Cat Golden Chinchilla (35 photos): Features of kittens of golden breed, differences in cats of Scottish and English origin, animal character traits


Chinchilla cats have an English origin, they first began to breed artificially in the 1980s of the XIX century in England. The concept of "chinchilla" defines two components: color and breed. Chinchilla includes Persian, British, Scottish breeds, as well as exotoms and Burma. The result of crossing the Persian breed with a golden genome and British with a silver color was amazingly beautiful gold chinchillas.

Cat Golden Chinchilla (35 photos): Features of kittens of golden breed, differences in cats of Scottish and English origin, animal character traits 13167_2

Cat Golden Chinchilla (35 photos): Features of kittens of golden breed, differences in cats of Scottish and English origin, animal character traits 13167_3


The Cat of the Golden Chinchilla breed is very beautiful and sweet, when meeting with her, it is necessary to be a desire to stroke her and climb. Wool has a characteristic gold color, although in general it is inhomogeneous, and has a smooth overflow (tipping). The undercoat happens from a pale apricot to a golden shade. Wool on ears, chin, chest and abdominal redhead. On the head, back, sides and tail in the overall golden color is presentating black or brown colors.

If the fur is on 1/3 dark, then the color is called cunning, and if on 1/8 - chinchilla. A ticked coloring is also allocated - it is a darker golden tone, while there is not one black strip on each hairs, and more than two.

Sometimes you can meet the color of the Tabby - a mixed gold coloring with stripes throughout the body and on the paws, with a peculiar mark on the head.

Color Point occurs when a full color is hidden under the Siamese color. The wool of the cat has a light golden shade, only ears, legs and muzzle looks in darker.

Distinctive signs of the breed:

  • Large body, wide chest, straight smooth back;
  • short paws having rounded pillows with wool bundles between fingers;
  • Medium sized head, soft chin;
  • The nose is small, slightly flattened, gentle pink or brick color;
  • Eyes are large green or copper color, with dark eyeliner and slightly fitted outdoor corners, from chinchilla-point eye color blue;
  • tail fluffy, short and straight;
  • Weight 5-7 kg.

Cat Golden Chinchilla (35 photos): Features of kittens of golden breed, differences in cats of Scottish and English origin, animal character traits 13167_4

Features of gold chinshill.

  • British (English). Cats are long-haired and short-haired. They have a dense wool, shiny and thick. The ears are neat, standing, straight or rounded shape.

Cat Golden Chinchilla (35 photos): Features of kittens of golden breed, differences in cats of Scottish and English origin, animal character traits 13167_5

Cat Golden Chinchilla (35 photos): Features of kittens of golden breed, differences in cats of Scottish and English origin, animal character traits 13167_6

  • Scottish breed It happens two subtypes: Scottish Fold (Fold) and Scottish Stray (ears of ordinary resource). Wool medium length reminiscent of the touch plush.

Cat Golden Chinchilla (35 photos): Features of kittens of golden breed, differences in cats of Scottish and English origin, animal character traits 13167_7

Cat Golden Chinchilla (35 photos): Features of kittens of golden breed, differences in cats of Scottish and English origin, animal character traits 13167_8

    • Persian. It has long thick wool. The tail is similar to the fan, very magnificent, whose hairs are 2 cm longer wool on the body.

    Cat Golden Chinchilla (35 photos): Features of kittens of golden breed, differences in cats of Scottish and English origin, animal character traits 13167_9

    Cat Golden Chinchilla (35 photos): Features of kittens of golden breed, differences in cats of Scottish and English origin, animal character traits 13167_10

    Character features

    Chinchillas have an excellent character, although there are also differences in the behavior of different types.

    • British. Very calm and sociable. To communicate with the owners, uses meowing and purr. He loves personal space and protests against unnecessary tenderness. With pleasure, it gives herself to iron, but does not tolerate Tiskagne, it is impossible to hold for a long time or knees it is impossible. Cats have a well-developed intuition, feel the role of a person in the house, and on the basis of this build their behavior with one or another family member.

