Trays for dogs: how to teach a puppy and an adult dog to a tray with a column? How to choose a home toilet for dogs of small and large breeds?


Many people think of whether a tray needed for dogs in a private house or apartment, if the dog is regularly walking on the street. However, it is not always possible to pay due attention to your pet. In addition, the beloved animal may also undergo a disease. And in this case, the tray is necessarily useful.

Purpose Tray for Dogs

If we talk about trays for puppies, they are a doggy home toilet, which is located in the apartment. This is a container that can be large, and small sizes, besides, it can have sides or be without them. Some trays must be filled with specially purchased fillers, in other cases it is absolutely no need So at the bottom there is a special lattice. If we talk about the second, then they are even more economical - such containers allow you to spend less money on fillers and less cleaning time.

    Trays for dogs: how to teach a puppy and an adult dog to a tray with a column? How to choose a home toilet for dogs of small and large breeds? 12366_2

    Those animals that are at home walk on the tray on their own. But in order to achieve this, you need to teach them from the very early age. The tray is needed so that the dog can do his business when it can not do on the street for some reason.

    • An animal is ill or just undergoing rehabilitation.
    • The owner fell ill or delayed at work and can not walk his pet for due time.
    • Puppy must make vaccination. It can not be laid out a few days before that, as well as a few days after vaccination.
    • On the street is pretty cool weather and animal just can climb and get sick. This is especially true of puppies with a short coarse.
    • Old dog can not hold back before walking.

    Trays for dogs: how to teach a puppy and an adult dog to a tray with a column? How to choose a home toilet for dogs of small and large breeds? 12366_3

    Trays for dogs: how to teach a puppy and an adult dog to a tray with a column? How to choose a home toilet for dogs of small and large breeds? 12366_4

    Advantages and disadvantages

    Of course, trays for puppies have both positive and negative sides.


    First you need to get acquainted with the advantages of such devices. First of all, the favorite pet will not be able to get lost in the yard or just fall into a snowdrift. In addition, the dog does not catch up, does not cut down the paws and will not be able to poison some kind of find. An animal will always look clean and well-groomed.

    The owner in any case will be able to take analyzes from his ward. In addition, on holidays, it will not be necessary to walk your pet in the early morning, and you can simply be in bed. If the owners want to go to the theater or on a date, the dog will just wait for their return.

    Trays for dogs: how to teach a puppy and an adult dog to a tray with a column? How to choose a home toilet for dogs of small and large breeds? 12366_5


    Those animals that are constantly in the house will not be able to enjoy nature and everything related to this. Also not all family members or guests will like the smell that goes out of the tray. The dog, which is practically not wondering on the street, will not be able to properly strengthen his immune system.

    Trays for dogs: how to teach a puppy and an adult dog to a tray with a column? How to choose a home toilet for dogs of small and large breeds? 12366_6


    There are several varieties of puppies for puppies that can be intended for both small rocks and large. Manufacturers engaged in their manufacturing took care that the trays are quite diverse. Therefore, it is worth familiar with the most common of them.

    Tray with a column

    This design consists of a large or small pallet. From above above it is a lattice, as well as a pillar. With it, the dog will be able to protect his need for an animal familiar to the animal, that is, it can simply shove the leg and purle.

    Almost all trays are made from non-toxic materials. Therefore, it will be absolutely harmless to animals, and for people. But as in any device, you need to care for such a tray. Once a day, the toilet needs to wash and remove all the contents from it.

    Do not use detergents when the dog is just beginning to teach the tray.

    It can remove the smell of excrement, and then the puppy will not know where to walk.

    Trays for dogs: how to teach a puppy and an adult dog to a tray with a column? How to choose a home toilet for dogs of small and large breeds? 12366_7

    Tray with collector

    This design is quite simple. It includes a container with sides, and a rather durable grid that can be easily cleaned. In addition, in the container, you can put a rug and fill it with a specially purchased filler.

    And so that there is no smell unpleasant to man in the room, it is necessary to put a special disposable or reusable pellery under the grid, which you can simply be thrown away after use.

    Trays for dogs: how to teach a puppy and an adult dog to a tray with a column? How to choose a home toilet for dogs of small and large breeds? 12366_8

    Absorbent Filler Tray

    In such a tray there is a container, however, the grid is missing. It simply places the selected filler. Almost all of them perfectly absorb not only liquid, but also unpleasant odors. Change the filler is easy to simply turn the tray and throw it away, and then wash with clean water.

    However, such trays have one drawback. Some animals can swallow some inedible items, and the filler is no exception. This is especially true of small puppies.

    So that they do not receive poisoning, it is necessary to buy fillers only from natural materials. Best if they are wood.

