comb. Completely important is combeding at a young age when the pet is linked almost every day, changing the puppy hairproof for an adult. Upon reaching the semi-annual age, the poodle should be combed at least 3-4 times a week.

          Even for curly and long hair, poodle is characterized by chatins, which are also remarkably removed with good comb.

          What is a poodle? 86 Photo Description of red puppies, feuds of harlequin and other breeds. The weight of dogs. How to care for them? How much do they live? 13221_67

          • Skin care . Pay attention to the condition of the skin of your animal - it is that more than 30% of all dangerous for animal diseases are reflected. In order to prevent the formation of injections, boils, abscesses or non-heaven wounds, you can use special powders.

          Before buying such drugs should turn to experienced veterinarians.

          What is a poodle? 86 Photo Description of red puppies, feuds of harlequin and other breeds. The weight of dogs. How to care for them? How much do they live? 13221_68

          • A haircut. Despite the widespread opinion, poodles need to cut even on decorative purposes. Over time, wool grows, and can interfere with the animal to fully move. Experienced breeders recommend haircut at least 1 time every two months.

          At the same time, independent haircuts are better to avoid, for high-quality work with such animals there are special grooming salons.

          What is a poodle? 86 Photo Description of red puppies, feuds of harlequin and other breeds. The weight of dogs. How to care for them? How much do they live? 13221_69

          • The washing up . Many owners prefer to fully bathe their dogs due to a specific smell. However, the poodles of this smell no, and it would seem so often soothing so necessary. But this is not the case - the longer the wool from your poodle, the sooner it will lose its appearance. In order to get rid of mud on wool or just wash your pet after a dusty walk, and the usual bathing without soap or shampoo is suitable.

          A thorough bathing using shampoo should be carried out no more than 4-5 times a year (prophylactic / for the removal of fleas).

          What is a poodle? 86 Photo Description of red puppies, feuds of harlequin and other breeds. The weight of dogs. How to care for them? How much do they live? 13221_70

          • Ears. It is worth constantly checking your homemade sinks for prevention. The cleaning itself should be carried out at least 1 time in two weeks - especially this concerns active individuals that spend a lot of time outdoors.

          What is a poodle? 86 Photo Description of red puppies, feuds of harlequin and other breeds. The weight of dogs. How to care for them? How much do they live? 13221_71

          • Claws. King drives should be resorted by need. For young individuals, such procedures may not be needed - these dogs have their small claws effectively steady during street games.

          What is a poodle? 86 Photo Description of red puppies, feuds of harlequin and other breeds. The weight of dogs. How to care for them? How much do they live? 13221_72

          • Eyes. If you are watching your morning mucus in your poodle in the eyes, take each morning to clean your eyes with napkins, moistened with cool boiled water.

          What is a poodle? 86 Photo Description of red puppies, feuds of harlequin and other breeds. The weight of dogs. How to care for them? How much do they live? 13221_73

          • Oral cavity. Some of the diseases relate precisely poodles teeth. To protect themselves against these risks, you should at least once a week to clean the teeth of your pet with a special brush and toothpaste for dogs.

          What is a poodle? 86 Photo Description of red puppies, feuds of harlequin and other breeds. The weight of dogs. How to care for them? How much do they live? 13221_74


          At the moment, there are two ways of feeding poodles. The first concerns the feeding prepared food - you have to buy a ready-balanced diet, which included are all necessary for the life of the vitamins and minerals. The second way - feeding natural products, where the host selects the supplied components and is free to enter into the diet of some new products.

          Each of these methods has its advantages and disadvantages. First will be considered the pros and cons of prepared feeds.


          • a balanced diet, with feeding which need only look at the amount of food for a particular breed and the size of the dog;
          • These feed priori contain everything needed for a full life as a young and adult;
          • long storage in a dry and ventilated area - up to six months or more.

          What is a poodle? 86 Photo Description of red puppies, feuds of harlequin and other breeds. The weight of dogs. How to care for them? How much do they live? 13221_75


            • the high cost of buying feed if desired super-premium (as it is necessary for poodles);
            • lack of variety in the diet, because of what the animal may lose your appetite;
            • the owner will never be completely sure of the composition of the products, which it supplies to the animal.

            What is a poodle? 86 Photo Description of red puppies, feuds of harlequin and other breeds. The weight of dogs. How to care for them? How much do they live? 13221_76

              In natural food also has its advantages and disadvantages.

              Pros natural forages are obvious.

              • The owner independently monitors the quality and the cooking process can therefore be sure that the animal eats.
              • By natural food in domestic animals far more trusting relationship.
              • Variety - the owner at any time can add to the food any new product or a treat. The diet of such foods is easy to change and adjust to the current needs of the pet vitamin.
              • Even the highest quality natural products are much less than the specialized feed for poodles.

                Lows in natural feed also available.