    Cat Golden Chinchilla (35 photos): Features of kittens of golden breed, differences in cats of Scottish and English origin, animal character traits 13167_11

    Cat Golden Chinchilla (35 photos): Features of kittens of golden breed, differences in cats of Scottish and English origin, animal character traits 13167_12

    • Scottish . Differs in kindness and peace-loving character. Very tied to the owners. If there are other animals in the house (for example, a dog or pennate representatives), it gets well and with them. He loves children, loves to play with them in the moving games. Loneliness is transported calmly, but when the owners return home, he meets them with a stormy joy and follows them literally on the heels, demanding that they stroke. Meow rarely, quietly and unobtrusively.

    Cat Golden Chinchilla (35 photos): Features of kittens of golden breed, differences in cats of Scottish and English origin, animal character traits 13167_13

    Cat Golden Chinchilla (35 photos): Features of kittens of golden breed, differences in cats of Scottish and English origin, animal character traits 13167_14

    • Persian. Very affectionate and cheerful kitty. He loves to be in the center of attention, she likes the tenderness and long-term lying on the hosts of the owners. Pronounced to laziness and obesity, so you need to play more often. Like fun with paper candy and toy mice. Very wayward, with other animals existing in the house, gets bad, does not seek to establish friendships.

    Cat Golden Chinchilla (35 photos): Features of kittens of golden breed, differences in cats of Scottish and English origin, animal character traits 13167_15

    Cat Golden Chinchilla (35 photos): Features of kittens of golden breed, differences in cats of Scottish and English origin, animal character traits 13167_16

    How to choose?

    Choosing a golden kitten, you need to decide in the following moments:

    • Features of the nature of which breed are more impressed;
    • The kitten is purchased only for an adult or for a family with a child;
    • readiness for everyday care;
    • It is assumed to accommodate chinchillas with other representatives of the fauna in the house.

    For adults, in whose house there are no other pets, of course, you can choose any like kitten based on suitable characteristics and preferred color. Families with young children or available other animals better stop their choice on the Scottish breed.

    For families, where there are children over 4-5 years old, who understand that the pet can be crucial and forced in the hands of the pet, it is possible to start an aristocratic Briton.

      Persian chinchilla is better to make it families where children have already reached 10 years of age, Since in relation to young children, it behaves wary. If suddenly, the baby will persistently take attention to the cat at that moment when that there is no mood, then it can show aggression: it is frightening, scratch or bite. When purchasing it is important to know the presence of vaccinations, if possible, learn documents related to the pedigree.

      In addition, it is necessary to take into account the fact that the kids up to 3 months can be the color of the Tabby, but as it becomes a cat or a cat older, it will become more uniform. Therefore, many responsible breeders do not sell kittens under three months old, but give them the opportunity to stay with their mother for longer so that they finally formed the color, a healthy psyche and immunity.

      Cat Golden Chinchilla (35 photos): Features of kittens of golden breed, differences in cats of Scottish and English origin, animal character traits 13167_17

      Cat Golden Chinchilla (35 photos): Features of kittens of golden breed, differences in cats of Scottish and English origin, animal character traits 13167_18

      Cat Golden Chinchilla (35 photos): Features of kittens of golden breed, differences in cats of Scottish and English origin, animal character traits 13167_19


      The main thing in caring for a cat of this breed is to care for wool. It needs to be washed and comb regularly. Combing has its own characteristics: First follows the comb go to the growth of hair, and then against wool. It is possible to carry out this procedure for the British and Scottish cat once every 2 weeks, as their wool plush and spring and less prone to rolling into lumps. But the Persian chinchilla is combed to comb three times a week, in this case the wool will be smooth, they will not appear chopencies, and the cat will always have excellent well-being.

      To pets do not spoil the owners furniture, It is necessary to teach to the clawholder since childhood. Once 2 weeks you need to gently trim one third of the top of the cohesives using special chanthers for this. It is necessary to take into account the fact that from all representatives of chinchillas the most heat-loving - the Scots, if the temperature in the house drops below 20 degrees, then they immediately become uncomfortable. That's why It is important to monitor the temperature regime, so that it is not possible to freeze, especially if the pet accounts for a long time to spend time alone.

      It is important that the cat or cat had its equipped place (soft bed), where it would be possible to warm.