    Trays for dogs: how to teach a puppy and an adult dog to a tray with a column? How to choose a home toilet for dogs of small and large breeds? 12366_9

    Toilet with Pelianka

    Such a tray is purchased most often, as the dogs are very quickly taking care of the fellows on the pelleton. However, if earlier the Pelainka was placed in a regular container, then there are special pallets that have special attachments for such pellery.

    This option allows you to quickly get used to the puppies to such a toilet and not contaminate the floor covering. In addition, there are reusable pelleys that can be simply wrapped. Those who have no time to washing, you can use disposable pelleys. In addition, the trays are perfect and keep smells.

    Trays for dogs: how to teach a puppy and an adult dog to a tray with a column? How to choose a home toilet for dogs of small and large breeds? 12366_10

    Toilet with grass

    Such a tray is considered multi-level. At the very bottom there is a pretty roomy pallet. It can be plastic, and silicone. In the middle there is a place that does not allow to contact the flooring with a pallet. At the very top there is a layer imitating lawn grass.

    The liquid will proceed through the layer of grass and stay in the container. The tray is large enough. Therefore, cleaning can be done once a week. No need to be afraid that the smell will be seeded, because it is made so that the smell will not be able to get out. It is possible to use the tray outside the room, and in the indoor itself. In addition, such a toilet is not afraid of temperature differences and is very easy to clean.

    Trays for dogs: how to teach a puppy and an adult dog to a tray with a column? How to choose a home toilet for dogs of small and large breeds? 12366_11

    Closed toilet

    Most often they are intended for small dogs. In them, animals will be able to feel quietly. Such trays are with a wall, in them the dog will be able to freely and enter, and go out.

    Choosing a tray for your pet, you need to focus not only on the size of the animal, but also on where they will be placed. In addition, there are also biotales among them. They need only to change a special fluid. In addition, they can be automatic.

    Trays for dogs: how to teach a puppy and an adult dog to a tray with a column? How to choose a home toilet for dogs of small and large breeds? 12366_12

    Economical trays

    Not every person can buy a special tray for his pet. Therefore, they use simple remedies. For example, you can fill the usual basin or a large sand bowl. Of course, For a puppy, such a "tray" will be not too convenient, because in it too big sides . However, this will allow the sand not to fall out of the pelvis. But this dog toilet is unpleasant because it does not absorb smells.

    Instead of sand, you can always try to float woody sawdust, which can not only better absorb moisture, but also unpleasant odors.

    Trays for dogs: how to teach a puppy and an adult dog to a tray with a column? How to choose a home toilet for dogs of small and large breeds? 12366_13

    How to choose?

    If we talk about dogs, it doesn't matter how the tray, no filler in it. However, it is very important for a person. First you need to take care of the size of the tray. It must correspond not only to the size of the animal, but also approach and for the room. In addition, many owners pick up trays under the color of wallpaper or furniture, which is in the room.

    If the puppy is completely small, then you can buy a tray that will have low sides. It is also not necessary to buy it with a column. Among other things, it is possible to buy even a feline tray. If the owner is missing for a long time at home, the toilet must be necessarily equipped with a special pellery.

    For dogs larger breeds tray must be more and higher. So an animal will not feel shy. Special attention should be paid to the materials from which the tray will be made. Do not take trays made from ordinary plastic. They will not be able to absorb all unpleasant odors.

    Trays for dogs: how to teach a puppy and an adult dog to a tray with a column? How to choose a home toilet for dogs of small and large breeds? 12366_14

    Trays for dogs: how to teach a puppy and an adult dog to a tray with a column? How to choose a home toilet for dogs of small and large breeds? 12366_15

    Trays for dogs: how to teach a puppy and an adult dog to a tray with a column? How to choose a home toilet for dogs of small and large breeds? 12366_16

    If we talk about choosing a filler, then, first of all, I must like your favorite pet. You can choose mineral, and woody. And the other has its pros and cons. The first of them will be perfectly absorbed by smells, the second will be pleasant for the dog. It is worth considering all their advantages and disadvantages in more detail.

    From wood

    Such fillers are specially treated sawdust. After such treatment, they will be able to absorb moisture enough. They can be made of very different materials, it all depends on the chosen wood. But The best among them are the sawdust made from coniferous trees. Since they are better than others absorb certain odors. Choose the best sawmill scaly. They will be more comfortable and practical.

    Trays for dogs: how to teach a puppy and an adult dog to a tray with a column? How to choose a home toilet for dogs of small and large breeds? 12366_17


    This filler is made of the same wood sawdust mixed with special chemical elements. Absorbs odors such a filler is quite good. However, if only cheap materials are used in it, it will be necessary to change it quite often.