                • Extremely short storage period. Caloric and nutritional value of natural cooked foods are most evident it is in the first hours after cooking and serving food.
                • The need to keep track of calories, complexity keep the nutrient balance by changing diet, lack of vitamins and minerals.
                • In contrast to the finished feed, new portions of natural food should be cooked almost every day. It takes much more time.

                What is a poodle? 86 Photo Description of red puppies, feuds of harlequin and other breeds. The weight of dogs. How to care for them? How much do they live? 13221_77

                What is a poodle? 86 Photo Description of red puppies, feuds of harlequin and other breeds. The weight of dogs. How to care for them? How much do they live? 13221_78

                Despite all of the above, most of the breeders of poodles give preference to natural feeding with the addition of special vitamin supplements. With this feeding should adhere to the following guidelines and regulations.

                • Fresh quality meat. It occupies the main place in the daily diet, accounted for about 2/3 of the total number of food. From meat products it is worth contacting beef and lamb. Sub-products can be used as a replacement. All of the products described above should be served only in boiled form.
                • Fish products. It is supplied to the diet not as the main course, but serves only by additive to replenish in the organism of phosphorus and other vitamins.
                • Equal milk products. Unlike many other pets, for poodles you just need to buy kefir, cheese or cottage cheese several times a week. They are needed to replenish the vital-needed calcium, which is responsible for the integrity of their skeleton.
                • Vegetables, fruits and cereals. The rest of the daily diet must be porridge, fruits and vegetables. Stopping stands on buckwheat or rice porridge. Vegetables and fruits in this case can serve as an additive, and as a delicacy. From vegetables here tomatoes, carrots, cabbage, spinach are suitable.

                As for the requirements for finished feeds, how already it was noticed, it is only one thing here - it should be expensive feed of the super premium class. Only in this case you will be completely confident that your pet gets everything you need.

                What is a poodle? 86 Photo Description of red puppies, feuds of harlequin and other breeds. The weight of dogs. How to care for them? How much do they live? 13221_79

                What is a poodle? 86 Photo Description of red puppies, feuds of harlequin and other breeds. The weight of dogs. How to care for them? How much do they live? 13221_80

                Training and upbringing

                Padel has congenital abilities for training and training. Not in vain, the poodles are so often used in circus performances. Training and training in the life of these animals are not just mandatory - they bring real pleasure for a healthy dog. This is especially true of young poodles or puppies who are willing to fulfill the teams of their owner with whole hours, consciously honing their skills.

                Sophistication and sharp mind of poodles do not always play on hand in training, often these pets can use all their seamless to perform some kind of task easier, and not planned way.

                What is a poodle? 86 Photo Description of red puppies, feuds of harlequin and other breeds. The weight of dogs. How to care for them? How much do they live? 13221_81

                Next, you can familiarize yourself with the list of rules that need to be observed if the training of a healthy and intelligent poodle is desired.

                • Start training almost from birth. It is at this age that the animal best remembers all the rules and installations. With the training of an adult pet, everything may not be so simple.
                • Any pet domestic pet should have its own name. It will serve for a pet with a kind of guideline. If you use a nickname pet with certain teams regarding some kind of situation, it is more likely to remember them.
                • There should be no violence in learning. Avoid screams and open aggression towards the pets - they feel wonderful. Instead, take patience and resort to the method of encouraging. For each perfect trick, treat the poodle with small delicacy, caress or just stroke.
                • Closed and open to visit the zone indicate immediately. No concerns in visiting closed places and rooms should not be. As soon as the animal crossed the border, immediately return it back.
                • Take a poodle to care procedures. The less the pet will twitch during such procedures, the calmer will be you and to him. That is why it is worth starting to conduct procedures from birth.
                • Only one owner must train the animal. The pet will be difficult to get used to a large number of even the same teams from different coaches, because they will be told with different placement and intonation.
                • After passing the basis, go to the training of other teams. The simplest teams for learning should be: "nearby", "to me", "sit", "voice." Do not forget about the promotion method.
                • Systemativity. Classes should be carried out regularly, at the same time. Come on at least one hour per day. After passing the next stage in training sometimes go back to the old material for consolidation.

                What is a poodle? 86 Photo Description of red puppies, feuds of harlequin and other breeds. The weight of dogs. How to care for them? How much do they live? 13221_82

                What is a poodle? 86 Photo Description of red puppies, feuds of harlequin and other breeds. The weight of dogs. How to care for them? How much do they live? 13221_83

                Ownership reviews

                Most owners celebrate the inquisitive and sharp mind of the poodle. Many are delighted with the speed of teaching these animals, as well as on their natural beauty and grace. In addition, people notice the complete absence of aggression to other pets and children.

                With regard to negative reviews about this breed, they all relate to the difficulties of the care of delicate poodle wool. Otherwise, as the owners notice, it is an absolutely ordinary dog ​​that requires a big attention, love and care.

                What is a poodle? 86 Photo Description of red puppies, feuds of harlequin and other breeds. The weight of dogs. How to care for them? How much do they live? 13221_84

                Also more about the features of the breed, see the following video.

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