      In addition, going to work, you need to provide toys and the presence of sufficient space to move (do not leave only in one room), then the animal is easily experiencing the absence of owners at work or study. If there is a desire to walk a pet, then in the conditions of the city it will be advisable to use polls. When living a cat in a private house or the presence of a country area, Better walk to exercise in the garden.

      Cat Golden Chinchilla (35 photos): Features of kittens of golden breed, differences in cats of Scottish and English origin, animal character traits 13167_20

      Cat Golden Chinchilla (35 photos): Features of kittens of golden breed, differences in cats of Scottish and English origin, animal character traits 13167_21

      Cat Golden Chinchilla (35 photos): Features of kittens of golden breed, differences in cats of Scottish and English origin, animal character traits 13167_22


      You can feed the animal with special feed or genuine food. The following products are preferable from ordinary nutrition.

      • Finely chopped chicken, turkey or rabbit meat. It can be boiled or raw, but covered with boiling water. You can give daily.
      • Boiled marine fish. Feed better 1-2 times a week.
      • Dairy products: yogurt, kefir, low-fat cottage cheese. Give no more than 2 times a week.
      • Quail eggs - 2 times a week.
      • Buckwheat porridge, cooked on the water - 2-3 times a week.
      • Bone flour. It must be used as an additive. Necessary dose: 1-2 teaspoons 2-3 times a week. Flour is better mixed with meat.

      Prohibited for chinchillas The following foods:

      • Sweets (chocolate, candy, caramel);
      • raw cow milk;
      • smoked;
      • pickles;
      • spicy dishes.

      It is important that the pet always in the bowl was clean and fresh water for quenching thirst. Feed better 2-3 times a day.

      In kind of nutrition, special vitamins should be given. When using the finished feed, you can do without them, as they are already included in its composition. Properly selected diet guarantees an excellent appearance and well-being pet. Wool will always be silky and shiny, and the behavior is active.

      Cat Golden Chinchilla (35 photos): Features of kittens of golden breed, differences in cats of Scottish and English origin, animal character traits 13167_23

      Cat Golden Chinchilla (35 photos): Features of kittens of golden breed, differences in cats of Scottish and English origin, animal character traits 13167_24

      Cat Golden Chinchilla (35 photos): Features of kittens of golden breed, differences in cats of Scottish and English origin, animal character traits 13167_25


      Chinchillas, like most cats, do not like to swim, so you need to wash them entirely as necessary and infrequently. For washing, you can use special shampoos, watching, so that the foam does not get into the eyes and ears. The frequency of hygienic manipulations depends on the breed.

      The British (British) are more clean, very often washped with legs and tongue . Owners need only once a day to wipe the eyes with a cotton wand, leading it from an outer corner of the eye to the nose and remove those formed lumps. The ears of British beauty can be wiped once a month with a cotton disk, moistened with warm boiled water.

      Persian and Scottish chinchillas need more frequent care from the owners.

      Eyes should also be wiped every day, and the ears need to wipe it much more often - once a week, since because of the characteristics of the structure, they are prone to the appearance of suppurations (especially at the Fold Scots).

      The contaminants appeared as needed from the face and the paws need to be removed with a wet cloth.

      It is desirable to brush your favorite teeth once a day, teaching this procedure as early as possible. Adult cat to the dental cleaning to teach much more difficult than the kitten. Teeth cleaning agents can be purchased at pet store. It is important to follow the purity of the tray. The choice of fillers is varied, there are those that completely absorb the smell. If the feline toilet is always clean, the animal will always be used to use it and never beforeyobat out.

      Cat Golden Chinchilla (35 photos): Features of kittens of golden breed, differences in cats of Scottish and English origin, animal character traits 13167_26

      Cat Golden Chinchilla (35 photos): Features of kittens of golden breed, differences in cats of Scottish and English origin, animal character traits 13167_27

      Cat Golden Chinchilla (35 photos): Features of kittens of golden breed, differences in cats of Scottish and English origin, animal character traits 13167_28

      Possible diseases

      Cat health directly depends on heredity, immunity is transmitted from parents. In general, chinchillas have good health, but a tendency to certain diseases can appear.

