Mastiff (48 photos): What are views? Description of the Siberian and Belgian, German and Thai, Russian and other varieties of mastiff


The breeds of dogs are known a lot, there are many ancient among them. It is these animals that have a lot in common with wolves. In world cycling, there are 14 breeds of the ancient breeds of dogs, which are attributed to mastiff. Nowadays, the species of this breed have gained high popularity in dog breeds.

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Who are the mastiffs?

Mastiff is a big dog with kind eyes. Despite the fact that at first glance, it may have the impression that it is a formidable and terrible beast, in fact the animal is characterized by opposite qualities. This is good-natured sensitive dog, a real guard and a devoted friend for a person.

The exact hypothesis about the occurrence of the mastiff breed currently does not exist. However, historians converge in the opinion that this dog has fighter roots. The homeland of a huge pet consider Asia, namely her central regions. Many hundred years ago, people used a mastiff in order to guard housing and property from outsiders, as well as on the attack of wild animals. Sometimes the animal of this breed participated in battles.

After time expires, the dog spread from Asia around the globe, while the dog acquired new external qualities and characteristic features.

Today, the mastiff is a kind, calm pet with the power of will and a solid character.

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Mastiff (48 photos): What are views? Description of the Siberian and Belgian, German and Thai, Russian and other varieties of mastiff 13216_4

general characteristics

Mastiffs are large massive dogs with powerful physique. The description of this breed suggests that these animals have a heavy skeleton covered with well-developed muscles. The life expectancy of this PSA leaves from 10 to 15 years. Depending on the type of wool may have different lengths and color. The most common color of the mastiff includes black, white, gray, blue, maybe with a sang and without.

The shape of the body of this pet is elongated, the weight corresponds to the growth. Males are usually higher and difficult to succ. Body mass can vary from 40 to 80 kilograms with growth of about 60 centimeters. Pet's head is characterized by a massiveness, there are deeply planted eyes with the almond-shaped form on it. Usually the color of the iris eye has a brown shade. Large in large dogs is always confident and easy.

Each representative of the family of mastiffs has Calm and balanced temper. Animal intelligence is well developed, so it can succumb to training. This dog will become for the family a great guard, which is incredal to other people's people.

The representative of this breed is a wonderful companion and a friend who does not like to play and sensitively responds to the negative in relation to it.

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Mastiff (48 photos): What are views? Description of the Siberian and Belgian, German and Thai, Russian and other varieties of mastiff 13216_6

What are the breeds?

Due to the fact that the mastiffs spread throughout the planet, each of the species of a separate region acquired not only a special appearance, but also in nature. To date, you can meet the Himalayan, Chinese, Thai, Caucasian, African, Afghan, Mongolian and other species of this breed.

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Mastiff (48 photos): What are views? Description of the Siberian and Belgian, German and Thai, Russian and other varieties of mastiff 13216_8

The main varieties of mastiff are given below.


In a different way, this breed is called Tibetan mastiff. A distinctive feature of this major and muscular dog is wool, which has thick undercoats. Males weigh 73 kilograms, bitches a little less. In the withers, the dog's growth can reach from 69 to 73 centimeters. The head and neck of the Mongolian wolfhide are large and massive, a fold can be traced from eyes to the jaw. A large collar is formed from the wool, which resembles a lion mane.

Animal jaw square, strong with large and white teeth. Bill scissor-shaped. Pet nose black with open nostrils. Ears hanging, small size. The limbs are characterized by direct, power and small height. The tail is thrown on the croup. The eyes of the Siberian mastiff are large, they have a combat form and dark color. Wide chest has a heart shape. The color of the wool can be three options: black, black with a sang, red. This is a unperturbed self-sufficient animal has no tendency to aggression.

The wayward pet has a greater attachment to his family, loves children, but because of his dimensions it can inadvertently be injured.

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Mastiff (48 photos): What are views? Description of the Siberian and Belgian, German and Thai, Russian and other varieties of mastiff 13216_10


This mastiff is called Maen or Flemish Hard Dog. An animal torso has a powerful muscles, which is well expressed. The physique of the PSA is characterized by massiveness and latter. Little Dog Long and Relief Limbs. The average height of the pet is from 0.7 to 0.8 meters. PSA mass is 45 kilograms.

The appearance of the animal is aggressive, serious, strong and reliable. The neck is characterized by massiveness and fortress, as well as a neat transition to the head. Puppies are at birth at birth. On the head there are triangular hanging ears. Despite the massiveness of the physique, it is characterized as a relief and taut. The abdominal part has tightened and elastic structure. The tail of the pet should be relocated for 10-15 centimeters. The wool is palpal painting, there are tiger prints.

If the animal has a solid red suit, then he often has a black face. This dog is serious and wise, it is characterized by a high intelligence, so the pet is easily litiently creating complex teams.