    Mineral Fillers

    These options choose many breeders, because they perfectly absorb not only moisture, but also unpleasant odors, fight with various bacteria. In their appearance, they resemble small granules that are pushed by chemicals.

    Trays for dogs: how to teach a puppy and an adult dog to a tray with a column? How to choose a home toilet for dogs of small and large breeds? 12366_18


    This is a pretty expensive filler, because its composition includes a special substance, that is, an indicator solution. With it, it will be possible not only to find out what your favorite pet has a health problem, but also to completely solve them. The indicator will be completely changed, depending on which watering in the animal.

    You can also purchase it in a special pet shop, and in a veterinary pharmacy, as well as order on the Internet. Its price may be different, depending on the preference of customers.

    Trays for dogs: how to teach a puppy and an adult dog to a tray with a column? How to choose a home toilet for dogs of small and large breeds? 12366_19

    Trays for dogs: how to teach a puppy and an adult dog to a tray with a column? How to choose a home toilet for dogs of small and large breeds? 12366_20

    How to care for a tray?

    But there is another important rule that should always be followed - this is a tray care. There are two ways to do it. The first - washing the tray completely, the second is a change in the filler.

    As for the first option, it is quite difficult and not too pleasant way. It is necessary to wash it regularly, best after each puppy fear. Not every person can do it, as the smell of it comes very specific. It is possible to use for washing only natural, not chemicals. It is perfect for children or economic soap, which practically does not smell. After all, any smell of chemistry can beat off the dog's desire to visit the purchased tray. Then the dog will do its business in some other place. And this does not like it at all.

    Trays for dogs: how to teach a puppy and an adult dog to a tray with a column? How to choose a home toilet for dogs of small and large breeds? 12366_21

    To make a little easy life, people use fillers or special disposable pelleys, which not only neutralize all bacteria, but also absorb all unpleasant odors.

    But in addition to changing fillers or pellery, it also will be necessary to wash the pallet itself several times a month.

    In addition, it is necessary at least once every 2-3 months to disinfect the entire tray to kill any bacteria that appeared.

    Trays for dogs: how to teach a puppy and an adult dog to a tray with a column? How to choose a home toilet for dogs of small and large breeds? 12366_22

    Trays for dogs: how to teach a puppy and an adult dog to a tray with a column? How to choose a home toilet for dogs of small and large breeds? 12366_23

    Tips and recommendations

    So that you can quickly teach an adult animal to the tray, you will need not only exposure, but also patience. It turns out only if you follow some recommendations of specialists. Although dogs and very intelligent animals, walking in the need for them is completely unusual. To give a cops to understand what the owner requires from it, you need to do the following.

    • You can teach a puppy with the help of the fact that the place in which the future tray will be located, put a small piece of matter or a pellery, pre-dipped in the urine of the puppy.
    • When a small pet is coping with a completely different place, he must gradually manage from it. This can be done with special tools that are used to scare. At the same time, it is necessary to process all places, avoiding where the tray is. You can use a vinegar solution or any other means unpleasant to the dog. In this case, the dog will no longer want to go there.
    • If the puppy is caught "at the scene of the crime," it must be immediately attributed to the toilet, while there is a little by raising the voice.
    • You can use the system with promotion and punishment for your pets. Any wrong behavior of the dog needs to be renovated and showing its discontent in every way. And, on the contrary, all the good luck of the puppy must be encouraged. You can use it for this favorite delicacy.
    • If all these options and funds do not help, and the dog continues to mark the territory, it is necessary to limit all its movement. It is best to put the PSA into a closed room and put a tray there. When the puppy understands what is required of it, it is necessary to praise it and also give it a snack.

    Trays for dogs: how to teach a puppy and an adult dog to a tray with a column? How to choose a home toilet for dogs of small and large breeds? 12366_24

    Almost all experts recommend walking their pets at least a couple of times a day. This is especially true of quite large dogs. In the tray, they most often go only if they get sick. Otherwise, you will need to remove the mountains unpleasant to the smell of feces every day.

    In addition, animals quickly get used to the comforts and again to teach them to go to the street will not be so simple. For disinfection, it is also not worth using chlorine, otherwise the dog will completely stop walking into the tray.

    Summing up, we can say that whatever the tray is chosen, the animal will still need to teach any of them. Besides, You should not neglect the leaving behind the tray, because in case of severe contamination of the capacity, the animal may even become infected with some disease . Special attention should be paid to the size of the tray, which will be completely dependent on the size of the dog.

    How to choose a tray for dogs, look in the video below.

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