      • Atrophy retina - Defeat of receptors of light sensitive light in the retina of the eye. The symptoms are extended pupils, eye shine and unexpected chicken blindness. An animal ceases to see in the dark, and in the running case can completely lose sight. Unfortunately, effective treatment, there is no atrophy. It is important to observe eye hygiene so that pollution do not accumulate.
      • Caries . For prevention it is important to brush your teeth, and in the case of the detection of caries, immediately access the veterinarian.
      • Hypertrophied cardiopathy - Heart disease, in which its stomach wall thickens. It may lead to cardiac insufficiency or thromboembolism in a cat. You can detect only with ultrasound. At the beginning of the disease, an animal can notice shortness of breath and quick fatigue. Timely diagnosis and on time, the progress is guaranteed a favorable outcome.
      • Polycystic kidney - The disease of the urogenital system, in which cysts appear in the kidneys. Recognize the manifestations of the disease at the initial stage is very difficult, but still, if it was possible, then the surgical removal of cysts is carried out. But most often the symptoms become noticeable only when the formation is greatly increasing in size, and the cat arises pain. If cysts are found with a simple palpation of the abdominal cavity, the operation is meaningless. Save the animal is no longer possible, since the kidneys cannot function normally. Alignment of suffering can only special diet and drug therapy prescribed by the veterinarian. They will be able to extend the life of a pet.

      It is very important that the cats have been delivered from the Calitizivirosis, Rinotracheit, rabies and cat chumki according to the schedule. The first vaccinations occur at the age of 1.5 - 2 months, repeated in 3 months and then vaccinate throughout life once a year.

      Cat Golden Chinchilla (35 photos): Features of kittens of golden breed, differences in cats of Scottish and English origin, animal character traits 13167_29

      Cat Golden Chinchilla (35 photos): Features of kittens of golden breed, differences in cats of Scottish and English origin, animal character traits 13167_30

      Cat Golden Chinchilla (35 photos): Features of kittens of golden breed, differences in cats of Scottish and English origin, animal character traits 13167_31


      The breeding of gold chinchill is not very simple even for breeders with experience. The main complexity is the key to getting the desired color. Partner is not easy to select. If there are only breeding plans, without participation in exhibitions, you can spawn a pet with the opposite sex feature of any chinchilla breed with silver or gold color. If it is important to participate in exhibitions, then you need a selection of the ideal pair. It should be a purebred cat of the same breed and color as a kitty.

      The first age for mating cat occurs at about a year and a half. It can be carried out immediately when there is a flow. The interval between mating should be at least 4 months. After the knitting chinchilla sleeps a lot. With the coming pregnancy, the tummy becomes noticeable in about a month, and its duration is 9 weeks.

      If the favorite has kittens with a pedigree, then you need to contact a special club or organization after a month and a half, which will detect the child's bodybust and give them special passports. This will serve as a kind of permission for the official legal sale of kittens. The price of the kittens of the breed is different, varies from 10,000 to 40,000 rubles than the purebred kitten and closer to standards, the more expensive price. The scottish and British gold chinchillas are more expensive, Persian is somewhat cheaper.

      Cat Golden Chinchilla (35 photos): Features of kittens of golden breed, differences in cats of Scottish and English origin, animal character traits 13167_32

      Ownership reviews

      Reviews of gold chinchillas are diverse. Contradictions are more connected with character characteristics. The main thing is that it corresponds to Nature the owners. Folded care for cat or cat Persian breed due to long wool, prone to mol. Many owners pay attention to the excessive chinchilla chinchillas, so the tray filler, especially when a kitten is accustomed to him, recommend to change the toilet after each visit. In general, a bright color, a pleasant fur coat, tenderness, the playfulness of the cat and her light adaptation to the new place of residence, of course, give pleasant emotions to the hosts.

      Cat Golden Chinchilla (35 photos): Features of kittens of golden breed, differences in cats of Scottish and English origin, animal character traits 13167_33

      Cat Golden Chinchilla (35 photos): Features of kittens of golden breed, differences in cats of Scottish and English origin, animal character traits 13167_34

      Cat Golden Chinchilla (35 photos): Features of kittens of golden breed, differences in cats of Scottish and English origin, animal character traits 13167_35

      Learn more about the departure and content of gold chinchillas at home is told in the video below.

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