Belgian mastiff is characterized by purposefulness, endurance, efficiency.

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Mastiff (48 photos): What are views? Description of the Siberian and Belgian, German and Thai, Russian and other varieties of mastiff 13216_12


The official name of the breed is a German dog. This dog was brought in Germany in the type of Molossa. This static and large animal has a harmonious physique and a practically square body format. Large-size head with elongated rectangular muzzle. Barlem has no excessive designer. Brown eyes have an oval shape and a small size. The nose was painted in black, sometimes black with scarves color. Landing the ears is high, they have medium sizes and anterior edge adjacent to the dog cheeks. The long neck is characterized by muscularity, grace and large length.

The German dog has perfectly expressed withers. The back of the animal is short, the tail is thin and long. The dog has a tightened belly that forms an attractive bend line. Legs are smooth, strong, not massive. This is a short-haired animal with a smooth, brilliant and dense fur. Pots of this breed are characterized by tranquility, peaceful, equilibrium and benevolence. This smart and dirty dog ​​can easily extend.

Such a pet patiently treats children, therefore it is considered a good nanny.

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Mastiff (48 photos): What are views? Description of the Siberian and Belgian, German and Thai, Russian and other varieties of mastiff 13216_14

Russian mastiff

It can be kept both in the apartment and in a country house. An animal tolerates cold and hot weather well, characterized by endurance and loves slow walks on foot . The appearance of the dog is powerful and balanced. The height of the dog reaches 0.7 meters, and bitches - 0.6, while the pet weighs about 70 - 80 kg. PSA wool has a middle length, it is soft and pubescent. On the uplift, limbs and tail fur is longer. Wool color can be any. Medelyan's head is big, it has a well-pronounced stop, can be slightly rounded.

The jaw is wide, strong, consists of medium and large teeth and has a scissor bite. Ears are set high and far from each other, they hang and fit to cheeks. Often they will be stopped. The eye color depends on the color of the wool. The tail is practically no heels, usually he hides the book and can be stopped. The legs are well developed, they are strong, powerful, muscular.

On temperament, the animal has similarities with a molesoid, as it is calm, restrained and knows how to tolerate. The training of the representative of this breed is not difficult.

Due to the mind and seriousness to the dog, a special approach is needed.

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Mastiff (48 photos): What are views? Description of the Siberian and Belgian, German and Thai, Russian and other varieties of mastiff 13216_16

Argentine Mastiff (Dog)

This is a courageous white handsome man. Animal power, bold, noble, cheerful and peace-loving. This breed refers to the service hunting. The pet is characterized by athletic physique, proportionality and development of muscles. The head is large, the jaw powerful. The dog's skin is thick, it is inherent elasticity. According to the standard, Argentine Dogs have a snow-white color, a black spot on the face may be present. Due to the sports physique, the dog looks awesome, but in fact the animal is smart and obedient. The pet is characterized by the absence of aggression and courage.

Roste males reach 0.68 meters, and bitches - 0.6. Male representatives have a lot of up to 45 kilograms, and female - up to 40. The head is large, with a convex-concave profile. According to the standard, the PSA eye must be painted with black or brown. The tail has a large length and hanging position.

Fur thick, short and white. Ears Animal Strenguring and Triangular, they need to be stopped. The feature of the Argentine Mastiff is the versatility of work opportunities. Representatives of this breed are rapid and hardy hunters with a strong grip. Despite the courage and well-developed hunting instincts, the dog is cheerful and friendly.

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Mastiff (48 photos): What are views? Description of the Siberian and Belgian, German and Thai, Russian and other varieties of mastiff 13216_18

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Outside its homeland, the breed is no longer popular. This is a large and powerful animal brings a lot of trouble and difficulties during the content.

A feature of it can be called the presence of folds on the face that need constant wiping.

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Mastiff (48 photos): What are views? Description of the Siberian and Belgian, German and Thai, Russian and other varieties of mastiff 13216_21

Mastiff (48 photos): What are views? Description of the Siberian and Belgian, German and Thai, Russian and other varieties of mastiff 13216_22


He is English and British mastiff. The purpose of the breeding of this animal was the protection of housing, as well as hunting for animals. The birthplace of this breed is Ireland. The dog has a short rigid fur painted by peach color or a tiger print. On the face of the animal there is black wool. Psa black eyes with a rhombic shape. The tail of the representative of the English mastiffs is high. The backbone of the dog is powerful and strong. This kind animal has guarded quality and gets great with children.

People who wish to become owners of such a creature must remember the considerable costs of its feeding.

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Mastiff (48 photos): What are views? Description of the Siberian and Belgian, German and Thai, Russian and other varieties of mastiff 13216_24

Mastiff (48 photos): What are views? Description of the Siberian and Belgian, German and Thai, Russian and other varieties of mastiff 13216_25


This home-based dog is recognized as one of the largest in the world. In adulthood, the pet can reach growth of 0.8 meters and weight up to 85 kilograms. The Spaniard is characterized by the stability of the psyche and a high level of mental abilities. The animal gets along well in families, but its socialization should be carried out as early as possible.

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Mastiff (48 photos): What are views? Description of the Siberian and Belgian, German and Thai, Russian and other varieties of mastiff 13216_27

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Neapolitan or Italian mastiff is particularly popular in our time. This dog is inherent in slowness and dimension, as well as independence and good mental abilities.

He protects his family, but the suppression of the will of the PSA is an occupation not from the lungs.

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Mastiff (48 photos): What are views? Description of the Siberian and Belgian, German and Thai, Russian and other varieties of mastiff 13216_30

Mastiff (48 photos): What are views? Description of the Siberian and Belgian, German and Thai, Russian and other varieties of mastiff 13216_31

Afghan mastiff

This is an animal with a noble character. He is experiencing affection and affection for its owners. He fearlessly and aggressively reacts to other pieces. At home, the dog does not show special activity, but in a public place it is worth walking exclusively in a muzzle, without removing the leash. In the upbringing, the Afghan mastiff needs early age. An animal is characterized Strong health He always Requires exercise. This guard can reach a mass from 55 to 80 kilograms, while the growth of the pet is 0, 7 - 0, 85 meters. The bitch has dimensions less than a male.

The life expectancy of the representative of this breed is about 10 years. Colorful wool in Persian Dog is usually gray, deer, tiger. The head of the dog is large with a wide forehead, the muzzle has an elongated shape and gray lips. The description of the muzzle of the pet includes a black lobe, the dark eyes of the medium size. The neck of the dog is short, powerful, strong. Ears have an average size, they can be stopped.

Mastiff (48 photos): What are views? Description of the Siberian and Belgian, German and Thai, Russian and other varieties of mastiff 13216_32

Mastiff (48 photos): What are views? Description of the Siberian and Belgian, German and Thai, Russian and other varieties of mastiff 13216_33

Mountain Mastiff

Mountain mastiff or a Pyrenean mountain dog. It has an external similarity with polar bears. Despite the frightening appearance, the moral of the pet is soft and friendly. This dog is characterized by courage, strength, endurance, so it is quite popular all over the world. Optimal content conditions for the representative of this breed is the aviary and spacious house territory. This animal can perform the functions of the shepherd, guard, companion.

The wool color in the pet is white, but there may be inclusions of gray or yellow. Mount mastiff wool is characterized by a large length. Females grow up to 0.75 meters, and males - up to 0.8 meters. Weighs a dog about 60 kilograms. The head of the dog is large with a dry wedge-shaped shape, dry cheeks and cheeks. The jaw is strong, strong, bite scissor-shaped. The nose has large sizes, it is characterized by a special sensitivity. Widely planted eyes have an average size and dark iris.

The ears are inherent low landing and triangular shape. An animal body has a rectangular format, while it is strong and muscular. Belly is underly and not touched. The chest is characterized by the lowering and the presence of rounded ribs. Landing the tail is located below the cereal. It is long, during activity can rise. Legs straight with oval legs. Fur has soft and fluffy undercoats, as well as tougher isois wool. This mastiff is considered a balanced pet, he is kind and patient in relation to children, friendly to other living beings in the house.

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Mastiff (48 photos): What are views? Description of the Siberian and Belgian, German and Thai, Russian and other varieties of mastiff 13216_35

Mastiff (48 photos): What are views? Description of the Siberian and Belgian, German and Thai, Russian and other varieties of mastiff 13216_36

Turkish mastiff

Turkish mastiff or kangal. This Turkish shepherd dog from the wolfer is distinguished by calm and hardworking. An animal growth is 0.89 m, and the weight is 69 kilograms. Dog wool color can be gray-yellow, gray-brown, brown-yellow. Mandatory is considered the presence of a black mask on the face. This animal is harmoniously folded, has a powerful body and a strong physique with slender legs. The head is big, there are hanging ears on it. Pet tail Long and highly planted. With its large sizes, the dog is quite clever and looks very harmonious.

The main features of the character of Kanta can be called unpretentiousness and efficiency.

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Mastiff (48 photos): What are views? Description of the Siberian and Belgian, German and Thai, Russian and other varieties of mastiff 13216_38

African mastiff

The African mastiff is a powerful, clever watchman breed. This representative of MOLOs has thick short wool and is considered to be thermal-loving animals. He is not easy in keeping and upbringing, but if a person has efforts and will be patient, he will receive a faithful and reliable friend.

The dog is big and strong, it is well developed musculature. The male reaches a 0.66 meter growth, and the bitch is 0.61 cm. The body weight is proportional to growth and is usually from 60 to 90 kilograms. PSA has a big head and body covered by well-developed muscles. Burbul is a smart, manageable and easily trained animal. In a dangerous situation, he is fearless and brave. In order for the animal to be curbed, he needed early education and regular physical exertion.

You can contain the African mastiff not only in the apartment, but also in the conditions of a country house.

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Mastiff (48 photos): What are views? Description of the Siberian and Belgian, German and Thai, Russian and other varieties of mastiff 13216_40

Portuguese Rafar

This dog is an excellent guard for the farm, he protects herd well, showing vigilance. This is a large, powerful animal with an oblong torso. Pet head reminds bearish, her profile is characterized by convexity. The jaw is strong and very well developed. Eyes painted with dark color, have an elliptical shape. Ears of small size, have a triangular shape.

The tail in the mastiff is long, not thin, it has a curved tip. Feet straight and wide. Wool in the Portuguese average length, thick and heavy, painted in black, wolf, fawn, yellow colors. The growth of males does not exceed 74 cm, and the bitches - 70 cm. Weigh bitchs about 35, and males are about 40 kilograms.

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Mastiff (48 photos): What are views? Description of the Siberian and Belgian, German and Thai, Russian and other varieties of mastiff 13216_42

How to choose a puppy?

Before you buy a small pet, it is necessary to seriously think about whether you have the opportunity to meet all the requirements for the content of powdered PSA. During the choice of the mastiff puppy, it is not worth a hurry. It is better to visit several exhibitions, go home to the animal breeders and find out as much as possible about this breed of dogs.

First of all, it is worth deciding on the floor of the mastiff, although it is often bought by that puppy that is available. Male has a big size, it does not show inconsistencies to vagrancy. At the same time, the male representative eats more than bitch, but is not less loving and devoted. The bits of mastiffs are usually hard to give birth, as well as picky in the choice of cavalier.

It is also necessary to evaluate the litter of puppies as a whole. It is important to see how mother refers to the kids, and it is also desirable to see the father of the offspring. There will be no superfluous check of X-ray shots of the hip and the elbow puppy joints. So you can be sure that the kid will not hurt the dysplasia - This is a very dangerous and common disease among mastiffs.

Sometimes breeders make tests of organs of vision.

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Mastiff (48 photos): What are views? Description of the Siberian and Belgian, German and Thai, Russian and other varieties of mastiff 13216_44

At the age of 5-6 weeks, the puppy already shows independence and curiosity, it is no longer so dependent on the mother. A small mastiff is a reduced copy of his parents, the animal must have large paws, big ears. Put preference is a puppy, Which is a square shape of the head, a long body, a well-fold skeleton. It is also worth you to make sure that the puppy is shrinking claws, and the peasants do not fail.

Baby's paws should be characterized by a dense compression, curved fingers, as well as black claws. No need to buy a mastiff, which has been crowned and too fat. In 2 months, the baby must be active and relic. Do not be afraid if the puppy will have a small subframe - the jaw grows, so this will soon come to normal . The baby should not have a drunken, narrow or too long fruit.

It is considered invalid if the mastiff puppy has fallen everves, convex or too widely spaced eyes. To that, the baby must have a wide breast, convex ribs and a smooth back.

Do not choose the largest pet from litter, as the size is not a guarantee that in the future it will be the largest dog.

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Mastiff (48 photos): What are views? Description of the Siberian and Belgian, German and Thai, Russian and other varieties of mastiff 13216_46

You can choose a puppy on coloring wool last time, while considering your own preferences. When buying a small mastiff, you need to watch how he behaves during games. Whatever the breed of the dog, the kids are having fun, after which they fall asleep with the entire company. There are such dogs that will be curly, studying a person, and there are less decisive dogs.

Little mastiff should be taken on the hands and carefully examine on the subject of wounds and scratches. On the fur of the kid should not be dandruff and the bald. An animal nose should be cool and wet to the touch, without explicit discharge. Puppy eyes must be clean, without pus. The color of the gums and language should be pink.

The stomach of the mastiff should not have signs of bloating. A puppy should not sneeze or cough, wheezing should not be heard during breathing. It is worth a pet at the age of 1.5 months to take home, he must have a stamp or chipping.

The mastiff puppy is the pleasure that not everyone can afford. This breed of dogs is not simple in training and education issues. With proper care, proper feeding and manifestation of love for this animal, you can grow an excellent watchdog in good soul.

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Mastiff (48 photos): What are views? Description of the Siberian and Belgian, German and Thai, Russian and other varieties of mastiff 13216_48

About how to choose the right puppy Tibetan mastiff, you can find out, looking at the video a little lower.

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